
    [sunday, february 20, 2022]    
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[02/18/22 - 03:09 PM]
USA Network Ranks as Cable's #1 Sports and Entertainment Network Since Start of 2022 Beijing Olympics
USA Network has delivered an average of 1.5 million primetime viewers from Feb. 5-16 - topping all sports and entertainment cable networks.

[02/18/22 - 11:16 AM]
Super Bowl Sunday Was the Biggest Day for AMC+ Since Launch
In its first three days of availability, "The Walking Dead" episode "No Other Way" has already become the most watched episode of any series on AMC+ to date.

[02/17/22 - 01:56 PM]
Nearly 70% of Americans Watched NBCUniversal's TV Coverage of Super Bowl LVI and/or 2022 Winter Games Through "Super Gold Sunday"
In addition, viewers have consumed 5 billion streaming minutes to-date of both events across all digital platforms, led by Peacock - which for the first-time ever presented the Super Bowl and all Olympics competition.

[02/15/22 - 01:32 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb 7: Best Picture Noms "The Power of the Dog" and "Don't Look Up" Take Center Stage; "Tinder Swindler" & "Inventing Anna" Top Lists
The limited series, starring Julia Garner, had 77.31M hours viewed on the English TV list and appeared in the Top 10 in 88 countries.

[02/15/22 - 09:17 AM]
NBC Sports' Coverage of Super Bowl LVI Averages Total Audience Delivery of 112.3 Million Viewers, Reaches 167 Million Viewers on Unprecedented Day in Sports Media History
Super Bowl LVI viewership on NBC peaked at 104.4 million from 7:45-8:00 p.m. ET.

[02/14/22 - 11:26 AM]
HGTV's "Tough Love with Hilary Farr" Delivers Strong Season One Performance
"Hilary is a brilliant designer with millions of fans who know she never disappoints, so they couldn't wait to see her with gloves off in Tough Love with Hilary Farr," said Jane Latman.

[02/11/22 - 01:47 PM]
More Than 100 Million Americans Have Watched the Beijing Olympics on the Networks of NBCUniversal
NBCUniversal's digital platforms, led by Peacock, have crossed the 2 Billion minutes streamed threshold (2.02 billion) and later today will set the record for the most streamed Winter Games ever with more than a week remaining in the Beijing Olympics, surpassing PyeongChang (2.17 billion).

[02/11/22 - 08:51 AM]
"Single Black Female" Scores for Lifetime with Over 5.1 Million Total Viewers Across Linear and on Digital Platforms
The movie ranked as TV's top entertainment telecast across all key demos on premiere night.

[02/10/22 - 10:09 AM]
"Power Book IV: Force" Debuts as Biggest Premiere in Starz History with 3.3 Million Multiplatform Views
"Power Book IV: Force," which centers on fan-favorite Tommy Egan played by Joseph Sikora, also set records on linear alone with the series delivering the highest-rated premiere in the network's history.

[02/08/22 - 01:23 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 31: Swipe Right for Zombies
"The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in the Window" jumped to the #1 spot on the English TV list with 60.48M hours viewed and made the Top 10 in 69 countries.

[02/07/22 - 02:44 PM]
NBC Olympics Delivers Third Consecutive Night of Primetime Viewership Growth - First Time Ever for a Winter Games
According to preliminary data, Sunday's Beijing Olympics on NBC, USA Network, Peacock and other streaming platforms averaged a Total Audience Delivery (TAD) of 13.7 million viewers.

[02/05/22 - 03:13 PM]
NBC Olympics' Friday Coverage, Featuring First-Ever Full Day Presentation of Winter Games Opening Ceremony, Averages Nearly 16 Million Viewers
The numbers indicate that Friday's full-day Opening Ceremony coverage will average nearly 14 million TV-only viewers (14.4 million TAD) - ranking with NBC's Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony in July and NBC's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as the most-watched entertainment shows on any network since last March.

