
    [thursday, april 08, 2021]    
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[04/08/21 - 11:36 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, April 8
Updates include: CBS taps leads of "How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men's Feelings"; Renée Elise Goldsberry cast in "She-Hulk" at Disney+; and Eli Goree scores role on Amazon's "The Peripheral."

[04/08/21 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Milestone" - Official Trailer - Ivan Ayr, Suvinder Vicky, Lakshvir Saran - Netflix India
A newly bereaved trucker, a legacy to be passed down, and a milestone that comes with its own consequences.

[04/08/21 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "Law School" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a grim incident occurs at their prestigious school, justice through law is put to a test by a tough law professor and his ambitious students.

[04/08/21 - 02:31 PM]
"American Skin" Makes Its Streaming Debut on BET+ Next Week
The film follows a Black Iraqi War Vet, Lincoln Jefferson (Nate Parker), who after being denied a fair trial following the shooting death of his teenage son by a white police officer, desperately seeks justice and accountability for his son's death.

[04/08/21 - 11:31 AM]
Netflix and Sony Pictures Entertainment Sign Pay-one U.S. Licensing Deal for Feature Films
Under the deal, Netflix will obtain first pay window rights to SPE titles following their theatrical and home entertainment windows.

[04/08/21 - 11:15 AM]
Jamie Lee Curtis, Keith David, Kevin Smith & More Among Presenters for 2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards
The ceremony, which recognizes outstanding achievement in horror film and television, will premiere Sunday, April 18 at 8:00/7:00c exclusively on Shudder.

[04/08/21 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "The Woman in the Window" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Anna Fox (Amy Adams) feels safest when she's watching the world from behind her window; until the Russell family moves in across the street, and she witnesses something unimaginable.

[04/08/21 - 10:16 AM]
Peacock Orders "Queer as Folk" from UCP and Creator Stephen Dunn to Series
The series is a vibrant reimagining of the groundbreaking British series created by Russell T. Davies, exploring a diverse group of friends in New Orleans whose lives are transformed in the aftermath of a tragedy.

[04/08/21 - 10:05 AM]
Wednesday's Broadcast Ratings: "The Masked Singer" Leads Demo Race for FOX
The show's latest installment leads the night in adults 18-49 while NBC's dramas are the most-watched programs overall.

[04/08/21 - 10:05 AM]
OWN Announces Cast Members for "The Kings of Napa," From Acclaimed Creator/Showrunner Janine Sherman Barrois
The series is focused on a gorgeous and picturesque Napa Valley, California vineyard owned by the Kings, an aspirational African American family whose wealth and status lands them on the pages of design magazines and society pages.

[04/08/21 - 10:00 AM]
Freeform's "The Bold Type" Returns for Its Fifth and Final Season on May 26
A signature hit for the network, the farewell episodes of the fan-favorite series will celebrate the trio's journey into becoming who they were each meant to be.

[04/08/21 - 09:05 AM]
Find Out What Really Happens When a Man Falls for a Stranger in the New discovery+ True Crime Special "When Philip Met Missy"
The two-hour special drops Tuesday, April 27 on the streaming service.

[04/08/21 - 09:02 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Drama Series "The Chi" Probes the South Side's Relationship with the Police in Fourth Season Trailer
This season will look at the wide-ranging effects of policing in the Black community after Jake (Michael V. Epps) has a fateful run-in with a group of officers.

[04/08/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Disney+
Start streaming Season 2 of "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series" on May 14.

[04/08/21 - 09:00 AM]
Apple Orders "The Crowded Room," Starring Tom Holland and Created by Academy Award Winner Akiva Goldsman
The anthology series will explore the true and inspirational stories of those who have struggled and learned to successfully live with mental illness.

[04/08/21 - 08:34 AM]
All New Season of "Saints & Sinners" Premieres Sunday, April 11 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT On Bounce
New episodes will premiere Sunday nights and pickup following the events of the first-ever "Saints & Sinners" movie "Judgment Day" which aired in February.

[04/08/21 - 08:23 AM]
HGTV Orders 43 New Episodes of Three Fan-Favorite Series Slated to Air in 2021
"Love It or List It," "Selling the Big Easy" and "Vacation House Rules" are all due back.

[04/08/21 - 08:20 AM]
Lifetime Presents Variety's Power of Women the Comedians Special Honoring Michaela Coel, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mindy Kaling, Kate McKinnon, Maya Rudolph and Sofia Vergara
The one-hour special will premiere Monday, May 10 at 8:00/7:00c.

[04/08/21 - 08:01 AM]
Date Change for Upcoming Shudder Original "Fried Barry" - Critically Acclaimed Sci-Fi Horror Film Shifts to May 7th
The film moves from the previously announced release of Thursday, May 6.

