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series date
updated network time slot status
PACIFIC, THE 3/14/10 -
5/16/10 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PACT, THE 11/4/02 11/4/02 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PACT, THE 5/4/06 5/4/06 OXYGEN not aired previously in development
PAGING MR. DARCY 2/3/24 2/3/24 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAINTED HOUSE, A 4/27/03 4/27/03 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PANDEMIC 5/26/07 5/26/07 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PANIC BUTTON 11/3/07 11/3/07 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PANTS ON FIRE 11/9/14 11/9/14 DISNEY XD aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAPA'S ANGELS 12/3/00 12/3/00 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAPILLON 7/8/02 7/8/02 USA not aired previously in development
PARADE'S END 2/26/13 -
2/28/13 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARADIGM 7/8/02 7/8/02 USA not aired previously in development
PARADISE 11/21/04 11/21/04 SHOWTIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARADISE VIRUS 2/14/03 2/14/03 PAX aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARAMEDIC WHO STALKED ME, THE 2/26/23 2/26/23 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARDON, THE: THE KATINA SMITH STORY 4/14/16 4/14/16 TV ONE not aired previously in development
PARIS CAN WAIT 9/23/19 9/23/19 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARIS CHRISTMAS WALTZ, A 11/19/23 11/19/23 GAF aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARIS PROPOSAL, A 2/11/23 2/11/23 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARIS, WINE AND ROMANCE 5/4/19 5/4/19 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARTNERS 9/19/05 9/19/05 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARTY FROM HELL 9/3/21 9/3/21 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARTY GONE WRONG, A 5/31/21 5/31/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARTY MOM 3/30/18 3/30/18 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARTY NEVER STOPS, THE 3/26/07 3/26/07 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PARTY TO DIE FOR, A 1/18/24 1/18/24 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PASSENGER, THE 10/20/10 -
3/22/11 CHILLER not aired previously in development
PASSION & PREJUDICE 4/17/01 4/17/01 USA aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PASSION, THE 3/20/16 3/20/16 FOX aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PASSPORT TO LOVE 2/10/24 2/10/24 GAF aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAST COMES KNOCKING, THE 9/5/24 9/5/24 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAST SINS 7/2/06 7/2/06 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAST TENSE 8/12/06 8/12/06 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PASTOR BROWN 2/16/13 2/16/13 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PASTOR'S WIFE, THE 11/5/11 11/5/11 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATERNO 4/7/18 4/7/18 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATH OF DESTRUCTION 9/24/05 9/24/05 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATH TO 9/11, THE 9/10/06 -
9/11/06 ABC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATH TO WAR 5/18/02 5/18/02 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATIENT 14 1/30/06 1/30/06 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATIENT KILLER 8/2/15 8/2/15 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PATSY & LORETTA 10/19/19 10/19/19 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PAX ROMANA 4/30/14 4/30/14 SYFY not aired previously in development
PEACE OUT 5/9/06 5/9/06 USA not aired previously in development
PEARL IN PARADISE 8/18/18 8/18/18 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PEDRO 4/1/09 4/1/09 MTV aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PEGASUS VS CHIMERA 9/15/12 9/15/12 SYFY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PENNSYLVANIA MINERS' STORY, THE 11/24/02 11/24/02 ABC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PENTAGON PAPERS, THE 3/9/03 3/9/03 FX aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PEOPLE PRESENTS: BLENDING CHRISTMAS 12/12/21 12/12/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PEPPERMINT & POSTCARDS 12/10/23 12/10/23 GAF aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT ASSISTANT, THE 1/20/08 1/20/08 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT BOSS, THE 5/24/13 5/24/13 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT BOYFRIEND, THE 7/5/13 7/5/13 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT BRIDE, THE 6/10/17 6/10/17 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT BRIDE, THE: WEDDING BELLS 6/9/18 6/9/18 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT CATCH, THE 4/22/17 4/22/17 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT CHILD, THE 8/6/07 8/6/07 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT CHRISTMAS LIST, A 12/14/14 12/14/14 ION aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT CHRISTMAS LIST, A 12/17/17 12/17/17 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT CHRISTMAS PRESENT, THE 11/4/17 11/4/17 HMC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT CHRISTMAS, A 7/16/16 7/16/16 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT DAUGHTER, THE 3/26/16 3/26/16 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT DAY, A 12/18/06 12/18/06 TNT aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT GIRLFRIEND, THE 9/27/15 9/27/15 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT HARMONY 10/16/22 10/16/22 HMC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT HIGH 6/27/15 6/27/15 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT HUSBAND, THE: THE LACI PETERSON STORY 2/13/04 2/13/04 USA aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT IN-LAWS, THE 11/30/23 11/30/23 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT KILLER, THE 2/28/25 2/28/25 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT MARRIAGE, THE 5/22/06 5/22/06 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT MATCH, THE 6/20/15 6/20/15 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT MOTHER, THE 11/3/18 11/3/18 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
