
    [thursday, july 10, 2008]    
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[07/10/08 - 10:00 PM]
Top 10 Finalists Are Announced on "So You Think You Can Dance"
FOX details the latest "So You Think You Can Dance" elimination.

[07/10/08 - 07:05 PM]
Whitaker and Broome Get Wells 'Fat' at HBO
The one-hour family drama is set in the world of the $46 billion herbal supplement weight loss industry.

[07/10/08 - 06:36 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, July 10
Updates include: CBS makes Jay Mohr's "Gary" become "Unmarried"; HBO outlines its upcoming plans; and Scott Bakula joins TNT's "Men of a Certain Age."

[07/10/08 - 05:21 PM]
Sci Fi's Ghost Hunters International and Scare Tactics Return with Record Ratings
Sci Fi spins the numbers for Wednesday, July 9.

[07/10/08 - 02:30 PM]
ESPN Films Announces Four New Docs for Fall/Winter 2008; Names Five Filmmakers for "30 for 30" Initiative
Projects include efforts by Spike Lee, Barbara Kopple, Steve Nash and more.

[07/10/08 - 01:25 PM]
Bravo Marks Milestone as the No. 1 Television Network - Both Broadcast and Cable - Among Adults 18-49 for Program Engagement and In-Program Brand Recall
In program engagement, the network beat out CBS, ABC, the CW, NBC, Fox, VH1, TLC, MTV and TBS, who round out the top 10.

[07/10/08 - 01:24 PM]
BravotV.com Becomes Iphone Friendly
Among the iPhone-specific applications: The "Top Chef" Recipe Finder.

[07/10/08 - 01:23 PM]
FOX Reality Channel Announces Final Reality Stars to Compete for Their Own Original Series
The latest additions include Kato Kaelin, Ryan Starr and Bobby Trendy with George Gray tapped as host.

[07/10/08 - 01:21 PM]
Brooke Burns and Mark Thompson Are a Perfect Fit to Host FOX's "Hole in the Wall"
Production on the series began this week in Los Angeles.

[07/10/08 - 01:20 PM]
BET's 'Baldwin Hills' Returns for a Second Season with the Show's Highest-Rated Telecast Ever
BET spins the numbers for Tuesday, July 8.

[07/10/08 - 01:19 PM]
TLC Turns Up the Heat with a New Slate of Original Summer Programming
"This summer, TLC will be delivering on our brand promise, bringing to air more series that celebrate those fun, unexpected, and authentic moments," explained the network's Angela Shapiro-Mathes.

[07/10/08 - 01:18 PM]
TLC Puts the Real Back Into Real Estate
Upcoming entries include HOPE FOR YOUR HOME and OVER DESIGNED.

[07/10/08 - 01:17 PM]
Music Sensations Ludacris and Tommy Lee Battle It Out on Planet Green's Hottest New Show 'Battleground Earth,' Where They'Ll Need to 'Go Green' Or Go Home!
The 10-episode series premieres Sunday, August 3 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/10/08 - 01:16 PM]
Planet Green's Focus Earth with Bob Woodruff Premieres with an In-Depth Look at the Effects of Climate Change on the Iconic American Prairie and a Report from the Campaign Trail
On Saturday, July 12 at 6:00/5:00c, Bob Woodruff of ABC News returns to the anchor desk for a new weekly eco-newscast.

[07/10/08 - 01:15 PM]
See What Happens When 'What If' Meets 'Why Not'
Look for "Discovery Project Earth" to premiere Friday, August 22 at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/10/08 - 01:15 PM]
Explore and Venture Into the Unknown with Josh Bernstein, Plunge Into the World's Most Fascinating Places
The series, "a thrill ride filled with adventure and mystery, ancient riddles and modern day issues," premieres Monday, August 18 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/10/08 - 01:15 PM]
Groundbreaking Discovery Channel Series Chronicles One of the Toughest Races on Earth
The world premiere of this original series is slated for October.

