
    [monday, january 06, 2025]    
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[01/06/25 - 05:51 PM]
Season Two of the HBO Original Drama Series "The Last of Us" Debuts This April
Five years after the events of the first season, Joel and Ellie are drawn into conflict with each other and a world even more dangerous and unpredictable than the one they left behind.

[01/06/25 - 05:31 PM]
Video: "A Real Pain" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Written and directed by Jesse Eisenberg, "A Real Pain" streams on Hulu January 16.

[01/06/25 - 04:06 PM]
Video: "Newtopia" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Nothing says fate like fighting for a second chance at love... during a zombie virus outbreak.

[01/06/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: Teaser for "The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call" Unveils Thrilling Blend of Action and Wit in Medical Drama Releasing January 24
"The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call," Netflix Korea's first original medical series, is set to hit screens on January 24.

[01/06/25 - 02:19 PM]
ESPN and Big Sky Announce Media Rights Extension Through 2029-30
The new media rights agreement with ESPN will begin in the 2025-26 academic year and go through 2029-30.

[01/06/25 - 01:51 PM]
Vikings-Lions in NFL #Game272 Posts Largest Audience for "Sunday Night Football" Season Finale Since 2012, Averaging 28.5 Million Viewers on NBC & Peacock
Vikings-Lions (28.5 million viewers) is third-most watched game in the history of the NBC SNF package (since 2006).

[01/06/25 - 01:48 PM]
ABC News Announces Special Coverage of Services for Former President Jimmy Carter
The network will air special reports covering the transport of the late president to the U.S. Capitol to lie in State on Tuesday, January 7, as well as the state funeral at the National Cathedral on Thursday, January 9.

[01/06/25 - 01:36 PM]
ABC's "2024 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony" Rocks the House with Best Total Viewer Delivery Ever
The spectacular three-hour special, celebrating music's highest honor, was the most-watched New Year's Day broadcast entertainment program in primetime among Total Viewers in six years.

[01/06/25 - 09:15 AM]
Video: "Wild Cards" - Season 2 Trailer - The CW
A crime-solving procedural with a comedic twist that follows the unlikely duo of a by-the-book, sardonic cop and a spirited, clever con woman.

[01/06/25 - 09:02 AM]
Lifetime's Highly Anticipated Season 2 "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up" Set to Premiere March 10
Season 2 will follow Gypsy's emotionally charged journey as she navigates her newfound freedom, rebuilds relationships, handles pregnancy and new motherhood, all while remaining on parole.

[01/06/25 - 08:24 AM]
Hollywood Stars Gift Life-Changing Home Renovations Alongside Drew and Jonathan Scott in a New Season of HGTV's Smash Hit "Celebrity IOU"
The six heartwarming episodes feature Courteney Cox, Andy Garcia, Goldie Hawn, Rob Lowe, Kyle MacLachlan and Sarah Silverman.

[01/06/25 - 08:14 AM]
Video: "A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story" - BritBox Original - Exclusive Trailer
"A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story" is a compelling true crime drama telling the hidden story of Ruth Ellis and exposing the timeless British obsessions of class, sex and death.

[01/06/25 - 07:21 AM]
Nickelodeon and CBS Sports Set for Nickelodeon's NFL Wild Card Game Live from Bikini Bottom When the Chargers Face the Texans on Saturday, Jan. 11, at 4:30 PM (ET)
The special presentation will transport viewers back to SpongeBob SquarePants' colorful undersea home with enhanced Nick-ified graphics, advanced augmented reality and appearances by fan-favorite characters featured across Paramount's portfolio.

[01/06/25 - 06:01 AM]
Tubi Surpasses 97 Million Monthly Active Users and 10 Billion Streaming Hours in 2024
Tubi offers the world's largest collection of movies and TV episodes, including over 300 exclusive originals, engaging fandoms with a fun and easy viewing experience across connected televisions, mobile devices, the web and more.

[01/06/25 - 05:01 AM]
FOX Nation Lands Kevin Nealon's Eponymous Web Series "Hiking with Kevin"
Featuring a variety of stars, from actors, comedians, and musicians, Nealon takes his guests for a hike and uncovers the stories behind their careers, upbringing, and the often-hilarious journeys that brought them to where they are today.

