
Air Date: Friday, November 05, 2021
Time Slot: 8:00 PM-9:01 PM EST on ABC
Episode Title: (#1306) "Episode 1306"
[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.]



8:00-9:01 p.m. - SHARK TANK: "1306" (1306)

First into the tank is an entrepreneur from Denver, Colorado, who presents her online planning service dedicated to creating an inclusive wedding experience while also helping guests save money, travel and stress. Next is another Denver, Colorado, native who introduces her game-changing laundry gadget that prevents bedding from tangling, twisting and balling up; then a tech savvy entrepreneur from New Rochelle, New York, pitches his business idea which provides an unconventional way to avoid early morning meetings. A kidpreneur from Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, showcases his love of design and passion for his community with his trendy clothing brand that he hopes will inspire youth all over the world. (TV-PG, L)

The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Kevin O'Leary, Daymond John, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec.

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