[07/10/08 - 01:14 PM]
Join Discovery Channel in August for All-New Episodes of Smash Lab, Mythbusters, Man VS. Wild and Some Assembly Required
All four series return the first week in August.

[07/10/08 - 01:13 PM]
Discovery Channel to Unveil the 'Holy Grail' of Paleontology in 'Secrets of the Dinosaur Mummy'
The one-hour high-definition special airs Sunday, September 14 at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/10/08 - 01:12 PM]
Futuristic Innovations Are Born on Discovery Channel's All-New Series Prototype This!
The series, shot entirely in high definition, premieres in October and features "one-of-a kind prototypes of tomorrow for people to experience today."

[07/10/08 - 01:12 PM]
Animal Planet Follows Crusaders of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 'Whale Wars'
The seven-part, hour-long weekly series premieres this November.

[07/10/08 - 01:11 PM]
Animal Planet Saddles Up with Entertainment House Go Go Luckey for Fresh Content with Animal Twist
CREATURE, an immersive new series about bizarre animal encounters, premieres this fall, and JOCKEYS gallops to Animal Planet in January.

[07/10/08 - 01:10 PM]
Animal Planet Turns Page in the Story of Grizzly Man Timothy Treadwell in New 'Prequel' That Documents His Tragic Love Affair with Alaskan Giants
The new eight-part series bows Friday, August 22 at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/10/08 - 01:08 PM]
Animal Planet Howls with New Series 'MR. and MrS. Wolf' - a Twist on Your Average Family
The series, featuring Britain's Tarzan and Jane, will premiere in October.

[07/10/08 - 09:14 AM]
Tanya Hutchison of Orange County, Ca Named Winner of TV Land's 'She's Got the Look'
TV Land details the winner of "She's Got the Look."

[07/10/08 - 09:06 AM]
'Heroes' Webisodes Premiere on NBC.com on July 14th
In "Going Postal," users will get an early glimpse of a new character with special powers and watch his destiny begin to unfold.

[07/10/08 - 12:44 AM]
Interview: "Burn Notice" Co-Stars Jeffrey Donovan & Bruce Campbell

[07/10/08 - 12:43 AM]
Interview: "Greatest American Dog" Executive Producer R.J. Cutler & Host Jarod Miller

[07/10/08 - 12:41 AM]
The Futon's First Look: "Section 8" (ABC, Script)

[07/09/08 - 06:45 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, July 9
Updates include: Showtime to bring DC/Vertigo comic "Exterminators" to the small screen; Matthew Weiner sets end date for AMC's "Mad Men"; and Brie Larson joins Showtime's "The United States of Tara."

[07/09/08 - 04:46 PM]
The Greatest Generation in Color - Ww Ii Hd - a 10-Part Series on History(Tm) to Premiere in 2009
The project "will draw from over 3,000 hours of archival color footage, unearthed from archives and private collections scattered across the globe."

[07/09/08 - 04:45 PM]
Hallmark Channel Lassos #4 Spot in Weekly Prime Time Ratings with Original Movie Premiere, "A Gunfighter's Pledge"
The Hallmark Channel spins the numbers for the week of June 30-July 6.

[07/09/08 - 04:44 PM]
G4 Presents Unprecendeted Week-Long Primetime Coverage as the Official Broadcaster of the 2008 E3 Media & Business Summit
G4 is bringing viewers 17 hours of jam-packed coverage from the 2008 E3 Media and Business Summit.

[07/09/08 - 04:12 PM]
Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood Becomes the Most Watched Oxygen Telecast Ever Among Women 18-49
Oxygen spins the numbers for Tuesday, July 8.

[07/09/08 - 01:29 PM]
MTV's Award Winning Series' "True Life" and "Made" Are Taking Over the Airwaves with Brand New Episodes on Sunday, July 20th Starting at 1pm ET/PT
The "Made" installments include "Model," "Dream Date," "Mr. Chelmsford High School" and "Girly Girl to Motocross."

[07/09/08 - 01:27 PM]
Soapnet Announces the Acquisition of Five Additional Movies for Its "Sunday Night Movie" Franchise
"Moonstruck," "The Butcher's Wife," "Clue," "Mommie Dearest" and "Lucky 13" are among the offerings.

