
    [wednesday, july 19, 2023]    
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[07/19/23 - 11:56 PM]
Video: Netflix Shares Date and First Look of "Ferry: The Series"
Frank Lammers once again takes on the role of the now legendary drug dealer Ferry Bouman, while Elise Schaap shines by his side as his sweetheart Danielle.

[07/19/23 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Eye of the Storm" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A deadly virus outbreak puts a hospital in total lockdown, and various people trapped in the crisis must confront a deluge of agonizing choices.

[07/19/23 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Mask Girl" - Teaser Trailer - Netflix
An office worker who is insecure about her looks becomes a masked internet personality by night - until a chain of ill-fated events overtakes her life.

[07/19/23 - 11:54 AM]
"Bobby's Triple Threat" Returns Tuesday, August 22nd with Brand-New Roster of Elite Chefs Battling Bobby Flay's Hand-Picked Trio of Culinary Titans
Each episode is hosted by Bobby from his speakeasy-style kitchen, where titans Tiffany Derry, Michael Voltaggio and Brooke Williamson take on highly skilled competitors in three head-to-head cooking rounds with surprise featured ingredients for a chance to win $25,000.

[07/19/23 - 11:13 AM]
AMC Networks Celebrates the Summer of Mystery with "Dark Winds, ""The Chelsea Detective," "The Pact" and More
Fan-favorite series also debut on AMC+ all month long, including "Killing Eve" starring Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer, "The Son" starring Pierce Brosnan and critical darling "Lodge 49" starring Wyatt Russell, which celebrates 5 years since its launch with the full series binge available beginning August 6.

[07/19/23 - 11:04 AM]
Video: Prime Video Reveals the Trailer and the Premiere Date of "Mala Fortuna"
"Mala Fortuna" tells the story of Victoria (Macarena Achaga) and Julio (Jorge López), who have not seen each other since their parents were at the center of a financial scandal that wiped out the fortunes of some of the most powerful families in Latin America.

[07/19/23 - 10:14 AM]
Atlanta's Most Dynamic Mother Daughter Duo Returns to WE tv in All-New Series, "Toya & Reginae," Premiering Thursday, August 24 at 9PM ET
The six, one-hour episodes follow the ups and downs of Atlanta's most dynamic mother daughter duo, Toya Johnson-Rushing and Reginae Carter.

[07/19/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Marvel Studios' Assembled: The Making of Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania" - Official Trailer
Experience the making of Quantumania.

[07/19/23 - 10:00 AM]
NBC Announces 2023-24 Fall Premiere Dates
"The Irrational" will launch Premiere Week on Monday, September 25 at 10 p.m. following the two-hour season premiere of the four-time Emmy Award-winning competition series "The Voice."

[07/19/23 - 08:01 AM]
"Elite" Will Have an Eighth Season and These Are the New (and Not That New) Faces Joining the Series
The longest running fictional series from Netflix in Spain will share new stories from the hallways of Las Encinas, directed this time by Daniel Barone, Ginesta Guindal, Jota Linares and Elena Trapé.

[07/19/23 - 07:08 AM]
All Seven Seasons of AMC's "Fear the Walking Dead" to Begin Streaming Exclusively on AMC+ Beginning July 21, Ahead of "The Walking Dead: Dead City" Season Finale on July 23
The first six episodes of "Fear the Walking Dead's" eighth and final season premiered this spring with the final six episodes rolling out this fall.

[07/19/23 - 06:34 AM]
Apple TV+ Announces Two Stunning New Nature Documentary Series "Born to Be Wild" and "Endangered Planet," Featuring the Never-Before-Seen Lives of the Rarest Animals on Earth
"Born to be Wild" films six rare young animals for several years, as they are brought up in our world, but destined to return to theirs, to rewild their homelands and help save their species.

[07/19/23 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "At Home with the Furys" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Undefeated heavyweight champion Tyson Fury retires from boxing to embrace the eccentricities of family life in this hilarious and heartfelt docusoap.

[07/19/23 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video's Fantasy Series "The Wheel of Time" Weaves a Spell with the Release of Season Two Trailer
Action-packed battles and Easter eggs also abound throughout the trailer, which features over two minutes of previously unreleased footage.

[07/19/23 - 04:01 AM]
Video: "BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-" - Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
With the fall of Meta-llicana Castle and Dark Schneider, Kall-Su continues to terrorize Central Metallion Continent with the help of his Sorcerer Shogun.

