
    [friday, february 04, 2022]    
[02/04/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The lives of an emerging superstar and a filmmaker intertwine in this intense, intimate docuseries charting Kanye West's career, filmed over two decades.

[02/04/22 - 10:05 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Gripping Trailer for "The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey," Starring Academy Award Nominee Samuel L. Jackson, Premiering Globally on Friday, March 11
The six-episode moving series about family, memory and legacy premieres globally Friday, March 11 on Apple TV+ with the first two episodes, followed by one new episode weekly, every Friday.

[02/04/22 - 09:18 AM]
Video: Hulu Original "The Orville: New Horizons" Shares Sneak Peek and New Premiere Date
The new season will now launch Thursday, June 2, only on Hulu.

[02/04/22 - 08:05 AM]
Video: "Moving the Needle with Dr. Woo" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Dr. Woo is pulling the curtain back on the most exclusive tattoo experience that LA offers.

[02/04/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Worst Roommate Ever" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Violent con artists. Stone-cold killers. These terrifying true stories unveil some of the worst cohabitation experiences one could ever imagine.

[02/04/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Making Fun" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Grumpy expert maker Jimmy DiResta fields kids' ideas for delightfully pointless inventions. Then - if he's in the mood - he and his pals build 'em.

[02/04/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Clark" - Official Teaser - Netflix
"Clark" is directed by Jonas Åkerlund and with Bill Skarsgård starring as Clark Olofsson - the notorious Swedish bank robber, and the man who gave rise to the expression the Stockholm syndrome.

[02/04/22 - 04:02 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases First-Look Footage of Expansive and Highly Anticipated 2022 Originals Series Slate During Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics
Emmy Rossum, Matthew Fox, Taye Diggs, Josh Gad, Isla Fisher, Craig Robinson, Adam Devine, Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Chris Redd, Sam Jay, Sara Bareilles, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Kim Cattrall and Juliette Lewis are among the featured talent.

[02/04/22 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Restless" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After going to extremes to cover up an accident, a corrupt cop's life spirals out of control when he starts receiving threats from a mysterious witness.

[02/03/22 - 10:19 AM]
Video: Renee Zellweger Is Pam Hupp - NBC's "The Thing About Pam"
NBC's "The Thing About Pam" is based on the 2011 murder of Betsy Faria that resulted in her husband Russ's conviction, although he insisted he didn't kill her.

[02/03/22 - 09:46 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for "Lincoln's Dilemma," A Revealing New Documentary Series Reexamining Lincoln's Legacy, Premiering Friday, February 18
Narrated by Jeffrey Wright and featuring the voices of Bill Camp as Abraham Lincoln and Leslie Odom, Jr. as Frederick Douglass, all four parts of "Lincoln's Dilemma" will premiere globally on Friday, February 18.

[02/03/22 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "TrollsTopia" - Season 6 Trailer
From sweet surprises to electrifying harmonizing, the fun has just begun with all-new episodes, coming to Peacock on February 17.

[02/03/22 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Joe vs Carole" - Official Trailer - Peacock Original
The new series starring John Cameron Mitchell and Kate McKinnon premieres exclusively on Peacock on Thursday, March 3.

[02/03/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Netflix 2022 Movie Preview - Official Trailer
This year the Netflix Film universe is expanding with brand new comedies, action-thrillers, mysteries, dramas, sequels and more... dropping every single week.

[02/03/22 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "The Invisible Thread" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.

[02/02/22 - 01:11 PM]
Video: Starz Releases First Look and Announces "Gaslit" Starring Julia Roberts and Sean Penn Is Set to Premiere April 24
"Gaslit" is a modern take on Watergate that focuses on the untold stories and forgotten characters of the scandal - from Nixon's bumbling and opportunistic subordinates to the deranged zealots aiding and abetting their crimes to the tragic whistleblowers who would eventually bring the whole rotten enterprise crashing down.

[02/02/22 - 08:32 AM]
Video: "Killing It" - Official Teaser - Peacock Original
"Killing It" is a comedy about class, capitalism and one man's quest to achieve the American dream. And also about hunting really big snakes.

[02/02/22 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "The Boys Presents: Diabolical" Reveals Some of the Twisted (and Award-Winning!) Voice Talent in Appetizing New Teaser
Among the voice cast are Awkwafina, Michael Cera, Don Cheadle, Chace Crawford, Kieran Culkin, Giancarlo Esposito, Eliot Glazer, Jason Isaacs, Kumail Nanjiani, Justin Roiland, Seth Rogen, Andy Samberg, Ben Schwartz, Elisabeth Shue, Christian Slater, Kevin Smith, Antony Starr, Nasim Pedrad, Simon Pegg, Kenan Thompson, Aisha Tyler, and Youn Yuh Jung.