[07/09/08 - 01:26 PM]
Quick Take for Tuesday, July 8, 2008 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, July 8.

[07/09/08 - 01:25 PM]
ABC Hosts "Pushing Daisies" Pie Hole Pie Eating Contest at the Orange County Fair
Each night ten participants will wear a "Pushing Daisies" Pie Hole-themed bib and compete for a special prize.

[07/09/08 - 01:21 PM]
NBC to Air "The Baby Borrowers" Town Hall Special Offering Topical Follow-Up After Encore of Hit Reality Series Finale on Wednesday, August 6
In addition, viewers will be able to send in questions via nbc.com.

[07/09/08 - 01:19 PM]
TV Land Follows Sports Legend and Grillionaire George Foreman in New Original Reality Series 'Family Foreman' Premiering Wednesday, July 16
The six 30-minute episode series follows Foreman as he tries to balance fatherhood with his numerous business endeavors.

[07/09/08 - 01:17 PM]
CMT Presents "Larry the Cable Guy's Star Studded Christmas Extravaganza"
The one-hour special will tape on July 30 at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville and premiere in November on the network.

[07/09/08 - 01:16 PM]
CMT Renews "My Big Redneck Wedding" for a Second Season
Tom Arnold returns with eight new episodes of eclectic nuptials beginning in October.

[07/09/08 - 01:14 PM]
John Rich Returns with a Second Season of CMT's Hit Series "Gone Country"
The new season features Sebastian Bach, Irene Cara, Mikalah Gordon, Jermaine Jackson, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lorenzo Lamas and Sean Young.

[07/09/08 - 01:12 PM]
Maureen Mccormick, Bobby Brown and Carnie Wilson Check Into CMT's Newest Series, Outsider's Inn
The series premieres Friday, August 15 at 9:00/8:00c before moving to 8:30/7:30c the following week.

[07/09/08 - 09:28 AM]
CBS Is Going to the Dogs This Summer Courting Canine Lovers Coast to Coast
The Eye details its marketing campaign for its summer entry "Greatest American Dog."

[07/09/08 - 06:57 AM]
A&E Network to Broadcast First-Ever Live Episode of Criss Angel Mindfreak on Wednesday, July 30 at 10 PM Et
In "Building Implosion Escape," the world-renowned mystifier will be shackled in a six-story building in Florida that is loaded with explosives and set to detonate.

[07/09/08 - 06:48 AM]
Bio Channel Premieres New Original Talk Show 'Shatner's Raw Nerve' Hosted by William Shatner
The off-beat celebrity interview series will bow on Tuesday, August 19 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/09/08 - 06:41 AM]
Bio Channel Aggresively Expanding Original Programming Slate
New series include "Shatner's Raw Nerve," "The Chris Isaak Hour," "Female Forces" and "Why I Ran."

[07/09/08 - 12:39 AM]
FOX Rocks Out with New Variety Show, "The Osbournes: Loud and Dangerous" (Working Title) Starring Ozzy, Sharon, Jack and Kelly Osbourne
The series will "mix musical performances, comedy sketches and game-show competitions with the Osbournes' unique blend of humor and outrageous sensibility."

[07/09/08 - 12:37 AM]
Interview: "Scare Tactics" Host Tracy Morgan

  [july 2008]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/16/24 - 11:58 AM]
Video: CBS Delivers a Taste of Decadence and Drama with First Look of New Daytime Series "Beyond the Gates"
The teaser introduces the Duprees - a prominent Black family who hold court over their affluent community in Maryland from Fairmont Crest, the country club at the center of their luxurious enclave filled with wealthy residents harboring deep secrets.

[12/16/24 - 11:22 AM]
"Impractical Jokers" Returns with New Episodes on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 10PM ET/PT on TBS
January's return brings the ultimate mayhem when the guys pose as upselling concierge with peculiar upgrades, grocery store shopping-cart thieves, aggrieved mall janitors, and receive bagel shop acting lessons from guest star Richard Kind.

