
    [saturday, february 20, 2021]    
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[02/20/21 - 09:01 AM]
Nick Jonas to Pull Double Duty as "Saturday Night Live" Host and Musical Guest on Feb. 27
Jonas will perform his newly announced single, "Spaceman," due out February 25.

[02/20/21 - 08:01 AM]
Friday's Broadcast Ratings: ABC, CBS & FOX Share Demo Honors
The Eye however remains the night's most-watched broadcaster overall.

[02/19/21 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Friday, February 19
Updates include: Paramount+ eyes "Criminal Minds" revival series; Tom Riley joins Kristen Bell in Netflix's "The Woman in the House"; and Eve to star in ABC's drama pilot "Queens."

[02/19/21 - 02:13 PM]
"Holmes Family Effect" Airs as a Special Two-Night Event on Tuesday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 23 on FOX
The series follows TV icon and professional contractor Mike Holmes, his daughter, Sherry, and son, Michael, as they tackle their most important projects to date.

[02/19/21 - 02:00 PM]
discovery+ True Crime Highlights - Weeks of March 1 and March 8
Highlights include the specials "In Pursuit: The Missing" and "Unraveled: The Long Island Serial Killer" as well as the new series "The Deadly Type with Candice DeLong."

[02/19/21 - 01:49 PM]
The 2021 Apple TV+ Guide. New Year. New Movies. New Shows. New Seasons.
The streaming service recaps its nearly two dozen current offerings and future premieres.

[02/19/21 - 01:15 PM]
Marc Buhaj to Lead Unscripted Series and Specials for Disney Branded Television
A 14-year veteran of Disney, he will now oversee a nonfiction portfolio spanning documentaries and docu-series, unscripted formats, variety and specials for Disney+, and unscripted series and specials for Disney Channels.

[02/19/21 - 01:06 PM]
Unlock the Past, Uncover the Truth - Meet Detectives Molly McGee and Alex O'Connell When "The Gloaming" Premieres March 21 on Starz
The eight-episode series launches Sunday, March 21 at 9:00/8:00c.

[02/19/21 - 12:31 PM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils First Look at New and Returning Apple Originals at the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour 2021
Apple TV+ also revealed a glimpse at buzz-worthy, upcoming Apple Original series including "Foundation," "Mr. Corman" and "The Shrink Next Door."

[02/19/21 - 12:30 PM]
"Schmigadoon!," From Executive Producer Lorne Michaels and Starring Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key, to Premiere Globally This Summer on Apple TV+
The duo play a couple on a backpacking trip designed to reinvigorate their relationship when they discover a magical town in which everyone is living in a studio musical from the 1940s.

[02/19/21 - 11:30 AM]
Nova "Looking for Life on Mars" Goes Inside the Mission to Search for Life on the Red Planet
The special premieres Wednesday, February 24 on PBS and will be available for streaming online and on the PBS video app.

[02/19/21 - 11:29 AM]
HBO Max Orders New Series "Subject to Change," An Original Idea from J.J. Abrams, with Executive Producer and Showrunner Jennifer Yale
This series follows a desperate college student who signs up for a clinical trial that begins a wild, harrowing, mind and reality-bending adventure.

[02/19/21 - 11:16 AM]
Acclaimed Apple Original Comedy "Mythic Quest," From Creators Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day and Megan Ganz, Returns May 7, 2021
With the quarantine finally over, season two of "Mythic Quest" finds everyone back in the office (well, almost everyone), attempting to build upon the success of Raven's Banquet by launching an epic new expansion.

[02/19/21 - 10:50 AM]
Apple TV+ Reveals First Look at "Lisey's Story," From Creator Stephen King and Starring Academy Award Winner Julianne Moore and Golden Globe Award Winner Clive Owen
The eight-episode series will make its global debut this summer on Apple TV+.

[02/19/21 - 10:21 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Debuts Official Trailer for Robert Kirkman's "Invincible"
The first three episodes of season one will premiere Friday, March 26, with new episodes available each Friday following, culminating in an action-packed season finale April 30.

[02/19/21 - 10:03 AM]
"South ParQ" Returns with "South ParQ Vaccination Special"
The hour-long supersized episode premieres on Wednesday, March 10 at 8:00/7:00c.

[02/19/21 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "DOTA: Dragon's Blood" - Teaser - Netflix
The sweeping fantasy series based off of the DOTA2 universe tells the story of Davion, a renowned Dragon Knight devoted to wiping the scourge from the face of the world.