[02/03/22 - 04:30 PM]
"Single Drunk Female" Scores Freeform's Most-Watched Comedy Series Debut in Over Four Years
The debut scores the network's biggest comedy premiere in more than four years with over 2.4 million multiplatform viewers in its first seven days available.

[02/02/22 - 02:07 PM]
ESPN's Best January in Seven Years in Prime, Leads Cable by Far
Getting out of the gate quickly in 2022, ESPN posted its strongest January in seven years in prime time, leading cable television in delivery of viewers (P2+) and in the key P18-49 demo, as well as for that demo in total day viewership, all by wide margins.

[02/01/22 - 01:26 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 24: "All of Us Are Dead" Is the Most Viewed Title of the Week; "Home Team" Scores Big on the Films List
Making its debut on the non-English TV list, Korean zombie thriller, "All of Us Are Dead" came in at #1 with 124.79M hours viewed and made the top 10 in 91 countries.

[02/01/22 - 11:11 AM]
The Queen of Pop Reigns Supreme as Over 15.7 Million Total Viewers Watched the Documentary Event "Janet Jackson." Airing Across Lifetime and A&E Linear and on Digital Platforms
Additionally, Lifetime debuted a sneak peek of the upcoming new transformation docuseries, "My Killer Body with K. Michelle," which delivered 1 million total viewers, marking Lifetime's best unscripted series premiere since 2019.

[02/01/22 - 10:10 AM]
FOX Sports Scores Best NFC Championship Viewership Since 2014
The star-studded event peaked at 55,218,000 viewers on FOX and FOX Deportes from 9:15-9:30 PM ET.

[02/01/22 - 09:19 AM]
Golden State Warriors vs. Brooklyn Nets Is Most-Watched NBA Saturday Primetime on ABC Broadcast in Three Years
The broadcast averaged 3,172,000 viewers, peaking with 4,306,000 viewers at 11 p.m. ET.

[02/01/22 - 07:30 AM]
CBS Sports Caps Off Its Most-Watched NFL Season in Six Years with 47.851 Million Viewers for AFC Championship Game
Bengals-Chiefs peaked with 60.990 million viewers, the third consecutive week "The NFL on CBS" topped the 50-million mark.

[01/27/22 - 06:43 AM]
MotorTrend's "Mecum Auctions Kissimmee" Coverage Breaks Ratings Record
On MotorTrend TV, 6.3 million people watched - the largest TV audience ever for a Mecum Kissimmee auction and a viewership increase of 76-percent versus last year's January 2021 telecast on NBC Sports Network.

[01/25/22 - 02:29 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 17: "The Royal Treatment" Tops the Films List; "Cafe con Aroma de Mujer" Enters the Most Popular TV List
"Ozark" Season 4, Part 1, which marked the long awaited return of the Byrdes, debuted at #1 with 77M hours viewed.

[01/25/22 - 07:29 AM]
CBS Sports' Best Postseason Start in 10 Years Continues with Massive Audiences for Divisional Playoffs
The network's presentation of Kansas City's win over Buffalo on Sunday, January 23 is the most-watched Divisional Playoff game on any network in five years, averaging 42.736 million viewers.

[01/19/22 - 02:48 PM]
ESPN's MegaCast Draws More Than 23.1 Million Viewers for the Los Angeles Rams' Decisive Victory Over the Arizona Cardinals
The audience peaked at 27.9 million viewers as the Rams led 21-0 in the second quarter (9:30 - 9:45 p.m.).

[01/19/22 - 08:02 AM]
"Yellowjackets" Completes Smashing First Season on Showtime
The series has averaged over 5 million weekly viewers across platforms.

[01/17/22 - 04:46 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 10: "Cheer" and "Archive 81" Enter the TV List, "Brazen" Tops the Films List
Limited series "Stay Close" has climbed to the #1 spot on the Top 10 English TV list with 53.72M hours viewed.

[01/14/22 - 11:18 AM]
Fast Start for ESPN in 2022 in Viewership and Social Media Engagements
The network led cable in viewership and in the key P18-49 demo by wide margins in both prime time and total day and took total ownership of the list of cable's most-watched 10 shows in that demo.