[01/06/25 - 01:12 AM]
FOX Entertainment Names Prentiss Fraser President, FOX Entertainment Global
Prior to joining FOX Entertainment, Fraser served as President of Television Distribution at FIFTH SEASON (formerly Endeavor Content).

[01/05/25 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Paatal Lok" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary, the haggard, unlikely hero, investigates a high-profile murder case that leads him to remote corners of North-East India, where he battles powerful forces and personal tragedies in his pursuit of truth.

[01/05/25 - 08:45 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Wins Six Golden Globe Awards
Disney's FX made history, breaking its previous record for Golden Globe wins with drama series "Shogun" and comedy hit "The Bear."

[01/05/25 - 07:28 PM]
Paramount+ Reveals Title of Upcoming New Anthology Series "Unspeakable: The Murder of Jonbenet Ramsey" (w/t), Starring Melissa McCarthy and Clive Owen
At its heart, the series centers on the story of Patsy and John Ramsey, exploring their unbreakable partnership and the complex dynamics of their marriage and parenting.

[01/05/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Single's Inferno" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
A new batch of singles enter Inferno for a chance at love. With romance, competition and heartbreak on the line, who will succeed in finding the one?

[01/03/25 - 11:44 PM]
Development Update: Week of December 30-January 3
Updates include: Heidi Klum to return for Freeform's "Project Runway" revival; Max's "And Just Like That..." confirms new and returning faces; and HBO's "The Franchise," Peacock's "In the Know" get the axe.

[01/03/25 - 04:06 PM]
College Football Playoff Quarterfinals Score Strong Viewership Across ESPN Platforms
Rose Bowl Game Presented by Prudential registers 21.1 million viewers, the most-watched non-NFL sporting event since the 2024 CFP National Championship.

[01/03/25 - 12:00 PM]
ESPN NBA Schedule Update: Memphis Grizzlies Visit San Antonio Spurs on January 17
This matchup replaces the previously scheduled Charlotte Hornets vs. Chicago Bulls game.

[01/03/25 - 11:31 AM]
MGM+ Unveils "Godfather of Harlem" Season Four First Look Images
In Season 4, Bumpy Johnson continues his bloody war for control of Harlem against New York's Mafia families, while contending with the emergence of a potential rival in newly arrived Black gangster Frank Lucas.

[01/03/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "Grosse Pointe Garden Society" - Official Sneak Peek - NBC
When four members of a suburban garden club get entangled in a scandalous murder, they're forced to bury the body - in their own well-manicured flower beds.

[01/03/25 - 09:09 AM]
Lifetime Unveils Full "Voices of a Lifetime" 2025 Slate with Music Icons Mary J. Blige, Lisa Lisa and Gloria Gaynor
The movie event kicks off on Saturday, January 25 at 8:00/7:00c with an all-new original movie executive produced by Mary J. Blige along with Jordan and John Davis.

[01/03/25 - 08:37 AM]
Date Announcement and First Look: Hulu Original Series "Shoresy"
Created by and starring Jared Keeso, "Shoresy" returns for season four on Wednesday, February 26 with all six new episodes exclusively available in the U.S. on Hulu.

[01/03/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Release a Gripping New Teaser Trailer for Hit Noir Thriller "Dark Winds" Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" will return with an expanded third season exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[01/03/25 - 07:00 AM]
Peacock Exclusively Streams DreamWorks' "The Wild Robot" Beginning January 24
Directed by three-time Academy Award nominee Chris Sanders, the heartwarming critically acclaimed film is voiced by Lupita Nyong'o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, Matt Berry, Ving Rhames, Mark Hamill and Catherine O'Hara.

[01/02/25 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Paatal Lok" Season 2 - Official Teaser - Prime Video
A down and out cop lands the case of a lifetime when four suspects are nabbed in the assassination attempt of a prime time journalist.

[01/02/25 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "Black Warrant" - Official Trailer - Netflix
One jailer, thousands of criminals, and the dark secrets of a prison like never before.