[02/01/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind" Season 2 - Cast Announcement - Netflix
A new journey begins for singles seeking transformative love - sight unseen. Who will find romance and who will come face to face with heartbreak?

[02/01/22 - 10:49 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Reveals the Teaser Trailer for "The Offer"
The series will premiere on Thursday, April 28, exclusively for Paramount+ subscribers in the U.S.

[02/01/22 - 10:10 AM]
Video: "No Exit" - Trailer - Hulu
In "No Exit," Havana Rose Liu makes her feature film leading role debut as Darby, a young woman en route to a family emergency who is stranded by a blizzard and forced to find shelter at a highway rest area with a group of strangers.

[02/01/22 - 09:21 AM]
Video: BBC America Unveils Trailer for Fourth and Final Season of "Killing Eve"
After the emotional climax of season three, Eve (Sandra Oh), Villanelle (Jodie Comer) and Carolyn (Fiona Shaw) are in very different places.

[02/01/22 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases Trailer for "everything's gonna be all white"
In honor of Black History Month, Showtime Documentary Films is premiering the provocative new three-part docu-series, which explores the history of race in America from the perspective of people of color.

[02/01/22 - 07:05 AM]
Video: "Your Attention Please" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Hulu
The new season kicks off today on the streaming service.

[02/01/22 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "I Want You Back" - Official Trailer - February 11 - Prime Video
Peter (Charlie Day) and Emma (Jenny Slate) thought they were on the precipice of life's biggest moments - marriage, kids, and houses in the suburbs - until their respective partners dumped them.

[01/31/22 - 01:20 PM]
Video: Discovery+ and NowThis Release Trailer for Groundbreaking True Crime Docuseries, "Uprooted"
All episodes will stream Friday, February 18 on discovery+.

[01/31/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "My Best Friend Anne Frank" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Based on the real-life friendship between Anne Frank and Hannah Goslar, from Nazi-occupied Amsterdam to their harrowing reunion in a concentration camp.

[01/31/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Disenchantment" Part 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Princess Bean's misadventures this season include the discovery of an underwater castle containing secrets that could change the history of Dreamland.

[01/31/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In this sequel, influencers looking to breathe new life into a Texas ghost town encounter Leatherface, an infamous killer who wears a mask of human skin.

[01/31/22 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Take Note" - Trailer
In the Peacock series, due on February 24, 14-year-old Calvin Richards has a wonderful, close-knit family who can survive anything as long as they're together.

[01/31/22 - 06:16 AM]
Video: BET+ Originals - "North of the 10"
Five friends (Don Benjamin, Matt Rife, Tosin Morohunfola, Wesley Armstrong, Destorm Power) who happen to be social influencers are on the rise and chasing their Hollywood dreams from the south side of Chicago.

[01/31/22 - 05:31 AM]
Video: "Back to 15" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Unhappy with her life, 30-year-old Anita accidentally discovers a way to travel back to age 15. Can she rewrite her own history?

[01/30/22 - 03:30 PM]
Video: "The Masked Singer" Introduces The Good, The Bad and the Cuddly
The series returns for its seventh season Wednesday, March 9 at 8:00/7:00c on FOX.

[01/30/22 - 01:32 PM]
Video: Paramount+ Announces Premiere Date and Unveils Official Trailer for "Halo" During the AFC Championship Game
The series will launch on Paramount+ in the U.S. and in all international markets where the streaming service will be available on Thursday, March 24.

[01/29/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Catching Killers" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The detectives who captured the BTK Killer and other notoriously brutal murderers recount the brave actions and burdens behind their investigations.

[01/28/22 - 11:39 AM]
Video: "Unborn" - Official Trailer - A Tubi Original
An expecting mother suspects that her unborn baby is possessed by the demonic spirit of her dead mother while her wife questions her unstable state.

[01/28/22 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Releases the First Episode of "The Afterparty" on YouTube in Celebration of Today's Global Debut of the Murder-Mystery Comedy
The first three episodes of "The Afterparty" are now streaming on Apple TV+, followed by one new episode weekly, every Friday through March 4.

[01/27/22 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Forecasting Love and Weather" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Inside a national weather service, love proves just as difficult to predict as rain or shine for a diligent forecaster and her free-spirited co-worker.

[01/27/22 - 12:26 PM]
Video: Showtime Releases Official Trailer for "Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber" Premiering Sunday, February 27
Starring Emmy winner Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emmy winner Kyle Chandler and Oscar and Emmy nominee Uma Thurman, the first season is based on Mike Isaac's bestselling book "Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber."

[01/27/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Space Force" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Under a new administration, General Naird and his dysfunctional but endearing crew have four months to prove that Space Force is worth keeping around.

[01/27/22 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "RACE: Bubba Wallace" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This docuseries follows Bubba Wallace, the only Black driver currently in NASCAR's Cup Series, as he uses his voice and talent to change the sport.

