
[01/07/25 - 12:10 PM]
Bravo's Emmy Award-Nominated "Below Deck Down Under" Cruises to the Seychelles as Season Three Premieres on Monday, Feb. 3 at 8 P.M. ET/PT
Capt. Jason Chambers, Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph and Deckhand Harry Van Vliet will return for the new season.

[07/17/24 - 10:31 AM]
NBCUniversal Receives 75 Emmy Award Nominations
Leading the Peacock charge was "The Traitors" with four noms, highlighted by not only its Reality Or Competition Program nom, but host Alan Cumming earning a nomination for Outstanding Host of a Reality Or Competition Program.

[11/03/23 - 01:15 PM]
BravoCon 2023 Kicks Off with Season Renewals for Popular Franchises Set to Air Next Year
Bravo's slate of returning hits include new seasons of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," "Below Deck Mediterranean, "Below Deck Down Under," "Below Deck Sailing Yacht" and "Summer House."

[09/01/23 - 08:32 AM]
Dive Into La Dolce Vita with Bravo's "Below Deck Mediterranean" Season Eight Premiering Monday, Sept. 25 at 9 P.M. ET/PT
Capt. Sandy Yawn and Stews Natalya Scudder and Kyle Viljoen return for the new season, joined by fan-favorite Tumi Mhlongo, who crosses over from "Below Deck Down Under" as Chief Stew.

[06/07/23 - 11:33 AM]
Bravo Serves Up a Hot Aussie Summer as "Below Deck Down Under" Season Two Premieres Monday, July 17 at 8 P.M. ET/PT
Captain Jason Chambers and Chief Stew Aesha Scott will return for the new season.

[05/09/23 - 10:57 AM]
Fan-Favorite Hits, Iconic Franchises and New Original Series Set 2023-24 Season Across Bravo, E!, Syfy and USA Network, Highlighting NBCUniversal's Powerful Cable Portfolio
Highlights include the divorcee-dating competition series "The Big D," due Wednesday, June 14 on USA Network.

[10/14/22 - 02:57 PM]
Bravo and Peacock Pick Up New Seasons of the Popular "Below Deck" Franchise
Bravo has picked up Emmy-nominated "Below Deck Mediterranean" for an eighth season; "Below Deck Sailing Yacht" for a fourth season; and Peacock has renewed "Below Deck Down Under" for a second season.

[05/02/22 - 08:34 AM]
Peacock to Become Streaming Home of Bravo
Previously, new episodes of Bravo series had a delay before streaming on Peacock.

[03/07/22 - 01:32 PM]
Video: New Trailer for Peacock's Original Series "Below Deck Down Under" Available Now
Taking ocean adventures to a whole new level, the latest iteration to the Emmy-nominated "Below Deck" franchise is heading to Australia.

[02/16/22 - 10:36 AM]
Pack Your Snorkel for Peacock's New Series "Below Deck Down Under" Premiering Thursday, March 17
The first three episodes will be made available on premiere day.

[05/13/21 - 09:16 AM]
Peacock Expands Fan-Favorite Franchises with Series Orders of "Baking It," "Top Chef Family Style," "American Ninja Warrior Junior" and "Below Deck Down Under"
From the creators of "Making It," Amy Poehler and Nicolle Yaron, comes "Baking It," a holiday event series where teams of two talented home bakers compete with their most delectable savory and sweet edible creations.

3/17/22 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
mondays from 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST
3 (??? episodes)
(from Bravo's web site, February 2025) This season the crew sets sail to a stunning first-ever series destination — the pristine turquoise waters of the Seychelles off the coast of Africa. Jason is at the forefront of Motor Yacht Katina, the franchise’s largest vessel yet. With clashing department heads and hard-to-entertain guests, he must explore new depths to face this season’s challenges.
· Cristina Lopez as EP
· Julie Pizzi as EP
· Lauren Simms as EP
· Mark Cronin as EP
· Nicole Elliott as EP
· Tania Hamidi as EP
· Zachary Klein as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· 51 Minds Entertainment