
STATUS: previously in development (2008-2009 season) |
DEVELOPMENT STAGE: ordered to pilot |
DESCRIPTION: (from ABC's press release) Friendship is constantly tested by little things we say or do. But it's how we respond to the big changes in life that shows whether friendship remains true. Rick, Nesby, Wayne and Blair have been best friends since grade school. For 25 years they've been a solid team of guy's guys, surviving the bullies who taunted them, the girls who teased them, and the victories that eluded them. Everything they shared made them who they are today and they've got some pretty awesome memories to prove it. Now as thirty-somethings they've reached varying levels of success. Blair has the most financial success, with a net worth hovering at $13.2 million. Wayne has relationship success, having made it all the way to the altar. Nesby mostly enjoys his friends' success. And Rick has emotional success, having just come to terms with the fact that he's gay, even though he's never even kissed a man. Wow, they totally didn't see that one coming. Good thing they're such good friends. Friends who provide unconditional support through the bad choices they make, the dumb things they do, and the significant others no one likes. Because they'll be there for you when you need them most. From the writer of 21 and New Amsterdam and the director of Old School comes an ensemble comedy that examines how we strain and test the bonds of friendship. And how they hold up when they're thrown for a loop. |
· Aimee Garcia as Diana · Chris Johnson as Rick · Paulo Costanzo as Nesby · Reno Wilson as Wayne · Sasha Barrese as Madeline · Tom Parker as Blair
· Allan Loeb as CRTR/EP · Steven Pearl as EP · Todd Phillips as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· comedy (all) · comedy (single-camera)
· ABC Studios · Green Hat Films · Regency Television · Scarlet Fire Productions