
    [monday, july 21, 2008]    
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[07/21/08 - 09:32 PM]
CBS Swaps 'Flashpoint,' 'Swingtown'
Effective immediately "Flashpoint" will now run on Thursdays at 10:00/9:00c while "Swingtown" will head to Fridays at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/21/08 - 06:28 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 21
Updates include: Kathleen Munroe books "CSI: NY" arc and James Purefoy is in talks to topline NBC's "The Philanthropist."

[07/21/08 - 05:08 PM]
MTV Viewers Are Taking Over the "2008 Video Music Awards" Pop Phenoms Jonas Brothers Will Hit Stage for Their 1st Ever Vma Performance
MTV's 25th annual "Video Music Awards" will air live and only one time in its original incarnation, on Sunday, September 7 at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/21/08 - 05:07 PM]
>MTV's Choose Or Lose & Kanye West Give Back to Iraq War Veterans with the Powerful MTV News Documentary "Choose Or Lose & Kanye West Present: Homecoming" Monday, July 28th at 10pm ET/PT
In this one hour special, "Kanye West, along with MTV's Sway Calloway, give recently returned Iraq war veterans the surprise of their lives by unexpectedly visiting their homes."

[07/21/08 - 05:06 PM]
Hallmark Channel Goes on Location with First-Ever Online Series Premiering Friday, August 15
First up, "Location" visits the set of the network's original movie, "For the Love of Grace," starring Mark Consuelos, Chandra West and Corbin Bernsen.

[07/21/08 - 05:04 PM]
Torture! Slander! Starvation! "Comedy Central's Kenny VS. Spenny Volume One: Uncensored" DVD Hits Stores on Tuesday, August 12
Bonus material includes never-before-seen competitions, deleted scenes and audio commentary by the show's stars.

[07/21/08 - 05:04 PM]
Comedy Central Home Entertainment(R) Releases "South Park: The Complete Eleventh Season-Uncensored" DVD to Hit Stores on Tuesday, August 12
The bonus material contains five-to-seven minute mini-commentaries on all 14 episodes by creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

[07/21/08 - 01:51 PM]
Mythbusters to Air 11 Premiere Episodes Beginning August 6
The latest wave of episodes take on everything from exploding steak to the moon landing.

[07/21/08 - 01:40 PM]
Host Eva Longoria Parker and Cristian De La Fuente Announce Nominations for "The 2008 Alma Awards(R)"
The all-star event will air Friday, September 12 at 8:00/7:00c on ABC.

[07/21/08 - 01:39 PM]
Magid Media Labs Proves That CBS Online Video Streaming Delivers Younger Audiences to Its Shows
The study notes that "having full episodes available online is complementary to network broadcasts in that it delivers CBS a net positive audience."

[07/21/08 - 12:08 PM]
Emmy Nominee Amy Poehler to Star in NBC's New Comedy Series from Greg Daniels and Mike Schur, Executive Producers of NBC's 'The Office'
"This show suddenly got a hundred percent easier," said Daniels. "Amy shines in everything she does. She can make even bad material funny, and I know we can write bad material."

[07/21/08 - 12:07 PM]
NBC Announces Plan to Continue 'Infront' Presentations for Advertisers
NBC plans to host a similar event in April 2009, over a month before the traditional upfront week.

[07/21/08 - 12:06 PM]
Conan O'Brien Succeeds Jay Leno as Host of Late-Night Television's Preeminent Series, NBC's 'The Tonight Show,' in June 2009
"The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" will begin on Monday, June 1 with Leno's last "Tonight Show" telecast airing Friday, May 29.

[07/21/08 - 09:29 AM]
NBC's Returning Drama 'Life' Gets Four Hours of Primetime Originals in Two Weeks on September 29, October 3, 6 and 10 and New Drama 'My Own Worst Enemy' Premieres October 13 for a Run of Originals in Fall
Plus: "Kath & Kim" and "30 Rock" flip slots; return date set for "Biggest Loser"; and finale booked for "Got Talent."

