
    [monday, june 07, 2021]    
[06/07/21 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Kate" - Official Date Announcement - Netflix
After she's irreversibly poisoned, a ruthless criminal operative has less than 24 hours to exact revenge on her enemies and in the process forms an unexpected bond with the daughter of one of her past victims.

[06/07/21 - 10:31 AM]
Video: "Blood Red Sky" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight.

[06/07/21 - 10:01 AM]
Video: New Trailer and Key Art Available for Feature Film "No Sudden Move"
The film stars Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro, David Harbour, Jon Hamm, Amy Seimetz, Brendan Fraser, Kieran Culkin, Noah Jupe, Craig muMs Grant, Julia Fox, Frankie Shaw, with Ray Liotta and Bill Duke.

[06/07/21 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Last Mercenary" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as a mysterious secret agent who has been denounced by his government and must return to France when his son becomes framed by an international terrorist organization.

[06/07/21 - 09:41 AM]
Video: Set Sail Behind the Scenes of "Vikings: Valhalla"
The spin-off series is coming soon to Netflix.

[06/07/21 - 09:07 AM]
Video: "Shadow and Bone" - Season 2 Announcement - Netflix
More than 55 million member households chose to watch the epic fantasy series in its first 28 days.

[06/07/21 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Generation 56k" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Having formed a bond during the 56K modem era, two estranged friends meet by chance two decades later. Can their friendship turn into something else?

[06/07/21 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Jiva!" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A talented street dancer struggles while juggling the demands of a dead end job, family responsibilities, and a rocky love life.

[06/06/21 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "The 8th Night" - Official Teaser - Netflix
With prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other, a monk hunts down a millennia-old spirit that's possessing humans and unleashing hell on Earth.

[06/04/21 - 01:01 PM]
Video: Disney and Pixar's "Luca" Streams on Disney+ Beginning June 18 - All-New Clip Reveals What Humans Really Think About Sea Monsters
Plus, check out a new featurette highlighting how filmmakers captured the magic of the Italian Riviera.

[06/04/21 - 11:00 AM]
Video: New Trailer for "Infinite" Starring Mark Wahlberg and Chiwetel Ejiofor Now Available
Sophie Cookson, Jason Mantzoukas, Rupert Friend, Liz Carr, with Toby Jones and Dylan O'Brien also star in the film, due Thursday, June 10 on Paramount+.

[06/04/21 - 09:59 AM]
Video: Official Trailer and Key Art for Season Five of "The Good Fight" Now Available
Season five premieres on Thursday, June 24, with new episodes of the 10-episode long fifth season dropping weekly on Thursdays, exclusively for Paramount+ subscribers.

[06/04/21 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Big Timber" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A no-nonsense logger and his loyal crew battle brutal elements and finicky machines to chop and transport valuable lumber on Vancouver Island.

[06/03/21 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Nevertheless," - Official Trailer - Netflix
The intoxicating charm of a flirtatious art school classmate pulls a reluctant love cynic into a friends-with-benefits relationship.

[06/03/21 - 11:46 AM]
Video: "America: The Motion Picture" - Channing Tatum - Official Trailer - Netflix
A chainsaw-wielding George Washington teams with beer-loving bro Sam Adams to take down the Brits in a tongue-in-cheek riff on the American Revolution.

[06/03/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Audible" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Amaree Mckenstry-Hall and his teammates at Maryland School for the Deaf pursue success in football while coping with personal struggles and tragedy.

[06/03/21 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Reminiscence" - Official Trailer - HBO Max
Nick Bannister (Hugh Jackman), a private investigator of the mind, navigates the darkly alluring world of the past by helping his clients access lost memories.

[06/02/21 - 09:01 PM]
Video: "Dynasty Warriors" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Warlords, warriors and statesmen wage a battle for supremacy in this fantasy tale based on the hit video games and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

[06/02/21 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Hospital Playlist" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Inside the hospital, where every patient and every story matters, the five friends confront the ups and downs of life as doctors - and as human beings.

[06/02/21 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "So Not Worth It" - Official Trailer - Netflix
New friends, new loves and new experiences mix together inside a colorful college dormitory in Korea that's home to students from around the world.

[06/02/21 - 10:59 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for "Flack" Season 2
Amazon Prime Video will premiere all six episodes of season two on June 11 on Prime Video in the US and Canada.

[06/02/21 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "We The People" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Learn the basics of rights and citizenship with upbeat songs by popular artists like Janelle Monáe, H.E.R., Adam Lambert, Brandi Carlile and more.