[01/13/22 - 09:12 AM]
"Ugliest House in America" Starring Actress and Comedian Retta Delivers Powerful Ratings Performance for HGTV
Series ratings among both P25-54 and W25-54 reflected more than an 84 percent increase over the prior six weeks.

[01/12/22 - 10:12 AM]
ABC Is No. 1 Entertainment Network for 2nd Week in a Row in Adults 18-49
"The Rookie" was the week's No. 1 broadcast gainer in TV playback in both Total Viewers (+3.5 million) and Adults 18-49 (+133%).

[01/11/22 - 07:24 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of January 3: "Cobra Kai" Dominates the TV List, "Don't Look Up" Continues to Top the Film List
The series, starring Ralph Macchio and William Zabka, dominated the Top 10 English TV list, taking the #1 (Season 4), #7 (Season 1), #9 (Season 3) and #10 (Season 2) spots.

[01/11/22 - 03:30 PM]
NBC's "Sunday Night Football" Concludes Season on Pace to Be TV's #1 Primetime Show for Unprecedented 11th Consecutive Year
NBC's "SNF" extended its record for the most consecutive years atop the charts (since 1950).

[01/11/22 - 02:25 PM]
2022 College Football Playoff National Championship Nets 22.6 Million Viewers, Cable's Top Telecast in Two Years
The Dawgs' thrilling 33-18 victory over the SEC Champion Crimson Tide was up 19 percent from last year's national championship contest between Alabama and Ohio State.

[01/11/22 - 09:10 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football: Doubleheader Saturday" Debut Registers Viewership of 20.3 Million for Cowboys-Eagles and 19.1 Million for Chiefs-Broncos, ESPN's Most-Watched NFL Regular Season Games in More than a Decade
The Cowboys and Eagles generated an audience of 20.3 million viewers on ESPN, ABC, ESPN Deportes, while the Chiefs-Broncos delivered 19.1 million viewers across the same networks.

[01/11/22 - 08:48 AM]
CBS Sports Delivers Its Most-Watched NFL Regular Season in Six Years, Concluding with Strong Week 18 Viewership
"The NFL on CBS" averaged 21.588 million viewers for its 10 national Sunday game windows, which is more than any primetime television sports, entertainment or news series on any network this season.

[01/11/22 - 08:06 AM]
"Dexter: New Blood" Shatters Viewership Records for Showtime
For its 10-episode run, the series is averaging over 8 million weekly viewers across all platforms, becoming the most-watched series in Showtime history.

[01/10/22 - 02:53 PM]
"Euphoria's" Season 2 Premiere Tallied 2.4 Million Viewers Across All Platforms Sunday Night
Said debut marked the strongest digital premiere night performance for any episode of an HBO series since HBO Max's launch and a series-record more than double the season 1 premiere.

[01/07/22 - 10:12 AM]
HGTV Hit "Home Town" Already on Track to Deliver Strong Ratings in Current Season
In its 8-9 p.m. timeslot on January 2, "Home Town" was a top 5 cable program among P25-54 and W25-54.

[01/07/22 - 09:37 AM]
FOX & Gordon Ramsay's "Next Level Chef" Posts Season's #1 Series Premiere
Across platforms, "Next Level Chef" marks Gordon Ramsay's most-streamed telecast ever and FOX's most-streamed debut of the season.

[01/05/22 - 12:37 PM]
ESPN's 2021 "Monday Night Football" Traditional Schedule Delivers Franchise's Best Viewership Since 2013
ESPN's traditional 17-game "MNF" package averaged 13.5 million viewers a game, up 11% from 2020 and 7% from 2019.

[01/05/22 - 08:16 AM]
ABC's "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2022 - Part 1" Attracts 19.6 Million Total Viewers in Late-Night
The 50th-anniversary show of ABC's annual New Year's Eve special drew in 24.2 million Total Viewers and scored a 7.3 Adult 18-49 rating in the midnight quarter-hour.

