
    [wednesday, august 25, 2021]    
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[08/25/21 - 11:41 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, August 25
Updates include: "The Flash's" season opening stunt to feature various Arrowverse visitors; Jacob Anderson to lead AMC's "Interview with the Vampire"; and "Supergirl" finale to feature trio of alums.

[08/25/21 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Call My Agent: Bollywood" - Announcement - Aahana Kumra, Ayush Mehra, Rajat Kapoor, Soni Razdan
Calling everyone to let them know that "Call My Agent: Bollywood" is coming soon, only on Netflix.

[08/25/21 - 09:01 PM]
Video: "Bangkok Breaking" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Struggling to earn a living in Bangkok, a man joins an emergency rescue service and realizes he must unravel a citywide conspiracy.

[08/25/21 - 03:11 PM]
BET Continues Its Winning Ratings Streak with Over 2.6 Million Total Viewers Tuning in to the Midseason Finale of "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Season Three and "The Tyler Perry Show: The Sistas After-Show Edition" Last Wednesday Night
BET and Tyler Perry now have the top three scripted series on cable this season with African Americans 18-49.

[08/25/21 - 01:02 PM]
Another Helping of "Cake" - FXX's Weekly Short-Form Showcase Returns Thursday, September 30 at 10 p.m. ET/PT
Both the weekly showcase and individual programs will also be available to FX subscribers through FXNOW, and streaming the next day via FX on Hulu.

[08/25/21 - 01:00 PM]
Fox Corporation Makes Strategic Investment in Eluvio and Selects Eluvio as Platform for Blockchain Creative Labs, FOX Entertainment and Bento Box Entertainment's Recently Launched NFT Business
Fox Corporation's investment marks the completion of Eluvio's Series A round at a valuation of $100 million.

[08/25/21 - 01:00 PM]
CBS Partners with the American Red Cross to Put the "Do" in Donation - With a Campaign to Inspire Action in Support of the Organization's Widespread Life-Saving Efforts
Tonight (August 25) on "Big Brother," a special segment will involve the Houseguests working together in support of the Red Cross.

[08/25/21 - 12:47 PM]
Blood Is Thicker... and Deadlier Than Water in the Latest HLN Original Series "Vengeance: Killer Families", Premiering Sunday, September 12 @ 9PM ET/PT
This edition explores the shocking revelations of parents, children, in-laws, and other close relatives who murder members of their own family.

[08/25/21 - 12:15 PM]
Season Three of "Tamron Hall" Will Premiere Monday, Sept. 6
The first weeks of season three are packed with can't-miss conversations you will only see on "Tamron Hall," premiering with two hotly debated school topics: kids wearing masks and the teaching of critical race theory.

[08/25/21 - 12:08 PM]
"Condor" Season Two Premieres November 7 on EPIX
The new season will have its U.S. premiere with two back-to-back episodes starting at 9:00/8:00c.

[08/25/21 - 12:04 PM]
Video: Season Two Trailer for Crime-Fighting Comedy "Code 404" Streaming September 23 on Peacock
In this near-future comedy we meet two Detective Inspectors, DI John Major (Daniel Mays) and DI Roy Carver (Stephen Graham), the best of the best at the Special Investigation Unit, an elite undercover police team.

[08/25/21 - 11:14 AM]
Food Network Wraps Production on First-Ever Scripted Movie "Candy Coated Christmas"
It stars Molly McCook, Aaron O'Connell, Jae Suh Park, John McCook, with the network's own Ree Drummond making her feature debut.

[08/25/21 - 11:03 AM]
New One-Hour Special "Ilana Glazer Presents Comedy on Earth: NYC 2020-2021" Premieres Friday, September 10 at 11:00 PM ET/PT on Comedy Central
The comedy showcase captures New York City "in the darkest of times" from 2020-2021 through the lens of stand-up comics including Petey DeAbreu, Alison Leiby, Larry Owens, and Sydnee Washington.

[08/25/21 - 10:37 AM]
"Ready to Love" Season 4 Returns to OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network on Friday, October 15th
Packed with romance and drama, host Nephew Tommy heads to Washington, DC, where twenty of "Chocolate City's" finest Black singles are brought together in hopes of finding a true connection.

[08/25/21 - 10:17 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases "Days of Our Lives: Beyond Salem" Trailer Revealing Additional Castings - Begins Streaming Monday, September 6
The first original "Days of our Lives" limited series brings past and present residents.