[06/02/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Sisters on Track" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Three track star sisters face obstacles in life and in competition as they pursue Junior Olympic dreams in this extraordinary coming of age journey.

[06/02/21 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Longest Running Amazon Original Series "Bosch" Debuts the Trailer for Its Seventh and Final Season Premiering June 25 on Prime Video
Based on Michael Connelly's best-selling novel The Burning Room (2014) and the real arson case that inspired it, the seventh and final season of Prime Video's Bosch puts Detective Harry Bosch's famous motto center stage: "Everybody counts or nobody counts."

[06/02/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: DreamWorks' "The Boss Baby: Family Business" - Official Trailer - Peacock
In the sequel to DreamWorks Animation's Oscar-nominated blockbuster comedy, the Templeton brothers - Tim (James Marsden) and his Boss Baby little bro Ted (Alec Baldwin) have become adults and drifted away from each other.

[06/02/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Headspace: Unwind Your Mind: An Interactive Experience" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Do you want to relax, meditate or sleep deeply? Personalize the experience according to your mood or mindset with this Headspace interactive special.

[06/02/21 - 03:03 AM]
Video: "El Cid" - Season 2 - Official Teaser - Prime Video Spain
What changes await El Cid and Castilla after the death of King Fernando and the assassination of the Count of León?

[06/01/21 - 11:32 PM]
Video: "Sherni" - Official Trailer - Vidya Balan, Vijay Raaz, Neeraj Kabi - Amazon Prime Video
A jaded forest officer (Vidya Balan) leads a team of trackers and locals intending to capture an unsettled tigress, while battling intense obstacles and pressures, both natural and man-made.

[06/01/21 - 12:43 PM]
Video: Syfy's "SurrealEstate" - Hero Trailer
The series premieres Friday, July 16 at 10:00/9:00c.

[06/01/21 - 12:09 PM]
Video: "iCarly" - Official Trailer - Paramount+
10 years after signing off of one of TV's most iconic shows, Carly, Spencer, and Freddie are back, navigating the next chapter of their lives, facing the uncertainties of life in their twenties.

[06/01/21 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "Mary J. Blige's My Life" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
In Vanessa Roth's documentary, the singer, producer and actress reveals the demons and blessings that inspired the record and propelled her to international stardom.

[06/01/21 - 09:41 AM]
Video: FOX Celebrates Pride Month with Original Music Video
The featured song comes from "FOX Entertainment Music: Volume 3."

[06/01/21 - 09:14 AM]
Video: "The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It" - Final Trailer - HBO Max
Look for the film in theaters and streaming exclusively on HBO Max on June 4.

[06/01/21 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Nickelodeon Releases Sneak Peek of "The Patrick Star Show," Original Animated "SpongeBob SquarePants" Spinoff, Debuting This July
Produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio, the 13-episode series will debut this July on Nickelodeon.

[06/01/21 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "The Gift" Season 3 - Trailer - Netflix
Seeking to reach her daughter Aden, Atiye faces a wrenching dilemma as dark forces attempt to harness Aden's cosmic powers to bring about destruction.

[05/28/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: HBO Max Releases First Look Teaser and Character Posters for "Gossip Girl," Debuting July 8
The series is based on the bestselling novels by Cecily von Ziegesar and the original show, developed by Josh Schwartz & Stephanie Savage, which ran from 2007-2012 on The CW.

[05/28/21 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The A List" Season 2 Trailer - Netflix Futures
Fact and fiction intertwine as Mia, Dev, Petal, Alex and others attempt to reunite - and re-examine what really happened on Peregrine Island.

[05/28/21 - 06:01 AM]
Video: BET+ Original - "A Luv Tale" Trailer
Watch how this love triangle unfolds through friendship, sisterhood, and drama in "A Luv Tale" on BET+ premiering June 3, only on BET+

[05/28/21 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Katla" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The catastrophic eruption of subglacial volcano Katla turns a nearby community's world upside down as mysteries begin to emerge from the ice.

[05/27/21 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Ray" - Official Teaser - Manoj Bajpayee, Ali Fazal, Kay Kay Menon & Harshvarrdhan Kapoor
Some of the best directors come together to create an epic anthology as an ode to one of the greatest storytellers of all time - Satyajit Ray.

[05/27/21 - 03:16 PM]
Video: "September Mornings" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
The five, 30-minute episodes tell the journey of Cassandra, who starts to see things get on track in her life.

[05/27/21 - 10:30 AM]
Video: First Teaser Promo for "Fantasy Island," Premiering Tuesday, August 10 at 9/8c on FOX
A modern drama series, "Fantasy Island" takes place at a luxury resort, where literally any fantasy requested by guests is fulfilled, although they rarely turn out as expected.