[01/05/22 - 07:04 AM]
"Yellowstone" Season Four Finale Scores Over 10 Million Total Viewers and More Than Nine Million on Paramount Network Alone
Said finale was up 81% from last season's swan song.

[01/04/22 - 09:35 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 27: "Cobra Kai" Kicks Off the New Year at #1, "Don't Look Up" Skyrockets on the Most Popular Film List
The new season was in the Top 10 in 83 countries and Season 1 also made the list at #8.

[01/04/22 - 03:33 PM]
New Year's Six Delivers Multi-Year Viewership Highs, Second-Most-Watched Non-Semifinal Rose Bowl Game of College Football Playoff Era
This year's New Year's Six finished up double digits year-over-year, averaging 12.7 million viewers, and every bowl of the 2021 New Year's Six surpassed 7.5 million viewers for just the third time of the CFP era.

[01/04/22 - 02:59 PM]
December Marks HBO Max's Most-Viewed Month Since Its Launch tn Terms of Hours Viewed
The streamer highlights its performance for the month of December.

[01/04/22 - 09:30 AM]
ABC Wins All 6 Half-Hours of New Year's Eve Primetime with "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2022"
ABC grew in each half-hour of primetime, culminating with 9.4 million Total Viewers and a 2.8 rating among Adults 18-49 in the 10:30 p.m. half-hour.

[01/04/22 - 09:20 AM]
"The Cleaning Lady" Posts FOX's Highest-Rated New Drama Debut in Two Years
Said launch delivered a 0.5 rating in adults 18-49 and 3.6 million viewers, marking FOX's #1 new drama premiere since the post-NFL debut of "9-1-1: Lone Star" in 2020.

[12/28/21 - 09:42 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec 20: "Don't Look Up" Hits Home and "The Unforgivable" Moves to "Most Popular Films" List
For the second week in a row, "The Witcher" Season 2 reigned as the top English TV series with 168.46M hours.

[12/21/21 - 03:26 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers 15.9 Million Viewers for Second Consecutive Week
Through the entire season, "Monday Night Football" is now averaging 13.5 million viewers, up 12% from 2020 and up 8% from 2019.

[12/21/21 - 10:31 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec 13: "The Witcher" Rules as "The Unforgivable" and "La Casa De Papel (Money Heist)" Hold Their Reign
"The Witcher" Season 2 debuted at #1 with audiences spending 142.43M hours immersed in the magical world created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and starring Henry Cavill.

[12/21/21 - 07:30 AM]
Taylor Sheridan's "1883" Blazes the Trail as Paramount+'s Most-Watched Original Series Premiere Ever
In addition to its record-breaking premiere on Paramount+, the premiere also delivered 4.9 million total viewers during its special event on Paramount Network following "Yellowstone," making it the biggest new series premiere on cable since 2015.

[12/16/21 - 09:06 AM]
Food Network on Track to Finish 2021 as #1 Overall Cable Network Among W25-54 in Weekend ITK, Tied as #2 Overall Cable Network Among W18-49 in Total Day
"All year long Food Network has been committed to super-serving our audience and inviting new fans to the brand and we are thrilled with our 2021 success," said Courtney White.

  [february 2022]  

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[02/19/25 - 12:06 PM]
"Shifting Gears" Surges to Three-Week High in Multiplatform Viewing Among Total Viewers
After three days of viewing on linear (2/12/25), the acclaimed comedy starring Tim Allen, was the No. 1 program of the night in both Total Viewers (5.78 million) and Adults 18-49 (0.57 rating).

[02/19/25 - 07:01 AM]
OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Ratings Increase in 2024 Driven by Growth in Key Series Among African American Women 25-54
Four returning shows saw season-over-season ratings growth with Women 25-54 from prior seasons: "Ready to Love" Season 9 (+8%), "Belle Collective" Season 4 (+8%), "Belle Collective" Season 5 (+36%), and "Love & Marriage Detroit" Season 3 (+4%).

