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[08/29/24 - 06:15 AM] AMC Networks' Acorn TV and Channel 5 Crack More Cases as "The Madame Blanc Mysteries" Returns for Season 4 The series returns to the wonderful world of Sainte Victoire, packed with unusual antiques and objéts d'art, murder, mystery, sunshine and laughter for seven episodes, including a Christmas special.
[01/24/24 - 12:01 PM] Fan-Favorite Escapist Crime Drama, "The Madame Blanc Mysteries," Returns with All-New Episodes on Monday, February 19 The Christmas Special, the first episode of Season 3, premiered on Christmas Day and is available to stream on Acorn TV.
[01/18/24 - 11:05 AM] AMC Networks' February Highlights Feature the Highly Anticipated Series "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live"; Sundance Now's International Crime Caper "Far North"; And the Return of Acorn TV's Popular "The Madame Blanc Mysteries" These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[12/07/23 - 01:07 PM] Fan-Favorite Crime Drama, "The Madame Blanc Mysteries," Returns to Acorn TV with a Christmas Special on December 25 The special serves as the first episode in the series' seven-episode third season.
[11/20/23 - 08:00 AM] AMC Networks' December Highlights Include New "Best Christmas Ever" Programming and More This December, AMC Networks celebrates "Best Christmas Ever" with beloved holiday classics as well the debut of festive horror films It's a Wonderful Knife and The Sacrifice Game, and all-new specials, Joe Bob's Creepy Christmas and In the Kitchen with Harry Hamlin: A Holiday Special.
[05/23/23 - 09:16 AM] Channel 5 and AMC Networks' Acorn TV Return to Sainte Victore for More Escapist Charm with Third Series of "The Madame Blanc Mysteries" The new season sees renowned and respected antiques dealer, Jean White, return with her expertise in the world of antiquities proving to be the key to solving a series of murders and mysteries against the backdrop of the beautiful French village of Sainte Victoire.
[02/16/23 - 10:20 AM] AMC Networks' March Highlights Include Debut of "Lucky Hank," "Grown & Gospel" and More New AMC+ Exclusive Films debut every Friday, including "Taurus," "Corsage," "The Almond and the Seahorse" and Shudder thrillers "Leave" and "The Unheard."
[02/07/23 - 09:47 AM] Video: Acorn TV Original - "The Madame Blanc Mysteries" Season 2 - Official Trailer Antiques dealer Jean White (Sally Lindsay) is nearly bankrupt after her husband's sudden death, and so she heads to their one last asset: a cottage in antiques hub Sainte Victoire, France.
[01/27/23 - 09:03 AM] AMC Networks February Highlights Include Season Finale of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" and Debuts of "Black Snow" and "Skinamarink" Shudder's box office hit "Skinamarink" debuts on Thursday, February 2, joining an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder and Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[01/19/21 - 10:07 AM] Channel 5 and AMC Networks' Acorn TV Commission New Drama "The Reluctant Madame Blanc" (w.t), Created by Sally Lindsay The new six-part series follows Jean White, a renowned and respected antiques dealer, running a successful business in leafy Cheshire with her husband, Rory.
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Returns in TBA 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
STATUS: returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA) |
TIME SLOT: not on the schedule |
CURRENT SEASON: 4 (7 episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Season 4 (of seven episodes) ordered on 8/29/24 |
DESCRIPTION: (from Acorn TV's web site, February 2024) Antiques dealer Jean White (Sally Lindsay, Mount Pleasant) is nearly bankrupt after her husband's sudden death, and so she heads to their one last asset: a cottage in antiques hub Sainte Victoire, France. There, Jean begins investigating his death, aided by sympathetic taxi driver Dom (Steve Edge). She soon finds the colorful locals have a treasure trove of other mysteries for her to assess, too. |
· Sally Lindsay as Jean White · Sue Vincent
· Andy Morgan as PROD · Caroline Roberts-Cherry as EP · Catherine Mackin as DIR · Dermot Boyd as DIR · Mike Benson as EP · Sally Lindsay as WRTR · Sue Vincent as WRTR
· drama
· Acorn Media Enterprises · Clapperboard · Saffron Cherry Productions