
    [friday, february 23, 2007]    
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[02/23/07 - 12:49 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 22, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 22.

[02/23/07 - 10:34 AM]
NBC's 'The Black Donnellys' - Will Premiere Monday, February 26 (10-11 P.M. Et) with Encore Airings on NBC's Sister Networks USA and Bravo
USA will re-air the pilot on Tuesday, March 6, (12-1:00 A.M. ET) while Bravo will rebroadcast the first two episodes back-to-back on Sunday, March 11 (4:00 & 5:00P.M. ET).

[02/23/07 - 10:32 AM]
Rudy Cardenas, Paul Kim, Amy Krebs and Nicole Tranquillo Are Eliminated from the "American Idol" Competition
Another two guys and two girls will be eliminated on the live results show, and season five finalist Kellie Pickler will perform her new single "I Wonder" Thursday, March 1.

[02/23/07 - 10:31 AM]
Oscar(R).com Kicks Off the 79th Annual Academy Awards(R) Weekend with Exclusive Sneak-Peek Oscar Coverage and More Video Than Ever Before
New to Oscar.com this year is the "Thank You Cam," where fans can see the first exclusive comments from the winners as they leave the stage with their Oscar statuette.

[02/23/07 - 10:30 AM]
Peter Coyote ("Erin Brockovich") Makes Guest Appearance on ABC's "Brothers & Sisters"
Coyote will play Mark August, a professor and potential romantic interest to the very recently widowed Nora Walker.

[02/23/07 - 12:20 AM]
Development Update: Friday, February 23
Updates include: Alyssa Milano, Danny Comden and Angie Harmon all tapped for lead roles as pilot season rolls on.

[02/22/07 - 10:03 PM]
Oxygen Scores Its Highest Hh and W18-49 Rating for an Original Series with the Bad Girls Club
Oxygen spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 20.

[02/22/07 - 04:20 PM]
ABC Announces the Premiere of "October Road" and the Return of "Six Degrees"
"October Road" will displace "Men in Trees" starting Thursday, March 15 while "Six Degrees" is set to return on Friday, March 23.

[02/22/07 - 03:25 PM]
Thom Filicia Makes Fashion Sense of Home Decorating on the Style Network's New TV Reality Series- ''Dress My Nest''
The newcomer, which uses "a woman's favorite outfit and wardrobe style as sources of inspiration for a much-needed room makeover," premieres on Wednesday, March 28 at 11:00/10:00c.

[02/22/07 - 03:22 PM]
Bravo Airs Marathon of the Emmy Award-Winning Series "Taxicab Confessions"
Five new-to-Bravo episodes will bow this Friday, February 23, from midnight to 5 AM ET/PT.

[02/22/07 - 03:20 PM]
David Spade to Rip Hollywood a New One on Its Most Glamourous Night Comedy Central's "The Showbiz Show" Launches Live Oscar Blog on Sunday, February 25
The third season of "The Showbiz Show" premieres on Thursday, March 15.

[02/22/07 - 01:23 PM]
Cable Ratings Round-Up (Week of February 12-18): TNT's 'Nba All-Star Game' Falls Short
The cable channel nevertheless takes the top three spots on cable last week.

[02/22/07 - 11:53 AM]
Climbing "One Tree Hill" Scores Against Tough Competition
The CW spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 21.

[02/22/07 - 11:52 AM]
The CW Re-Teams with Mediavest for New Installment of the "Cwh" Content Wrap
This new content wrap features the latest installment of the branded entertainment and popular culture mini-magazine, CWH, entitiled "C What's Hot," "C What's Happening," and "C What's Hip."

[02/22/07 - 11:51 AM]
Deborah Norville Signs on for More "Inside Edition"
Norville inks a multiyear deal to remain anchor of "Inside Edition," the #1-rated newsmagazine in syndication.

[02/22/07 - 11:41 AM]
American Idol Performing Art Summer Camp Launches
The show's producers are set to launch the first performing arts summer camp for kids between the ages of 12-15 based on the nation's most watched television show and #1 talent search.

[02/22/07 - 11:39 AM]
Quick Take for Wednesday, February 21, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 21.

[02/22/07 - 11:38 AM]
Taye Diggs and Hector Elizondo to Guest Star on ABC's "Grey's Anatomy"
Diggs will guest star in a special two-hour episode that will air later this season while Elizondo will play Callie's father in the upcoming episode "My Favorite Mistake."

[02/22/07 - 11:36 AM]
Disney-ABC Television Group and the Walt Disney Studios Announce 2007 Participants for the Industry-Leading Writing Fellowship Program
Disney-ABC Television Group and The Walt Disney Studios, in partnership with the Writers Guild of America-West, has named fourteen new fellows for the 17th annual Writing Fellowship program.

[02/22/07 - 11:28 AM]
Nancy O'Dell Will Host the 2007 Miss Usa(R) Pageant Airing on NBC on March 23rd at 9 PM ET/PT
O'Dell is hosting for the fourth consecutive year.

