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date (day) time network episode title
4/11/25 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEYGroundhog's Day Out/Ploofy Power
4/11/25 (Fr.)7:30 AMDISNEY JUNIORGroundhog's Day Out/Ploofy Power
4/9/25 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S3, 4 episodes (R)
3/14/25 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-29) Dinosaurs on the Loose/WEB-STER'S Big Bad Bug
3/14/25 (Fr.)7:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-29) Dinosaurs on the Loose/WEB-STER'S Big Bad Bug
2/14/25 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-28) The Campout Mystery/Gobby's Metal Menace
2/14/25 (Fr.)7:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-28) The Campout Mystery/Gobby's Metal Menace
1/17/25 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-27) Tricky Tricky Trapster/Tractor Beam Trouble"
1/17/25 (Fr.)7:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-27) Tricky Tricky Trapster/Tractor Beam Trouble"
12/4/24 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S3, 5 episodes (R)
12/3/24 (Tu.)9:30 AMDISNEY(#3-25) A Snow Day For Aunt May/ Hanukkah Heist
12/3/24 (Tu.)8:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-25) A Snow Day For Aunt May/ Hanukkah Heist
11/15/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-26) Moon Girl and the Dino Dilemma/Hulk's Squirrley Switch
11/15/24 (Fr.)7:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-26) Moon Girl and the Dino Dilemma/Hulk's Squirrley Switch
11/8/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEYTree House Takeover / The Incredible Shrinking Zola
11/8/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIORTree House Takeover / The Incredible Shrinking Zola
11/1/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEYRobo-Spideys; Saber-Toothed Kitten
11/1/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIORRobo-Spideys; Saber-Toothed Kitten
10/11/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEYToo Many Zolas / Electro's Glow Show
10/11/24 (Fr.)7:30 AMDISNEY JUNIORToo Many Zolas / Electro's Glow Show
10/4/24 (Fr.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S3, 5 episodes (R)
10/3/24 (Th.)9:30 AMDISNEYThe Curse of the Corn Dog King; Zola's Halloween
10/3/24 (Th.)8:30 AMDISNEY JUNIORThe Curse of the Corn Dog King; Zola's Halloween
9/27/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-21) Odd Bot Team Up/The Lost King
9/27/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-21) Odd Bot Team Up/The Lost King
8/30/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-17) Adventures in Fossil Hunting/Lizard's Buggy Bonanza
8/30/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-17) Adventures in Fossil Hunting/Lizard's Buggy Bonanza
8/23/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-20) Fool's Gold/The Sundae Save
8/23/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-20) Fool's Gold/The Sundae Save
8/23/24 (Fr.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S3, 5 episodes (R)
8/16/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-19) The Goblin and the Geyser/Skeleton Stomp
8/16/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-19) The Goblin and the Geyser/Skeleton Stomp
8/9/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-16) Grow Webs Grow/Rio In Space
8/9/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-16) Grow Webs Grow/Rio In Space
8/2/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-15) Go Dino-Webs Go!/Ghost in the Museum
8/2/24 (Fr.)8:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-15) Go Dino-Webs Go!/Ghost in the Museum
6/7/24 (Fr.)10:00 AMDISNEY(#3-14) Zola's Novel Idea/Greatest Hits
6/7/24 (Fr.)9:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-14) Zola's Novel Idea/Greatest Hits
5/10/24 (Fr.)1:30 PMDISNEYFreeze, It's Dock Ock! / Go, Go, Jeff
5/10/24 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORFreeze, It's Dock Ock! / Go, Go, Jeff
4/26/24 (Fr.)1:30 PMDISNEY(#3-12) Iron Zola/Aunt May's Birthday Blowout
4/26/24 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-12) Iron Zola/Aunt May's Birthday Blowout
4/24/24 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S3, 5 episodes (R)
