
[01/16/25 - 08:00 AM]
HBO Original Limited Series "C.B. Strike: The Ink Black Heart" Debuts January 23
This is the sixth story of the crime drama in co-production with BBC and based on J.K. Rowling's best-selling crime novels written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

[12/19/24 - 11:00 AM]
What's New on Max This January
New debuts include "The Pitt," "Mermicorno: Starfall," season 5 of "Harley Quinn" and "Isadora Moon."

[02/02/24 - 11:41 PM]
Development Update: Week of January 29-February 2
Updates include: Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson among latest cast in Peacock's "Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist"; Dave Burd to press pause on FXX's "Dave"; and Netflix's "Obliterated," Disney Channel's "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" both get the axe.

[03/31/23 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Friday, March 31
Updates include: AMC's "Interview with the Vampire" recasts Claudia; "C.B. Strike" slated for sixth installment; and original "Ghosts" series to end with season five.

[01/25/23 - 01:53 PM]
What's New on HBO Max This February
Stream Oscar-nominated films "All That Breathes" and "Empire of Light," "Puppy Bowl XIX," a new season of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," and specials "Harley Quinn: A Very Problematic Valentine's Day Special," and "Marc Maron: From Bleak to Dark" this February on HBO Max.

[02/07/22 - 04:03 AM]
Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger Return in "Strike - Troubled Blood"
HBO has North American rights and Warner Bros. is selling the show internationally.

[01/27/21 - 11:00 AM]
HBO Max Highlights - February 2021
Original programming in February includes the season eight return of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," the second season of animated hit "Close Enough," the documentary premiere of "There Is No 'I' in Threesome," and five-episode limited series "Beartown."

[12/23/20 - 09:05 AM]
HBO Max Highlights - January 2021
Newly added library titles to include "Pushing Daisies," "What I Like About You," "Babylon 5," "Person of Interest," "The New Adventures of Old Christine," "Everwood," "Eve," "The Wayans Bros" and "Batman: The Animated Series."

[01/15/20 - 11:48 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, January 15
Updates include: Amazon parts ways with "Britannia," "The Dark Tower"; cast options expire on Netflix's "Mindhunter"; and Cinemax to stop airing original series after "Strike Back."

[09/17/19 - 08:07 AM]
Filming Starts in London on Cinemax's "Lethal White," The Second Season of "C.B. Strike"
In the grips of psychosis, a young man named Billy Knight (Joseph Quinn) arrives in private detective Cormoran Strike's (Tom Burke) office telling the story of a child he saw strangled many years ago.

[05/02/18 - 02:09 PM]
"C.B. Strike," Cinemax Miniseries Produced in Association with BBC One, Debuts June 1
C.B. Strike is a war veteran turned private detective who operates out of a tiny office in London's Denmark Street.

[04/06/18 - 08:49 AM]
"C.B. Strike" Debuts Friday, June 1 on Cinemax
The show launches with three one-hour episodes based on the first book in the trilogy, "The Cuckoo's Calling," followed by adaptations of the remaining two books, "The Silkworm" and "Career of Evil," both of which will consist of two one-hour episodes.

[01/12/18 - 12:40 PM]
HBO/Cinemax Programming Overview - Winter 2018
The company recaps its plans for the rest of the year and beyond.

[10/09/17 - 09:26 AM]
Cinemax Announces 2018 Original Programming Lineup
The pay channel has an explosive lineup set for Friday nights in 2018, with a varied slate of dynamic, action-packed original programming highlighted by new and returning series.

[11/01/16 - 11:15 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, November 1
Updates include: Jai Courtney among latest bound for Netflix's "Wet Hot American Summer"; Molly Price cast in FX's "Feud"; and Juliana Harkavy to recur on The CW's "Arrow."

[10/26/16 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 26
Updates include: Matthew Weiner lands hefty series order from Amazon; HBO lands broadcast rights to "Cormoran Strike"; and Bryan Fuller steps down from "Star Trek: Discovery."

[09/07/16 - 09:48 AM]
Tom Burke Is "Cormoran Strike" for Major TV Drama for BBC One
The Strike Series is based on J.K. Rowling's bestselling crime novels, written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

6/1/18 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
completed airing its current season
6 (4 episodes)
completed airing its sixth season on 2/13/25; has yet to be renewed for a seventh season
(from HBO's web site, January 2025) Based on Robert Galbraith’s best-selling crime novels, the sharp and suspenseful drama series C.B. Strike returns for a fourth season. Private detectives Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott are hired to investigate the murder of the creator of a cult TV cartoon, The Ink Black Heart. With a complex web of online aliases, business interests, and family conflicts to navigate, the heroic pair find themselves stretched to their limit as the threat of a mysterious killer lurks around every corner. Adapted for the screen by Tom Edge; director, Sue Tully; executive producers, J.K. Rowling, Neil Blair, Ruth Kenley-Letts, and Nick Lambon (for the BBC).
· Holliday Grainger as Robin Ellacott
· Tom Burke as Cormoran Strike
· Ben Richards as CRTR/EP
· Elizabeth Kilgarriff as EP
· J.K. Rowling as BOOK/EP
· Michael Keillor as DIR (Pilot)
· Neil Blair as EP
· Ruth Kenley-Letts as EP
· Tom Edge as EP
· Tommy Bulfin as EP
· drama
· Bronte Films