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[02/23/24 - 12:25 PM] MotorTrend Programming Begins Streaming on discovery+ and Max Today Thousands of hours of additional MotorTrend content will be continually added to both discovery+ and Max through the end of March, at which time the MotorTrend+ subscription service will sunset.
[05/17/22 - 06:28 AM] MotorTrend Group's Robust Cross-Platform 2022-23 Programming Slate Energizes and Strengthens Fans' Connection to the Motoring World Introducing, inspiring and intensifying viewers' connection to car culture, MotorTrend's programming slate features new series with expert hosts and personalities, 14 returning powerhouse series and more than 215 live hours simulcast on MotorTrend TV and MotorTrend+.
[03/28/17 - 08:09 AM] Velocity Lifts the Hood on Supercharged 2017-18 Upfront Programming Slate Each of the 440 premiere hours in the new programming slate is designed to satisfy Velocity viewers' love for the most credible experts, authentic and engaging stories, bold personalities and compelling information from the exciting automotive world.
[03/31/16 - 11:21 AM] High-Octane Entertainment Fuels Velocity's 2016-17 Upfront Slate Velocity's 2016-17 programming lineup of approximately 400 premiere hours will continue fueling the network's position as the #1 provider of high-octane entertainment.
[03/28/13 - 07:53 AM] Discovery Channel Revs Up for New Premiere Episodes of "Overhaulin'" The series returns from sibling network Velocity on Monday, April 15 at 9:00/8:00c.
[04/05/12 - 09:43 AM] Velocity Goes Full Throttle With Its All-New Slate of Programming for the Upfront 2012-2013 Season "Ever since launch, Velocity has been riding a huge wave of momentum, and our new slate of programming is sure to keep the network surging ahead," said Bob Scanlon.
STATUS: on hiatus or fate to be determined |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
CURRENT SEASON: 12 (16 episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: completed airing its 12th season on 12/2/23; has yet to be renewed for a 13th season |
DESCRIPTION: (from MotorTrend's web site, March 2023) Women work behind the gears to tackle complex car and motorcycle projects. |
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