4/12/24 (Fr.)1:30 PMDISNEY(#3-11) Picture Perfect Pandemonium/Catch That Panther Pod
4/12/24 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-11) Picture Perfect Pandemonium/Catch That Panther Pod
3/15/24 (Fr.)1:30 PMDISNEY(#3-10) Tiny Car Caper/Toothy Fairy Tricks
3/15/24 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-10) Tiny Car Caper/Toothy Fairy Tricks
2/23/24 (Fr.)1:30 PMDISNEYCar-Tastrophe / Sandman and the Tortoise
2/23/24 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORCar-Tastrophe / Sandman and the Tortoise
2/16/24 (Fr.)1:30 PMDISNEYNow You See Me, Now You Don't; Meet Squirrel Girl
2/16/24 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORNow You See Me, Now You Don't; Meet Squirrel Girl
2/9/24 (Fr.)3:01 AMDISNEY+(#301-305) New Episodes (R)
1/28/24 (Su.)6:00 AMDISNEY XDCatch and Release; Construction Destruction (R)
1/26/24 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-07) Journey Through Zola/Villaintines Day (R)
1/26/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-07) Journey Through Zola/Villaintines Day
1/19/24 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-06) The Rhino and the Goose/Dog vs Cat (R)
1/19/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-06) The Rhino and the Goose/Dog vs Cat
1/12/24 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-05) Bubble Trouble / Rainy River Run (R)
1/12/24 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-05) Bubble Trouble / Rainy River Run
1/11/24 (Th.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-04) Antarctic Adventure/Let It Snowball, Let It Snowball, Let It Snowball (R)
1/11/24 (Th.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-04) Antarctic Adventure/Let It Snowball, Let It Snowball, Let It Snowball
1/10/24 (We.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-03) Tree Trouble/Stuck In Space (R)
1/10/24 (We.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-03) Tree Trouble/Stuck In Space
1/9/24 (Tu.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-02) Ock's Obey Ray/Lemur At Large (R)
1/9/24 (Tu.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-02) Ock's Obey Ray/Lemur At Large
1/8/24 (Mo.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#3-01) The Friendly Neighborhood/Flight of the Butterflies (R)
1/8/24 (Mo.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#3-01) The Friendly Neighborhood/Flight of the Butterflies
1/7/24 (Su.)6:00 AMDISNEY XDItsy-Bitsy Spiders; Gobby's Rotten Pumpkin Hunt (R)
11/22/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S2, 5 episodes (R)
11/22/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+Meet Spidey and his Amazing Friends (S3, 6 episodes) (R)
11/10/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-28) How to Train Your Doggy/Dome Alone
11/10/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-28) How to Train Your Doggy/Dome Alone
9/29/23 (Fr.)7:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-15) Bootsie's Haunted Adventure/Too Many Tricks, Not Enough Treats (R)
9/29/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-15) Bootsie's Haunted Adventure/Too Many Tricks, Not Enough Treats
9/29/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-15) Bootsie's Haunted Adventure/Too Many Tricks, Not Enough Treats
9/15/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-29) Go With the Lava Flow/An UnBEElievable Rosh Hashanah (R)
9/15/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-29) Go With the Lava Flow/An UnBEElievable Rosh Hashanah
9/13/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S2, 7 episodes (R)
9/1/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-27) Rollin Rhino/The Octopus and the Kitty Cat (R)
9/1/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-27) Rollin Rhino/The Octopus and the Kitty Cat
8/25/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-26) Hide & Seek/Whale of a Time (R)
8/25/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-26) Hide & Seek/Whale of a Time
8/18/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-25) Stolen WEB-Quarters/Spideys in Space!
8/18/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-25) Stolen WEB-Quarters/Spideys in Space!