3/1/00 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT NEIGHBOR, THE 4/11/05 4/11/05 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT ON PAPER 9/20/14 9/20/14 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT PAIRING, THE 1/15/22 1/15/22 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT ROMANCE 6/7/04 6/7/04 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT SETTING, THE 1/25/25 1/25/25 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT SISTERS 8/13/16 8/13/16 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT SOULMATE, THE 6/4/17 6/4/17 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT STALKER, THE 12/30/16 12/30/16 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT STRANGERS 10/17/04 10/17/04 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT TEACHER, THE 9/12/10 9/12/10 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT WEDDING MATCH, THE 6/13/21 6/13/21 UP aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECT WEDDING, THE 6/3/21 6/3/21 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERFECTLY PRUDENCE 1/8/11 1/8/11 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERSONAL EFFECTS 11/21/09 11/21/09 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERSONAL EFFECTS 4/18/05 4/18/05 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERSONAL INDISCRETIONS 10/5/08 10/5/08 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PERSONALLY YOURS 10/8/00 10/8/00 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PETALS ON THE WIND 5/26/14 5/26/14 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PETER LEONARD STORY, THE 5/10/04 5/10/04 USA not aired previously in development
PETER PAN 7/28/06 7/28/06 ABC not aired previously in development
PETER PAN LIVE! 12/4/14 12/4/14 NBC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PETE'S CHRISTMAS 11/8/13 11/8/13 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PHANTOM FORCE 3/27/04 3/27/04 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE 8/12/03 8/12/03 MTV not aired previously in development
PHANTOM RACER 8/22/09 8/22/09 SYFY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PHANTOM, THE 6/20/10 6/20/10 SYFY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PHENOMENON 2 11/1/03 11/1/03 ABC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PHIL SPECTOR 3/24/13 3/24/13 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT, THE 7/28/12 7/28/12 SYFY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICKING UP AND DROPPING OFF 12/7/03 12/7/03 ABC FAMILY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICNIC 7/27/00 7/27/00 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE A PERFECT CHRISTMAS 11/9/19 11/9/19 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE OF CHRISTMAS, THE 11/13/22 11/13/22 UP aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE OF HER 3/25/23 3/25/23 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE PERFECT HOLIDAY, A 11/13/21 11/13/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE PERFECT LIES 6/27/21 6/27/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE PERFECT WEDDING, A 10/31/21 10/31/21 UP aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURE THIS 7/13/08 7/13/08 ABC FAMILY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PICTURES OF HOLLIS WOODS 12/2/07 12/2/07 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PIECE OF MY HEART, A 2/14/05 2/14/05 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
8/27/10 STARZ aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
9/10/04 TRIO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PILOT'S WIFE, THE 4/14/02 4/14/02 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PINCH OF PORTUGAL, A 4/22/23 4/22/23 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PINK SKIES AHEAD 5/8/21 5/8/21 MTV aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PINOCCHIO 12/14/08 12/14/08 ION aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PINOCHET'S LAST STAND 9/11/07 9/11/07 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PIRANHACONDA 6/16/12 6/16/12 SYFY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PIZZA MY HEART 7/24/05 7/24/05 ABC FAMILY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLACE CALLED HOME, A 3/7/04 3/7/04 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
11/8/09 PBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLAIN TRUTH 10/4/04 10/4/04 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLAINSONG 4/25/04 4/25/04 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLANES, TRAINS, AND CHRISTMAS TREES 11/19/23 11/19/23 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLANET EARTH CONSPIRACY 1/22/09 1/22/09 ABC not aired previously in development