[07/21/08 - 09:06 AM]
History(Tm) Launches Minisite and Online Game to Support Premiere of Original Series Jurassic Fight Club
The minisite launches in advance of the "Jurassic Fight Club" television premiere on Tuesday, July 29 at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/21/08 - 08:24 AM]
NBC Is 90% Sold for Beijing Games - on Pace to Set Olympics Record
"Advertisers across all categories are recognizing the power of premium content and the strength of the Olympic brand," said NBC's Seth Winter.

[07/21/08 - 07:45 AM]
Deal Or No Deal to Premiere in National Syndication on Monday, September 8th
Also hosted by Howie Mandel, the new syndicated edition has been sold in over 97% of the country.

[07/20/08 - 03:03 PM]
Oxygen Boasts Stellar Growth in 2008 "Live Out Loud" Ratings Milestones
Oxygen spins the numbers for the year to date.

[07/20/08 - 02:37 PM]
Janice Dickinson Moves in This SummeR... in Season Four of Oxygen's "The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency"
The new season rolls out Tuesday, August 26 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/20/08 - 02:32 PM]
Oxygen Picks Up Third Season of Hit Series "The Bad Girls Club" and Expands Show to One-Hour Format
The series is currently casting and scheduled to begin production in August, with season three scheduled to premiere this winter.

[07/20/08 - 02:26 PM]
Oxygen Picks Up High-Energy, Low-Fat Reality Competition Series "Dance Your Ass Off"
Scheduled to premiere in 2009, the series will be executive produced by Sally Ann Salsano's 495 Productions.

[07/20/08 - 01:45 PM]
Bravo Announces Development of 'American Artist' (Wt) from Executive Producer Sarah Jessica Parker and Magical Elves
Plus: "Make Me A Supermodel" and "The Real Housewives of New York City" get renewed; another "Top Chef" spin-off; and fall premiere dates.

[07/20/08 - 01:43 PM]
TelevisionwithoutpitY.com Announces the Tubey Awards
Starting today, fans can vote for 60 categories online on TelevisionWithoutPity.com.

[07/20/08 - 01:39 PM]
Sci Fi Unveils Sci Fi Ventures Portfolio of Businesses Encompassing Gaming, Publishing, Merchandising, Digital, Wireless and Youth Market
"SCI FI Ventures is a major initiative that demonstrates our commitment to building businesses and driving maximum value around the unique relationship we have with our audience," said the network's Dave Howe.

[07/20/08 - 01:38 PM]
Sci Fi Greenlights Three Original Series
Newcomers include "Cash or Capture," "Estate Of Panic" and "Outer Space Astronauts."

[07/20/08 - 01:37 PM]
Sci Fi Announces All-New Development Slate
Projects include an original miniseries in development with feature helmer Bryan Singer.

[07/20/08 - 01:36 PM]
Sci FI.com, the World's Largest Genre Entertainment Web Site Unveils Slate of Exclusive Original Programming
Offerings include a "Ghost Hunters" social network as well as 10 more "Battlestar Galactica" webisodes.

[07/20/08 - 01:35 PM]
Ghost Hunters Returns to Sci Fi for Season 5
The show's fifth season will deliver 25 episodes "of spine-tingling investigations" when it rolls out in 2009.

[07/20/08 - 01:34 PM]
Sci Fi Channel Greenlights 4-Hour Fantasy Adventure Mirabilis
David James Elliott and Natassia Malthe star in the project, which comes from Reunion Pictures, Industry Entertainment and RHI Entertainment

[07/20/08 - 01:33 PM]
Sci Fi Revs Up Movie Slate with Sunday Originals
The unprecedented 36 original action movies are up from 2008's slate of 24.

[07/20/08 - 01:32 PM]
Sci Fi Channel Brings Viewers the 'Spirit' of Halloween Season with Wall-To-Wall Programming!
The stunt includes "all-new episodes of Ghost Hunters, the 3rd annual Ghost Hunters Live Halloween event and the all-new 31 Days of Halloween programming extravaganza!"

