[12/12/24 - 09:29 AM] Animated Comedic Thriller "Common Side Effects" Premieres February 2 on Adult Swim The half-hour series follows Marshall and Frances, two former high school lab partners who share a secret: Marshall has discovered the world's greatest medicine, a mushroom that can heal almost anything.
[09/12/24 - 10:41 AM] Adult Swim to Feature "Rick and Morty," "Lazarus," and "Night of New" Screening Event at This Year's New York Comic Con Screening include "Women Wearing Shoulder Pads" from series creator Gonzalo Cordova, "Common Side Effects" from executive producers Mike Judge and Greg Daniels and co-creators Joe Bennett and Steve Hely, and a sneak peak of "YOLO: Rainbow Trinity" from creator Michael Cusack.
[07/26/24 - 11:31 AM] Video: First Look - "Common Side Effects" - Adult Swim "Common Side Effects" follows Marshall and Frances, two former high school lab partners who share a secret: Marshall has discovered the world's greatest medicine, a mushroom that can heal almost anything.
[07/09/24 - 09:00 AM] Adult Swim to Host Four-Day "Pirate Parrrty" at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 Alongside Exclusive Sneak Peeks, Series Panels and Launch of the "Rick And Morty: The Anime" Anime-rican Tour Look for a special screening event featuring the full-length premiere episodes of "Common Side Effects," "Rick and Morty: The Anime," "Invincible Fight Girl," and "Women Wearing Shoulder Pads" alongside more never-before-seen Adult Swim content.
[06/14/24 - 04:29 AM] Adult Swim Announces New and Returning Series at Annecy International Animation Film Festival "For two decades, Adult Swim has pushed the boundaries of animation, repeatedly surprised its audience and launched and grown careers - and we're not that interested in stopping," said Michael Ouweleen, president, Adult Swim.
[05/28/24 - 08:47 AM] Adult Swim Unveils Programming Plans for Annecy International Animation Film Festival Adult Swim will screen the entire first episode of the highly anticipated new series "Common Side Effects" exclusively at Annecy.
[06/16/23 - 04:00 AM] Adult Swim Orders "Common Side Effects" from Mike Judge and Greg Daniels The series follows former high school lab partners Marshall and Frances who begin to unravel a conspiracy involving big pharma and the federal government to suppress knowledge of a rare mushroom that may hold the key to curing all the world's diseases.
Premieres Sunday, February 2
STATUS: new this winter (yet to premiere) |
TIME SLOT: sundays from 11:30 PM-12:00 AM EST |
CURRENT SEASON: 1 (??? episodes) |
DESCRIPTION: (from Adult Swim's press release, December 2024) From Joe Bennett ("Scavengers Reign") and Steve Hely ("Veep") and Executive Producers Mike Judge and Greg Daniels ("King of the Hill"), a new series that follows what happens after a mysterious healing mushroom is discovered, "Common Side Effects," will debut Sunday, February 2 at 11:30pm ET/PT on Adult Swim. The half-hour series follows Marshall and Frances, two former high school lab partners who share a secret: Marshall has discovered the world's greatest medicine, a mushroom that can heal almost anything. But getting it out into the world won't be easy - the DEA, big pharma, and international businessmen are all on the chase to stop them. |
· Dustin Davis as EP · Greg Daniels as EP · Joe Bennett as CRTR · Mike Judge as EP · Steve Hely as CRTR
· comedy (all) · comedy (animated)
· Bandera Entertainment · Green Street Pictures