
    [monday, july 10, 2023]    
[07/10/23 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Creamerie" - Season Two Trailer - Hulu
Alex, Jamie, Pip and Bobby are reeling from Jackson's betrayal and face certain doom - until Pip's cowardice sets off a series of lucky misreckonings.

[07/10/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Love at First Sight" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After missing her flight from New York to London, Hadley (Haley Lu Richardson) meets Oliver (Ben Hardy) in a chance encounter at the airport that sparks an instant connection.

[07/10/23 - 08:33 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Trailer For Original Comedy Series "Twisted Metal," Starring Anthony Mackie - Premieres July 27, 2023
The half-hour live-action TV series is based on the classic PlayStation game series.

[07/10/23 - 07:03 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Debuts Official Trailer for the Original Series "Special Ops: Lioness"
From Academy Award nominee Taylor Sheridan, the espionage thriller features a star-studded cast, including series lead and executive producer Zoe Saldaña, Laysla De Oliveira, Emmy Award nominee Michael Kelly, with Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman, and Academy Award winner and executive producer Nicole Kidman.

[07/10/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Napoleon" - Official Trailer
Directed by Ridley Scott from a screenplay by David Scarpa, "Napoleon" stars Joaquin Phoenix as the French emperor and military leader.

[07/10/23 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Wingwomen" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Tired of life on the run, two expert thieves and best friends recruit feisty Sam to assist them with one last job - unlike any they've done before.

[07/09/23 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Behind Your Touch" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A psychic vet and a detective join forces to crack small-town cases - but their skills are tested when they unravel a chilling serial killer mystery.

[07/09/23 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Zombieverse" - Official Teaser - Netflix
In Seoul, where a zombie virus outbreak has run amok, who will outwit the undead in the face of challenging quests and come out alive?

[07/07/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" Season 15 Midseason Supertease Is Here!
New episodes continue Sundays at 8:00/7:00c on Bravo, next day on Peacock.

[07/07/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Duck & Goose" - Season 2 Official Trailer - Apple TV+
Sometimes big differences can make for the best friendships. Season 2 is streaming now on Apple TV+.

[07/06/23 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Praise Petey" - Official Trailer - Freeform
Don't miss the new animated series created by head "SNL" writer Anna Drezen and produced by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels.

[07/06/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Reservation Dogs" - Season 3 Official Trailer - FX
This season, the Rez Dogs find themselves stranded in Cali and have to figure out their way back home.

[07/06/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Too Hot to Handle" Season 5 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Another sultry-but-sexless retreat awaits, under Lana's watchful eye, for a group of incurably flirty singles hoping to win a massive $200,000 prize.

[07/06/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER" - Official Trailer - Disney+
Go behind-the-scenes with TXT on their unforgettable world tour.

[07/06/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Red, White, & Royal Blue" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Based on the New York Times bestseller, "Red, White & Royal Blue" centers around Alex, the president's son, and Britain's Prince Henry whose long-running feud threatens to drive a wedge in U.S./British relations.

[07/06/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Foundation" - Season 2 Official Trailer 2 - Apple TV+
More than a century after the Season 1 finale, tension mounts throughout the galaxy.

[07/06/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Miraculous: Ladybug & Cat Noir, The Movie" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a guardian of magical jewels turns an awkward girl and a popular boy into superheroes, they can never reveal their identities - even to each other.

[07/06/23 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Class Act" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A relentlessly ambitious working-class man becomes one of France's most controversial public figures in this fictionalized biopic about Bernard Tapie.

[07/05/23 - 02:02 PM]
Video: Prime Video Releases the Official Trailer to the Amazon Original Series "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart"
Sigourney Weaver, Asher Keddie, Leah Purcell, Frankie Adams, Sebastián Zurita, and Alycia Debnam-Carey star in the emotionally compelling series adaption of Australian Holly Ringland's international best-selling book and award-winning producers from Made Up Stories.

[07/05/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Gary and His Demons" Trailer - Stream Both Seasons on Freevee - Coming July 7
Burdened by his "Chosen One" status and backed by a team of specialists he can't relate to, Gary the demon hunter struggles to keep interest in the Earth-saving duty he never asked for and doesn't want.

[07/05/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A shocking indictment of the food industry and its regulators, the project exposes how decades of apathy and malfeasance have left the American food supply and its consumers vulnerable to deadly pathogens like e. Coli and salmonella.

[07/05/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Announces "Sex Education" Final Season Premiere Date & Teaser
The fourth season of "Sex Education" will be the last, and the residents of Moordale are going out on a high.

[07/05/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Reptile Royalty" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Running a zoo takes a special breed. "Reptile Royalty" is streaming free July 21, only on The Roku Channel.

[07/05/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Killers of the Flower Moon" - Official Trailer
Based on a true story and told through the improbable romance of Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Mollie Kyle (Lily Gladstone), "Killers of the Flower Moon" is an epic western crime saga, where real love crosses paths with unspeakable betrayal.

[07/05/23 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Kalvin Phillips: The Road to City" - Official Trailer
The documentary is an underdog story about one of England's most promising footballers, who rose from the Leeds United academy to captain the club and now plays for the current European champions.

