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[06/20/23 - 10:01 AM] AMC Networks Features the Return of Hit Western Noir Thriller "Dark Winds" and Season Finales of "The Walking Dead: Dead City," "Cannes Confidential," "Clean Sweep" and "True Crime Story: Look Into My Eyes" This July Other July highlights include "London Kills," "The Best of Us," "Makeup X Breakup," and "The Heiress and the Heist."
[05/17/23 - 10:02 AM] AMC Networks Features the Return of Fan Favorite Characters Maggie and Negan with New Series "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Mid-Season Finale of "Fear the Walking Dead" This June Other highlights include the series finale of "Happy Valley"; the premieres of "Cannes Confidential" and "Clean Sweep"; as well as the launch of "True Crime Story: Look Into My Eyes."
[05/17/23 - 08:05 AM] Nail-Biting Crime Thriller "Clean Sweep" Debuts with a Two-Episode Premiere on Thursday, June 22 on Sundance Now and AMC+ Starring Charlene McKenna, the suspenseful Irish series is told from the point-of-view of the killer who is also, unusually, a self-sacrificing mother and wife.
[01/10/23 - 09:22 AM] AMC Networks Announces Spring Premiere Dates for New Original Series and Films Across Its Suite of Channels and Targeted Streaming Services Highlights include the debut of "Lucky Hank" (formerly "Straight Man") Sunday, March 19 on AMC+ and AMC.
[12/21/22 - 10:40 AM] AMC Networks Rings in the New Year with a World Premiere Event for the Highly Anticipated New Series "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" on Sunday, January 8 Across All Linear Networks Joining AMC+ and AMC Other highlights include the debuts of "Frozen Planet II" Saturday, January 28 on BBC America and "Clean Sweep" Thursday, January 26 on Sundance Now.
[08/10/22 - 12:39 PM] Sundance Now Commissions Bevy of New Series Starring Thomasin Mckenzie, Elaine Cassidy, Sarah Goldberg, Temuera Morrison, Travis Fimmel and More These commissions finalize on the heels of recent announcements for upcoming series "Clean Sweep," "The Lovers," "SisterS," "Black Snow," and "Far North" - promising a robust 2023 for the network.