[07/18/23 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "The Uncanny Counter" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Armed with new powers and fresh recruits, the Counters continue their battle against evil demons who feed on humans.

[07/18/23 - 01:10 PM]
MTV Celebrates Summer Romance with the Series Premiere of "The Love Experiment" on Tuesday, August 15th at 10PM ET/PT
In this new dating experiment, MTV will bring the choices and excitement of dating apps to life!

[07/18/23 - 01:00 PM]
First-Look Images Released for Upcoming Revenge Thriller, "Wilderness"
Prime Video releases first-look imagery for new series, featuring Jenna Coleman and Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Liv and Will, a happy British couple who seem to have it all.

[07/18/23 - 12:30 PM]
ABC News' 'Nightline' Ranks No. 1 in Total Viewers and Adults 25-54
Season to date, "Nightline" is growing compared to the same point last season in Total Viewers (+2% - 891,000 vs. 870,000).

[07/18/23 - 12:11 PM]
Award-Winning Singer, Songwriter and Entertainer Toby Keith to Receive the Country Icon Award at 2023 "People's Choice Country Awards"
As a pioneer in country music and one of the most influential artists of all time, Keith will be recognized for his decades-long career as a groundbreaking musician, humanitarian and entrepreneur.

[07/18/23 - 12:02 PM]
Video: Showtime Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for the Much-Anticipated Expanded Season of "The Chi"
This season, life in "The Chi" reverberates between the highest highs and lowest lows.

[07/18/23 - 11:00 AM]
HBO Original Documentary "After the Bite" Debuts July 26
A 2018 fatal shark attack on a boogie boarder in the town of Wellfleet, Massachusetts rocked visitors and residents in the idyllic summer community of Cape Cod, forcing them to respond to the encroachment of apex predators.

[07/18/23 - 10:42 AM]
Emmy Award-Winning Journalist, Ana Garcia, Joins Lifetime's "Beyond the Headlines" Series Premiering August 5
The series centers on various cases of shattered families torn apart by crime, survival stories of abduction, toxic love triangles, cases of brainwashing, fights to protect endangered children, and crimes committed by parents.

[07/18/23 - 10:22 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of July 10: "The Out-Laws" Is #1 Film for Second Straight Week, "The Lincoln Lawyer" Leads TV
"The Witcher" Season 3 stayed strong at #2 (6.7M views) and "Is It Cake, Too?" returned to the list at #8 (2.6M views), while South Africa's "Fatal Seduction" reached a new peak at #3 (6.6M views).

[07/18/23 - 10:00 AM]
First Look and Date Announcement: Hulu Original "The Other Black Girl"
The series will premiere all 10 episodes on September 13, only on Hulu.

[07/18/23 - 09:40 AM]
Peacock Heads to San Diego Comic-Con with Fan-First Events for Anticipated Original Series "Twisted Metal" and "The Continental: From the World of John Wick"
Look for the world premiere screening of "Twisted Metal" to take place Thursday, July 20 along with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at "The Continental: From the World of John Wick" on Friday, July 21.

[07/18/23 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine" - Official Trailer - Netflix
With unique access behind-the-scenes to NASA's ambitious mission to launch the James Webb Space Telescope, we follow a team of engineers and scientists as they take the next giant leap in our quest to understand the universe.

[07/18/23 - 09:08 AM]
A&E Fires Up the Grill with "Kings of BBQ" Following Comedians and Friends Anthony Anderson and Cedric the Entertainer as They Launch Their Own Barbeque Brand, AC Barbeque
Produced by Propagate in association with A Bird And A Bear Entertainment and Just a Kid From Compton, "Kings of BBQ" premieres Saturday, August 12 at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/18/23 - 08:59 AM]
New Season of HGTV Hit Series "Good Bones" Starring Mina Starsiak Hawk and Karen E Laine Premieres Tuesday, Aug. 15, at 9 P.M. ET/PT
During the 10 hour-long episodes, Mina, a real estate agent, and Karen, a lawyer, will continue to buy dilapidated Indianapolis properties, take them down to the studs and renovate them into beautifully renovated family homes for sale.

[07/18/23 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Untold" Vol. 3 - Jake Paul, Johnny Manziel, Gators - Official Trailer - Netflix
The critically acclaimed docuseries returns with Volume 3 - a four-week summer event that pulls back the curtain on epic tales from the wide (and wild) world of sports.