[07/20/08 - 01:31 PM]
Emmy Winner Debra Messing Returns in the Emmy Award-Winning Hit Series 'The Starter Wife' Premiering Friday, October 10 at 10/9c on USA Network
The series had previously been set for Thursday nights at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/20/08 - 01:30 PM]
Mark Feuerstein Stars in USA Network Pilot "Royal Pains"
Plus: The pilot will be directed by Jace Alexander.

[07/20/08 - 01:29 PM]
All-Star Guest Cast On-Board When Everyone's Favorite Obsessive-Compulsive Detective Monk Hits Milestone and Solves His 100th Case
Eric McCormack, John Turturro, Howie Mandel, Sarah Silverman, Andy Richter, Brooke Adams, Sharon Lawrence, Ricardo Chavira, Kathryn Joosten, Jarrad Paul, Tim Bagley, David Koechner and Angela Kinsey to all appear in the landmark episode.

[07/20/08 - 01:28 PM]
USA Network and Saab Usa, a Division of Gm, Partner on "Burn Notice"
The brand will be integrated into the series as well as an online alternate reality experience called "Covert Ops."

[07/20/08 - 01:24 PM]
USA Network Announces New Cast of Characters on Its Development Slate
A slate of three new pilot scripts, COVERT AFFAIRS, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS and STIFFS, were announced today.

[07/20/08 - 01:19 PM]
USA Network Picks Up Newest Original Series "In Plain Sight" for Season Two
The series has been given a 16-episode order and will start production in October.

[07/20/08 - 11:47 AM]
Chiller Announces New Original Web Thriller from Director Caroline Thompson and Producer Steve Nicolaides
New webisodes will post every Tuesday and Thursday on ChillerTV.com, beginning with the premiere webisode on Tuesday, July 22.

[07/20/08 - 10:48 AM]
NBC's Smash Hit Game Show 'Deal Or No Deal' and All-New Extreme Reality Competition Series 'America's Toughest Jobs' Premiere with Four Special Monday Episodes Beginning August 25
Both shows will air on Mondays nights from August 25 to September 15.

[07/20/08 - 10:32 AM]
NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' Front-Loads the Fall
The show's expanded 22-episode season will launch on September 13.

[07/19/08 - 12:23 PM]
Media Rights Capital and the CW Network Announce Premiere Dates and Casting for Original Sunday Night Primetime Programs "In Harm's Way," "Surviving Suburbia," "Valentine" and "Easy Money"
Laurie Metcalf, Bob Saget, Jaime Murray, Autumn Reeser, Judge Reinhold and Jeff Hephner are all featured on the Sunday block.

[07/19/08 - 12:20 PM]
The CW Network Announces Fall 2008 Premiere Dates
"Gossip Girl," "One Tree Hill," "90210" and "Top Model" are all set to debut the week of September 1.

[07/19/08 - 10:41 AM]
Shannen Doherty Guest Stars in the CW's "90210" for Multiple Episodes This Fall
Doherty will reprise her role as Brenda Walsh, who was last seen headed to London to study acting.

[07/18/08 - 07:07 PM]
The CW Holds 'Stylista' Until October 29
Final dates for the rest of The CW's lineup are expected to be announced Saturday during its session at the TCA.

[07/18/08 - 07:07 PM]
Development Update: Friday, July 18
Updates include: Showtime outlines more of its plans at the TCA; and Megalyn Echikunwoke lands a role on "CSI: Miami."

[07/18/08 - 07:06 PM]
Showtime Puts Nurse Jackie on Call
The 12-episode, half-hour series will star Edie Falco as a strong-willed, iconoclastic New York City nurse.

[07/18/08 - 06:37 PM]
Showtime Is Armed with New Reality Show AnD...announces 7th Season of Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
The three-time Emmy-nominee is now the network's longest-running primetime series.

[07/18/08 - 05:02 PM]
MTV Takes Top Spots with the Premiere of "From G's to Gents" and the Return of "Run's House"
MTV spins the numbers for Tuesday, July 15-Wednesday, July 16.

