
[01/21/25 - 11:00 AM]
What's New on Max This February
Highlights include new seasons of "The White Lotus" and "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," premiering February 16.

[08/07/23 - 05:00 AM]
New Content for Animation Fans of All Ages to Premiere This Fall on Cartoon Network
Produced by Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe, "The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe" is set for its U.S. debut on Cartoon Network on November 11.

[07/24/23 - 10:47 AM]
What's New on Max This August
Max announces programming coming to the platform this August, including the debut of the new season of HBO Original "Hard Knocks: Training Camp With The New York Jets," which will mark the 18th edition of the 18-time Sports Emmy-winning series.

[05/17/23 - 08:18 AM]
What's on Max: Launch Through June 2023
Max will launch with brand new originals "SmartLess: On the Road," "How to Create a Sex Scandal," "What Am I Eating? With Zooey Deschanel," "Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai," "Clone High," and documentary "Bama Rush," plus blockbuster hit "Shazam! Fury of the Gods."

[04/24/23 - 11:51 AM]
What's New on HBO Max This May - Stream Limited Series "White House Plumbers," Comedy Series "The Other Two," and Documentary "Love to Love You, Donna Summer"
Other highlights include the international drama series "Spy/Master" and the supernatural animated series "Unicorn: Warriors Eternal."

[12/20/22 - 09:35 AM]
What's New on HBO Max This January - Stream the Series Premieres of "The Last of Us," "Velma," and "The Climb"
Plus: HBO Max and TNT will be the home of live soccer game coverage for the U.S. Women's and Men's National Teams starting in January 2023.

[12/07/22 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, December 7
Updates include: FOX axes freshman drama "Monarch"; Jake Gyllenhaal in talks to lead Apple's "Presumed Innocent"; and Cartoon Network and Adult Swim president Michael Ouweleen gives status check on various projects.

[07/23/22 - 10:44 AM]
Grammy-Winning Music Icon Missy Elliott to Guest Star on "Craig of the Creek"
Plus: Zack Snyder will make his "Teen Titans Go!" debut, while Anderson .Paak will return for season two of "We Baby Bears."

[06/23/22 - 12:01 PM]
This July Stream "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin," "Rap Sh!t,""FBOY Island" and More on HBO Max
Other highlights include "Last Night in Soho," starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Thomasin McKenzie and Matt Smith, in which an aspiring fashion designer is mysteriously transported to the 1960s where she meets a wannabe singer.

[04/21/22 - 11:09 AM]
This May Stream "Hacks," "The Staircase," "The Time Traveler's Wife," "George Carlin's American Dream" and More on HBO Max
Newly announced return dates include "That Damn Michael Che" (May 26) and "Tig n' Seek" (May 26).

[01/31/22 - 09:29 AM]
WarnerMedia Kids & Family Picks Up Season Two of "We Baby Bears" for HBO Max and Cartoon Network
"We Baby Bears" premiered on Cartoon Network earlier this month and will be available on HBO Max Monday, January 31.

[12/01/21 - 08:00 AM]
Embark on Magical Adventures with Adorable Baby Bear Brothers in Original New Series, "We Baby Bears," Premiering Saturday, Jan. 1 on Cartoon Network
A spin-off of the hit Cartoon Network series, "We Bare Bears," "We Baby Bears" follows Grizz (Connor Andrade), Panda (Amari McCoy), and Ice Bear (Max Mitchell) - as their younger baby selves - traveling in a magical box to fantastic new worlds searching for a place to call home.

[10/06/20 - 06:00 AM]
Cartoon Network Greenlights Magical Reimagining of the Baby Bears Arrival in New Series "We Baby Bears"
Currently in production, "We Bare Bears" director Manny Hernandez returns as executive producer to bring his own creative vision to life in the newest iteration of the sibling cubs arrival.

[05/30/19 - 09:59 AM]
Cartoon Network Stacks Up More "We Bare Bears"
Created by two-time Annie Award-winner Daniel Chong, "We Bare Bears The Movie," is in production and a spinoff focused on the popular baby bear characters is in development at Cartoon Network Studios.

1/1/22 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
saturdays from 9:00 AM-9:30 AM EST
2 (??? episodes)
(from Max's web site, February 2025) Baby bear brothers Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear journey in a magical box to fantastic different worlds in search of their perfect home.
· Daniel Chong as CRTR/EP
· Manny Hernandez as DIR/EP
· based on a tv series
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Cartoon Network Studios