[02/22/07 - 11:27 AM]
Family Guy Goes "Up Late" on Oscar Night with Debut of Animated Talk Show Parody on Myspace Starring Stewie, Brian and Celebrity Guest Rob Corddry
The 10-minute flash-animated talk show parody will begin streaming Sunday, February 25 at 8pm ET/5pm PT on MySpace.com and remain on the portal indefinitely.

[02/22/07 - 10:06 AM]
FOX Announces Summer Premieres
The network's summer slate includes the return of "The Loop," "Hell's Kitchen," "So You Think You Can Dance" as well as newcomer "On the Lot."

[02/22/07 - 10:05 AM]
Didn't Get an Engagement Ring on Valentine's Day? It's Not Too Late for FOX and "The Wedding Bells" to Help!
FOX teams with WhiteFlash.com to give away 35 diamond rings to lucky radio listeners as part of its promotion for "The Wedding Bells."

[02/22/07 - 12:24 AM]
Development Update: Thursday, February 22
Updates include: Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, Molly Shannon, Chi McBride, Oded Fehr, Samaire Armstrong and Ving Rhames are among the latest to land pilot gigs.

[02/21/07 - 11:55 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 12, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 12-18.

[02/21/07 - 02:40 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of FeB. 12-18
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 12-18.

[02/21/07 - 02:34 PM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 12-18.

[02/21/07 - 02:31 PM]
Season Two of the Powerful Police Drama, the Closer, Arrives on DVD May 29, 2007 from Warner Home Video
The four-disc collection features all 14 episodes from the series' second season, along with bonus material, and will retail for $39.98 SRP.

[02/21/07 - 10:50 AM]
Top Models Know No Borders - VH1 Brings Australia's Next Top Model Exclusively to U.S.
Beginning Monday, March 5 at 10:00/9:00c, VH1 will premiere the Australian version of this popular franchise for the first time in America.

[02/21/07 - 10:49 AM]
Rodale and VH1 to Launch the Celebrity Fit Club Online Weight Loss Service Based on VH1's Hit Series
The subscription-based weight loss site will launch in early April to coincide with the debut of "Celebrity Fit Club 5" premiering Sundy, April 15.

[02/21/07 - 10:48 AM]
Spike TV Joins Forces with GametrailerS.com on 'Game Head' the Ultimate TV Show for Gamers
On Friday, February 23, Spike TV will unveil the new "Game Head," featuring "On Location" and "GameTrailers Download" segments produced by the premiere /video site for gamers, GameTrailers.com.

[02/21/07 - 10:02 AM]
American Idol's Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick Named Executive Producers for "59th Primetime Emmy(R) Awards"
The 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards will air live from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on Sunday, September 16 on FOX.

[02/21/07 - 10:00 AM]
Former "Idol" Winner Fantasia to Perform on "American Idol" Thursday, FeB. 22, on Fox
Season three winner Fantasia will perform live and make a special announcement on the results show this Thursday.

[02/21/07 - 09:57 AM]
Emmy Award-Winning Hit Comedy Series "My Name Is Earl" Available Now on Digital Platforms Following Deal Between 20th Century FOX TV and NBC
"My Name is Earl" is the highest-rated series from a third party network/studio to be made available to consumers via digital platforms.

[02/21/07 - 09:55 AM]
The Stars Align for a Fourth Season of ABC's Hit Alternative Series, "Dancing with the Stars"
Among the participants are a current Olympic Gold Medalist, a member of the 1992 Men's U.S. Olympic Basketball Dream Team, and an undefeated female boxer - the first female athlete to compete on the series.

[02/21/07 - 12:52 AM]
Development Update: Wednesday, February 21
Updates include: CBS, NBC and FOX add comedy pilots, directors set on a dozen half-hours and Marc Cherry to remain with "Housewives" through May 2011.

[02/20/07 - 04:01 PM]
America's Most Wanted Goes Beyond the Movie Screen: The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Saturday, February 24, on Fox
In a special episode airing this Saturday, host John Walsh will examine the true story of the Zodiac murders, and lay out the clues that could finally lead to the elusive serial killer's capture.

[02/20/07 - 04:00 PM]
Smackdown Powers to the CW's Highest-Rated Friday in Target Men Demos
The CW spins the numbers for Friday, February 16.

[02/20/07 - 01:02 PM]
CBS Paramount Network Television and the CW Add Hit Shows to the Itunes Store
"Everybody Hates Chris" and "Girlfriends" are now available on iTunes while "America's Next Top Model" is due next month.

[02/20/07 - 12:46 PM]
Amanda Tapping Dives Into 'Atlantis'
Tapping will appear in 14 episodes of "Atlantis's" fourth season while Jewel Staite is set for an eight episode arc. Plus: "SG-1" alum Claudia Black to guest on "The Dresden Files."

[02/20/07 - 12:43 PM]
FOX Reality's Original ''American Idol Extra'' Is Back for a Second Season Giving ''American Idol'' Fans the Exclusive, First Interview Plus More Behind-The-Scenes Excitement!
The series returns on Thursday, March 15 at 6:30/5:30c with new host JD Roberto.

[02/20/07 - 11:49 AM]
Quick Take for Monday, February 19, 2007 - (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 19.

