With FOX having just renewed the long-running animated series "The Simpsons" through its 25th season, the network can only hope they see the same amount of success from its latest cartoon offering, "Allen Gregory," which bows this Sunday. In the series, created by actor Jonah Hill, Andrew Mogel and Jarrod Paul, Allen Gregory (voiced by Hill) is a seven-year-old boy, precocious beyond his years and, due to the recession, finds himself having to acclimate to (gasp!) public elementary school. With his gay Dads, Richard (French Stewart) and Jeremy (Nat Faxon), helping in the transition, Allen will do everything possible to make his new world work on his own terms.
During the recent FOX Fall TV junket, our Jim Halterman grabbed a few minutes with Stewart and Faxon as well as Will Forte, who voices the character of Superintendent Rossmyre, to discuss the differences in playing real life characters and animated ones as well as whether the actors would be okay if this new series has the same longevity as "The Simpsons."
And here's the complete index of all the interviews from the event:
A Few Minutes With... Co-Star Will Forte
A Few Minutes With... Co-Stars Nat Faxon & French Stewart
"Allen Gregory" premieres on this Sunday at 8:30/7:30c after "The Simpsons" on FOX.
For more "A Few Minutes With..." videos, visit our archive page.