[07/18/08 - 12:04 AM]
Interview: "Psych" Co-Stars James Roday & Dule Hill

[07/18/08 - 12:03 AM]
Interview: "Monk" Co-Stars Tony Shaloub & Hector Elizondo

  [july 2008]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/18/24 - 08:57 AM]
ABC News Announces Two-Hour Primetime Special - "The Year: 2024" - Hosted by "Good Morning America" Co-Anchor Robin Roberts
This two-hour primetime special revisits the most iconic and memorable moments of this year, from the historic news events, social trends and legal decisions in the headlines to the breakout stars, celebrities and champions who had everyone talking.

[12/18/24 - 08:32 AM]
Spend Christmas Day with Disney+
This Christmas Day, Disney+ is offering subscribers a robust slate of live programming, new Originals, and holiday favorites, plus an exclusive offer to make the holiday even brighter.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Gather 'Round Faithfuls! Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for Season 3 of "The Traitors"
Following the three-episode premiere on January 9, new episodes will drop weekly on Thursdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET, with the finale and reunion set for March 6 on Peacock.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Paramount+ Original Korean Series "Queen Woo" to Premiere on December 23
The brand-new period drama series from South Korea will be available exclusively on the service in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France.

[12/18/24 - 08:00 AM]
Prime Video's "Clean Slate," Starring Laverne Cox and George Wallace, to Premiere February 6
This heartfelt comedy follows Harry (Wallace), an old-school car wash owner in Alabama who has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he once called "son" returns after 17 years as a proud trans woman named Desiree (Cox).

[12/18/24 - 07:20 AM]
OWN's Hit Dating Series "Ready to Love" Sets Its Sights on Singles in Philadelphia for Its Milestone 10th Season
Hosted by comedian and actor, Thomas "Nephew Tommy" Miles, the dating series explores the real-life romantic rollercoasters of successful and striking men and women in their 30s and 40s as they search for authentic relationships.

[12/18/24 - 07:18 AM]
Paramount+ Renews "Mayor of Kingstown" Starring Jeremy Renner for a Fourth Season
While in-season, "Mayor of Kingstown" reached 8.8M global households, ranking as the #1 series on the platform during its Season 3 run.

[12/18/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Avicii - I'm Tim" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Before Avicii, there was Tim. Through his own words, witness how a prodigious musical talent became one of the defining artists of his generation.

[12/18/24 - 06:00 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "A Thousand Blows"
From "Peaky Blinders" creator Steven Knight, "A Thousand Blows" is set in the perilous world of illegal boxing in 1880s Victorian London and based on little explored real-life characters with incredible stories.

[12/18/24 - 06:00 AM]
"The Wheel of Time" Announces Additional New Cast for Season Three
Olivia Williams, Luke Fetherston, Callum Kerr, and Nuno Lopes join the cast of the fantasy series for its highly anticipated third season, premiering March 13 on Prime Video.

[12/18/24 - 05:31 AM]
Video: "The Electric State" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Stanley Tucci and directed by the Russo Brothers, only on Netflix March 14.

[12/18/24 - 05:00 AM]
Roku Locks Exclusive U.S. Streaming Rights for X Games Aspen and a Soon-to-be-Announced X Games Event Coming in Summer 2025
The competition will be available on The Roku Channel's recently launched Roku Sports Channel.

[12/18/24 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "I am Ilary" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This documentary series follows TV host Ilary Blasi as she defines her life post-divorce, balancing personal growth, career opportunities and a new love.

[12/17/24 - 06:06 PM]
Legendary Hubie Brown to Call Final NBA Game February 9 on ABC
Brown will return to Milwaukee, Wis. where he began his professional coaching career as the assistant coach for the Milwaukee Bucks in 1972.

[12/17/24 - 03:31 PM]
ABC News' "Nightline" Ranks No. 1 in All Key Demos for the Week of Dec. 9 Versus CBS' "After Midnight" and NBC's "Late Night With Seth Meyers"
"Nightline" posted double-digit gains week to week across the board: Total Viewers (+16% - 840,000 vs. 725,000), Adults 25-54 (+76% - 215,000 vs. 122,000) and Adults 18-49 (+90% - 129,000 vs. 68,000).