
    [thursday, january 06, 2005]    
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[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: January 5-6

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Hit Country Singer/Songwriter Phil Vassar Joins Show Host Leann Rimes on the Third Season of USA Networks Nashville Star

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Spike TV Highlights - February 2005

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Spike TV Looks for a Real Contender in 'The Ultimate Fighter'

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Emmy Award-Winning Creators/Executive Producers of NBC's 'Will & Grace' Announce Nationwide Open Casting Call for New Nbc/Warner BroS. Series Pilot 'Four Kings'

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Jeopardy! Rings in the New Year Seeking New Clue Crew Member

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Oprah's Interview with Amber Frey (Airdate 1/5/2005) Garners a 9.7/22 (Overnight Rating, Across the Metered Markets)

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
24inside' Website Is Back for Another Season of Original and Compelling Online Content, Building Excitement for Launch of '24'

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Has Optioned the Rights to Amber Frey's Life Story and Her New Book, 'Witness: For the Prosecution of Scott Peterson,' for a New Long Form Project to Be Broadcast on the Network

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo's 'Project Runway' Designs Tres Chic Ratings

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Celebrates Achievements of Established and Burgeoning African American Acting Talents During Black History Month

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Offers Midseason Sneak Preview at Minneapolis' Mall of America, January 15 & 16

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Jake in Progress' Title of New John Stamos Midseason Series for Abc

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
Comedy Central Firms Up 2005 Slate, Premieres

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
UPN to Debut Its New Mid-Season Comedy 'Cuts,' a Spin-Off of UPN's 'One on One,' on Monday, February 14 at 8:30 Pm

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
UPN's 'The Road to Stardom with Missy Elliott' and Break the Cycle's National Spokesperson Missy Elliott Launch a Public Service Announcement Contest for Junior High and High School Students

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
Producers Guild Awards Honorees

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Jane Pauley Show' Hits Best-Ever Ratings; Attracts an Average 2.1 Million Viewers Per Show

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Combined Networks of NBC Universal Television Score Big at Producers Guild Award Nominations

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
Sunday Nights Get Even More Animated This January When FOX Airs Encore Episodes of 'Family Guy'

[01/05/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo 'Sneaks' the Gal Pals Onto Your TV Set One Night Early with a Sneak Peak at 'Queer Eye for the Straight Girl'

[01/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
FOX Extends Its 'House' Stay to 18 Episodes

[01/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: December 29 - January 4

[01/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
USA Network and TV Shopping Network Hsn Join Forces for Groundbreaking Reality Show 'Made in the U.S.A.'

[01/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
GSN Pays Tribute to Jerry Orbach by Featuring His Early Career Appearances on 'Jeopardy' and 'What's My Line?'

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
The WB Shuffles Its Sunday Lineup

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
Spike TV Extends Its Guy Brand with the Launch of Infinity Broadcasting's 'Spike 1140 Am - Radio for Men' in Las Vegas on January 3, 2005

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Universal Announces Benefit Special to Aid Victims of Tsunami Tragedy

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
GSN's World Series of Blackjack Returns with a Stellar Line Up of the World's Top 40 Players

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
Electrical Shocks and Pooping Pigeons Drive Contestants to 'Distraction' - a New Comedy Central Game Show Premiering Tuesday, January 18 at 10:30 P.M.

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
It's a New Year and the Naughty Crank Calls Continue with New Episodes of Comedy Central's 'Crank Yankers' Premiering Wednesday, January 12 at 9 P.M.

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
Emmy Award Winner Bob Barker to Return for Record 34th Season as Host of 'The Price Is Right' on the CBS Television Network

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Calls the Shots and Inks Deal with Laurelwood Entertainment Company to Produce the One Hour Backdoor Pilot for 'Celebrity Pool'

[01/03/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Inks Deal with Kathy Griffin for Unscripted Series to Document the Comic's Life on the D-List

[01/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
Adoption Institute Seeks Meeting with Fox, Urges Protests to FOX Affiliates

[12/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
Fitness Trainers from NBC's Popular 'The Biggest Loser' Offer Post-Holiday Weight Tips as Reality Series Returns on January 4

[12/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
Jeopardy!' Announces Ultimate Tournament of Champions!

[12/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
Gladney Center Protests FOX Network's 'Who's Your Daddy'

[12/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS' 'The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson' Kicks Off Its Inaugural Week of Broadcasts Monday, JaN. 3

[12/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Is the #1 Most Affluent Entertainment Network on Basic Cable in 2004

[12/29/04 - 12:00 AM]
Sci Fi's Year-End Ratings Win!

