
STATUS: canceled/ended (2006-2007 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 1 (7 episodes) |
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from VH1's web site, September 2008) Malibu, California. It's 27 miles of the most exclusive coastline in the country. It's also home to the rowdiest rock band you've never heard of--WHITESTARR. They're a mixture of rock royalty and wide-eyed wannabes...five guys on one mission: to single-handedly save rock and roll. All they need now is for someone to take them seriously. Each week this band of brothers puts bros before hos as they set out on a musical odyssey to get drunk, get laid and get famous. The rock life is definitely the best life on Earth...but after seven years, you kinda have to look at your self and be, like, "Do I keep going, or do I grow up and get a real job?" - Cisco Adler, Whitestarr Led by singer/songwriter Cisco Adler, son of music mogul Lou Adler, Whitestarr has been kicking around the L.A. basin for seven years. They've been signed and dropped by Atlantic Records, and virtually ignored by the industry they hope to conquer. They've been in rehab, in the tabloids and in relationships with some of Hollywood's hottest starlets, including Mischa Barton. The only place they haven't been is the Billboard charts. But with Roy Orbison's son on drums and a fleshy former lawyer named Tony Potato as backup dancer, Whitestarr is a rock and roll circus that's as much fun off-stage as they are on. Throw in an afro-ed axeman from Allentown, PA, named Rainbow, and you've all the ingredients for the ultimate rock and roll cocktail. Crashing in a multi-million dollar mansion, the over-privileged underdogs of Whitestarr are living the rock life and turning every day into an adventure. A local gig finds Slash and Tommy Lee in the audience. "A few drinks" turns into a few oddly-placed tattoos. A fight with a girlfriend is front-page news. Private photos make an internet superstar out of Cisco's scrotum. These unlikely rock heroes are allowing the cameras to capture every bump in their road to rock stardom. We'll get an insider's look at the backstage drama as these four rockers (and one dancer) fight to keep the band together and stop at nothing to realize their rock dream -- even if it means losing sleep, losing a girlfriend or losing a day job. It's going to be an uphill battle, and it's going to take more than a famous name to get there; As Cisco says "If I could buy a Platinum album, I'd have done it already." The Rock Life is executive produced by George Verschoor (Jamie Kennedy's "Blowin' Up," "Nashville Star") and David Osper (MTV's "Homewrecker"), and produced by Verschoor's Hoosick Falls Productions. Jill Holmes, Damla Dogan, Jeff Olde and Michael Hirschorn are executive producers for VH1. |
· Alex Orbison · Cisco Adler · Damon Webb · Rainbow Jeramy · Tony Potato
· Alex Demyanenko as EP · Damla Dogan as EP · David Osper as EP · George Verschoor as EP · Jeff Olde as EP · Jill Holmes as EP · Michel Hirschorn as EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Hoosick Falls Productions