
Air Date: Friday, May 20, 2022
Time Slot: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST on The CW
Episode Title: (#410) "Hashing it Out"
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"Hashing it Out" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DLSV) (HDTV)

LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD - As Mel (Melonie Diaz), Maggie (Sarah Jeffrey) and Kaela (Lucy Barrett) are navigating their love lives, The Unseen bring an epic battle to The Charmed Ones'. Roxie (guest star Shi Ne Nielson) seeks Harry's (Rupert Evans) assistance, but his mission uncovers something - and someone - unexpected. Also starring Jordan Donica. Joe Gallagher directed the episode written by Carrie Williams (#410). Original airdate 5/6/22. Original airdate 5/20/22.

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