
[11/13/24 - 09:01 AM]
Disney Channel's "Fa-La-La-Lidays" and Disney Jr.'s "Magical Holidays" Unwrap Festive Programming for the Whole Family
Highlights of "Disney Channel's Fa-la-la-lidays" include new animated holiday episodes of "Big City Greens" and "ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series."

[02/10/24 - 10:30 AM]
Disney Branded Television Announces Season Three Pickups for Hit Disney Junior Series "Superkitties" and "Pupstruction"
Since their launches last year, both series have become fan favorites among preschoolers and their families.

[11/02/23 - 09:01 AM]
Disney Junior Brings Holiday Cheer to Kids and Families With Festive Programming Premiering Throughout the Season
The programming will include the premiere of new stop-motion shorts "Mickey's Christmas Tales" on Monday, November 27 on Disney Channel and Disney Junior, which follow Mickey, Minnie and their pals as they celebrate the holiday season.

[08/18/23 - 09:31 AM]
Disney Junior Makes Major New Series, Specials and Cast Announcements at "Disney Junior & Friends Playdate" Event at Disney California Adventure Park
Highlights include a new iteration of its flagship series, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse," set to debut in 2025.

[05/03/23 - 04:31 PM]
Disney Branded Television's "Pupstruction," Following the Adventures of an Adorable All-Dog Construction Company, Premieres Wednesday, June 14, on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney+
The series follows the adventures of the Pupstruction team - a doggone hard-working construction crew ranging from some of the brawniest breeds to irresistibly cute and playful puppies.

[01/13/23 - 09:45 AM]
Disney Branded Television Orders Season Two Pickups for New Disney Junior Series "Firebuds," "Superkitties" and "Pupstruction"
Following a team of young first responders and their talking vehicle sidekicks, "Firebuds" premiered in September 2022 and has quickly become a fan favorite.

[04/29/22 - 11:30 AM]
Alice! Mickey! Pooh! Spidey! Disney Junior Announces Slate of New Original Series and Shorts, Along With Returning Franchises, Debuting Across Disney+ and Disney Junior Platforms Through 2024 at First-Ever Disney Junior Fun Fest
The Fun Fest is a one-day event celebrating the entertaining and music-filled stories of the #1 preschool television network's hit series, bringing the magic of Disney Junior straight to fans.

[08/18/21 - 11:02 AM]
Disney Sets New Overall Deal with Emmy(R) Award-Nominated Writer and Producer Travis Braun
Additionally, "Pupstruction," a new series from Braun for the preschool audience, has been given a greenlight for Disney Junior, and a Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) is also in development.

6/14/23 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
weeknights from 7:30 AM-8:00 AM EST
2 (??? episodes)
Season 3 (in advance of Season 2) ordered on 2/10/24
(from Disney Branded Television's press release, May 2023) "Pupstruction," an imaginative, music-filled animated series from Disney Branded Television that follows the adventures of the Pupstruction team - a doggone hard-working construction crew ranging from some of the brawniest breeds to irresistibly cute and playful puppies - is set to premiere WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, with a simulcast on Disney Channel and Disney Junior (8:00 a.m. EDT). An initial batch of episodes will premiere the same day on on-demand platforms and Disney+. Created and executive-produced by Emmy(R) Award-nominated writer and producer Travis Braun ("T.O.T.S."), the series, which has already been picked up for a second season, highlights themes of teamwork, family, community, creative problem-solving, and the importance of imaginative play.
· Alessandra Perez as Bailey
· Bobby Moynihan as Bobby Boots
· Carson Minniear as Tank
· Eric Bauza as Harry, Sniff and Lloyd
· Grey DeLisle as Maya
· Kari Wahlgren as Scratch
· Mica Zeltzer as Luna
· Scarlett Kate Ferguson as Roxy
· Yonas Kibreab as Phinny
· Yvette Nicole Brown as Mayor Gilmore
· Justina Machado as Maya (Originally Cast)
· Abigail Nesbitt as SD
· Robyn Brown as CO-PROD/SE
· Travis Braun as CRTR/EP
· Victor Cook as EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Titmouse