
    [friday, december 15, 2017]    
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[12/15/17 - 11:44 PM]
Development Update: Friday, December 15
Updates include: Syfy renews "Z Nation" for fifth season; Apple, Ronald D. Moore team for space race drama; and Morgan Spurlock dropped from upcoming Showtime, TNT series.

[12/15/17 - 12:44 PM]
Final Season of Netflix Original Series "Love" to Premiere March 9, 2018
"I am really excited about the third season of 'Love.' I think it is our sweetest, funniest season and ends our story in a beautiful way," said series co-creator and executive producer Judd Apatow.

[12/15/17 - 12:21 PM]
TLC's Beloved Series "Say Yes to the Dress" Returns for Its Sixteenth Season, Airing on Saturday Nights Beginning January 6 at 8/7c!
The Saturday night celebration will culminate in a new, two-hour special event featuring TLC's "Four Weddings," airing at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/15/17 - 12:18 PM]
USA Locks February 27 10/9c Premiere Date for "Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G."
The anthology series chronicles the dual police investigations of Greg Kading (Josh Duhamel) and Russell Poole (Jimmi Simpson) into the controversial murders of Tupac Shakur (Marcc Rose) and The Notorious B.I.G. (Wavyy Jonez).

[12/15/17 - 10:57 AM]
Performers and Co-Host Announced for "FOX's New Year's Eve with Steve Harvey: Live from Times Square," Airing Sunday, Dec. 31 on FOX!
The celebration will air live from iconic Times Square in New York with an epic countdown to 2018, featuring views of the Times Square Ball as it drops to ring in the New Year.

[12/15/17 - 10:54 AM]
"Titans" Releases First Image of Hawk & Dove
The Hawk and Dove suits were designed by renowned costume designer Laura Jean Shannon.

[12/15/17 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases New Drama "The Chi" for Early Sampling
The pay channel is releasing the pilot today, ahead of its on-air debut Sunday, January 7 at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/15/17 - 09:02 AM]
ABC Sets "Once Upon a Time" Premiere Date Following Winter Break
Following tonight's fall finale, look for new episodes beginning Friday, March 2.

[12/15/17 - 08:35 AM]
Thursday's Broadcast Ratings: NBC, "Thursday Night Football" Keep Demo Crown
The Peacock tops the night among adults 18-49 while CBS is the most-watched broadcaster.

[12/15/17 - 07:12 AM]
Go Behind the Scenes of Sean "Diddy" Combs' Bad Boy Entertainment on the Two-Hour Special "Apple Music's Can't Stop Won't Stop: A Bad Boy Story," Thursday, December 28, on FOX
Originally released on iTunes earlier this year, the film explores the passion and personalities behind Bad Boy Entertainment.

[12/15/17 - 06:30 AM]
CBS Announces "Elton John: I'm Still Standing - A Grammy(R) Salute" Concert
The special will be broadcast later in 2018 on the CBS Television Network.

[12/15/17 - 05:36 AM]
"Roseanne" Returns to ABC with All-New Episodes in a Special Hour-Long Premiere, Tuesday, March 27
"Roseanne" will air in its regular time slot, 8:00-8:30 p.m., beginning Tuesday, April 3, followed by "The Middle," which will move to 8:30 p.m.

[12/14/17 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, December 14
Updates include: USA passes on drama pilot "Olive Forever"; Kylie Bunbury to star in ABC's "Get Christie Love"; and Dominic Purcell teases new season of "Prison Break" on FOX.

[12/14/17 - 01:11 PM]
Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment Announce "DC in D.C."
Events will take place Friday, January 12, and Saturday, January 13, at the Newseum, and will culminate with the world premiere screening of the upcoming DC series "Black Lightning."

[12/14/17 - 12:57 PM]
Nat Geo WILD Celebrates the Pol-Idays with "The 12 Days of Dr. Pol" Marathon
The marathon continues through the new season, which premieres Saturday, January 6 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/14/17 - 12:30 PM]
Nickelodeon's New Original Animated Series, "The Adventures of Kid Danger," to Debut Friday, Jan. 19, at 6:30 P.M. (ET/PT)
The original "Henry Danger" live-action cast will continue their roles, now as voice talent, on the brand-new animated series.

[12/14/17 - 11:43 AM]
TLC Welcomes New Series "Seeking Sister Wife" and Fan Favorite "Sister Wives" Returns
The newcomer follows three families - the Alldredges, the Brineys and the Snowdens - all of whom are in various phases of seeking, dating or transitioning a new sister wife into their lives.