[07/18/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Killing It" - Season 2 - Official Trailer - Peacock Original
Season two of the original comedy series will premiere exclusively on Peacock August 17.

[07/18/23 - 07:01 AM]
Paramount+ Reveals First Look and October 6 Premiere Date for Original Horror Film "Pet Sematary: Bloodlines"
The highly anticipated film will be featured in the Paramount+ Peak Screaming collection that curates fan favorite horror movies and iconic Halloween episodes from beloved series.

[07/18/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Head to Head" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Hilarity meets danger when a lovesick chauffeur and a bootleg mechanic mistakenly pick up a retired crime lord, igniting a wild, life-changing adventure.

[07/17/23 - 12:37 PM]
Showtime to Premiere Documentary Feature "All Up in the Biz" to Mark the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop
The documentary feature, which premiered at Tribeca Festival last month, is the definitive story of late, great rapper Biz Markie, who is best known for his mega hit "Just a Friend."

[07/17/23 - 12:33 PM]
Video: Peacock Releases Sneak Peek of New Villa for Season 5 of "Love Island USA"
Set in Fiji, Season 5 of the Peacock Original will feature a new group of sexy singles on a search for love in a beautiful villa.

[07/17/23 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2023 Programming
Paramount Network's "Yellowstone," TV's #1 series, will have its broadcast premiere on Sundays starting from the beginning of season one.

[07/17/23 - 10:01 AM]
Disney+ Welcomes Marvel Studios' "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3"
Watch the TV spot and get ready for our beloved heroes' arrival on the streaming service.

[07/17/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Big Nailed It Baking Challenge" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Watch Nicole Byer and Jacques Torres along with two professional coaches take these 10 amateur bakers from Oh No to Pro.

[07/17/23 - 09:00 AM]
"Battle on the Beach" Season Three Delivers a Winning Performance for HGTV
HGTV's popular oceanfront home renovation and design competition, delivered a strong performance for the network, attracting more than 14 million total viewers across linear and streaming since it premiered on Sunday, June 4.

[07/17/23 - 08:02 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Premiere Date, Official Trailer and Key Art for Biographical Documentary "American Nightmare: Becoming Cody Rhodes"
The Stephen Amell-narrated documentary chronicling Cody Rhodes' triumphant return to WWE premieres July 31.

[07/17/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Monkey King" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A monkey and his magical fighting stick team up on an epic quest, battling demons, dragons, gods and the greatest adversary of all: Monkey's own ego!

[07/17/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Disney+ Shares New Trailer for Marvel Studios' "Secret Invasion"
Don't miss the last two episodes of this exciting espionage thriller that has Nick Fury trusting no one as he rushes to avert chaos.

[07/17/23 - 08:00 AM]
HBO, NFL Films, and the New York Jets Announce "Hard Knocks: Training Camp with the New York Jets," A New Season of the Groundbreaking Sports Reality Series, Debuting August 8
The five-episode series will also be available to stream on Max, with additional hour-long episodes debuting subsequent Tuesdays at the same time leading up to the season finale on September 5.

[07/17/23 - 06:01 AM]
Netflix Announces Sports Series Following the US Women's World Cup Team, Coming This Fall
The all-access sports series will allow audiences to intimately follow the US Women's National Team's players and coaches and reveal an inside look at the most decorated team in soccer history.

[07/17/23 - 05:02 AM]
Gerry Turner Gets a Second Chance at Love as the First-Ever Golden Bachelor
Turner will begin handing out roses when "The Golden Bachelor" premieres this fall on ABC.

[07/17/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Big Nunu's Little Heist" - Official Trailer - Netflix
An ex-soldier turned deliveryman is dragged into a local kingpin's bumbling gang to pull off a daring heist in an infamous South African township.

[07/16/23 - 05:23 PM]
A-Listers Seo Hyun-jin and Gong Yoo Headline Mystery Series "The Trunk"
The story draws a whirlwind of unforeseen events and secrets after a mystifying trunk is found in the depths of a lake.

[07/16/23 - 02:01 PM]
Video: "Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!

[07/14/23 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Week of July 10-14
Updates include: Showtime pulls its "Vice" documentary series; Reneé Rapp to exit Max's "The Sex Lives of College Girls"; and Netflix's "The Gentlemen" casts pair.