[01/27/22 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Framed! A Sicilian Murder Mystery" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After two hapless TV technicians stumble upon a murder scene, every step they take to avoid becoming suspects lands them in deeper trouble.

[01/26/22 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Love and Leashes" - Main Trailer - Netflix
Love never hurt so good for two co-workers who enter a contractual relationship as partners in consensual play, pleasure and pain.

[01/26/22 - 11:23 AM]
Video: Lifetime Gives Sneak Peek of "Million Dollar Hustle" Premiering March 17
The series follows health and fitness influencer, author, entrepreneur and self-made millionaire Stormy Wellington and her elite group of unstoppable leaders.

[01/26/22 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "About Last Night" - Official Trailer - HBO Max
The unfiltered game that puts celebrity relationships to the test.

[01/26/22 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "Snowfall" - Season 5 Official Trailer - FX
In season five, Franklin (Damson Idris) and family are rich beyond their wildest dreams and on the verge of having everything they've wanted as the ground begins to fall out from beneath their feet.

[01/26/22 - 09:35 AM]
Video: "Swap Shop" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
One person's junk is another person's profit. Seasoned collectors venture out across Tennessee in search of bargains they can sell for big money.

[01/26/22 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Bel-Air" Teaser 2 - Original Series Streaming Feb 13
Set in modern-day America, Peacock's new one-hour drama series "Bel-Air" imagines the beloved sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" through a new, dramatic take on Will's complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to the gated mansions of Bel-Air.

[01/26/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Tyler Perry's A Madea Homecoming" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Madea's back - hallelujer! And she's not putting up with any nonsense as family drama erupts at her great-grandson's college graduation celebration.

[01/25/22 - 09:50 AM]
Video: A Message from Rick Riordan - "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" - Disney+
The author reveals "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" is officially coming to Disney+.

  [february 2022]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/31/25 - 07:30 AM]
Video: Acorn TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for New Zealand Mystery Series "A Remarkable Place to Die"
Starring Chelsie Preston Crawford and acclaimed Australian actress Rebecca Gibney, the four-episode original series premieres Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV in the US and Canada, with new episodes releasing weekly.

[01/31/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" Preview
Based on the final novel in Hilary Mantel's multi award-winning trilogy, "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" premieres on "Masterpiece" Sunday, March 23.

[01/31/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix - Select Films & Series International Slate
A collection of sneak peeks and first looks from Sweden, Turkey, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Norway and Australia.

[01/31/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Official Trailer for "Aitana: Metamorphosis"
The documentary series will invite Aitana's fans to get to know her as they have never seen her before, enjoying her greatest hits and navigating complicated bumps in a process of personal and professional growth and maturity as she continues to establish herself as one of the biggest stars of Spanish music.

[01/30/25 - 04:43 PM]
Video: Official Trailer #3 - "Common Side Effects" - February 2 - Adult Swim
The series premieres this Sunday, February 2 at 11:30/10:30c on Adult Swim, next day on Max.

[01/30/25 - 04:10 PM]
Video: Netflix Debuted Highly Anticipated Slate with New Title Announcements, New Clips, New Images, Full Slate and More
2025 marks the return of some of Netflix's most popular shows of all time and the release of huge new films and series from some of the biggest names in entertainment.

[01/30/25 - 09:30 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Debut the Pulse-Pounding Official Trailer for Returning Hit Noir Thriller, "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[01/29/25 - 09:01 PM]
Video: Trailer for "Dalah: Death and the Flowers" Reveals More Clues - Uncover the Mystery on February 27
Netflix has unveiled the main trailer for the murder mystery series "Dalah: Death and the Flowers," offering a deeper look into the shocking death of a promising prime ministerial candidate.

[01/29/25 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Sosyal Climbers" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Stuck with a massive debt after falling for a scam, two wannabe socialites create elaborate fake identities to swindle the rich out of their money.

[01/29/25 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A playboy stages a dating show to earn his inheritance by granting his father's last wish: for his son to marry the most beautiful girl in the world.

[01/29/25 - 10:30 AM]
Video: "Deli Boys" - Official Teaser - Hulu
Things are about to get messy. Stream "Deli Boys" on March 6, only on Hulu.

[01/29/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Anuja" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a brilliant nine-year-old working in a sweatshop gets a chance to attend school, she must make a difficult choice for her and her sister's future.

[01/29/25 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Hot Wheels Let's Race" Season 3 Trailer - Netflix Jr
Coop and his friends have trained for this moment their whole lives. Now, three epic races will decide who wins the Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage!

[01/29/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Official Trailer Released for Clever Crime Comedy "Ludwig" Starring David Mitchell
The detective show broke viewership records out of the UK, with more than 9.5 million viewers and a second season already confirmed.

[01/28/25 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "The Greatest Rivalry: India vs Pakistan" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Experience a legendary saga of pride, passion and fierce competition that transcends the game.