[12/14/17 - 11:31 AM]
Discovery Takes to the Gritty Streets of Memphis in the All New Series "Street Outlaws: Memphis"
The all new series debuts Monday, January 15 at 10:00/9:00c on Discovery.

[12/14/17 - 11:29 AM]
Food Network Renews "Best Baker in America"
The new season of seven episodes will go into production in early 2018 and is slated for a spring launch.

[12/14/17 - 11:00 AM]
History's "Pawn Stars" Celebrates 500th Episode with Back-to-Back Episodes Premieres Monday, January 22 at 10PM ET/PT on History
In the 500th episode, Rick Harrison celebrates by spending some capital in our nation's capital.

[12/14/17 - 10:47 AM]
NBC Sets Thursday, February 1 for Preview of Its New Comedy "A.P. Bio"
The series will then return Thursday, March 1 following the network's coverage of the Winter Olympic Games.

[12/14/17 - 10:18 AM]
The Dakota Boys Return to Discovery with an All-New "Gold Rush" Spin-Off "Gold Rush: White Water"
Gold miners Dakota Fred and his son Dustin are back - returning to McKinley Creek Alaska, determined to make a fortune no matter the risk.

[12/14/17 - 10:15 AM]
Jason Momoa Adventure Series "Frontier" Renewed for a Third Season on Netflix
Season three will include six episodes and premiere in 2018.

[12/14/17 - 10:11 AM]
Science Channel Decks the Halls with Mistletoe and Myths for the "MythBusters Mega Merry-Thon" Beginning Friday, December 22 at Midnight
This year's marathon is bigger than ever, starting with the very first myth - "Jet Assisted Chevy," which premiered in 2003 - and ending with the latest myths from the new episodes "MythBusters."

[12/14/17 - 10:05 AM]
Oscar(R) Nominee Catherine Keener Joins Showtime(R) Comedy Series "Kidding"
The series stars Golden Globe winner Jim Carrey in his first series regular role in more than two decades and reunites him with Oscar winner Michel Gondry, who will direct the project.

[12/14/17 - 10:00 AM]
Hit HBO Comedy Series "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Starring Larry David, to Return for Its Tenth Season
Said Larry David, "As I've said many times, when one has the opportunity to annoy someone, one should do so."

[12/14/17 - 09:56 AM]
ABC Pulls "The Great American Baking Show" from Schedule
The decision follows allegations of sexual harassment against judge Johnny Iuzzini.

[12/14/17 - 09:43 AM]
National Geographic's Groundbreaking New Documentary Series "Chain of Command" Reveals 360 Portrait of America's War Against Extremism as Never Seen Before
The series premieres Monday, January 15 at 9:00/8:00c with a double episode, and will be available for sale the day after broadcast on digital platforms including iTunes, Amazon and GooglePlay.

[12/14/17 - 09:32 AM]
CMT Wraps 2017 with 53 Straight Weeks of Growth, Besting Every Channel in Ad-Supported Cable to Notch the Longest Active Growth Streak
CMT further spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/14/17 - 09:00 AM]
E!'s Inaugural Telecast of the "People's Choice Awards" to Premiere on November 11, 2018
Den of Thieves joins Wilshire Studios who have produced E!'s signature "Live from the Red Carpet" series for over two decades providing cross platform, in depth coverage of Hollywood's biggest award shows.

[12/14/17 - 08:33 AM]
CNBC's "Jay Leno's Garage" Revs Up for New Episodes This January
Six all-new episodes featuring dangerous stunts, top speeds and intense inclines... always guaranteed to be a wild ride!

[12/14/17 - 08:31 AM]
"Bizarre Foods" with Andrew Zimmern Returns on Tuesday, January 23 at 9 p.m. ET/PT with a Larger-Than-Life Trek Down the Paul Bunyan Trail
The seven-episode season is a celebration of Zimmern's boundless appetite for culinary history and its cultural impact on a location.

[12/14/17 - 08:11 AM]
Wednesday's Broadcast Ratings: FOX Tops Demos in Fall Finale Showdown
The network leads the night among adults 18-49 while CBS tops the charts in total viewers.