[02/20/07 - 10:51 AM]
Two and a Half Men Posts Its Second Its Second Best Deliveries of the Season in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, February 19.

[02/20/07 - 10:47 AM]
Fire and Rainn on "Saturday Night Live" February 24
"The Office's" Rainn Wilson will host said installment with musical guest The Arcade Fire.

[02/20/07 - 10:45 AM]
Popular NBC Daytime Star Alison Sweeney Named New Host of NBC's Hit Reality Weight-Loss Series 'The Biggest Loser'
The "Days of Our Lives" star is tapped as the new host of the weight-loss series, which will begin taping its fourth season this spring.

[02/20/07 - 10:43 AM]
TV Land Myths and Legends Scores with Viewers
The newcomer averaged 819,000 viewers for its inaugural six-week run.

[02/20/07 - 10:41 AM]
Spike TV Plays Amateur Detective to Solve Real-Life Crimes in 'Murder'
The new unscripted series, due this summer, lets amateur sleuths try to correctly solve a real homicide pulled directly from police files.

[02/20/07 - 12:39 AM]
Development Update: Tuesday, February 20
Updates include: "Sleeper Cell" reaches its end, Melinda Clarke joins CBS's "The Man" and other casting news.

[02/19/07 - 12:29 AM]
Development Update: Monday, February 19
Updates include: Jill Clayburgh and Natalie Zea find ABC's "Dirty Sexy Money," Summer Glau joins FOX's "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and more!

[02/16/07 - 05:08 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 15, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 15.

  [february 2007]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/18/24 - 09:20 AM]
Shocking True Crime Docuseries "The Bunker" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, January 16, 2025 on Viaplay
The three-part documentary follows a woman revisiting her past trauma of being abducted, held in a bunker, and making a shocking escape.

[12/18/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Molly-Mae: Behind It All" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Molly-Mae: Behind It All" will take you beyond the headlines of the UK's #1 influencer to uncover the real Molly-Mae.

[12/18/24 - 08:57 AM]
ABC News Announces Two-Hour Primetime Special - "The Year: 2024" - Hosted by "Good Morning America" Co-Anchor Robin Roberts
This two-hour primetime special revisits the most iconic and memorable moments of this year, from the historic news events, social trends and legal decisions in the headlines to the breakout stars, celebrities and champions who had everyone talking.

[12/18/24 - 08:32 AM]
Spend Christmas Day with Disney+
This Christmas Day, Disney+ is offering subscribers a robust slate of live programming, new Originals, and holiday favorites, plus an exclusive offer to make the holiday even brighter.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Gather 'Round Faithfuls! Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for Season 3 of "The Traitors"
Following the three-episode premiere on January 9, new episodes will drop weekly on Thursdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET, with the finale and reunion set for March 6 on Peacock.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Netflix & Skydance Sports Announce New Docuseries on Tennis Icon Rafael Nadal
One of the greatest tennis players of all time, Rafael Nadal reflects on the milestones that defined him and the final chapter of his legendary journey.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Paramount+ Original Korean Series "Queen Woo" to Premiere on December 23
The brand-new period drama series from South Korea will be available exclusively on the service in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France.

[12/18/24 - 08:00 AM]
Prime Video's "Clean Slate," Starring Laverne Cox and George Wallace, to Premiere February 6
This heartfelt comedy follows Harry (Wallace), an old-school car wash owner in Alabama who has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he once called "son" returns after 17 years as a proud trans woman named Desiree (Cox).

[12/18/24 - 07:20 AM]
OWN's Hit Dating Series "Ready to Love" Sets Its Sights on Singles in Philadelphia for Its Milestone 10th Season
Hosted by comedian and actor, Thomas "Nephew Tommy" Miles, the dating series explores the real-life romantic rollercoasters of successful and striking men and women in their 30s and 40s as they search for authentic relationships.

[12/18/24 - 07:18 AM]
Paramount+ Renews "Mayor of Kingstown" Starring Jeremy Renner for a Fourth Season
While in-season, "Mayor of Kingstown" reached 8.8M global households, ranking as the #1 series on the platform during its Season 3 run.

[12/18/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Avicii - I'm Tim" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Before Avicii, there was Tim. Through his own words, witness how a prodigious musical talent became one of the defining artists of his generation.

[12/18/24 - 06:00 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "A Thousand Blows"
From "Peaky Blinders" creator Steven Knight, "A Thousand Blows" is set in the perilous world of illegal boxing in 1880s Victorian London and based on little explored real-life characters with incredible stories.

[12/18/24 - 06:00 AM]
"The Wheel of Time" Announces Additional New Cast for Season Three
Olivia Williams, Luke Fetherston, Callum Kerr, and Nuno Lopes join the cast of the fantasy series for its highly anticipated third season, premiering March 13 on Prime Video.

[12/18/24 - 05:31 AM]
Video: "The Electric State" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Stanley Tucci and directed by the Russo Brothers, only on Netflix March 14.

[12/18/24 - 05:00 AM]
Roku Locks Exclusive U.S. Streaming Rights for X Games Aspen and a Soon-to-be-Announced X Games Event Coming in Summer 2025
The competition will be available on The Roku Channel's recently launched Roku Sports Channel.