
[03/24/22 - 01:30 PM]
Nickelodeon Supercharges Its Franchise Strategy with Steady Stream of New Premium Content for 2022-23 Season
The news outlined today encompasses Nickelodeon's strategy across franchises, new premium content and live experiences.

[11/11/21 - 09:01 AM]
Nickelodeon Gets Into the Holly Jolly "Nickmas" Spirit with Seasonal Programming Beginning Friday, Nov. 20
Viewers will be treated to a festive lineup featuring: "A Loud House Christmas," the brand-new original live-action holiday movie based on the Emmy Award-winning animated series "The Loud House."

[02/19/20 - 06:22 AM]
Nickelodeon Renews Some of Its Biggest Franchises and Hit Series for the 2020-21 Season
"Are You Afraid of the Dark," "All That" and "Top Elf" are among the eight newly extended series.

[05/22/18 - 08:02 AM]
Nickelodeon Renews Four Hit Series from Top-Ranked Preschool Portfolio
"PAW Patrol," "Blaze and the Monster Machines," "Rusty Rivets" and "Top Wing" are all due back.

[03/06/18 - 05:01 PM]
Nickelodeon Unveils Content Pipeline of More Than 800 New Episodes, Details Expansion into Location-Based and VR Experiences
"With our share growing and content pipeline in overdrive, we are reinventing ourselves to best serve the new and next generation of audiences on new and next-generation platforms," said Cyma Zarghami.

[05/23/17 - 10:53 AM]
Country Stars Billy Ray Cyrus and Kelsea Ballerini Guest Star in All-New Blaze and the Monster Machines "Wild Wheels" Specials on Nickelodoen
The first special, "Animal Island," featuring Cyrus as Lazard, a greedy lizard-truck, premieres Monday, May 29.

[03/28/17 - 11:44 AM]
Nickelodeon Wins 1Q 17 with All Kids' Demos, Marks Yearly Growth and Captures All Top Ten Shows for Kids 2-11 and Kids 6-11
Nickelodeon spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[03/02/17 - 03:01 PM]
Top-Rated Nickelodeon Charts Path Beyond TV, Details Content Pipeline of Almost 700 New Episodes in Every Genre
Details of Nick's content pipeline and its plans to expand its footprint past its own screens were outlined today at the network's annual upfront presentation, held at New York City's Jazz at Lincoln Center.

[12/28/16 - 12:23 PM]
Nickelodeon Wins 2016 with Kids and Total Viewers - Outperforms Competition by Double Digits
Nickelodeon further spins the numbers for the year to date.

[06/21/16 - 11:28 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, June 21
Updates include: Nickelodeon renews trio; Tricia Helfer scores key role on FOX's "Lucifer"; and "Game of Thrones" co-stars nab raises for next two seasons.

[05/19/16 - 07:12 AM]
Superstar Race Car Drivers Danica Patrick, Jimmie Johnson, Chase Elliott and Kasey Kahne Guest Star in Nickelodeon's "Blaze and the Monster Machines"
The first special, "Race Car Superstar," premieres Monday, May 30, at 1:30 p.m. (ET/PT), followed by "Race to Eagle Rock" on Thursday, June 2, at 1:30 p.m. (ET/PT).

[03/02/16 - 02:32 PM]
Nickelodeon Readies More Than 650 Episodes of New and Returning Series This Season
Among the renewals: "SpongeBob SquarePants" (Seasons 10 and 11), "Harvey Beaks" (Season 2), "Pig Goat Banana Cricket" (Season 2), "Henry Danger" (Season 3), "Game Shakers" (Season 2) and "The Thundermans" (Season 4).

[09/15/15 - 07:22 AM]
Nickelodeon's Blaze and the Monster Machines Heats Up with Guest Voice Actor Joe Manganiello in "Fired Up!" Premiering Friday, Sept. 25, At 12 P.M. (ET/PT)
As commander of Axle City's firefighting brigade, the Fire Chief tackles the toughest emergencies with authority and thinks Blaze may have what it takes to be a firefighter.

[06/11/15 - 09:53 AM]
Nickelodeon's "Blaze and the Monster Machines" Continues to Gain Speed with Season Three Pickup of Hit Animated Preschool Series
Additionally, current season episodes will feature celebrity guest voices including Joe Manganiello as Fire Chief and Mayim Bialik as Sphinx.

[05/06/15 - 01:43 PM]
Nickelodeon Rolls Out New "Blaze and the Monster Machines" Content Across TV, Digital and More for Month of May
Blaze and the Monster Machines follows the adventures of the amazing monster truck Blaze and his eight-year-old driver AJ, and it's the first preschool show on TV to comprehensively cover all areas of STEM in every episode.

[02/25/15 - 03:35 PM]
Nickelodeon Showcases Power of Its Ecosystem and Highlights New Content Slate and Upcoming Initiatives for 2015-2016 Season at Annual Upfront Presentation
"The proliferation of platforms and massive amounts of new content are having an unprecedented impact on entertainment, and we are using these opportunities to super-serve our audience with fresh content, new formats and innovative storytelling," said Cyma Zarghami.

[02/12/15 - 11:20 AM]
Nickelodeon and Fisher-Price Announce Brand-New "Blaze and the Monster Machines" Preschool Product Line, Based on the Hit TV Series
Products will be available at select retailers starting in May with full nationwide rollout in August.

[01/15/15 - 08:11 AM]
Nickelodeon Launches First "Blaze and the Monster Machines" App, Inspired by the Hit STEM Preschool Series
Available now, the app introduces preschoolers to STEM concepts as they race along preset courses or build their own tracks.

[12/22/14 - 12:47 PM]
Nickelodeon Is 2014's Top Basic Cable Network with Kids and Total Viewers
Nickelodeon spins the numbers for the year to date.

[10/28/14 - 11:08 AM]
Nickelodeon Clinches Monthly Win with Kids
Nickelodeon spins the numbers for the month of October to date.

[10/21/14 - 10:19 AM]
Nickelodeon Wins the Week with Kids and Total Viewers
Nickelodeon spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/01/14 - 07:18 AM]
Nickelodeon Launches "Blaze and the Monster Machines," Brand-New Preschool Series Supercharged with Stem Curriculum, Monday, Oct. 13, at 12 P.M. (ET/PT)
The first preschool show on TV to comprehensively cover all areas of STEM in every episode, Blaze and the Monster Machines follows the amazing monster truck Blaze and his eight-year-old driver AJ.

10/13/14 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
not on the schedule
9 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from Paramount+'s web site, February 2025) Blaze and the Monster Machines follows the animated adventures of Blaze, the world’s greatest monster truck, and his best pal and driver, AJ, as they race through the exciting world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math!
· Ellen Martin as CRTR/EP
· Jeff Borkin as CRTR/EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· no information is available