
    [tuesday, july 17, 2018]    
[07/13/18 - 10:48 AM]
Video: "Casual" Official Trailer - The Final Season - A Hulu Original
All eight episodes will premiere on Tuesday, July 31.

[07/12/18 - 01:09 PM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "The Bleeding Edge," A Searing New Expose by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering
Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering turn their sights on the $400 billion medical device industry in the Netflix film, examining lax regulations, corporate cover-ups, and profit driven incentives that put patients at risk daily.

[07/12/18 - 11:48 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Duck Duck Goose" Starring Jim Gaffigan and Zendaya and Directed by Christopher Jenkins
Lance Lim, Greg Proops, Reggie Watts, Natasha Leggero, Diedrich Bader, Stephen Fry, Craig Ferguson, Jennifer Grey, Rick Overton, and Carl Reiner are also featured in the Netflix original.

[07/12/18 - 08:16 AM]
Video: First Trailer for Netflix Film "The Package" - Starring Daniel Doheny, Geraldine Viswanathan and Sadie Calvano
When five teens go on a spring break camping trip, an unfortunate accident sets off a race against time to save their friend's most prized possession.

[07/11/18 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Just Be You - "Sierra Burgess Is a Loser" Trailer and Key Art Debut
The Netflix movie is billed as a modern rom-com retelling of the Cyrano de Bergerac story set in high school.

[07/11/18 - 07:04 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Extinction" Starring Michael Pena and Lizzy Caplan and Directed by Ben Young
The Netflix original movie will launch on Friday, July 27.

[07/10/18 - 09:02 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - Hulu Original "Castle Rock" from J.J. Abrams and Stephen King
"Castle Rock" is an original story that combines the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King's best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland.

[07/09/18 - 11:26 AM]
Video: Trailer - The Final Season of "Versailles" on Ovation
In season three, Louis XIV (George Blagden) resolves to regain control of his own life, his precious Versailles, and France itself.

[07/09/18 - 08:05 AM]
Video: Official Trailer Release - "Orange Is the New Black" Season Six
The ladies of Litchfield are back with iron wills and nothing to lose.

[07/02/18 - 10:37 AM]
Video: Official Trailer Revealed for TNT's "I Am the Night"
Chris Pine stars in the limited series, formerly known as "One Day She'll Darken."

[06/29/18 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Father of the Year" Starring David Spade
Nat Faxon, Joey Bragg, Matt Shively and Bridgit Mendler also star in the Netflix film.

[06/29/18 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Starz Releases Official Trailer for New Original Series "America to Me" Set to Debut August 26 at 9 PM ET/PT
The series follows students, teachers and administrators in suburban Chicago's Oak Park and River Forest High School over the course of a year.

[06/28/18 - 08:30 AM]
Video: A Feisty Elf, A Personal Demon, And A Princess Who Can Drink You Under the Table Welcome to Dreamland with First Look Teaser for "Disenchantment"
From the mind of Matt Groening, comes the 10-episode adult animated comedy fantasy series, "Disenchantment," launching on Netflix, August 17.

[06/28/18 - 08:06 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" Starring Lily James and Michiel Huisman and Directed By Mike Newell
Based on the novel by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows, the Netflix original film premieres August 10.

[06/26/18 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Featurette Debut - Strike Your "GLOW" Power Pose
Go behind the scenes of "GLOW" and watch the cast train their bodies (and minds) in preparation for season two.

[06/22/18 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Trailer for Netflix Film "How It Ends" - Starring Theo James, Forest Whitaker and Kat Graham
As a mysterious apocalypse causes the spread of misinformation and violence, a man and his estranged father-in-law race across a chaotic and fractured country to save his pregnant wife.

[06/21/18 - 10:47 AM]
Video: Netflix Reveals Trailer for "Flavors of Youth" from the Producers of "Your Name"
Told in three chapters in three cities, "Flavors of Youth" explores the simple joys of life through sensual memories and how the beating heart of love cannot be defeated by the flow of time.