[04/08/21 - 08:01 AM]
Aml Ameen, Ronnie Rowe Jr. and Mouna Traore Set to Co-Star in New CBC and BET+ Original Series "The Porter"
The series is set to start production in Winnipeg, Manitoba later this spring, more additions to the cast will be announced in the coming weeks.

[04/08/21 - 07:31 AM]
Netflix Confirms Start of Production of New Series, "He's Expecting"
Based on the manga of the same name by Eri Sakai, the show humorously reverses the lifestyles of men and women and explores the differences between them, centered around the question, "What if a man became pregnant?"

[04/08/21 - 07:10 AM]
Jimmie Allen and Gabby Barrett Announced as ACM(R) New Male and Female Artist of the Year
ACM Awards Host Keith Urban recorded a personalized video card to surprise both Allen and Barrett with the news.

[04/08/21 - 07:02 AM]
Starz Celebrates Black Women, Friendship & Harlem in "Run the World," Premiering Globally on May 16th
The series follows a group of smart, funny, and vibrant thirty-something Black women - fiercely loyal best friends - who live, work and play in Harlem.

[04/08/21 - 06:59 AM]
Video: "Cher & The Loneliest Elephant" - Trailer - Paramount+
Stream it early on Earth Day, April 22, only on Paramount+.

[04/08/21 - 06:03 AM]
discovery+ Launches on Xfinity Flex and Soon on X1
"The launch of discovery+ on Xfinity Flex, and very soon on X1, gives our customers access to more of the best entertainment from one of the newest streaming services on the market," said Rebecca Heap, SVP, Video and Entertainment, Comcast Cable.

[04/07/21 - 11:08 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, April 7
Updates include: CBS cancels "MacGyver" after five seasons; ABC nixes freshman game show "Don't"; and Nick Offerman signs onto Hulu's "Pam & Tommy."

[04/07/21 - 02:11 PM]
Greetings from Byron Baes, Australia
Eureka Productions is behind the Netflix original series, a love letter to one of the world's most perfect playgrounds.

[04/07/21 - 02:00 PM]
FOX Announces Summer 2021 Schedule
The latest additions include "Mental Samurai" (May 25), "Crime Scene Kitchen" (May 26), "Hell's Kitchen: Young Guns" (May 31), "Lego(R) Masters" (June 1), "MasterChef: Legends" (June 2) and "Beat Shazam" (June 3).

[04/07/21 - 02:00 PM]
BBC America to Air the 2021 EE British Academy Film Awards in Primetime on Sunday, April 11 at 9p/8c
The ceremony will be hosted by Edith Bowman and Dermot O'Leary and will be broadcast in primetime exclusively in the U.S. on the cable channel.

[04/07/21 - 01:49 PM]
Revealing the Cast That Will Bring "From Scratch" to Screen
Zoe Saldana stars in the Netflix series as Amy Wheeler, a young woman from Texas who arrives wide-eyed in Italy, searching for a life full of beauty and adventure.

[04/07/21 - 01:06 PM]
The CW to Air the Hopeful Environmental Documentary "2040" on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22
"2040" is a documentary film that explores a positive vision of the future where humanity has solved climate change, with solutions well within reach today.

[04/07/21 - 11:09 AM]
E!'s "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" to Conclude Final Season with Reunion Special Hosted by Andy Cohen
After 20 seasons, host Andy Cohen will sit down with Kris, Kim, Khloé, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie and Scott to discuss the biggest moments from their era-defining series.

[04/07/21 - 11:01 AM]
ABC Announces Summer 2021 Premiere Dates
Three new series make their debut alongside 11 of the most popular and well-known titles on television.

[04/07/21 - 11:00 AM]
Joel McHale to Host All-New Baking Competition Series "Crime Scene Kitchen," Premiering Wednesday, May 26, on FOX
The series is a culinary guessing game in which bakers are tasked with decoding what type of dessert was made, when all that's left are the crumbs, flour trails and a few elusive clues.

[04/07/21 - 10:09 AM]
Paul Schneider, Angela Sarafyan, and Jacob Lofland Lead Cast in Blumhouse's "A House on the Bayou" for EPIX(R)
The film, from writer/director Alex McAulay, will premiere on EPIX in late 2021.

[04/07/21 - 10:06 AM]
Shudder Orders Fourth Season of Groundbreaking Drag Competition Series "The Boulet Brothers' Dragula"
The Shudder Original Series will debut exclusively on the streamer day and date in all territories, alongside the previous three critically acclaimed seasons.

[04/07/21 - 10:03 AM]
Tuesday's Broadcast Ratings: "NCIS" Puts CBS on Top in Viewers, Demos
The Eye pulls in front among total viewers and adults 18-49.