[08/25/21 - 10:01 AM]
Paramount+ Invites Fans to a Special Live-Streamed "Star Trek Day" Celebration on Sept. 8
Join hosts Wil Wheaton and Mica Burton for over two hours of free live-streamed panels and programming that will reunite iconic cast members and creative minds from 10 "Star Trek" television series, as they gather in person to celebrate 55 years of "Star Trek."

[08/25/21 - 09:09 AM]
Apple TV+ Orders "The Changeling" Starring and Executive Produced by Lakeith Stanfield, Written by Kelly Marcel, Directed by Melina Matsoukas
"The Changeling" is a fairytale for grown-ups. A horror story, a parenthood fable and a perilous odyssey through a New York City you didn't know existed.

[08/25/21 - 09:04 AM]
HBO Max Orders Limited Series "Full Circle" from Steven Soderbergh and Ed Solomon
In the project, an Investigation into a botched kidnapping uncovers long-held secrets connecting multiple characters and cultures in present day New York City.

[08/25/21 - 09:01 AM]
"Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs" Stomps onto HBO Max Sept. 30
Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, the new children's animated comedy series brings a new generation to the iconic world of the Flintstones and its beloved characters.

[08/25/21 - 09:00 AM]
"Home Economics" Scores with NFL's San Francisco 49ers-Themed Season Premiere, Wednesday, Sept. 22, on ABC
Hall of Fame wide receiver and three-time Super Bowl champion Jerry Rice and Bay Area rapper/singer and 49ers super fan 24kGoldn make special appearances.

[08/25/21 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Releases the Official Trailer for the Final Season of "Goliath"
The entire eight-episode season will premiere on September 24, 2021 exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[08/25/21 - 07:44 AM]
Video: "Mumbai Diaries" - Official Trailer - Amazon Original
The series, from Nikkhil Advani and Emmay Entertainment, premieres September 9.

[08/25/21 - 07:01 AM]
Netflix Invites You to Our First-Ever Global Fan Event on September 25
On September 25, our biggest stars and creators from around the world - representing over 70 series, films and specials - will join the virtual stage for this exciting day full of exclusives and first looks.

[08/24/21 - 11:25 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, August 24
Updates include: HBO cancels "Betty" after two seasons; Jenny Klein named new showrunner of NBC's "The Thing About Pam"; and Logan Marshall-Green signs onto ABC's "Big Sky."

[08/24/21 - 04:01 PM]
Maya Rudolph and Andy Samberg Set as Hosts of Peacock's New Holiday Baking Competition Series "Baking It"
"Baking It" is a six-episode holiday competition series in which eight teams of two talented home bakers join Maya and Andy's winter cabin for a celebration of culinary holiday traditions.

[08/24/21 - 02:59 PM]
"Paw Patrol: The Movie" Proves Its Pedigree with Fans
The film, which premiered on the service the same day it hit theaters on August 20, ranked as one of the service's most-watched originals.

[08/24/21 - 02:30 PM]
Tubi and FOX Sports Team Up to Launch "Sports on Tubi"
In further expanding its linear experience for viewers, Tubi will feature 10 live streaming channels for different sports, including professional football, baseball, soccer, collegiate sports from the ACC and Pac-12 Conferences.

[08/24/21 - 02:01 PM]
BET Announces Slate of Original Suspense Thrillers to Air Every Tuesday Starting August 31
Highlights include "Sacrifice," a BET+ Original Film that originally debuted on December 19, 2019 and has been picked-up as a BET+ Original Series set to launch later this year.

[08/24/21 - 01:38 PM]
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries' Latest "Aurora Teagarden Mysteries" Premiere Boosts Network to Be #1 in the Sunday 9P-11P Time Slot and #2 Most-Watched in Total Day
"Honeymoon, Honeymurder" - the 17th world premiere of the series - averaged 1.9 million Total Viewers, 1.6 million Homes, 88,000 Women 25-54, and reached over 2.2 million Total Viewers.

[08/24/21 - 01:00 PM]
New discovery+ True Crime Special Puts the Pagan Snitch at the Center in "Doctor's Orders"
All three episodes will be available to stream on discovery+ beginning Friday, September 3.