[06/21/18 - 09:52 AM]
Video: Sony Crackle Releases Trailer and Key Art for Summer Original Movie, "Office Uprising," Premiering Thursday, July 19
Brenton Thwaites, Zachary Levi, Jane Levy, Karan Soni, Ian Harding and Alan Ritchson star in the project.

[06/21/18 - 07:03 AM]
Video: "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" Teaser Trailer Debut
Netflix's film adaption of the popular YA novel stars Lana Condor, Janel Parrish and Noah Centineo and is directed by Susan Johnson.

[06/20/18 - 09:04 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Nailed It!" Season 2
Hosted by Nicole Byer and Jacques Torres, home bakers with a terrible track record take a shot at re-creating edible masterpieces for a $10,000 prize.

[06/20/18 - 08:31 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" - New Episodes Only on Netflix July 6
Guests include: the late Jerry Lewis, Kate McKinnon, Ellen DeGeneres, Hasan Minhaj, Dana Carvey, Neil Brennan, Tracy Morgan, Brian Regan, Alec Baldwin, Zach Galifinakis, John Mulaney, and Dave Chappelle.

[06/19/18 - 08:02 AM]
Video: Trailer - "Last Chance U" - New Season, New U
The quaint town of Independence, Kansas, is the new setting, as the underdog Pirates of Independence Community College have a chance to finally stand tall after more than a decade of losses.

[06/19/18 - 07:32 AM]
Video: Featurette Debut - It's "GLOW" Up Time! Watch the Cast Transform Behind the Scenes
Season two launches globally on Netflix next Friday, June 29.

[06/18/18 - 10:07 AM]
Video: Trailer Released for Sundance Now's "Next of Kin," Making Its U.S. Debut on Thursday, June 21st
All episodes of the six-part drama star Archie Panjabi and Jack Davenport, and will be available to binge at once.

[06/18/18 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Set Sail with Netflix's New Trailer for "Like Father" Starring Kristen Bell and Kelsey Grammer
When a workaholic young executive (Kristen Bell), is left at the altar, she ends up on her Caribbean honeymoon cruise with the last person she ever expected: her estranged and equally workaholic father (Kelsey Grammer).

[06/15/18 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Enter a New Reality When "Kiss Me First" Launches on Netflix June 29 - Trailer Debut
Netflix's YA drama series follows a young woman who recently lost her mother and has been left adrift in London.

[06/14/18 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Mindhunter" - The Making of a Serial Killer
Cameron Britton pulls back the curtain to reveal his process as he transforms from nice guy actor into disturbed serial killer Ed Kemper.

[06/14/18 - 10:00 AM]
Video: RuPaul's Drag Race Queens Recap Season 1 of TNT's "Claws"
Watch as these fierce ladies pay homage to the badass women behind the Nail Artisans of Manatee County.

[06/12/18 - 09:30 AM]
Video: Sony Crackle Gets Your Heart Pumping This Summer with Official Trailer for Travis Pastrana's "Action Figures 2"
The sequel to Pastrana's hit 2015 action sports movie "Action Figures" pays homage to old-school action sports videos and highlights extreme human performance.

[06/12/18 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "Marvel's Luke Cage" Final Trailer Released - Harlem's Queen Rises and Confronts New Menace
In the final trailer, Mariah Dillard is faced with an imminent and formidable threat to her hold over Harlem - the unstoppable Bushmaster.

[06/11/18 - 10:14 AM]
Video: TNT & R29 Reveal "French Fries" Official Trailer, Latest in "Shatterbox Anthology"
The film explores a young, hip African-American foodie couple's fight to resolve communication problems in a modern marriage of six years, four months and three and a half days.

[06/11/18 - 07:31 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Here We "GLOW" Again - Watch the Season Two Trailer Now!
Season two follows the women of GLOW as they become local celebrities, confronting the good, the bad, and the ugly realities of their newfound fame.

