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STATUS: canceled/ended (2007-2008 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 3 (26 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Bravo's web site, September 2008) Following an emotionally charged second season, Bravo's docu-series "Work Out" starts its anticipated third season on Tuesday, April 15 at 11:00 PM ET/PT, catching up with fitness maverick Jackie Warner as she prepares to tackle her personal relationships and business endeavors with a newfound maturity. The third season introduces the four skilled trainers Warner recently hired at her exclusive Beverly Hills gym Sky Sport & Spa, and her new live-in love, Brianna. Last season Warner was reeling from a breakup with her toxic girlfriend, Mimi, and the unexpected death of one of her beloved trainers, Doug Blasdell. She also came to terms with her father's suicide and made strides in reconciling with her conservative mother, who does not approve of Warner's lifestyle. All the while she was juggling the increasing demands of her business and building her new Skylab venture, a high-end spa/fitness experience for overweight clients who want to change their minds, bodies and overall health. This season the series follows Warner as she takes on even bigger challenges with Skylab and continues to build Sky Sport & Spa with her new team of trainers. In her personal life, Warner still passionately lives by the "work hard, play hard" motto, but these days she has settled into domestic bliss with her new girlfriend, Brianna, and now claims that her Saturday nights are spent curled up with her sexy gal. Back at the gym, the conflict and drama of Sky Sport & Spa escalates with the introduction of four dynamic new trainers to the family - Jesse Jordan, Agostina Laneri, Greg Plitt and Renessa Williams. The hot new trainers bring out the insecurities in Warner's longtime trainers - Jesse Brune, Gregg Butler, Rebecca Cardon, Erika Jacobson and Brian Peeler - who strive to stay in Warner's good graces and keep their valuable clients happy. The veteran trainers are still up to the same dramatic antics and Warner must deal with Cardon's jealousy over her new relationship and her increasingly antagonistic relationship with Peeler. Also, this season a surprise romance develops between two of the trainers. |
· Jackie Warner
· Amy Shpall as EP · Bruce Toms as EP · Lori Kaye as EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Liberal Media · Mentorn USA