[08/24/21 - 11:54 AM]
ESPN Films Latest 30 for 30 Documentary "Once Upon a Time in Queens" to Premiere September 14 & 15
Directed by Nick Davis, the documentary tells the story of the 1986 Mets, one of the most dominating, infamous, and magical teams of all-time and their incredible season in one of the greatest cities in the world.

[08/24/21 - 10:57 AM]
BET+ Greenlights Gospel Drama "Kingdom Business"
The eight-episode series explores the gospel music industry through the multiple lenses of family, faith, love and the redemptive power of music in a way we have never seen before.

[08/24/21 - 10:39 AM]
Showtime to Premiere Survival Drama "Yellowjackets" on Sunday, November 14 at 10 PM ET/PT
The 10-episode, one-hour drama series starring Melanie Lynskey, Juliette Lewis, Christina Ricci and Tawny Cypress is currently in production in Vancouver.

[08/24/21 - 10:38 AM]
Showtime to Premiere "Return of the Taliban: A Vice Special Report" on Friday, September 10 at 8 PM ET/PT
Later this fall, "Vice" will return to air the remaining seven episodes of its second season.

[08/24/21 - 10:37 AM]
Showtime Renews "Desus & Mero" For Season Four
Currently in its third season, the series airs weekly on Sunday and Thursday nights at 11:00/10:00c from New York City through December 12.

[08/24/21 - 10:36 AM]
Showtime Picks Up "Flatbush Misdemeanors" for Season Two
The show explores two long-time friends seeking to climb out of their heads and connect with others.

[08/24/21 - 10:35 AM]
Showtime Orders Comedy Pilot "The Wood"
Rick Famuyiwa will direct the pilot, based on the feature film, and executive produce with Justin Hillian, who will write the script.

[08/24/21 - 10:34 AM]
Showtime Picks Up Hit Series "Your Honor" for Second Season
Production on 10 episodes for the upcoming season is scheduled to resume next year for a 2022 return to the network.

[08/24/21 - 10:15 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Trailer for Kids Home Renovation Series "Backyard Blowout" Streaming Thursday, September 16
The new renovation series empowers kids to take charge of the family's backyard to rebuild it and create an awesome new space for the entire family.

[08/24/21 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Love on the Spectrum" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Searching for a perfect match, seven new and returning young adults on the autism spectrum plunge into the bewildering world of dating.

[08/24/21 - 09:43 AM]
"The Canvas: Los Angeles" Premieres October 6 on Fuse
The series gives an intimate look into the unconventional journeys of some of the city's most enigmatic visual artists making their mark today.

[08/24/21 - 09:08 AM]
Video: AMC+ Original Series "Kin" Starring Charlie Cox Debuts Gripping Trailer and Key Art
A boy is killed and his family embark on a gangland war with an international cartel - a war that is impossible to win.

[08/24/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Nailed It!" Season 6 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Groundbreaking bakes, celebrity cameos and an entire episode themed around head judge Jacques Torres? This season delivers delight with every bite.

[08/24/21 - 09:00 AM]
Brandon Routh to Play Gideon Jura in Netflix's "Magic: The Gathering" Animated Series
The streamer confirmed the news on social media this morning.

[08/24/21 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Disney+ Releases Official Trailer for Billie Eilish Cinematic Concert Experience "Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles"
The cinematic concert experience premieres globally on Friday, September 3.

[08/24/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Starling" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A woman adjusting to life after a loss contends with a feisty bird that's taken over her garden - and a husband who's struggling to find a way forward.

[08/24/21 - 07:02 AM]
Netflix Brings You "Attack of the Hollywood Cliches!" Hosted by the Most Devilishly Handsome Man in Film Rob Lowe
The one-off special features some of the most famous films in cinematic history along with a plethora of Hollywood A-Listers, Screenwriters, Academics and Critics as they guide us through the funny, weird and controversial clichés which appear on our cinema screens.

[08/24/21 - 06:04 AM]
Shudder Acquires Chilling Horror Films "Slapface" and "The Advent Calendar"
Shudder will release the films exclusively in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

[08/24/21 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Maya and the Three" - Official Teaser - Netflix
In a mythical world, where magic is real and four kingdoms rule, there lives a brave and rebellious warrior princess named Maya.

[08/24/21 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "Welcome to the Blumhouse" (2021) - Official Teaser Trailer - Prime Video
Amazon's horror franchise returns with "Black as Night" and "Bingo Hell" on October 1, followed by "The Manor" and "Madres" on October 8.