[06/10/18 - 05:15 PM]
Video: Netflix Loves Tonys - First Look at Tony Danza and Josh Groban in "The Good Cop"
Danza plays Tony Sr. - a lovable yet not exactly honorable, former NYPD officer who never followed the rules - who lives with his son, Tony Jr. (Groban) - a brilliant, straight-laced NYPD detective who makes a point of always following the rules while solving Brooklyn's toughest cases.

[06/07/18 - 08:04 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Queer Eye" Season 2
Queer Eye is back and ready to transform the stylistically challenged into hip and happening savants at the hands of the new Fab Five.

[06/04/18 - 12:45 PM]
Video: "Lip Sync Battle" Sneak Peek - New Episodes Return Thursday, June 14 on Paramount Network
Alicia Silverstone, Mena Suvari, Derek Hough, Ben Higgins, Rachel Lindsay, Ramona Singer, Melissa Gorga and Karrueche Tran are all slated to appear.

[06/04/18 - 07:39 AM]
Video: "3%" - Season 3 Announcement - Netflix
You can't tell what's going to happen in season three... but she's coming.

[06/01/18 - 09:35 AM]
Video: Bridget Everett Records New "Brockmire"-Inspired Version of Her Song, "Rock Bottom" for Season Finale Promo
The acclaimed comedian, actress and singer Bridget Everett has recorded a new version of her blues song "Rock Bottom," featuring customized lyrics highlighting the booze-soaked antics of baseball announcer Jim Brockmire.

[05/30/18 - 12:31 PM]
Video: Netflix Unveils Trailer for Its First Comic Book, "The Magic Order"
This series will be six issues long and will be available for sale in comic stores beginning June 13.

[05/29/18 - 10:11 AM]
Video: "Snowfall" - Season 2: Official Trailer
The series returns Thursday, July 19 at 10:00/9:00c on FX.

[05/23/18 - 11:00 AM]
Video: Official Trailer Revealed for Season Two of TNT's "Claws"
As previously announced, the series returns Sunday, June 10 at 9:00/8:00c.

[05/23/18 - 10:02 AM]
Video: CBS All Access Reveals Official Trailer and Additional Key Art for "Strange Angel"
Based on George Pendle's book of the same name, the series is inspired by the real life story of Jack Parsons and explores the dramatic intersection between genius and madness, science and science fiction.

[05/22/18 - 10:44 AM]
Video: WE tv Reveals a Jaw-Dropping Sneak Peek of the Highly-Anticipated Return of Season 2 of "Mama June: From Not to Hot" Premiering June 15 at 9:00PM ET/PT
Mama June is headed back to the pageant circuit on the season two return of "Mama June: From Not to Hot."

[05/22/18 - 07:06 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "The Staircase" on Netflix June 8
"The Staircase" follows the compelling story of Michael Peterson, a crime novelist accused of killing wife Kathleen after she is found dead at the bottom of a staircase in their home, and the 16 year judicial battle that followed.

[05/22/18 - 06:31 AM]
Video: A Very Important Man, A Very Dangerous Secret, A Very Unexpected Problem - "A Very English Scandal" Arrives June 29
Hugh Grant and Ben Whishaw star in the shocking true story of the first British politician to stand trial for conspiracy to murder.

[05/21/18 - 07:08 AM]
Video: AMC Releases All-New "Preacher" Promo in Anticipation of the Season Three Premiere on Sunday, June 24 at 10:00 PM ET/PT
The fiery new promo raises the curtain on our sinister cast of characters including Jesse, Cassidy, Tulip, Gran'ma, Allfather, God Dog, and many more.

[05/18/18 - 03:06 PM]
Video: Showtime(R) Debuts Trailer for "Just Another Immigrant"
The 10-episode, half-hour series will air back-to-back episodes on Fridays beginning on June 8 at 9:00/8:00c.

