Weekly Series Follows 'Treasure Broker' Cari Cucksey in Quest for Unique & Special Finds
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (For Immediate Release-November 3, 2010) HGTV has licensed 26 episodes of a new series entitled Cash & Cari, featuring estate liquidator Cari Cucksey.
Whether it's a vintage Chanel gown left behind in a disused dry cleaners, a limited-edition pink vinyl copy of Michael Jackson's Thriller or a Cape de Monte porcelain statuette, antiques dealer extraordinaire Cucksey is always on the lookout for the undiscovered diamond in the rough. HGTV follows Cari as she finds hidden treasures in estate sales, flea markets, attics, garages and anywhere else that piques her interest in search of obscure pieces to restore or flip for profit.
Cucksey is the owner/operator of two businesses located near Detroit Michigan --RePurpose Estate Services and her new retail RePurpose shop that sells antiques, items on consignment and her fabulous finds along with designer and vintage clothing and accessories. She has over 10 years experience as an estate liquidator. Produced by Cineflix Productions, the new series will premiere in January 2011 on HGTV.
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