New Episode of 'What Would You Do?' Airs Tuesday, Aug. 18 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC
According to the CDC, more than 5 million Americans have contracted COVID-19. As the race to create a coronavirus vaccine continues, a new Gallup poll says, "many Americans appear reluctant to be vaccinated, even if a vaccine were FDA-approved and available to them at no cost. Asked if they would get such a COVID-19 vaccine ... 35% would not." A new episode of "What Would You Do?" features a teenager begging his anti-vaccine mom to let him get a vaccine. "What Would You Do?" airs Tuesday, Aug. 18 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
"What Would You Do?" with anchor John Quiñones reveals how people behave when they think no one is watching by using hidden cameras to record real reactions to thought-provoking scenarios created by actors.
Tuesday, Aug. 18, scenarios include the following:
· An unvaccinated teenager, worried he's going to get sick, pleads with his mother to let him get a vaccine, but she is against it. How will people react when she refuses to give him permission?
· A mother at the checkout line tries to come up with the cash to buy baby formula and diapers. When the cashier steps away and the till is left open, the woman steals money out of the register. What will others in line do? In a twist, how will people react if the woman stealing money appears to have the means to afford her items but claims she forgot her wallet in the car?
· A pageant coach is berating her contestant and harshly criticizing her appearance. How will bystanders react?
· A child at an alligator farm in Gibson, Louisiana, tells his father that he is too afraid to hold a baby alligator. The father is disappointed in his son and tells the boy he should "act like a man." How will others visiting the farm react?
· An older man is eating alone at a restaurant he frequently visited with a friend. When the waitress notices he's alone, she learns that the man's friend recently passed away. Will other diners who overhear the sad news sit with him and keep him company?
Ethan Nelson is executive producer; David Sloan is senior executive producer, and Michaela Dowd is director of "What Would You Do?" for Lincoln Square Productions.