8/11/23 (Fr.)8:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-24) Dino-Rama/Daytime at Night (R)
8/11/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-24) Dino-Rama/Daytime at Night
7/7/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-23) Catnap Caper/Bunny Bonanza (R)
7/7/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-23) Catnap Caper/Bunny Bonanza
6/9/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-22) Super Scooter/The Lost Web Shooter (R)
6/9/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-22) Super Scooter/The Lost Web Shooter
5/26/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-21) Ock Tower/Outsmarted by Art (R)
5/26/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-21) Ock Tower/Outsmarted by Art
5/24/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S2, 5 episodes (R)
5/12/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-20) A Syrup Solution/Catch As Ant Can (R)
5/12/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-20) A Syrup Solution/Catch As Ant Can
4/28/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-18) The New Villain in Town/Spidey Cat (R)
4/28/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-18) The New Villain in Town/Spidey Cat
4/14/23 (Fr.)1:00 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-17) The Maltese Kitten/A Day With Black Panther (R)
4/14/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-17) The Maltese Kitten/A Day With Black Panther
3/24/23 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-19) Tunnel Trouble; Mystery on Goblin Island (R)
3/24/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-19) Tunnel Trouble; Mystery on Goblin Island
3/17/23 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-16) Spin Saves the Day; Water Woes (R)
3/17/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-16) Spin Saves the Day; Water Woes
3/8/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S2, 4 episodes (R)
2/24/23 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-14) Pirate Plunder Blunder; Bad Bot (R)
2/24/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-14) Pirate Plunder Blunder; Bad Bot
2/10/23 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-13) Clean Power; Doc Ock & The Rocktobots (R)
2/10/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-13) Clean Power; Doc Ock & The Rocktobots
1/27/23 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-12) Spidey Tidies Up; No Tomatoes Oh No! (R)
1/27/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-12) Spidey Tidies Up; No Tomatoes Oh No!
1/6/23 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#2-11) Liberty on the Loose; Green Goblin's Dino Disaster (R)
1/6/23 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-11) Liberty on the Loose; Green Goblin's Dino Disaster
12/16/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORFollow That Sea Monster!; It's Bad to be Gooed (R)
12/16/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-10) Follow That Sea Monster!; It's Bad to be Gooed
12/9/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORAn Egg-Cellent Adventure; The Hangout Headache (R)
12/9/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-09) An Egg-Cellent Adventure; The Hangout Headache
11/30/22 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S2, 4 episodes (R)
11/11/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORHalted Holiday; Merry Spidey Christmas (R)
11/11/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-08) Halted Holiday; Merry Spidey Christmas
10/21/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORSand Trapped; Too Much Fun (R)
10/21/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEYSand Trapped; Too Much Fun
10/14/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORCan't Stop Dancing!; The Ant Thief (R)
10/14/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEYCan't Stop Dancing!; The Ant Thief
9/30/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-05) Li'l Hulk; Surprise Party Surprise
9/29/22 (Th.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#205) Li'l Hulk/Surprise Party Surprise (R)
9/29/22 (Th.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-05) Li'l Hulk/Surprise Party Surprise
9/16/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#204) Sonic Boom Boom; Mini Golf Goof (R)
9/16/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-04) Sonic Boom Boom; Mini Golf Goof
9/2/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#203) Bootsie's Day Out; Trouble at Tony's (R)
9/2/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-03) Bootsie's Day Out; Trouble at Tony's
8/26/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#202) Lights Out; Sandman Won't Share! (R)
8/26/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-02) Lights Out; Sandman Won't Share!
8/19/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#201) Electro's Gotta Glow; Black Cat Chaos
8/19/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#2-01) Electro's Gotta Glow; Black Cat Chaos
8/17/22 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+Meet Spidey and His Amazing Friends (S2) (R)
7/13/22 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S1, 4 episodes (R)
7/8/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#125) Parade Panic; The Case of the Burgling Book Bandit (R)
7/8/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#1-25) Parade Panic; The Case of the Burgling Book Bandit
6/17/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIORCatch and Release; Construction Destruction (R)
6/17/22 (Fr.)8:30 AMDISNEY(#114) Catch and Release; Construction Destruction
5/6/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#123) Rhinoctopus; A Pumpkin Problem (R)