[12/29/04 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Universal Statement on Jerry Orbach

[12/28/04 - 12:00 AM]
TCA 2005 Winter Press Tour: Preview

[12/28/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: December 27-28

[12/27/04 - 12:00 AM]
Wheel of Fortune' and Players Inc Score Big with Ninth Annual 'NFL Players Week'

[12/27/04 - 12:00 AM]
Jason Alexander, Kelli Williams, Lance Bass and Jeff Probst Make It to the Final Table on 'Celebrity Blackjack,' Tuesday, January 11 at 10 P.M.

[12/24/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: December 20-24

[12/23/04 - 12:00 AM]
Introducing the New Apprentice Cast -- NBC Introduces 18 New Candidates to Compete on Season Three of 'The Apprentice', Premiering January 20 from 8:00-10:00pm Et

[12/23/04 - 12:00 AM]
Brooke Burns from FOX's 'North Shore' Joins 'New Year's Eve: Live from Times Square with Ryan Seacrest' Friday, December 31, on FOX

[12/22/04 - 12:00 AM]
Millionaire Glenn Stearns Rescued in Finale of TBS's New Reality Series the Real Gilligan's Island

  [january 2005]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/18/24 - 09:20 AM]
Shocking True Crime Docuseries "The Bunker" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, January 16, 2025 on Viaplay
The three-part documentary follows a woman revisiting her past trauma of being abducted, held in a bunker, and making a shocking escape.

[12/18/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Molly-Mae: Behind It All" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Molly-Mae: Behind It All" will take you beyond the headlines of the UK's #1 influencer to uncover the real Molly-Mae.

[12/18/24 - 08:57 AM]
ABC News Announces Two-Hour Primetime Special - "The Year: 2024" - Hosted by "Good Morning America" Co-Anchor Robin Roberts
This two-hour primetime special revisits the most iconic and memorable moments of this year, from the historic news events, social trends and legal decisions in the headlines to the breakout stars, celebrities and champions who had everyone talking.

[12/18/24 - 08:32 AM]
Spend Christmas Day with Disney+
This Christmas Day, Disney+ is offering subscribers a robust slate of live programming, new Originals, and holiday favorites, plus an exclusive offer to make the holiday even brighter.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Gather 'Round Faithfuls! Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for Season 3 of "The Traitors"
Following the three-episode premiere on January 9, new episodes will drop weekly on Thursdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET, with the finale and reunion set for March 6 on Peacock.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Netflix & Skydance Sports Announce New Docuseries on Tennis Icon Rafael Nadal
One of the greatest tennis players of all time, Rafael Nadal reflects on the milestones that defined him and the final chapter of his legendary journey.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Paramount+ Original Korean Series "Queen Woo" to Premiere on December 23
The brand-new period drama series from South Korea will be available exclusively on the service in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France.

[12/18/24 - 08:00 AM]
Prime Video's "Clean Slate," Starring Laverne Cox and George Wallace, to Premiere February 6
This heartfelt comedy follows Harry (Wallace), an old-school car wash owner in Alabama who has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he once called "son" returns after 17 years as a proud trans woman named Desiree (Cox).

[12/18/24 - 07:20 AM]
OWN's Hit Dating Series "Ready to Love" Sets Its Sights on Singles in Philadelphia for Its Milestone 10th Season
Hosted by comedian and actor, Thomas "Nephew Tommy" Miles, the dating series explores the real-life romantic rollercoasters of successful and striking men and women in their 30s and 40s as they search for authentic relationships.

[12/18/24 - 07:18 AM]
Paramount+ Renews "Mayor of Kingstown" Starring Jeremy Renner for a Fourth Season
While in-season, "Mayor of Kingstown" reached 8.8M global households, ranking as the #1 series on the platform during its Season 3 run.

[12/18/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Avicii - I'm Tim" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Before Avicii, there was Tim. Through his own words, witness how a prodigious musical talent became one of the defining artists of his generation.

[12/18/24 - 06:00 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "A Thousand Blows"
From "Peaky Blinders" creator Steven Knight, "A Thousand Blows" is set in the perilous world of illegal boxing in 1880s Victorian London and based on little explored real-life characters with incredible stories.

[12/18/24 - 06:00 AM]
"The Wheel of Time" Announces Additional New Cast for Season Three
Olivia Williams, Luke Fetherston, Callum Kerr, and Nuno Lopes join the cast of the fantasy series for its highly anticipated third season, premiering March 13 on Prime Video.

[12/18/24 - 05:31 AM]
Video: "The Electric State" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Stanley Tucci and directed by the Russo Brothers, only on Netflix March 14.

[12/18/24 - 05:00 AM]
Roku Locks Exclusive U.S. Streaming Rights for X Games Aspen and a Soon-to-be-Announced X Games Event Coming in Summer 2025
The competition will be available on The Roku Channel's recently launched Roku Sports Channel.