PLANET OF THE SHARKS 7/27/16 7/27/16 SYFY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLANET RAPTOR 1/25/09 1/25/09 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLANMAN, THE 11/11/07 11/11/07 BBC AMERICA aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLANNING ON FOREVER 6/26/22 6/26/22 UP aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLAY'D: A HIP HOP STORY 6/26/02 6/26/02 VH1 aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLAYING CUPID 2/13/21 2/13/21 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLAYING WITH FIRE 3/16/25 3/16/25 LIFETIME not aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLOT TO KILL MY MOTHER, THE 1/22/23 1/22/23 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PLUS ONE AT AN AMISH WEDDING 9/25/22 9/25/22 UP aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POCKET DIAL MURDER 6/15/23 6/15/23 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PODCAST MURDERS, THE 10/23/22 10/23/22 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PODCAST TO DIE FOR, A 7/13/23 7/13/23 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POET IN NEW YORK 10/29/14 10/29/14 BBC AMERICA aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS 11/23/18 11/23/18 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POINT DECEPTION 7/8/02 7/8/02 USA not aired previously in development
POINT OF ORIGIN 6/22/02 6/22/02 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POIROT: DEATH OF THE NILE 9/19/04 9/19/04 A&E aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POIROT: FIVE LITTLE PIGS 9/26/04 9/26/04 A&E aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POIROT: HOLLOW, THE 9/26/04 9/26/04 A&E aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POIROT: SAD CYPRESS 9/19/04 9/19/04 A&E aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POISON TREE, THE 8/17/20 8/17/20 OVATION aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POISONED LOVE: THE STACEY CASTOR STORY 2/1/20 2/1/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POLAR OPPOSITES 1/11/25 1/11/25 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POLAR STORM 3/28/09 3/28/09 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POLITICIAN'S WIFE 12/12/03 12/12/03 USA not aired previously in development
POM POM MURDERS, THE 10/24/20 10/24/20 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POM POMS AND PAYBACK 8/28/21 8/28/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PONTIUS PILATE 8/16/01 8/16/01 ABC not aired previously in development
POOL BOY NIGHTMARE 9/7/20 9/7/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POP ROCKS 9/10/04 9/10/04 ABC FAMILY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POP STAR 6/15/13 6/15/13 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
12/7/05 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POPFAN 8/23/14 8/23/14 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PORN N' CHICKEN 10/13/02 10/13/02 COMEDY CENTRAL aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PORTABLE DOOR, THE 4/8/23 4/8/23 MGM PLUS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PORTRAIT OF LOVE 3/14/15 3/14/15 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POSEIDON ADVENTURE, THE 11/20/05 11/20/05 NBC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POSSESSING PIPER ROSE 10/29/11 10/29/11 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POST IMPACT 6/12/04 6/12/04 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POST MORTEM 7/23/07 7/23/07 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POWER AND BEAUTY 7/21/02 7/21/02 SHOWTIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
POWER BROKER, THE 10/26/11 10/26/11 HBO not aired previously in development
PRAIRIE FEVER 3/29/08 3/29/08 ION aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRANCER RETURNS 11/20/01 11/20/01 USA aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRAYERS 4/17/03 4/17/03 SHOWTIME not aired previously in development
PRAYERS FOR BOBBY 1/24/09 1/24/09 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREACHER'S MISTRESS, THE 11/2/13 11/2/13 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREACHER'S SIN, THE 11/14/15 11/14/15 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREDATOR RETURNS, A 5/22/21 5/22/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREDATOR'S OBSESSION, A 3/21/20 3/21/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREGNANCY PACT 1/23/10 1/23/10 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREGNANCY PROJECT, THE 1/28/12 1/28/12 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREGNANCY PROMISE, THE 5/11/23 5/11/23 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREGNANCY SCHEME, THE 6/11/23 6/11/23 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREGNANT AND DEADLY 5/4/19 5/4/19 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREGNANT AT 17 2/20/16 2/20/16 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRESCRIPTION FOR DANGER 4/21/18 4/21/18 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE 9/3/22 9/3/22 GAF aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRESENCE OF LOVE, THE 3/13/22 3/13/22 HMC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRESERVE, PROTECT & DEFEND 3/5/15 3/5/15 HBO not aired previously in development
