
Air Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Time Slot: 10:00 PM-11:00 PM EST on ABC
Episode Title: (#W1606) "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?"
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New Episode of 'What Would You Do?' Airs Tuesday, Aug. 11 (10:00 - 11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC

Broadway and television star Sutton Foster will appear behind the scenes in a new episode of "What Would You Do?" for a scenario on age discrimination, an issue her character Liza Miller on TV Land's "Younger" faces in the series. "What Would You Do?" airs Tuesday, Aug. 11 (10:00 - 11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.

"What Would You Do?" with anchor John Quiñones reveals how people behave when they think no one is watching by using hidden cameras to record real reactions to thought-provoking scenarios created by actors.

Tuesday, Aug. 11, scenarios include the following:

· A middle-aged woman walks into a bar to apply for an open bartending position. The on-duty manager makes it clear the woman doesn't have "the right look." When pressed, the manager admits she believes the woman is simply too old to work at the bar. How will customers react? What will people say if a middle-aged man is the one turned away? Foster joins in on the action behind the scenes.

· Two women in a gym shame a larger woman for wearing workout leggings. The scenario is re-done, this time with the bullies shaming a woman for being too skinny for her form-fitting pants. Will other gym goers stand up for the woman being bullied?

· A gay couple is at a sporting goods store shopping for apparel for football season. A fellow shopper rudely tells the couple "this is a man's sport" and "you two are not welcome in the bleachers near me." Will bystanders speak out against this man's remarks?

· A mother is demanding her children eat their vegetables at a restaurant. When the children refuse, the mom says that they cannot get up until they clean their plates. What will others say? What if the mother steps away and the children plot to get rid of the vegetables? Will others help them?

Ethan Nelson is executive producer; David Sloan is senior executive producer, and Michaela Dowd is director of "What Would You Do?" for Lincoln Square Productions.

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