
    [saturday, july 04, 2020]    
[07/04/20 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Hello America" - Official Trailer - Quibi
British Comedian, Nish Kumar tackles the Grade A dumpster fire that is American Politics.

[07/03/20 - 09:00 AM]
Video: HBO Max Debuts Trailer for "An American Pickle"
The film, directed by Brandon Trost, is based on Simon Rich's New Yorker novella and stars Seth Rogen as Herschel Greenbaum, a struggling laborer who immigrates to America in 1920 with dreams of building a better life for his beloved family.

[07/02/20 - 09:04 AM]
Video: "Father Soldier Son" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This intimate documentary follows one military family over the course of 10 years, becoming an intergenerational exploration of the meaning of sacrifice, purpose and American manhood in the aftermath of war.

[07/01/20 - 09:11 AM]
Video: "Fatal Affair" Starring Nia Long + Omar Epps - Official Trailer - Netflix
A brief encounter takes a dangerous turn when Ellie (Nia Long) discovers her old friend David (Omar Epps) is more unstable than she realized.

[07/01/20 - 07:42 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Drops the Trailer for the Eagerly Awaited All-New Amazon Original Series "Breathe: Into the Shadows"
The Amazon Original series sees the return of acclaimed actor Amit Sadh in his award-winning role as senior inspector Kabir Sawant.

[07/01/20 - 07:08 AM]
Video: "The Speed Cubers" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Discover the special bond - and uncommon competitive spirit - shared by the world's Rubik's Cube-solving record breakers in this documentary.

[07/01/20 - 07:02 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases Trailer for Alison Ellwood's Documentary "The Go-Go's"
Featuring candid testimonies from the group members, Ellwood's documentary charts the meteoric rise to fame of a band that not only captured but created a zeitgeist.

[06/30/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Boys State" - Official Trailer - Apple TV+
The film is a wildly entertaining and continually revealing immersion into a week-long annual program in which a thousand Texas high school seniors gather for an elaborate mock exercise: building their own state government.

[06/30/20 - 07:04 AM]
Video: "Cursed" (Katherine Langford) - New Trailer - Netflix
From Frank Miller and Thomas Wheeler, "Cursed" is a reimagining of the Arthurian legend told from the perspective of Nimue (Katherine Langford).

[06/29/20 - 10:09 AM]
Video: "Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Every day for decades, Walter Mercado - the iconic, gender non-conforming astrologer - mesmerized 120 million Latino viewers with his extravagance and positivity. Then he vanished from the public eye.

[06/29/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Greatness Code" - Official Trailer - Apple TV+
"Greatness Code" is a landmark short-form unscripted series directed by Gotham Chopra and co-produced by Uninterrupted and Religion of Sports that spotlights untold stories from the greatest athletes in the world.

[06/29/20 - 07:10 AM]
Video: "Life Size Toys" - Official Trailer - Quibi
Travis Pastrana and his team take classic childhood toys, build them huge, and turn them into extreme stunts.

[06/28/20 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Black Is King" - Streaming Exclusively July 31 - Disney+
This visual album from Beyoncé reimagines the lessons of "The Lion King" for today's young kings and queens in search of their own crowns.

[06/26/20 - 08:05 AM]
Video: "Down to Earth with Zac Efron" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In his new travel show, actor Zac Efron journeys around the world with wellness expert Darin Olien in search of healthy, sustainable ways to live.

[06/25/20 - 06:01 PM]
Video: All Trailers for Peacock Originals Streaming July 15
The new streaming service details its nine originals due at its launch on Wednesday, July 15.

[06/25/20 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Michelle Khare of HBO Max's "Karma" Shares Her Journey as the Host of the New Kid's Competition Series
Khare takes us behind the scenes of her journey as host of HBO Max's new outdoor competition show.

[06/24/20 - 12:05 PM]
Video: "Jim Jefferies: 'Intolerant'" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In the high stakes world of lactose consumption, Jim Jefferies throws caution to the wind.

[06/24/20 - 10:21 AM]
Video: "Road to Race Day" - Trailer - Crackle
For the first time in history, the most exclusive and successful NASCAR motor club, Hendrick Motorsports, has given cameras full access to their team, including mega stars Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jimmie Johnson.

[06/24/20 - 10:01 AM]
Video: HBO Max Debuts Trailer and Key Art for "Expecting Amy"
All three episodes of "Expecting Amy" will premiere Thursday, July 9 on HBO Max.

[06/24/20 - 09:03 AM]
Video: "Little Voice" - Official Trailer - Apple TV+
Featuring original music by Grammy and Tony Award nominee, Sara Bareilles, this is a story about finding your authentic voice - and the courage to use it.