[07/14/23 - 01:01 PM]
"Ms. Marvel" to Make Broadcast Television Debut as Part of "The Wonderful World of Disney" on ABC
Look for the first three episodes airing on ABC on Saturday, August 5, and the final three episodes on Saturday, August 12.

  [july 2023]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/24/24 - 01:15 PM]
ABC News' "Nightline" Ranks No. 1 in Key Adult Demos for the Week of Dec. 16 Versus CBS' "After Midnight" and NBC's "Late Night with Seth Meyers"
"Nightline" saw gains year to year in Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49.

[12/24/24 - 01:01 PM]
Video: "American Primeval" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A mother and son fleeing from their past form a found family while confronting a harsh landscape of freedom and cruelty in the American West.

[12/24/24 - 12:01 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 16: "Carry-On" Flies to First Again in Netflix's Top 10 This Week
Season 6 of "Virgin River" starring Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson debuted on top of the English TV List with 8.1 million views.

[12/24/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 6 - Part 3 Date Announcement - Netflix
Granted one final chance to finish the Sekai Taikai, Daniel, Johnny and the team lay it all on the line in the ultimate championship showdown.

[12/23/24 - 02:36 PM]
College Football Playoff Scores 10.6 Million Average Viewers Across ESPN Platforms and TNT Sports
Tennessee/Ohio State and Indiana/Notre Dame on ESPN/ABC become two of top three most-watched games of the season.

[12/23/24 - 01:22 PM]
"Yellowstone" 5B Finale Continues Its Record-Breaking Run with 13.1M Total Viewers in L3 Marking the Biggest Episode in Series History
Said run marked the most watched season in the series' history with 13.6M total viewers.

[12/23/24 - 01:15 PM]
For the 4th Consecutive Year, ABC News' "20/20" Is Friday's No. 1 Newsmagazine Across the Board
"20/20" outdelivered "Dateline" in all key target demos for the 4th consecutive year - since 2021.

[12/23/24 - 01:02 PM]
NBC Is Set to Ring in the New Year with a Live Broadcast of the 136th Rose Parade Presented by Honda on Wednesday, Jan. 1
"Today" co-anchor Hoda Kotb and weather and feature anchor Al Roker will return to the booth for this year's telecast from "TV Corner."

[12/23/24 - 11:13 AM]
Award-Winning Danish Miniseries "Bullshit" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, January 30, 2025 on Viaplay
This coming-of-age Danish language historical drama tells the powerful story of a group of lost and rebellious youths who find community and belonging in the hardcore biker gang "Bullshit," but leads to a world of brutal conflict.

[12/23/24 - 10:40 AM]
Max Renews Original Adult Animated Series "Creature Commandos," from DC Studios, for Second Season
New episodes debut weekly every Thursday on Max, with the season one finale dropping January 9.

[12/23/24 - 10:31 AM]
As an Early Holiday Gift to Fans Hallmark Announces That Its Hit Reality Competition Series, "Finding Mr. Christmas," Is Renewed for a Second Season
"Bringing this show to life was such a dream come true," said Jonathan Bennett. "There're definitely more stories to be told in season two and so much more fun to be had. We're really just scratching the surface here."

[12/23/24 - 10:02 AM]
"TMZ Investigates: Luigi Mangione: The Mind of a Killer" Premieres Monday, January 6 at 8/7c on FOX and the Next Day on Hulu
TMZ exclusively speaks to several sources who say, despite his charismatic personality, Mangione also displayed a dark side and uncovers shocking new details about how he became enraged by corporate greed before quietly plotting to kill a healthcare CEO.

[12/23/24 - 10:00 AM]
HBO Original Comedy Special "Bill Maher: Is Anyone Else Seeing This?" Debuts January 10
Host of the award-winning series "Real Time with Bill Maher," acclaimed comedian and satirist Bill Maher serves up another dose of reality in his 13th HBO stand-up special.

[12/23/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Going Dutch" Season 1 First Look - FOX TV
Tune in for the series premiere Thursday, January 2 on FOX and next day on Hulu.

[12/23/24 - 08:58 AM]
Cedric the Entertainer Serves Up a Double Dose of Laughter with Special Editions of "The Greatest @Home Videos"
Look for "Holiday Edition" on December 27 and "Cedy Awards" on January 3.