[04/07/21 - 10:02 AM]
HBO Concert Special "Piano Y Mujer" Debuts Exclusively on HBO Max and HBO Latino on April 16
Detroit-born pianist Arthur Hanlon, an Irish American, who has devoted his career to Latin music, joins five female artists representing five different countries and musical styles.

[04/07/21 - 09:52 AM]
"Murderous History" - All-New Six Part Series Premieres Sunday April 25 at 9PM ET/PT on Smithsonian Channel(TM)
From the devastatingly bombed streets of London to industrial Chicago to Nazi Berlin, each episode captures nail-biting criminal investigations to prove that everything is not always what it seems.

[04/07/21 - 09:32 AM]
Video: "The Crime of the Century" - Official Teaser - HBO
The two-part HBO original documentary, from Emmy and Academy Award winner Alex Gibney, is a searing indictment of Big Pharma and their responsibility for manufacturing the very crisis they profit from.

[04/07/21 - 09:30 AM]
Classic Variety Series "Kids Say the Darndest Things," Hosted by Emmy(R) and Grammy(R) Award-Winning Actress and Comedian Tiffany Haddish, to Premiere Wednesday, May 5 on CBS
The reimagined series showcases Tiffany Haddish's unparalleled comedy talents, using her singular voice, humor and life perspective to interact with real kids from across the country in an honest, unpredictable and hilarious way.

[04/07/21 - 09:20 AM]
Ovation TV Sets Sail for "Riviera" Season Two on Saturday May 8
As previously announced, Ovation TV, America's only arts network, has acquired the U.S. broadcast rights for the second season of the Julia Stiles-led drama series.

[04/07/21 - 09:09 AM]
Bravo's "Project Runway" Returns for Season 19
The high-stakes and fierce fashions will take the runway with Christian Siriano, Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth, with Karlie Kloss making guest appearances.

[04/07/21 - 09:08 AM]
Apple Reveals Series Title for Jon Stewart's Highly Anticipated Return to Television as "The Problem with Jon Stewart," to Debut in Fall 2021 on Apple TV+
The new, original current affairs series marks Stewart's return to television since his 20-time Emmy Award-winning run on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" came to a close in 2015.

[04/07/21 - 09:01 AM]
Documentary Feature "Lucy the Human Chimp" to Stream in the U.S. Exclusively on HBO Max
The documentary feature tells the profound story of Lucy Temerlin, a female chimpanzee raised as human from birth in a domestic environment, and Janis Carter, the woman who took on the seemingly impossible task of giving her a new life in the wild.

[04/07/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Sons of Sam: A Descent Into Darkness" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The Son of Sam case grew into a lifelong obsession for journalist Maury Terry, who became convinced that the murders were linked to a satanic cult.

[04/07/21 - 08:59 AM]
New Episodes of HGTV Hit Series "Flip or Flop" Starring Tarek El Moussa and Christina Haack Return Thursday, April 29, at 9 PM ET/PT
Attracting more than 24 million viewers this season to date, the business partners will continue to buy, renovate and sell rundown properties with potential in Southern California while co-parenting their kids.

[04/07/21 - 08:31 AM]
New Season of "Bar Rescue" Premieres on Sunday, May 2nd at 10/9c on Paramount Network
As the restaurant/bar industry suffers due to the pandemic, this season will focus on the city of Las Vegas and will reach its 200th episode.

[04/07/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Why Did You Kill Me?" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The line between justice and revenge blurs when a devastated family uses social media to track down the people who killed 24-year-old Crystal Theobald.

[04/07/21 - 08:01 AM]
"The Tomorrow War" Starring Chris Pratt Launching Exclusively Worldwide on Amazon Prime Video on July 2, 2021
Yvonne Strahovski, Betty Gilpin, Sam Richardson, Edwin Hodge, and J.K. Simmons also star in the film, from director Chris McKay.

  [april 2021]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/17/24 - 03:31 PM]
ABC News' "Nightline" Ranks No. 1 in All Key Demos for the Week of Dec. 9 Versus CBS' "After Midnight" and NBC's "Late Night With Seth Meyers"
"Nightline" posted double-digit gains week to week across the board: Total Viewers (+16% - 840,000 vs. 725,000), Adults 25-54 (+76% - 215,000 vs. 122,000) and Adults 18-49 (+90% - 129,000 vs. 68,000).

[12/17/24 - 03:30 PM]
ABC News Studios Announces "Manhunt: Luigi Mangione and the CEO Murder - A Special Edition of 20/20," Airing Dec. 19 at 10:01 P.M. EST on ABC
The one-hour film takes a deep dive into a story that riveted the nation, providing a minute-by-minute investigation of the cold-blooded execution of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson and the shocking social media backlash that turned the alleged murderer into a folk hero for some.