[02/19/21 - 09:30 AM]
Apple's Gripping Drama "The Mosquito Coast," Starring Justin Theroux and Melissa George, to Debut Globally April 30 on Apple TV+
The news was unveiled today at the Television Critics Association Winter 2021 Press Tour, along with a first look at the Apple Original series.

[02/19/21 - 09:06 AM]
Apple TV+ Unveils First Look at Highly Anticipated Dramedy "Physical"
The 10-episode Apple Original series will make its global premiere this summer on Apple TV+.

[02/19/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Country Comfort" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After hitting the skids in her career, an aspiring country singer finds new life as a nanny for a handsome widower and his five charming children.

[02/19/21 - 08:49 AM]
"The Knick" and "Banshee" Come to HBO Max on Saturday, Feb. 20 and Tuesday, Feb. 23 Respectively
The streaming service confirmed the news on social media this morning.

[02/19/21 - 08:42 AM]
Thursday's Broadcast Ratings: ABC, CBS & FOX Split Demo Honors
The Eye's "Young Sheldon" and the Alphabet's "Celebrity Wheel of Fortune" lead a competitive Thursday.

[02/19/21 - 08:27 AM]
Bravo's "Below Deck" Joins "Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen" for a Virtual Reunion on Monday, February 22, at 9PM ET/PT
Host Andy Cohen joins the My Seanna crew, Captain Lee, Eddie Lucas, Francesca Rubi, Rachel Hargrove, Elizabeth Frankini, Ashling Lorger, Izzy Wouters, James Hough, and Shane Coopersmith.

[02/19/21 - 08:02 AM]
Tom Hardy to Star in and Produce "Havoc" from Gareth Evans for Netflix
Evans has signed an exclusive deal with Netflix to produce and direct films for the studio for the next several years.

[02/19/21 - 06:59 AM]
"Zack Snyder's Justice League" Will Be Made Available Worldwide in All Markets Day and Date with the US on Thursday, March 18*
The exceptions are in China, France and Japan, where the release dates are to be determined.

[02/19/21 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Sky Rojo" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A fatal turn of events at a brothel sends three women haunted by their pasts on a wild run from their pimp and his henchmen.

[02/19/21 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Formula 1: Drive to Survive" (Season 3) - Official Teaser - Netflix
During a shortened 2020 season, Lewis Hamilton, Daniel Ricciardo and other top drivers pursue checkered flags as COVID-19 turns the world upside down.

[02/19/21 - 02:31 AM]
Sky Renews "I Hate Suzie" for Second Season
The Billie Piper-led series airs on HBO Max in the United States.

[02/18/21 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, February 18
Updates include: Kate McKinnon exits Hulu's "The Dropout"; CBS mulls "FBI: International" spin-off series; and "The Flash's" John Wesley Shipp to visit "DC's Stargirl."

[02/18/21 - 03:00 PM]
Critically Acclaimed Comedy Series "The Moodys" to Premiere Thursday, April 1, on FOX
Starring and executive-produced by Emmy Award and Golden Globe nominees Denis Leary and Elizabeth Perkins, the series follows a tight-knit, but slightly dysfunctional, family through their misadventures.

[02/18/21 - 12:19 PM]
discovery+ Announces March Programming Slate
In addition to exciting premieres across categories, the March slate includes exclusive titles such as "Cocktails and Tall Tales with Ina Garten and Melissa McCarthy" and OWN's "Super Soul," a spin-off of Oprah Winfrey's Emmy(R)-award winning show.

[02/18/21 - 12:10 PM]
Video: AMC Networks Release New Series Trailers and Images from TCA
Get your first look at "Bloodlands," "Creepshow," "Millennials" and "Kevin Can F**k Himself."

[02/18/21 - 11:09 AM]
Video: EPIX Releases New Full-Length Teaser Trailer for "Godfather of Harlem" Season 2 and Announces Premiere Date of April 18
The new season finds Bumpy Johnson battling the New York Crime Families for control of the lucrative and murderous "French Connection," the pipeline for heroin that runs from Marseilles to New York Harbor.

[02/18/21 - 11:00 AM]
ABC Orders "The Celebrity Dating Game" Hosted by Actress and Singer-Songwriter Zooey Deschanel and Multiple Grammy(R)-Winning Singer-Songwriter Michael Bolton
Offering the same iconic feel as the original classic dating show, each episode follows two celebrities who each pick one lucky suitor from a hidden panel of three bachelors and/or bachelorettes based on answers to a variety of questions.