[12/16/24 - 11:04 AM]
"Deal or No Deal Island After Show with Boston Rob" to Debut Across NBCUniversal Platforms Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 8
Episodes of the aftershow will be available to stream on Peacock, NBC's YouTube channel and NBC.com every Wednesday following new episodes of "Deal or No Deal Island."

[12/16/24 - 11:03 AM]
A&E Announces Three New Series Including "Homicide Squad New Orleans" from Executive Producer Dick Wolf, "Fugitive Hunters Mexico" and "Ozark Law"
Kicking off the slate is "Homicide Squad New Orleans," produced by Wolf Entertainment and 44 Blue Productions, which follows a dedicated team of homicide detectives within the New Orleans Police Department, premiering on January 1.

[12/16/24 - 10:01 AM]
Disney Branded Television Scores Lionel Messi-Inspired Animated Series "Messi and the Giants" from Sony Music Vision and Sony Pictures Television - Kids
The animated series, which unfolds in an epic saga where a young boy named Leo is transported from his home in Argentina into a fantastical alternate universe, will premiere on Disney Channel, followed by Disney Channel On Demand and globally on Disney+.

[12/16/24 - 09:22 AM]
TNT Sports to Exclusively Present College Football Playoff Doubleheader - No. 11 SMU at No. 6 Penn State & No. 12 Clemson at No. 5 Texas - Saturday, Dec. 21, Starting at Noon ET on TNT, TBS, truTV & Max
This season marked the return of college football to TNT Sports, which previously televised games in 2006.

[12/16/24 - 08:31 AM]
"A Man on the Inside" Renewed for Season 2 on Netflix
"A Man on the Inside" debuted atop Netflix's most popular English TV List and has remained in the top 10 for three weeks since release.

[12/16/24 - 08:01 AM]
Season Three of the HBO Original Series "The White Lotus," from Mike White, Debuts February 16
The social satire is set at an exclusive Thai resort and follows the exploits of various guests and employees over the span of a week.

[12/16/24 - 07:00 AM]
CBS Presents "Christmas with Andrea Bocelli and Friends: A Grammy Holiday Special" Airing Christmas Eve 2024
The special features Grammy winners Dua Lipa and Jennifer Hudson, Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter Josh Groban, and singer and actress Sofia Carson, alongside Andrea Bocelli's wife Veronica Bocelli and daughter Virginia Bocelli.

[12/16/24 - 06:01 AM]
Apple TV+ Renews Hit, World-Building Drama "Silo" for Seasons Three and Four
Starring and executive produced by Rebecca Ferguson, "Silo" season two is now streaming globally on Apple TV+, and new episodes premiere every Friday through January 17.

[12/16/24 - 06:00 AM]
Stars Hollow Comes to Hulu: "Gilmore Girls" Complete Series Now Streaming
You bring the Luke's Diner coffee, we'll bring all 153 episodes of Amy Sherman-Palladino's beloved drama, now available to stream.

[12/16/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight" - Official Teaser - Netflix
When the village druid forgets how to prepare their magic potion, Asterix, Obelix and the Gauls must find new ways to keep the Roman conquerors at bay.

[12/15/24 - 09:01 PM]
Apple TV+ and Apple Music Light Up the Holiday Season with "A Carpool Karaoke Christmas," Now Streaming
This new special features Grammy Award-winning icons Lady Gaga and Dua Lipa, alongside Grammy Award-nominated rising star Chappell Roan as they join Apple Music's Zane Lowe for a globe-trotting caroling adventure.

[12/15/24 - 05:41 PM]
Video: Paramount+ Releases Teaser Trailer for the Much-Anticipated New Season of "1923," Premiering Sunday, February 23
In the second season of 1923, a cruel winter brings new challenges and unfinished business to Jacob (Harrison Ford) and Cara (Helen Mirren) back at Dutton ranch.

[12/15/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Ubel Blatt" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
The black sword's conquest has begun. "Übel Blatt" arrives January 10.