5/6/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYRhinoctopus; A Pumpkin Problem
4/15/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#122) Freeze! It's Team Spidey; A Sticky Situation (R)
4/15/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYFreeze! It's Team Spidey; A Sticky Situation
3/25/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#121) Aunt May's Mess; Foam Sweet Foam (R)
3/25/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYAunt May's Mess; Foam Sweet Foam
3/18/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#120) The Wozzlesnook; Superhero Switcheroo (R)
3/18/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYThe Wozzlesnook; Superhero Switcheroo
3/16/22 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S1, 5 episodes (R)
3/11/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#119) Itsy-Bitsy Spiders; Gobby's Rotten Pumpkin Hunt (R)
3/11/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYItsy-Bitsy Spiders; Gobby's Rotten Pumpkin Hunt
2/25/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#118) Peter's Pendant Predicament; TWIST-E (R)
2/25/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYPeter's Pendant Predicament; TWIST-E
2/18/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#117) Goblin Island; Doc Ock and the Shocktobots (R)
2/18/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYGoblin Island; Doc Ock and the Shocktobots
1/28/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#116) Art Attack!; Puppy Pandemonium (R)
1/28/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#118) Art Attack!; Puppy Pandemonium
1/7/22 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#115) Spin Rushes In; Bridge Bandit (R)
1/7/22 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#117) Spin Rushes In; Bridge Bandit
12/10/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#114) Web Beard's Treasure; Washed Away (R)
12/10/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#116) Web Beard's Treasure; Washed Away
12/3/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#113) Going Green; Coming Clean (R)
12/3/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#115) Going Green; Coming Clean
11/29/21 (Mo.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#113) A Very Spidey Christmas/Gobby on Ice (R)
11/27/21 (Sa.)11:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#112) A Very Spidey Christmas; Gobby on Ice
11/12/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#111) CAT-astrophe; Swing With a Stomp (R)
11/12/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYCAT-astrophe; Swing With a Stomp
10/22/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#110) Good Guy Gobby; Spider Monkey (R)
10/22/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEYGood Guy Gobby; Spider Monkey
10/8/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#109) Gob-zilla/Speedy Spidey Delivery (R)
10/8/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#111) Gob-zilla/Speedy Spidey Delivery
10/1/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#108) Rocket Rhino!/Trick or TRACE-E (R)
10/1/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#105) Rocket Rhino!/Trick or TRACE-E
9/10/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#107) Camping Conundrum/The Great Green Crime Spree (R)
9/10/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#109) Camping Conundrum/The Great Green Crime Spree
9/3/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#106) Mother's Day Mayhem; Not-So-Fun House (R)
9/3/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#104) Mother's Day Mayhem/Not-So-Fun House
8/27/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#105) Pecking Prankster Pigeons/Green Thumb (R)
8/27/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#108) Pecking Prankster Pigeons/Green Thumb
8/20/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#104) Bug in the System; Test Your Strength (R)
8/20/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#106) Bug in the System/Test Your Super Strength
8/13/21 (Fr.)12:30 PMDISNEY JUNIOR(#103) Doc Ock's Super Octopus; Attack of the Green Giggles (R)
8/13/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#103) Doc Ock's Super Octopus/Attack of the Green Giggles
8/6/21 (Fr.)9:25 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#102) Superhero Hiccups/Lost and Found
8/6/21 (Fr.)9:25 AMDISNEY(#102) Superhero Hiccups/Lost and Found
8/6/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY JUNIOR(#101) Spidey to the Power of Three/Panther Patience
8/6/21 (Fr.)9:00 AMDISNEY(#101) Spidey to the Power of Three/Panther Patience
6/21/21 (Mo.)9:25 AMDISNEYMeet Spidey and his Amazing Friends

8/6/21 - ???
currently airing (spring 2025)
fridays from 7:30 AM-8:00 AM EST
3 (??? episodes)
Season 5 (in advance of Season 4) ordered on 2/27/25
(from Disney Branded Television's press release, June 2023) The first full-length Marvel series for preschoolers, "Marvel's Spidey and his Amazing Friends" follows the adventures of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales as they team up with Iron Man, Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Black Panther to defeat foes like Rhino, Doc Ock and Green Goblin and learn that teamwork is the best way to save the day. Season four of the hit series will once again introduce even more new heroes and baddies for the Spidey team to interact with and be part of their adventures.
· Benjamin Valic as Peter Parker
· Jakari Fraser as Miles Morales
· Lily Sanfelippo as Gwen Stacy
· Chris Gilligan as CD
· Chris Moreno as SD
· Harrison Wilcox as EP
· Steve Grover as SP
· based on a comic book
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Atomic Productions
· Marvel Animation