[02/18/21 - 09:30 AM]
TLC's Newest Family "The Blended Bunch" Find Love After Devastating Loss as Two Widows Combine Their 11 Children Into One Family
Premiering on Tuesday, March 16, the series will feature the Shemwells, a large, newly blended family that will face all kinds of challenges as they merge 11 children under one roof and adjust to a new life in Utah.

[02/18/21 - 09:13 AM]
Jamie Foxx Returns to His TV Sitcom Roots in "Dad Stop Embarrassing Me!", A New Comedy Coming to Netflix on April 14
David Alan Grier and Kyla-Drew also star in the series.

[02/18/21 - 09:09 AM]
William Hurt, Maude Apatow and More Join the Cast of AMC's "Pantheon"
AMC Studios also announced that it has entered into an exclusive, multi-year overall deal with series creator and showrunner Craig Silverstein to develop and produce new series for AMC Networks' Entertainment Group as well as other content companies.

[02/18/21 - 09:08 AM]
Bill Nighy Set to Narrate BBC America's "Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty"
A co-production with Oxford Scientific Films, the 13, half-hour episodes will premiere this summer as part of BBC America's "Wonderstruck" programming line-up.

[02/18/21 - 09:07 AM]
AMC, BBC America, IFC and WE tv Announce Upcoming Premiere Dates for New and Returning Original Series and Specials
Several series will be available early on AMC+, the company's new premium streaming bundle.

[02/18/21 - 09:06 AM]
"Covenant": ALLBLK Greenlights Anthology Drama Series Based on Classic Bible Stories from Kaye Singleton
Each episode will reimagine a classic story as it would take place in the modern world - challenging viewers to examine how sacred lessons of faith and love fit into today's society.

[02/18/21 - 09:05 AM]
AMC and Alibi Commission New Serial Killer Thriller "Ragdoll" from Sid Gentle Films
The pitch black and darkly witted thriller will be adapted into six parts, with a writing team led by Freddy Syborn.

[02/18/21 - 09:04 AM]
Shudder's Monster Hit "Creepshow" Renewed for a Third Season
The renewal comes ahead of the series' season two debut on Shudder and AMC+, the premium streaming bundle, on April 1, with new episodes airing each week.

[02/18/21 - 09:03 AM]
Shudder and AMC Announce Greenlight of Untitled Black Horror Anthology
The project will feature new work from both established and emerging talents, expanding on a legacy of Black genre filmmaking whose first hundred years was explored in Shudder's critically acclaimed 2019 documentary, "Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror."

[02/18/21 - 09:02 AM]
AMC+ Scores a Trio of Acclaimed Crime Dramas Making Exclusive U.S. Debuts on the Premium Streaming Bundle This Year
BRON Studios' and Headline Pictures' "Kin," starring Charlie Cox, Clare Dunne and BAFTA-nominated actor Aidan Gillen, will launch this fall as an AMC+ Original.

[02/18/21 - 09:01 AM]
New Series, Films, Specials and More from AMC Networks' Suite of Targeted Streaming Services This Spring
This spring, AMC Networks' targeted streaming services will bring viewers an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, fan-favorite franchises, highly-anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder and Sundance Now.

[02/18/21 - 09:00 AM]
Starz Set Series Regulars for "Power Book IV: Force"
The latest spin-off centers on fan-favorite character Tommy Egan, played by Joseph Sikora, after he cuts ties and puts New York in his rearview mirror for good.

[02/18/21 - 08:59 AM]
The History Channel Greenlights "Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre" (working title) to Air to Coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre Tragic Events
The network will also join the Russell Westbrook Why Not? Foundation, Endeavor, RedFlight Innovation and Values Partnerships to create an educational and experiential campaign focused on the history and legacy of Tulsa's Black Wall street.

[02/18/21 - 08:22 AM]
Wednesday's Broadcast Ratings: "Chicago" Dramas Keep NBC on Top
The network takes home top honors in both total viewers and adults 18-49.

[02/18/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Mortal Kombat" - Official Restricted Trailer - HBO Max
"Mortal Kombat" is in theaters April 16 and streaming exclusively on HBO Max at 12:01 am PT/3:01 am ET.