[05/18/18 - 12:12 PM]
Video: Netflix Releases All New Trailer & Key Art for "The Break with Michelle Wolf," Every Sunday Beginning May 27th
Wolf shares a first look of what's to come each week with this trailer: sketches, guests, and jokes Michelle could only get away with on Netflix.

[05/17/18 - 09:05 AM]
Video: The CW's New Fall Series Teasers & Extended First Looks
The network offers a first look at newcomers "Charmed" and "All American."

[05/17/18 - 08:00 AM]
Video: One Last Mission - The "Sense8" Finale Trailer Is Here!
The "Sense8" series finale launches globally on June 8, only on Netflix.

[05/16/18 - 02:32 PM]
Video: First Look Trailers of CBS' New Series for Fall 2018
Get your first look at dramas "Magnum P.I.," "FBI" and "God Friended Me"; plus comedies "Happy Together," "Murphy Brown" and "The Neighborhood."

  [july 2018]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/11/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Deli Boys" - Official Trailer - Hulu
When their convenience store-magnate father suddenly dies, a pair of pampered Pakistani American brothers (Asif Ali, Saagar Shaikh) lose everything and are forced to reckon with their Baba's secret life of crime as they attempt to take up his mantle in the underworld.

[02/11/25 - 07:46 AM]
Video: Disney-ESPN's Andscape Debuts Trailer for New Feature, "Memes & Nightmares," A Tribeca Film Festival Selection
"Memes & Nightmares" is a hilarious and insightful satirical film that dives into the vibrant world of NBA Twitter.

[02/11/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: "Picture This" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
In this heartfelt rom-com, struggling photographer Pia (Simone Ashley) receives a prediction: true love and career success await her in the next five dates she goes on.

[02/11/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Tuiskoms" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a series of misfortunes, Fleur takes her daughter and returns to her hometown in search of a renewed sense of purpose.

[02/11/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Graveyard" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Chief Inspector Önem and her team race against time, unearthing dark secrets behind a closed femicide case that tests their courage and personal bonds.

[02/10/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Unveil Exhilarating Opening Minutes of Season 3 of the Hit Noir Thriller "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[02/10/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: The 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - Official Teaser - Netflix
Kristen Bell hosts as the biggest names in film and TV light up the stage for the 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.

[02/07/25 - 01:00 PM]
Video: "Between Walls" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Marga (Aislinn Derbez) and Martín (Christian Vazquez) happen to meet on a dating app, unaware they are neighbors.

[02/07/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - "Chris Distefano: It's Just Unfortunate"
Chris Distefano is trying to be the best father he can be but nowadays, words speak louder than actions - so Chris is acting with the right intentions, but not always the right moves.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Winner" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Based on the true story, the ambitious but eccentric Reality Winner (Emilia Jones) finds herself in the middle of a political scandal when she becomes a surprising NSA whistleblower.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Orders New Unscripted High School Series "Sweethearts" and Releases Trailer
"Sweethearts" follows the lives of six teenage couples in Charleston, South Carolina, as they navigate the end of high school and their final summer together as a couple, before heading off to college.

[02/07/25 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "The Studio" - DUHPOCALYPSE Official Trailer - Apple TV+
An explosive new movie from Continental Studios starring Johnny Knoxville and Josh Hutcherson.

[02/07/25 - 06:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Drops the Trailer for "Larissa: The Other Side of Anitta", a Documentary Premiering on March 6
Brazilian pop star Anitta reveals her most intimate world yet in this documentary that explores her dual identity, personal struggles and search for joy.

[02/06/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "When Life Gives You Tangerines" - Official Teaser - Netflix
In Jeju, a bold girl and a devoted boy's island story blossoms into a lifelong tale of setbacks and triumphs - proving love can endure across generations.

[02/06/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: "Shoresy" Season 4 Trailer - Hulu
Shoresy (Jared Keeso) explores life after hockey, and the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs contend with the distractions of summer in Sudbury.