[06/24/20 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Doctors Jodie Whittaker, Matt Smith and David Tennant Come Together for the First Time for a Virtual "Doctor Who" Panel
HBO Max, in partnership with BBC America, is excited to bring audiences aboard the Tardis for a historic, first-ever meeting of The Doctors from the hit BBC sci-fi series.

[06/24/20 - 08:52 AM]
Video: "The Handmaid's Tale" Season 4 Teaser - A Hulu Original
Change never comes easy. Blessed be the squad.

[06/24/20 - 08:22 AM]
Video: "Stateless" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The paths of four diverse strangers intersect at an immigration detention center in the Australian outback.

[06/24/20 - 07:48 AM]
Video: "Southern Survival" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Laugh along as the BattlBox crew prepares for the worst, testing out products designed to help people survive dangerous situations, including explosions, natural disasters and intruders.

[06/23/20 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Unsolved Mysteries" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The original creators invite you to solve new mysteries.

[06/23/20 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Over the Moon" - Official Trailer #1 - A Netflix/Pearl Studio Production
Fueled with determination and a passion for science, a bright young girl builds a rocket ship to the moon to prove the existence of a legendary Moon Goddess.

[06/23/20 - 12:08 AM]
Video: "How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) Season 2" - Official Trailer - Netflix
New episodes of the series return Tuesday, July 21 on the streaming service.

[06/22/20 - 12:22 PM]
Video: "Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2" - Official Trailer - Disney+
For the first time, cameras were there to capture an eye-opening - and at times jaw-dropping - view of the challenges and the breakthroughs, the artistry, creativity and the complexity of creating the #1 animated feature of all time.

[06/22/20 - 11:17 AM]
Video: Apple Debuts "Foundation" Teaser Trailer at WWDC20
The highly anticipated Apple Original drama series is based on the internationally revered and award-winning Isaac Asimov novel series of the same name.

[06/22/20 - 10:20 AM]
Video: "Eric Andre: Legalize Everything" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The comedian's latest special drops June 23 on the streaming service.

[06/22/20 - 08:23 AM]
Video: "The Baby-Sitters Club" Official Trailer - Netflix Futures
Join in on the fun when "The Baby-Sitters Club" premieres on Netflix on July 3.

[06/22/20 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Lucifer's" Sexiest Moments - Official Date Announcement - Netflix
Look for new episodes beginning Friday, August 21 on the streaming service.

[06/21/20 - 07:26 PM]
Video: "Hamilton" - Official Trailer - Disney+
ilmed at The Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway in June of 2016, the film transports its audience into the world of the Broadway show in a uniquely intimate way.

[06/18/20 - 01:31 PM]
Video: HBO Max Debuts Trailer for "Close Enough"
The surreal animated comedy is about a married couple, their five-year-old daughter, and their two divorced best friends/roommates all living together on the east side of Los Angeles.

[06/18/20 - 11:02 AM]
Video: "Absentia" - Season 3 Official Trailer - Prime Video
The new season will be available on Amazon Prime Video on July 17.

[06/18/20 - 10:03 AM]
Video: HBO Max Releases First Clip of Zack Snyder's "Justice League"
The film's producers are Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, with executive producers Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas, Jim Rowe, Ben Affleck, Wesley Coller, Curtis Kanemoto, and Chris Terrio.

[06/18/20 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Lenox Hill" - Pandemic - Netflix
Look for a special episode filmed during the COVID-19 outbreak to drop on Wednesday, June 24.

[06/18/20 - 08:19 AM]
Video: "George Lopez: We'll Do It for Half" - Standup Comedy Special - Official Trailer - Netflix
Comedy legend George Lopez returns to his stand-up roots making his Netflix original comedy special debut with "We'll Do It for Half," streaming June 30.

[06/18/20 - 06:02 AM]
Video: "Cursed" (Katherine Langford) - Trailer - Netflix
From Frank Miller and Thomas Wheeler, "Cursed" is a reimagining of the Arthurian legend told from the perspective of Nimue (Katherine Langford).

[06/17/20 - 12:32 PM]
Video: HBO Max Debuts Trailer for "Esme & Roy"
The animated series from the makers of "Sesame Street" will bring little viewers into a colorful world where even the littlest monsters can overcome big challenges together.

[06/17/20 - 10:08 AM]
Video: "Desperados" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A panicked young woman (Nasim Pedrad) and her two best friends (Anna Camp & Sarah Burns) fly to Mexico to delete a ranting email she sent to her new boyfriend.