PRESIDENT'S MAN 2: A LINE IN THE SAND, THE 1/20/02 1/20/02 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRESIDENT'S MAN, THE 4/2/00 4/2/00 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRESUMED DEAD IN PARADISE 7/12/14 7/12/14 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRETTY CHEATERS, DEADLY LIES 11/21/20 11/21/20 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRETTY LITTLE ADDICT 5/1/16 5/1/16 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRETTY LITTLE DEAD GIRL 12/12/20 12/12/20 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRETTY STONED 4/19/23 4/19/23 MTV aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PREY 11/6/11 11/6/11 USA aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRICE OF FITTING IN, THE 9/18/21 9/18/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRICE OF PERFECTION, THE 5/22/22 5/22/22 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRICELESS LOVE, A 1/18/25 1/18/25 GAF aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: ATLANTA 6/1/19 6/1/19 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRIDE, PREJUDICE, AND MISTLETOE 11/23/18 11/23/18 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRIDE: A SEVEN DEADLY SINS STORY 4/8/23 4/8/23 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRIMAL DOUBT 12/5/07 12/5/07 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRIMO 7/12/07 7/12/07 HBO not aired previously in development
PRIMROSE RAILWAY CHILDREN, THE 12/8/24 12/8/24 BYUTV aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCE AND PAUPER CHRISTMAS, A 12/11/22 12/11/22 ION aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCE AND THE PAUPER, THE 6/22/01 6/22/01 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCE CHARMING 7/13/03 7/13/03 TNT aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCE FOR CHRISTMAS, A 11/29/15 11/29/15 ION aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
7/27/16 HALLMARK not aired previously in development
PRINCE IN PARADISE, A 1/7/23 1/7/23 GAF aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCE WILLIAM 9/29/02 9/29/02 ABC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCESS 4/20/08 4/20/08 ABC FAMILY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCESS AND THE BODYGUARD, THE 1/15/23 1/15/23 UP aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCESS AND THE MARINE, THE 2/11/01 2/11/01 NBC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRINCESS FOR CHRISTMAS, A 12/3/11 12/3/11 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRISONER, THE 11/15/09 -
11/17/09 AMC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PRIVATE PRINCESS CHRISTMAS 12/6/24 12/6/24 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROFESSIONAL BRIDESMAID, THE 4/8/23 4/8/23 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROFESSOR'S VENGENCE, A 9/26/21 9/26/21 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROFILE FOR MURDER 4/5/13 4/5/13 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROFOUNDLY NORMAL 2/9/03 2/9/03 CBS aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROJECT 2012 8/5/09 8/5/09 SYFY not aired previously in development
PROJECT CHRISTMAS WISH 12/20/20 12/20/20 HMC aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROJECT VIPER 5/15/02 5/15/02 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROM PACT 3/30/23 3/30/23 DISNEY aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROOF OF LIES 8/14/06 8/14/06 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PROSECUTING CASEY ANTHONY 1/19/13 1/19/13 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO BFF 10/17/19 10/17/19 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO BROTHER-IN-LAW 12/28/17 12/28/17 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO ESCORT 5/3/20 5/3/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO EX-GIRLFRIEND 5/19/18 5/19/18 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO GRANNY 5/18/19 5/18/19 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO IN-LAW 10/15/17 10/15/17 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO INTERN 9/12/21 9/12/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO MOTHER-IN-LAW 1/2/19 1/2/19 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO NURSE 1/11/20 1/11/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO PARTY PLANNER 1/12/20 1/12/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO PROM QUEEN 11/4/18 11/4/18 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO SHE MET ONLINE, THE 4/9/17 4/9/17 LMN aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO SISTER-IN-LAW 8/16/20 8/16/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO STORM CHASER 8/7/21 8/7/21 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO STRIPPER 5/5/19 5/5/19 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO WEDDING CRASHER 9/3/17 9/3/17 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PSYCHO YOGA INSTRUCTOR 6/6/20 6/6/20 LIFETIME aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PTERODACTYL 8/27/05 8/27/05 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PU-239 11/17/07 11/17/07 HBO aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PUMPKIN EVERYTHING 10/8/22 10/8/22 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PUMPKIN PIE WARS 10/15/16 10/15/16 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PUMPKINHEAD: ASHES TO ASHES 10/28/06 10/28/06 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PUMPKINHEAD: BLOOD FEUD 2/10/07 2/10/07 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PUPPETMASTER VS. DEMONIC TOYS 12/18/04 12/18/04 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PUPPY LOVE 9/8/12 9/8/12 HALLMARK aired telefilm/mini-series in the can
PYTHONS 2 8/17/02 8/17/02 SCI FI aired telefilm/mini-series in the can