[01/02/25 - 01:03 PM]
Video: All-New Extended Trailer for Survivalist Competition Series "Extracted" Set to Premiere Monday, February 10 on FOX
"Extracted" features 12 untrained competitors attempting to survive extremely grueling conditions, perilous terrain, and the threat of fearsome predators in the unforgiving Canadian wilderness.

[01/02/25 - 01:00 PM]
ABC's "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2025" Is Top Program of the Night Across Primetime and Late-Night
The festive, star-studded celebration rings in the new year with 18 million total viewers during late-night edition - peaking at 22 million viewers during midnight quarter hour.

[01/02/25 - 12:51 PM]
Prime Video Registers TNF's Most-Watched Season in the 19-Year History of the Package Across Key Demographics
According to Nielsen's Panel Only measurement, TNF on Prime Video posted an +11% average viewership increase among total viewers over the previous season (13.20 million vs. 11.86 million).

[01/02/25 - 12:03 PM]
Video: Official Season 7 Trailer - "The Rookie"
John Nolan, once the oldest rookie in the LAPD, has used his life experience, determination and sense of humor to keep up with rookies 20 years his junior.

[01/02/25 - 12:01 PM]
Diddy's Inner Circle Breaks Their Silence in Peacock's All-New Documentary Special "Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy"
The 90-minute documentary special tells the story of Sean Combs' early years and his decades-long transformation to Puffy and then to Diddy, with crucial insight into the forces that shaped the man and may have made him a monster.

[01/02/25 - 11:15 AM]
2025 United Football League Schedule on ESPN & ABC Platforms Revealed
The full 22-game slate on ESPN and ABC platforms is also available on ESPN+.

[01/02/25 - 10:40 AM]
PBS Sets Season Two Premiere Date for "Funny Woman" on February 2, 2025
Season two promises more laughs and heartwarming connections as we see Gemma Arterton return as Sophie Straw, the nation's favorite TV comedy star.

[01/02/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Official Season 3 Trailer - "Will Trent"
Tuesday at 8:00/7:00c, the action and drama returns with the two-part season premiere on ABC.

[01/02/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "Unstoppable" - Official Trailer 2 - Prime Video
"Unstoppable" is the inspiring true story of Anthony Robles (Jharrel Jerome) who was born with one leg but whose indomitable spirit and unbreakable resolve empowered him to defy the odds and pursue his dreams.

[01/02/25 - 09:07 AM]
Video: "Isadora Moon" - Official Trailer - Max Family
Half fairy, half vampire, and ready for a new exciting journey!

[01/02/25 - 09:06 AM]
Video: "With Love, Meghan" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex invites friends and famous guests to a beautiful California estate, where she shares cooking, gardening and hosting tips.

[01/02/25 - 09:00 AM]
Max Original Documentary "Sons of Ecstasy" Debuts January 9
At the epicenter of the 1990s ecstasy drug trade in Arizona sits an unusual rivalry.

[01/02/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Recruit" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
A new graymail case sends Owen to Seoul, where a spy threatens to leak U.S. secrets unless the CIA assists him on a dangerous personal mission.

[01/02/25 - 05:00 AM]
Presenters Announced for the "82nd Annual Golden Globes"
Presenters for the first major awards show of the season will take the stage alongside host Nikki Glaser, who is making history as the first woman to host the Golden Globes on her own.

[01/01/25 - 04:13 PM]
ESPN Programming Update: Jan 1-2, 2025
Due to the recent tragedy in New Orleans and the postponement of the Allstate Sugar Bowl, ESPN programming has been impacted for both Wednesday and Thursday, January 1-2, 2025.

[01/01/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "American Primeval" - Official Mature-Rated Trailer - Netflix
A mother and son fleeing from their past form a found family while confronting a harsh landscape of freedom and cruelty in the American West.

[01/01/25 - 03:00 AM]
Watch a Sneak Peek of the Emmy Award-Winning Reality Competition Series "The Traitors" Now Streaming Exclusively on Peacock
To celebrate the new year, Peacock is gifting faithful fans with the first 7 minutes of season 3's first episode, which is now available to stream exclusively on Peacock.