[05/27/21 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The House of Flowers, The Movie" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The De La Mora siblings concoct a mischievous plan to break into their old family home to retrieve a hidden treasure of significant importance.

[05/27/21 - 07:33 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Releases Trailer for "Physical," New Apple Original Series Starring Rose Byrne and Created By Annie Weisman
"Physical" will premiere with the first three episodes on June 18, followed by one new episode weekly, every Friday.

[05/27/21 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 4 - Terry Silver Returns - Netflix
Have patience. He's just getting everything rolling. Terry Silver returns to the dojo for "Cobra Kai IV."

[05/27/21 - 05:24 AM]
Video: "Jungle Cruise" - Official Trailer 2
Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt star in the film, due in theaters or on Disney+ with Premier Access July 30.

[05/26/21 - 05:31 PM]
Video: "Around Town" Teaser - "Dexter" - Showtime
Nice to meet you, Jim Lindsay. America's favorite serial killer Dexter Morgan is back in a new 10-episode limited series coming this fall.

[05/26/21 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "So Not Worth It" - Official Teaser - Netflix
New friends, new loves and new experiences mix together inside a colorful college dormitory in Korea that's home to students from around the world.

[05/26/21 - 01:06 PM]
Video: "Firefly Lane" - Season 2 Announcement - Netflix
Watch stars Katherine Heigl and Sarah Chalke answer some burning questions about the series, and make an exciting announcement.

[05/26/21 - 12:16 PM]
Video: "Leverage: Redemption" - Official Trailer - IMDb TV - Coming July 9
In this new iteration and new world, the "Leverage" crew have watched as the rich and powerful continue to take what they want without consequence.

  [june 2021]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/20/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Righteous Gemstones" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Max
They're raising holy hell one last time.

[02/20/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "The Twister: Caught in the Storm" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In May 2011, a massive tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. With pulse-pounding firsthand footage, this documentary goes inside a deadly twister.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Visionaries" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger founded ARCH Motorcycle reimagine motorcycles. Fueled by more than a love of bikes, watch as they search for inspiration from those who help shape the world around us.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf King" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A young commoner comes of age and learns he's the last of a long line of Werewolves - and heir to the throne - in this epic fantasy adventure series.

[02/20/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Life List" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When her mother sends her on a quest to complete a teenage bucket list, a young woman uncovers family secrets, finds romance - and rediscovers herself.

[02/20/25 - 06:02 AM]
Video: "Trust Your Senses with Chloe Burrows" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Join Chloe Burrows as she tests blindfolded contestants (including George Clarke, Byron Denton, Madame Joyce and Anastasia Kingsnorth) with the ultimate sensory challenges to find love.

[02/20/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Drops Exclusive Season Three Opening Scene of "The Wheel of Time"
This special sneak peek is now available at the end of the third episode of the Season Three premiere of "Reacher," which also debuted today.

[02/20/25 - 05:34 AM]
Video: Conan O'Brien Hosts The Oscars - Live Sunday, March 2 at 7e/4p on ABC and Hulu
See if Conan O'Brien and Oscar will get their Hollywood ending, only at the Oscars.

[02/20/25 - 05:32 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Trailer for Limited Drama Series "Long Bright River"
The suspense thriller series tells the story of Mickey (Amanda Seyfried), a police officer who patrols a Philadelphia neighborhood hard-hit by the opioid crisis.

[02/19/25 - 09:42 PM]
Video: "Nadaaniyan" - Date Announcement - Netflix
When a misunderstanding turns her friends against her, lovable rich girl Pia hires Arjun, a career-focused new student, to pretend to be her boyfriend.

[02/19/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Black Ops" - Season 1 Official Trailer - Hulu
Two highly inexperienced police community support officers are forced into the world of undercover work to stop a violent criminal gang - but any wrong move could be their last.

[02/19/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original "Good American Family"
Told from multiple points of view, as a means to explore issues of perspective, bias, and trauma, this compelling drama is inspired by the disturbing stories surrounding a Midwestern couple who adopts a girl with a rare form of dwarfism.

[02/19/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Residence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a White House state dinner becomes a crime scene, detective Cordelia Cupp must investigate dozens of staff members and guests to catch a killer.

[02/19/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip" - Trailer - March 28 on Disney+
This March, the Garcias are going on a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad road trip.

[02/19/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: "Tyler Perry's Duplicity" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
High-powered attorney Marley (Kat Graham) faces her most personal case yet when she is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the shooting of her best friend Fela's (Meagan Tandy) husband (Joshua Adeyeye).