[12/17/24 - 12:20 PM]
BET Announces Premiere of "BET Year in Black 2024," Presented by Ford - An Entertaining Recap of the Year's Most Unforgettable Moments in Black Culture
The special will premiere on Sunday, December 29 at 7 PM ET/PT, with an encore airing on Monday, December 30 at 10 PM ET/PT on BET and BET HER.

[12/17/24 - 12:02 PM]
Apple's Acclaimed Hit Comedy "Bad Monkey" Lands Season Two Renewal
"Since 'Bad Monkey' first made its debut on Apple TV+, this highly entertaining series became an instant fan favorite," said Matt Cherniss, head of programming for Apple TV+.

[12/17/24 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 15: "Carry-On" Lifts Off and "Black Doves" Fly High in Netflix's Top 10 This Week
Jamie Foxx's stand-up special "What Had Happened Was..." hit No. 2 (8.2 million views), and "Dead to Me" creator Liz Feldman's new murder mystery "No Good Deed" landed at No. 3 (6 million views).

[12/17/24 - 11:12 AM]
"Abbott Elementary" Holiday Special Delivers Glad Tidings - Rising +129% in Total Viewers and +410% in Adults 18-49 over Initial Live+Same Day Audience
After seven days of viewing on ABC, Hulu, Hulu on Disney+ and digital platforms, the "Abbott Elementary" holiday special "Winter Show" delivered holiday cheer, jumping to 6.66 million Total Viewers and 2.14 rating in Adults 18-49.

[12/17/24 - 11:01 AM]
Two New Levels Unlocked - Largest Debut for a New Animated Series and a Season 2 of "Secret Level"!
Prime Video confirmed the news on social media this morning.

[12/17/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: New Netflix Featurette Uncovers the Making of "American Primeval"
Shot on location in New Mexico, the limited series is a fictionalized dramatization and examination of the violent collision of culture, religion, and community as men and women fight and die to keep or claim the lands that make up the brutal frontier of 1857.

[12/17/24 - 10:01 AM]
"IHeartradio Jingle Ball 2024" Broadcast Lineup Announced
Hosted by Ryan Seacrest and Elvis Duran, the special features this year's biggest artists, including Katy Perry, twenty one pilots, Tate McRae, Meghan Trainor, Teddy Swims, T-Pain, Benson Boone, Gracie Abrams, Madison Beer, Kane Brown, Paris Hilton, The Kid LAROI, Shaboozey and NCT Dream.

[12/17/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Henry Danger The Movie" - Official Trailer - Paramount+
After meeting Kid Danger superfan Missy Martin and being pulled into a portal that opens alternate realities, Henry and his inexperienced new sidekick must find their way back to Dystopia... or be trapped forever.

[12/17/24 - 08:50 AM]
Video: Watch the Trailer for "Ghosts'" Newest Hour-Long "Ghostsmas" Special, Airing Thursday, Dec. 19 on CBS
In the one-hour special, a leaky water heater mishap threatens to ruin holiday plans as Sam and Jay prepare to host Jay's hard-to-please dad, Mahesh (Bernard White), difficult-to-impress mom, Champa (Sakina Jaffrey), and sister Bela (Punam Patel).

[12/17/24 - 08:09 AM]
Max Celebrates the Return of the HBO Original Series "The White Lotus" with an Exclusive Wellness Retreat and Brand Partnerships
Efforts kick off on Wednesday, February 5, with The White Lotus at Four Seasons, Presented by American Express - an exclusive luxury wellness retreat that captures the essence of this upcoming season's hotel and spa in Thailand.

[12/17/24 - 08:05 AM]
TBS Sets Premiere Date for Re-Imagined Reality Hoax "The Joe Schmo Show" for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 9PM ET/PT
Hosted by Cat Deeley, the show-within-a show takes aim at the absurdity of reality TV by making Ben, an electrician from Baltimore, believe he is competing for a chance to win $100,000 on a popular game show when he is, in fact, surrounded by a cast of highly skilled improv comedians.

[12/17/24 - 08:02 AM]
Netflix Announces Knockout New Sports Series on Mike Tyson
Known as the youngest heavyweight champion in history (at the age of 20 in 1986), Tyson's legacy extends far beyond the ropes of the boxing ring, cementing him as one of the most compelling and polarizing figures of our time.

[12/17/24 - 08:01 AM]
Paramount Adds "The Big Bang Theory" to Nick at Nite and MTV Lineups
Both brands will kick off their debut with marathon stunts tailored to their audiences.