[12/14/17 - 08:00 AM]
Netflix Announces New Series "On My Block" - Get Your First Look!
The series, co-created by Lauren Iungerich and Eddie Gonzalez & Jeremy Haft, is a coming-of-age comedy about four bright and street-savvy friends navigating their way through the triumph, pain and the newness of high school set in the rough inner city.

[12/14/17 - 07:00 AM]
Legendary Queens Return to Battle for the Crown on "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" Thursday, January 25 at 8:00 PM ET/PT
"The rumors are 100% true, baby," said executive producer and host RuPaul. "The 'All Stars' three debut delivers my most legendary queens, and they're fired up and ready to take over the mother-tucking world. #RealNews #FakeEyelashes."

[12/14/17 - 06:06 AM]
Netflix to Launch New True Crime Series in January 2018
"Dirty Money" (January 26) and "Rotten" (January 5) uncover the pervasive greed and misconduct behind some of the world's biggest corporations and the global food production industry.

[12/14/17 - 04:13 AM]
21st Century Fox to Spin off Businesses and Create New "Fox"; a Growth Company Centered on Live News and Sports Brands and the Iconic Fox Brand
The new "Fox" will include iconic branded properties Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Sports, Fox Television Stations Group, and sports cable networks FS1, FS2, Fox Deportes and Big Ten Network (BTN).

[12/14/17 - 04:01 AM]
The Walt Disney Company to Acquire Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., after Spinoff of Certain Businesses, for $52.4 Billion in Stock
Immediately prior to the acquisition, 21st Century Fox will separate the Fox Broadcasting network and stations, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, FS1, FS2 and Big Ten Network into a newly listed company that will be spun off to its shareholders.

[12/13/17 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, December 13
Updates include: ABC pulls "The Great American Baking Show," fires judge Johnny Iuzzini; Saladin K. Patterson to run "The Last O.G." at TBS; and Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson extends overall deal with Starz.

[12/13/17 - 04:00 PM]
Bryan Cranston to Guest Host Tonight's Broadcast of "The Late Late Show with James Corden"
Cranston will fill in while James Corden enjoys time with his family following the birth of his daughter yesterday.

[12/13/17 - 02:39 PM]
The Biggest Night in "Lip Sync Battle" History Celebrates the Biggest Name in Music History
"Lip Sync Battle Live: A Michael Jackson Celebration," a one-hour special, airs Thursday, January 18 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/13/17 - 01:00 PM]
Fox Broadcasting Company and 20th Century Fox Film Partner to Debut First-Ever Live Theatrical Commercial
Holiday tentpole "The Greatest Showman" will debut a live, two-and-a-half minute commercial during the network's upcoming three-hour live musical event, "A Christmas Story Live!"

[12/13/17 - 12:14 PM]
Comedy Series "High Maintenance," Created by Katja Blichfeld and Ben Sinclair, Returns for Second Season Jan. 19 on HBO
New guest stars this season include Danielle Brooks, John Gallagher, Jr., Jessica Hecht, Luzer Twersky and Kate Lyn Sheil.

[12/13/17 - 11:20 AM]
Paramount Network Teams Up with mitu to Develop "Browntown," A New Sketch Comedy Series
Featuring a prominent multicultural cast of emerging comics, improv actors, popular social influencers and celebrity cameos, "Browntown," will be set in a fictional, predominantly Latino neighborhood, designed to reflect today's diverse America.

[12/13/17 - 11:20 AM]
Bebe Rexha to Kick Off "A Christmas Story Live!" with Performance of New Original Song "Count on Christmas"
The song was written specifically for the live musical event by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, Tony Award winners for the musical "Dear Evan Hansen," and lyricists of "La La Land's" Academy Award-winning song, "City of Stars."

[12/13/17 - 11:10 AM]
Four-Part Documentary Event "The Defiant Ones" Wins IDA Documentary Award for Best Limited Series
The documentary recently received a Grammy nomination in the category of Best Music Film.

[12/13/17 - 10:03 AM]
America's Leading True Crime Network, Investigation Discovery and Bestselling Author, James Patterson Write the Book on Intrigue and Deceit in All-New Series, "Murder Is Forever"
Patterson's first foray into true-crime television, based upon the authentic stories featured in his upcoming paperback books - is set to debut on Monday, January 22 at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/13/17 - 10:03 AM]
"The Vet Life" Returns with Cy-Fair Animal Hospital's Unwavering Dedication to the Animals of the Texas Community in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey
The third season of "The Vet Life" premieres Saturday, January 13 at 10:00/9:00c on Animal Planet.

