
[09/19/24 - 06:31 AM]
Netflix - What We Watched the First Half of 2024
Four of our 10 biggest shows this year so far were from the UK ("Fool Me Once" 108M, "Baby Reindeer" 88M, "The Gentlemen" 76M and "One Day" 39M).

[08/14/24 - 07:02 AM]
Netflix Renews "The Gentlemen" for Season 2
Theo James, Kaya Scodelario and Daniel Ings will all reprise their roles in the new season.

[07/17/24 - 09:35 AM]
Netflix Awards Catalog: Complete List of Academy Award, Emmy and BAFTA Wins and Nominations
"The Crown" was the most nominated Netflix series with 18 nominations, followed by "Ripley" with 13 nominations and "Baby Reindeer" with 11 nominations.

[04/30/24 - 09:31 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Apr. 22: "Baby Reindeer" and "Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver" Hold Onto the Top Spots
"Dead Boy Detectives," the new supernatural detective series, debuted in second place with 3.1M views.

[04/23/24 - 11:04 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Apr. 15: "Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver" Debuts at #1; "Baby Reindeer" Rises to the Top
List mainstays included "3 Body Problem," which spent its fifth week on the list in third place (3.2M views), and Guy Ritchie's aristocratic gangster series "The Gentlemen," which spent its seventh week on the list in sixth place (2.9M views).

[04/16/24 - 08:53 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Apr. 8: "3 Body Problem" Spends Third Week at #1
"The Gentlemen" claimed third place (3.7M views) in its sixth week and sent sales for posh fashion skyrocketing.

[04/09/24 - 09:09 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Apr. 1: "3 Body Problem" Holds Strong at #1
Also retaining their spots in second and third place were the docudrama "Testament: The Story of Moses" (5.7M views) and Guy Ritchie's aristocratic gangster series "The Gentlemen" (5.6M views).

[04/02/24 - 09:07 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar. 25: "3 Body Problem" Is #1
Making their list debuts were the docudrama "Testament: The Story of Moses" in second (13.5M views), Season 2 of reality series "Buying Beverly Hills" in eighth place (1.9M views), and stand-up special "Dave Attell: Hot Cross Buns" in tenth (1.5M views).

[03/26/24 - 10:04 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar. 18: "Irish Wish" and "The Gentlemen" Take the Top Spots
"3 Body Problem," the new sci-fi series from David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, and Alexander Woo, began its invasion in second place with 11M views over four days.

[03/19/24 - 08:46 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar. 11: "Damsel" and "The Gentlemen" Continue Their Reigns at No. 1
Fan-favorite "Avatar: The Last Airbender" held strong in second place in its fourth week on the list with 5.2M views.

[03/12/24 - 09:56 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar. 4: "Damsel" and "The Gentlemen" Take the Top Spots
"Avatar: The Last Airbender," which was recently renewed for two more seasons, held strong in second place with 9.1M views as the social fandom continues to heat up.

[02/22/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Gentlemen" - A Guy Ritchie Series Official Trailer - Netflix
When aristocratic Eddie inherits the family estate, he discovers that it's home to an enormous weed empire - and its proprietors aren't going anywhere.

[02/12/24 - 07:01 AM]
Netflix Announces the Date for Guy Ritchie's "The Gentlemen"
The series sees Eddie Horniman (Theo James) unexpectedly inherit his father's sizable country estate - only to discover it's part of a cannabis empire.

[02/01/24 - 05:59 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix 2024: The Series & Films Preview
In 2024, get ready for what's next... on Netflix.

[01/15/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Gentlemen" - A New Series from Guy Ritchie Official Teaser - Netflix
Meet our new class of criminals in "The Gentlemen." A new drama series from Guy Ritchie, inspired by the original film.

[07/14/23 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Week of July 10-14
Updates include: Showtime pulls its "Vice" documentary series; Reneé Rapp to exit Max's "The Sex Lives of College Girls"; and Netflix's "The Gentlemen" casts pair.

[06/26/23 - 11:19 PM]
Development Update: Monday, June 26
Updates include: Paramount+ drops four more series, including "Inside Amy Schumer"; and Max Beesley joins the cast of Netflix's "The Gentlemen."

[12/07/22 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, December 7
Updates include: FOX axes freshman drama "Monarch"; Jake Gyllenhaal in talks to lead Apple's "Presumed Innocent"; and Cartoon Network and Adult Swim president Michael Ouweleen gives status check on various projects.

[11/11/22 - 11:24 PM]
Development Update: Friday, November 11
Updates include: Freeform cancels "Everything's Trash" after one season; Apple's "The Morning Show" casts trio to recur; and Hulu eyes "Murdaugh Murders" TV series.

[11/04/22 - 09:31 AM]
Theo James, Kaya Scodelario, Daniel Ings, Joely Richardson, Giancarlo Esposito, Peter Serafinowicz and Vinnie Jones Will Star in New Series "The Gentlemen" from Creator Guy Ritchie
Ritchie will serve as creator, co-writer and executive producer of the series that is set in the world of the film of the same name, but not starring the original characters.

[03/11/22 - 11:29 PM]
Development Update: Friday, March 11
Updates include: Netflix cancels "The Baby-Sitters Club" after two seasons; Anna Wood to lead NBC's "Unbroken"; and Geena Davis to topline drama pilot at CBS.

Returns in TBA 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
3/7/24 - ???
returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
2 (8 episodes)
Season 2 (of eight episodes) ordered on 8/14/24
(from Netflix's web site, March 2024) When aristocratic Eddie inherits the family estate, he discovers that it's home to an enormous weed empire — and its proprietors aren't going anywhere.
· Chanel Cresswell
· Daniel Ings as Freddy Horniman
· Dar Salim
· Giancarlo Esposito as Uncle Stan
· Guz Khan
· Harry Goodwins
· Jasmine Blackborow
· Joely Richardson as Lady Sabrina
· Kaya Scodelario as Susie Glass
· Max Beesley
· Michael Vu
· Pearce Quigley
· Peter Serafinowicz
· Ray Winstone
· Ruby Sear
· Theo James as Eddie Horniman
· Vinnie Jones as Geoff Seacombe
· Bill Block as EP
· Frith Tiplady as EP
· Guy Ritchie as CRTR/EP/DIR (Pilot)
· Hugh Warren as PROD
· Ivan Atkinson as EP
· Marc Helwig as EP
· Marn Davies as EP
· Matthew Read as EP
· Will Gould as EP
· based on a feature film
· drama
· Miramax Television
· Moonage Pictures