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STATUS: canceled/ended (2012-2013 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 1 (8 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Spike TV's press release, December 2012) Dealerships are at the forefront of the multibillion dollar auto industry that employs over 20 million Americans. During the recent recession, thousands of dealerships struggled to make a profit and were in danger of closing their doors. Spike TV's new unscripted original series, "Car Lot Rescue," follows auto dealership 'doctor' Tom Stuker as he takes charge in bringing these once failing establishments to new heights of success. Taking no prisoners, Stuker picks apart each dealership, implementing his specially-developed training technique made up of equal part sales, psychology and attitude. Eight one-hour episodes of "Car Lot Rescue" premiere starting Sunday, February 10 at 10PM ET/PT on Spike TV. Stuker's innovative and brazen methods for selling cars have made him a legend in the auto industry. He has traversed the globe, logging over 11 million air miles, visiting over 1,500 auto dealerships worldwide from Japan to Australia, all in desperate need of his guidance. In each episode, Stuker, along with his car savvy team, travel to a different dealership in dire financial straits, where he is given five days to work with the dealership staff to prepare them for Saturday, the busiest sales day of the week. With his signature black cowboy hat and boots, Stuker's larger-than-life persona is instrumental in galvanizing the attention and respect of the dealership employees. His blunt talk may rub some of the salespeople the wrong way, but his tough-love approach and keen sense of the business ultimately delivers unmatchable success. |
· Tom Stuker
· Ben Silverman as EP · Craig Armstrong as EP · Jimmy Fox as EP · Rick Ringbakk as EP · Vem Miller as CRTR/EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· 5x5 Media · Electus · Sweatshop Media