[12/13/17 - 09:58 AM]
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Announces 2018 Inductees
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2018 Induction Ceremony will again have its television premiere on HBO, and a radio broadcast on SiriusXM.

[12/13/17 - 09:01 AM]
ABC Announces the Midseason Return of "Designated Survivor" in 2018
The series will resume its sophomore run on Wednesday, February 28 at 10:00/9:00c.

  [december 2017]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/24/24 - 01:15 PM]
ABC News' "Nightline" Ranks No. 1 in Key Adult Demos for the Week of Dec. 16 Versus CBS' "After Midnight" and NBC's "Late Night with Seth Meyers"
"Nightline" saw gains year to year in Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49.

[12/24/24 - 01:01 PM]
Video: "American Primeval" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A mother and son fleeing from their past form a found family while confronting a harsh landscape of freedom and cruelty in the American West.

[12/24/24 - 12:01 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 16: "Carry-On" Flies to First Again in Netflix's Top 10 This Week
Season 6 of "Virgin River" starring Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson debuted on top of the English TV List with 8.1 million views.

[12/24/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 6 - Part 3 Date Announcement - Netflix
Granted one final chance to finish the Sekai Taikai, Daniel, Johnny and the team lay it all on the line in the ultimate championship showdown.

[12/23/24 - 02:36 PM]
College Football Playoff Scores 10.6 Million Average Viewers Across ESPN Platforms and TNT Sports
Tennessee/Ohio State and Indiana/Notre Dame on ESPN/ABC become two of top three most-watched games of the season.

[12/23/24 - 01:22 PM]
"Yellowstone" 5B Finale Continues Its Record-Breaking Run with 13.1M Total Viewers in L3 Marking the Biggest Episode in Series History
Said run marked the most watched season in the series' history with 13.6M total viewers.

[12/23/24 - 01:15 PM]
For the 4th Consecutive Year, ABC News' "20/20" Is Friday's No. 1 Newsmagazine Across the Board
"20/20" outdelivered "Dateline" in all key target demos for the 4th consecutive year - since 2021.

[12/23/24 - 01:02 PM]
NBC Is Set to Ring in the New Year with a Live Broadcast of the 136th Rose Parade Presented by Honda on Wednesday, Jan. 1
"Today" co-anchor Hoda Kotb and weather and feature anchor Al Roker will return to the booth for this year's telecast from "TV Corner."

[12/23/24 - 11:13 AM]
Award-Winning Danish Miniseries "Bullshit" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, January 30, 2025 on Viaplay
This coming-of-age Danish language historical drama tells the powerful story of a group of lost and rebellious youths who find community and belonging in the hardcore biker gang "Bullshit," but leads to a world of brutal conflict.

[12/23/24 - 10:40 AM]
Max Renews Original Adult Animated Series "Creature Commandos," from DC Studios, for Second Season
New episodes debut weekly every Thursday on Max, with the season one finale dropping January 9.

[12/23/24 - 10:31 AM]
As an Early Holiday Gift to Fans Hallmark Announces That Its Hit Reality Competition Series, "Finding Mr. Christmas," Is Renewed for a Second Season
"Bringing this show to life was such a dream come true," said Jonathan Bennett. "There're definitely more stories to be told in season two and so much more fun to be had. We're really just scratching the surface here."

[12/23/24 - 10:02 AM]
"TMZ Investigates: Luigi Mangione: The Mind of a Killer" Premieres Monday, January 6 at 8/7c on FOX and the Next Day on Hulu
TMZ exclusively speaks to several sources who say, despite his charismatic personality, Mangione also displayed a dark side and uncovers shocking new details about how he became enraged by corporate greed before quietly plotting to kill a healthcare CEO.

[12/23/24 - 10:00 AM]
HBO Original Comedy Special "Bill Maher: Is Anyone Else Seeing This?" Debuts January 10
Host of the award-winning series "Real Time with Bill Maher," acclaimed comedian and satirist Bill Maher serves up another dose of reality in his 13th HBO stand-up special.

[12/23/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Going Dutch" Season 1 First Look - FOX TV
Tune in for the series premiere Thursday, January 2 on FOX and next day on Hulu.

[12/23/24 - 08:58 AM]
Cedric the Entertainer Serves Up a Double Dose of Laughter with Special Editions of "The Greatest @Home Videos"
Look for "Holiday Edition" on December 27 and "Cedy Awards" on January 3.