[02/18/21 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Fate: The Winx Saga" - Season 2 Is Coming! - Netflix
Determined to master their enchanting powers, a group of teens navigate rivalry, romance and supernatural studies at Alfea, a magical boarding school.

  [february 2021]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/18/24 - 03:12 PM]
Netflix Announces New Sports Series Following College Football's Preeminent Powerhouse - The SEC
The Netflix Sports Series follows the entire 2024 college football season and will premiere in Summer 2025.

[12/18/24 - 01:30 PM]
"Landman" Explodes Becoming the #1 Paramount+ Original of All Time Garnering 14.9M Global Households
New episodes are available to stream every Sunday exclusively on Paramount+.

[12/18/24 - 12:34 PM]
Airing on "Masterpiece" in 2025 and Beyond
"Masterpiece" returns for a stellar 55th season in 2025, dishing up headline-making new series plus returning favorites, stunning costume dramas, addictive mysteries, and A-list actors from Damian Lewis to Keeley Hawes, Kate Phillips to Hugh Bonneville.

[12/18/24 - 11:04 AM]
Get Ready to Send It When Bravo's "Summer House" Returns Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 9 P.M. ET/PT
The returning housemates are Amanda Batula, Kyle Cooke, Paige DeSorbo, Lindsay Hubbard, Ciara Miller, Gabby Prescod, Carl Radke, Jesse Solomon and West Wilson.

[12/18/24 - 11:03 AM]
Discovery Channel January Programming Highlights
This January, all-new series "Harpoon Hunters," premieres on Discovery Channel alongside new seasons of "Moonshiners: Master Distiller," "Expedition X," "Expedition Bigfoot," and "Outback Opal Hunters."

[12/18/24 - 10:39 AM]
"The Challenge" Brings Fan-Favorite Rivals Twist to All Stars in New Season
"The Challenge All Stars: Rivals" will premiere Wednesday, January 29 at 8PM ET/PT on MTV.

[12/18/24 - 10:28 AM]
AXS TV Presents "Hangover from Hell" - A New Year's Day Marathon Featuring 16 Fiery Episodes of "Hell's Kitchen" on Wed., Jan. 1 Starting at 12 PM EST
"Hangover from Hell" will feature some of the most memorable and heated moments from the series, guaranteeing an entertaining start to the new year.

[12/18/24 - 10:21 AM]
"Live with Kelly and Mark" Hits Season Highs in Total Viewers, Households and Women 25-54 with Best Numbers Since April
In addition, "Live" posted week-to-week gains of +12% in Women 25-54 (0.47 rating vs. 0.42 rating), hitting a season high and posting the show's second week of growth in the demographic with its best delivery in three months.

[12/18/24 - 09:31 AM]
Discovery Follows Elite New England Fisherman as They Spear Big Game Fish Worth Thousands in "Harpoon Hunters," Premiering January 24 at 9PM ET/PT
Each summer on Cape Cod, multi-generational fishing families race against the clock - and each other - to catch highly valuable Atlantic bluefin tuna using only 10-foot electrified spears.

[12/18/24 - 09:20 AM]
Shocking True Crime Docuseries "The Bunker" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, January 16, 2025 on Viaplay
The three-part documentary follows a woman revisiting her past trauma of being abducted, held in a bunker, and making a shocking escape.

[12/18/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Molly-Mae: Behind It All" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Molly-Mae: Behind It All" will take you beyond the headlines of the UK's #1 influencer to uncover the real Molly-Mae.

[12/18/24 - 08:57 AM]
ABC News Announces Two-Hour Primetime Special - "The Year: 2024" - Hosted by "Good Morning America" Co-Anchor Robin Roberts
This two-hour primetime special revisits the most iconic and memorable moments of this year, from the historic news events, social trends and legal decisions in the headlines to the breakout stars, celebrities and champions who had everyone talking.

[12/18/24 - 08:32 AM]
Spend Christmas Day with Disney+
This Christmas Day, Disney+ is offering subscribers a robust slate of live programming, new Originals, and holiday favorites, plus an exclusive offer to make the holiday even brighter.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Gather 'Round Faithfuls! Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for Season 3 of "The Traitors"
Following the three-episode premiere on January 9, new episodes will drop weekly on Thursdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET, with the finale and reunion set for March 6 on Peacock.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Netflix & Skydance Sports Announce New Docuseries on Tennis Icon Rafael Nadal
One of the greatest tennis players of all time, Rafael Nadal reflects on the milestones that defined him and the final chapter of his legendary journey.