[02/18/25 - 12:01 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb. 10: Romance Sweeps the Top 10 Off Its Feet for Valentine's Day
The Italian getaway "La Dolce Villa" topped the English films list (19.8 million views), hitting the Top 10 in 90 countries, while Amy Schumer's "Kinda Pregnant" followed hot on its heels at No. 2 (13.7 million views).

[02/18/25 - 09:22 AM]
"The White Lotus" Season 3 Premiere Checks in with 2.4 Million Viewers, Up 57% Growth from Previous Season
After 36 hours the Season 3 premiere has doubled the Season 2 premiere episode during the same amount of time, and grew 90% since Sunday night, bringing the domestic audience to 4.6 million cross platform viewers.

[02/18/25 - 06:02 AM]
The CW Network Delivers 1.8 Million Total Viewers for NASCAR Xfinity Series Season Opener
The season opener at Daytona delivered the largest audience for any Xfinity Series race in almost three years, with 1.8 million total viewers, according to Nielsen fast national ratings.

[02/17/25 - 04:03 PM]
"SNL50: The Anniversary Special" Watched by 14.8 Million Viewers and Scored a 2.53 Rating in the 18-49 Demo Across Both NBC and Peacock in Live + Same Day Viewing
It's NBC's most-watched primetime entertainment telecast in both categories in five years (since the 2020 Golden Globe Awards).

[02/17/25 - 11:03 AM]
ABC Scores Significant Tuesday Night Linear Win Over Original Series Network Competition for First Time This Season in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
Powering Tuesday nights at 9 p.m., "High Potential" continued its remarkable momentum becoming the No. 1 show of the night on broadcast and cable, earning 8.35 million Total Viewers and 0.69 rating in Adults 18-49.

[02/12/25 - 10:43 AM]
ESPN NBA Viewership Update: Luka Doncic's Lakers Debut Delivers 2.01 Million Viewers
The telecast peaked at 2.55 million viewers and won the day among people and males 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54.

[02/12/25 - 10:23 AM]
Puppy Bowl XXI Reaches 12.8 Million Viewers and Was #1 Non-Sports Cable Telecast on Sunday, February 9
Sunday's programming event became the highest-rated Puppy Bowl ever on Discovery, TBS and truTV and Animal Planet's highest-rated in four years.

[02/12/25 - 09:35 AM]
CBS "FBI" Line Up Wins Tuesday Night with #1 Show "FBI"
"FBI" was the #1 show of the night, beating the #2 show of the night by nearly +1 million viewers.

[02/11/25 - 01:15 PM]
FOX "Super Week" Kicks Off, Breaking Records with "The Floor" as Season's #1 Entertainment Series Telecast and New Survival Competition "Extracted" Off to a Wild Start
For six consecutive seasons, FOX has delivered the highest-rated unscripted entertainment series telecast.

[02/11/25 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb. 3: "Kinda Pregnant" Delivers, "The Night Agent" Holds Strong in Top 10
Fans also basked in the Southern charm of Season 4 of "Sweet Magnolias," which debuted at No. 4 in English TV (4 million views), and flocked to the Australian limited series "Apple Cider Vinegar" (No. 5 in English TV, 3.8 million views).

[02/11/25 - 11:38 AM]
FOX Sports' Presentation of Super Bowl LIX Delivers Most-Watched Super Bowl of All-Time with 127.7 Million Viewers Across All Platforms
Philadelphia's big win in the bayou peaked at 137.7 million viewers in the second quarter (8:00 PM - 8:15 PM ET), per Nielsen Media Research.

[02/11/25 - 11:01 AM]
"The Day of the Jackal" Becomes Peacock's Most-Watched New Original Drama Series
Viewership of the series in its first 75 days has surpassed that of any other original drama series in the same timeframe.

[02/07/25 - 01:13 PM]
ABC Claims Top 5 Shows Among Adults 18-49 in Cross-Platform Broadcast Series Rankings
Driven by stellar streaming viewership on Hulu and Disney+, three ABC titles more than triple their seven-day linear averages, including "High Potential" (+297%), "Abbott Elementary" (+270%) and "Shifting Gears" (+242%).