[06/17/20 - 07:14 AM]
Video "Athlete A" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This film follows the IndyStar reporters as they reveal the extensive cover-up that allowed abuse to thrive within elite-level gymnastics for more than two decades.

[06/17/20 - 07:12 AM]
Video: "Say I Do" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Dream weddings really do come true as experts Jeremiah Brent, Thai Nguyen and Gabriele Bertaccini help couples pull off their perfect celebration.

[06/17/20 - 05:04 AM]
Video: "Warrior Nun" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Caught in the middle of an ancient war between good and evil, a young girl wakes up in a morgue with inexplicable powers.

[06/17/20 - 03:03 AM]
Video: "Under the Riccione Sun" - Official Trailer - Netflix
It seemed like an ordinary summer but, in the end, for this group of friends, everything changed.

[06/17/20 - 01:16 AM]
Video: "The Protector" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The series returns with new episodes on Thursday, July 9.

[06/16/20 - 10:25 AM]
Video: New Trailer - Hulu Original Film "Palm Springs" Premiering July 10th
When carefree Nyles (Andy Samberg) and reluctant maid of honor Sarah (Cristin Milioti) have a chance encounter at a Palm Springs wedding, things get complicated when they find themselves unable to escape the venue, themselves, or each other.

[06/16/20 - 08:13 AM]
Video: "Nobody Knows I'm Here" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The life of Memo Garrido, a lonely former child singer changes forever with the arrival of Marta, who forces him to face his past, giving him an opportunity for redemption.

[06/15/20 - 10:19 AM]
Video: "The Order" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The Knights struggle to regain their memories stolen from them by The Order... and they crave retribution.

[06/15/20 - 09:13 AM]
Video: HBO Max Debuts Trailer & Key Art for "Search Party" Season Three
The all-new third season will drop in its entirety on Thursday, June 25.

  [july 2020]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/20/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Righteous Gemstones" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Max
They're raising holy hell one last time.

[02/20/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "The Twister: Caught in the Storm" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In May 2011, a massive tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. With pulse-pounding firsthand footage, this documentary goes inside a deadly twister.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Visionaries" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger founded ARCH Motorcycle reimagine motorcycles. Fueled by more than a love of bikes, watch as they search for inspiration from those who help shape the world around us.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf King" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A young commoner comes of age and learns he's the last of a long line of Werewolves - and heir to the throne - in this epic fantasy adventure series.

[02/20/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Life List" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When her mother sends her on a quest to complete a teenage bucket list, a young woman uncovers family secrets, finds romance - and rediscovers herself.

[02/20/25 - 06:02 AM]
Video: "Trust Your Senses with Chloe Burrows" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Join Chloe Burrows as she tests blindfolded contestants (including George Clarke, Byron Denton, Madame Joyce and Anastasia Kingsnorth) with the ultimate sensory challenges to find love.

[02/20/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Drops Exclusive Season Three Opening Scene of "The Wheel of Time"
This special sneak peek is now available at the end of the third episode of the Season Three premiere of "Reacher," which also debuted today.

[02/20/25 - 05:34 AM]
Video: Conan O'Brien Hosts The Oscars - Live Sunday, March 2 at 7e/4p on ABC and Hulu
See if Conan O'Brien and Oscar will get their Hollywood ending, only at the Oscars.

[02/20/25 - 05:32 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Trailer for Limited Drama Series "Long Bright River"
The suspense thriller series tells the story of Mickey (Amanda Seyfried), a police officer who patrols a Philadelphia neighborhood hard-hit by the opioid crisis.

[02/19/25 - 09:42 PM]
Video: "Nadaaniyan" - Date Announcement - Netflix
When a misunderstanding turns her friends against her, lovable rich girl Pia hires Arjun, a career-focused new student, to pretend to be her boyfriend.

[02/19/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Black Ops" - Season 1 Official Trailer - Hulu
Two highly inexperienced police community support officers are forced into the world of undercover work to stop a violent criminal gang - but any wrong move could be their last.

[02/19/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original "Good American Family"
Told from multiple points of view, as a means to explore issues of perspective, bias, and trauma, this compelling drama is inspired by the disturbing stories surrounding a Midwestern couple who adopts a girl with a rare form of dwarfism.

[02/19/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Residence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a White House state dinner becomes a crime scene, detective Cordelia Cupp must investigate dozens of staff members and guests to catch a killer.

[02/19/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip" - Trailer - March 28 on Disney+
This March, the Garcias are going on a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad road trip.

[02/19/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: "Tyler Perry's Duplicity" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
High-powered attorney Marley (Kat Graham) faces her most personal case yet when she is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the shooting of her best friend Fela's (Meagan Tandy) husband (Joshua Adeyeye).