
Air Date: Friday, October 17, 2014
Time Slot: 8:00 PM-8:30 PM EST on NBC
Episode Title: (#101) "PILOT" (Repeat)
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10/17/2014 (08:00PM - 08:30PM) (Friday) : JAKE PLANS A ROMANTIC AT-HOME PROPOSAL TO SURPRISE ANNIE BUT THINGS DO NOT GO EXACTLY AS PLANNED - After returning from a romantic two-week island vacation, Jake (Ken Marino, "Eastbound and Down") is all set to pop the question on bended knee, but before he can ask, Annie (Casey Wilson, "Happy Endings") lets loose on Jake for his inability to commit. Annie tries to make amends with a proposal of her own but the comedy of errors continues. The only thing we know for sure is that these two are destined to be together - whether they can get it together or not. Sarah Wright Olsen, John Gemberling, Tymberlee Hill and Tim Meadows also star. JoBeth Williams and Dan Bucatinsky guest star.

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