  [august 2021]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/18/24 - 11:04 AM]
Get Ready to Send It When Bravo's "Summer House" Returns Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 9 P.M. ET/PT
The returning housemates are Amanda Batula, Kyle Cooke, Paige DeSorbo, Lindsay Hubbard, Ciara Miller, Gabby Prescod, Carl Radke, Jesse Solomon and West Wilson.

[12/18/24 - 11:03 AM]
Discovery Channel January Programming Highlights
This January, all-new series "Harpoon Hunters," premieres on Discovery Channel alongside new seasons of "Moonshiners: Master Distiller," "Expedition X," "Expedition Bigfoot," and "Outback Opal Hunters."

[12/18/24 - 10:39 AM]
"The Challenge" Brings Fan-Favorite Rivals Twist to All Stars in New Season
"The Challenge All Stars: Rivals" will premiere Wednesday, January 29 at 8PM ET/PT on MTV.

[12/18/24 - 10:28 AM]
AXS TV Presents "Hangover from Hell" - A New Year's Day Marathon Featuring 16 Fiery Episodes of "Hell's Kitchen" on Wed., Jan. 1 Starting at 12 PM EST
"Hangover from Hell" will feature some of the most memorable and heated moments from the series, guaranteeing an entertaining start to the new year.

[12/18/24 - 10:21 AM]
"Live with Kelly and Mark" Hits Season Highs in Total Viewers, Households and Women 25-54 with Best Numbers Since April
In addition, "Live" posted week-to-week gains of +12% in Women 25-54 (0.47 rating vs. 0.42 rating), hitting a season high and posting the show's second week of growth in the demographic with its best delivery in three months.

[12/18/24 - 09:31 AM]
Discovery Follows Elite New England Fisherman as They Spear Big Game Fish Worth Thousands in "Harpoon Hunters," Premiering January 24 at 9PM ET/PT
Each summer on Cape Cod, multi-generational fishing families race against the clock - and each other - to catch highly valuable Atlantic bluefin tuna using only 10-foot electrified spears.

[12/18/24 - 09:20 AM]
Shocking True Crime Docuseries "The Bunker" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, January 16, 2025 on Viaplay
The three-part documentary follows a woman revisiting her past trauma of being abducted, held in a bunker, and making a shocking escape.

[12/18/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Molly-Mae: Behind It All" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Molly-Mae: Behind It All" will take you beyond the headlines of the UK's #1 influencer to uncover the real Molly-Mae.

[12/18/24 - 08:57 AM]
ABC News Announces Two-Hour Primetime Special - "The Year: 2024" - Hosted by "Good Morning America" Co-Anchor Robin Roberts
This two-hour primetime special revisits the most iconic and memorable moments of this year, from the historic news events, social trends and legal decisions in the headlines to the breakout stars, celebrities and champions who had everyone talking.

[12/18/24 - 08:32 AM]
Spend Christmas Day with Disney+
This Christmas Day, Disney+ is offering subscribers a robust slate of live programming, new Originals, and holiday favorites, plus an exclusive offer to make the holiday even brighter.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Gather 'Round Faithfuls! Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for Season 3 of "The Traitors"
Following the three-episode premiere on January 9, new episodes will drop weekly on Thursdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET, with the finale and reunion set for March 6 on Peacock.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Netflix & Skydance Sports Announce New Docuseries on Tennis Icon Rafael Nadal
One of the greatest tennis players of all time, Rafael Nadal reflects on the milestones that defined him and the final chapter of his legendary journey.

[12/18/24 - 08:01 AM]
Paramount+ Original Korean Series "Queen Woo" to Premiere on December 23
The brand-new period drama series from South Korea will be available exclusively on the service in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France.

[12/18/24 - 08:00 AM]
Prime Video's "Clean Slate," Starring Laverne Cox and George Wallace, to Premiere February 6
This heartfelt comedy follows Harry (Wallace), an old-school car wash owner in Alabama who has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he once called "son" returns after 17 years as a proud trans woman named Desiree (Cox).

[12/18/24 - 07:20 AM]
OWN's Hit Dating Series "Ready to Love" Sets Its Sights on Singles in Philadelphia for Its Milestone 10th Season
Hosted by comedian and actor, Thomas "Nephew Tommy" Miles, the dating series explores the real-life romantic rollercoasters of successful and striking men and women in their 30s and 40s as they search for authentic relationships.