[01/01/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Preview - Coming in January - Hallmark+
Highlights include the original series "Small Town Setup," premiering January 2, as well as next day premieres of Hallmark Channel's previously announced series and movies.

[12/31/24 - 06:52 PM]
CNN's "Have I Got News For You" Returns Saturday, February 15 at 9pm ET/PT
The American version of the long-running UK comedy series is hosted by Roy Wood Jr. along with team captains Amber Ruffin and Michael Ian Black.

  [january 2025]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[02/19/25 - 10:00 AM]
Cynthia Erivo to Host "The 78th Annual Tony Awards"
This year's ceremony will return to the legendary Radio City Music Hall in New York City, broadcasting live to both coasts on Sunday, June 8 on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ in the U.S.

[02/19/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Black Ops" - Season 1 Official Trailer - Hulu
Two highly inexperienced police community support officers are forced into the world of undercover work to stop a violent criminal gang - but any wrong move could be their last.

[02/19/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original "Good American Family"
Told from multiple points of view, as a means to explore issues of perspective, bias, and trauma, this compelling drama is inspired by the disturbing stories surrounding a Midwestern couple who adopts a girl with a rare form of dwarfism.

[02/19/25 - 09:00 AM]
Prime Video Announces March 6 Premiere Date for "For the Win: NWSL"
The immersive four-part docuseries offers unprecedented access into the 2024 National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) playoffs and Championship.

[02/19/25 - 08:07 AM]
Peacock Exclusively Streams Universal Pictures' Global Cinematic Event "Wicked" Beginning March 21
The biggest Broadway adaptation of all-time globally, "Wicked" won the Golden Globe Award for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement.

[02/19/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Residence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a White House state dinner becomes a crime scene, detective Cordelia Cupp must investigate dozens of staff members and guests to catch a killer.

[02/19/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip" - Trailer - March 28 on Disney+
This March, the Garcias are going on a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad road trip.

[02/19/25 - 07:53 AM]
Pack Your Bags and "Savor the City" with Chef Jernard Wells Premiering Thursday, April 3 on TV One
Known for his masterful fusion of bold Southern flavors with contemporary flair, "Savor the City" and Chef Jernard Wells lead audiences on a tour through some of the nation's most influential cities, revealing the untold stories of Black culinary and regional history.

[02/19/25 - 07:30 AM]
ABC News Studios Announces Primetime Special "Will Reeve: Finding My Father"
Reeve takes audiences along with him on a journey he has been dreaming of making for 30 years: reliving the last great expedition his father and "Superman" actor Christopher Reeve took in 1995 just before a horse riding accident left him paralyzed with a spinal cord injury when Will was only 2 years old.

[02/19/25 - 07:01 AM]
"Miss Scarlet" Renewed for Season 6
Kate Phillips will reprise her role as the title character in the new installment.

[02/19/25 - 07:01 AM]
OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Ratings Increase in 2024 Driven by Growth in Key Series Among African American Women 25-54
Four returning shows saw season-over-season ratings growth with Women 25-54 from prior seasons: "Ready to Love" Season 9 (+8%), "Belle Collective" Season 4 (+8%), "Belle Collective" Season 5 (+36%), and "Love & Marriage Detroit" Season 3 (+4%).

[02/19/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: "Tyler Perry's Duplicity" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
High-powered attorney Marley (Kat Graham) faces her most personal case yet when she is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the shooting of her best friend Fela's (Meagan Tandy) husband (Joshua Adeyeye).

[02/19/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: First Look - ID's "A Body in the Snow: The Trial of Karen Read"
The five-part docuseries will premiere across three nights beginning Monday, March 17 at 9:00/8:00c.

[02/19/25 - 05:31 AM]
Video: "Medusa" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Somebody wants to kill CEO Bárbara Hidalgo. Can she find the culprit as her family schemes ruthlessly for control of their Colombian business empire?

[02/19/25 - 05:31 AM]
Stars Continue to Line Up for the 97th Oscars
Joe Alwyn, Sterling K. Brown, Willem Dafoe, Ana de Armas, Lily-Rose Depp, Selena Gomez, Goldie Hawn, Connie Nielsen, Ben Stiller and Oprah Winfrey are among the latest set to present.