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[01/28/25 - 09:01 AM] History's "The Food That Built America" Returns with a Delicious New Season on February 23 at 9/8c From unlocking original ideas to elevating old favorites, this season unveils the inspiration and innovation behind the products that became household names.
[06/29/23 - 09:00 AM] New Series "The Mega-Brands That Built America" Covering Greatest Leaders in Consumer History to Premiere July 23 on The History Channel Each one-hour episode delves into the surprising origin stories behind some of the world's biggest brands and offers a vivid portrayal of the trailblazing founders whose brilliance, tenacity, and fearlessness cemented cutting-edge products in the hearts and minds of consumers.
[01/31/22 - 09:06 AM] Adam Richman Bites Into the Most Memorable Food of the 1980s in New Series "Adam Eats the 80s" Premiering Sunday, February 27 at 10PM ET/PT on the History Channel Additionally, season three of the network's popular nonfiction series "The Food That Built America" will serve as the lead in to "Adam Eats the 80s" premiering on Sunday, February 27.
[03/03/21 - 01:04 PM] The History(R) Channel Announces Slate of Premium Historical Programming Extending Its Hit "That Built" Franchise Exploring the Fascinating History Behind America's Biggest Entrepreneurial Titans and Rivalries The announcement comes off the heels of the successful premiere of season two of "The Food That Built America," which chronicles the origin stories behind the titans who fought their way to the top of the food chain and tells the fascinating history of the rivalries between some of food's most beloved brands.
[01/14/21 - 01:01 PM] The History Channel Unwraps the Incredible Stories Behind Beloved Foods, Brands and the Titans That Shaped America in Bold New Ways in Two Returning Nonfiction Series "The Food That Built America" and "Modern Marvels" This season of "The Food That Built America" tells the fascinating history behind the titans who fought their way to the top of the food chain and bites into the rivalries between some of food's biggest and most beloved brands such as Pizza Hut, Oreo, Kraft, McDonalds, Cheetos and more.
[05/07/20 - 08:03 AM] History(R) Teams Up with Food Author and TV Personality Adam Richman on Season Two of Hit Nonfiction Series "The Food That Built America" About Food Titans Who Helped Shape America Richman will also host "American Made," which will delve into the making of All-American products, detailing both the process of the craft and the inspiration behind the idea.
[07/31/19 - 09:09 AM] History's New Nonfiction Miniseries "The Food That Built America" Premieres August 11 - Explores Stories of Food Industry Tycoons The three-part event tells the incredible stories of innovation and rivalries behind food industry tycoons Milton Hershey, John and Will Kellogg, Henry Heinz, C.W. Post, the McDonald brothers and more.
[03/27/19 - 04:17 PM] History Announces Two New Epic Docudramas Including "Washington" in Partnership with Pulitzer Prize Winning Presidential Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and "The Food That Built America" Revealing the Unknown Stories of Visionary Food Entrepreneurs Both docudramas join previously announced six-part documentary "Grant," based on Pulitzer Prize(R) winner Ron Chernow's #1 New York Times bestselling biography.
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Returns Sunday, February 23
STATUS: returning this winter (yet to premiere) |
TIME SLOT: sundays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST |
CURRENT SEASON: 6 (??? episodes) |
DESCRIPTION: (from History's web site, July 2024) Season three of the popular nonfiction series “The Food That Built America” will satisfy viewers’ appetites by sharing the origin stories of a new group of bold pioneers behind America’s most iconic food empires such as Orville Redenbacher, Ettore “Chef” Boiardi, Wally Amos, Debbi Fields, and Tom Carvel among others. Before these brands became household names, they came from brilliant – sometimes ruthless – visionaries who revolutionized food and changed the culinary landscape of America forever. Through dramatic recreations, fascinating facts, and expert commentary, this season delves into the unbelievable stories of grit, creativity, and determination by these culinary entrepreneurs whose unrelenting innovation helped them come out on top. |
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