[07/04/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Burning Body" - Date Announcement - Netflix
No fire lights itself. "Burning Body" starring Úrsula Corberó and Quim Gutierrez arrives on September 8.

[07/03/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Lady of Silence: The Mataviejitas Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In early-2000s Mexico City, nearly 50 elderly women were strangled in their own homes in Mexico City, triggering the hunt for - and capture - of a most unlikely suspect.

[07/01/23 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Record of Ragnarok II" - Official Trailer #3 - Netflix
With some shocking wins, humanity has defied the expectation of the gods. But will they survive the upcoming rounds against some heavy-hitting deities?

[07/01/23 - 02:46 PM]
Video: "Delicious in Dungeon" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Take a look at dynamic scenes of Laios and his companions and hear their voices as they eat the monsters that appear in the dungeons!

[07/01/23 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Heartstopper" Season 2 - Official Teaser - Netflix
With exams, a school trip to Paris and prom on the horizon, Nick, Charlie and the gang must navigate the next stages of life, love and friendship.

[06/30/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "World on Fire" Season 2 Preview
Season two stars Jonah Hauer-King, Lesley Manville and an ensemble cast in the next chapter of this epic World War II drama.

[06/30/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Sweet Magnolias" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The series centers around three best friends (Maddie, Helen, and Dana Sue) born and raised in Serenity, SC, a small southern town where everybody knows everybody and everybody knows everybody's business.

[06/30/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Sly" - Sylvester Stallone Documentary - Official Teaser - Netflix
This retrospective documentary offers an intimate look at the Oscar-nominated actor-writer-director-producer, paralleling his inspirational underdog-story with the indelible characters he has brought to life.

[06/30/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Take Care of Maya" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When 10-year-old Maya Kowalski was admitted to Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in 2016, nothing could have prepared her or her family for what they were about to go through.

[06/29/23 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "The Murderer" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a series of deaths in a small provincial town, a determined detective attempts to uncover the killer - and British expat Earl is the prime suspect.

[06/29/23 - 05:36 PM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for Season Two of "The Summer I Turned Pretty"
The second season launches with three episodes on Friday, July 14, with new episodes following weekly until the season finale on Friday, August 18 on Prime Video.

[06/29/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Happiness For Beginners" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Helen has always lived her life as far from the edge as possible. Newly divorced, she joins a quirky group of strangers on a survival course for the "Adventure of a Lifetime" with the hope of learning how to live - and love - again.

[06/29/23 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Starz Releases Emotional Trailer for Season Two of Critically-Acclaimed Sports Drama "Heels" Airing July 28
Starring Stephen Amell) and Alexander Ludwig, the small-town sports drama series based on a wrestling league in rural Georgia will also debut via linear TV on Starz at 10:00/9:00c in the U.S. and Canada on Friday, July 28.

[06/29/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Unknown: Killer Robots" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Deep in the heart of the military-industrial complex, a new kind of soldier is being developed.

[06/29/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Supa Team 4" New Series Trailer - Netflix After School
Four teens are just trying to survive secondary school when an ex-spy recruits them for her superhero team. Their newest assignment? Saving the world.

[06/28/23 - 01:01 PM]
Video: Showtime Sports Debuts Official Trailer and Key Art for "Goliath"
The three-part documentary series examines the historic life, career and impact of Wilt Chamberlain, one of the greatest and most misunderstood athletes of all time.

[06/28/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Full Circle" - Official Trailer - Max
Who do you trust? "Full Circle" premieres July 13 on Max.

[06/28/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Bird Box Barcelona" - Official Trailer - Netflix
As a mysterious force decimates humanity, a sinister new threat grows in this Barcelona-set film that expands the story of the blockbuster "Bird Box."

[06/27/23 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Makeup X Breakup" - New Season - Official Trailer - ALLBLK
This season we travel back to a time when life was less complicated.

[06/27/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Peacock Debuts Trailer for Original True Crime Docuseries "Myth of the Zodiac Killer"
The two-part unscripted series detailing one of the most infamous serial killers premieres Tuesday, July 11.

[06/27/23 - 09:08 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases Highly Anticipated Trailer for the Final Season of "Billions"
The series stars Oscar nominee and Emmy winner Paul Giamatti, Corey Stoll and Maggie Siff, and this final season also marks the return of Emmy winner Damian Lewis as fan-favorite Bobby "Axe" Axelrod.

[06/27/23 - 09:07 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original "Futurama"
After a brief ten-year hiatus, "Futurama" has crawled triumphantly from the cryogenic tube, its full original cast and satirical spirit intact.

[06/27/23 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Not Manchester! See the Trailer and Official Art of "Chavorrucos"
In this series, Regina (Dalílah Polanco), a psychologist, decides to write a book in which she will talk about the different personalities of men, for which she will gather five funny and very peculiar "Chavorrucos".

[06/27/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Dew Drop Diaries" New Series Trailer - Netflix Jr
From finding lost items to cleaning up messes, three fairies in training love looking after kids in their care as they work toward earning their wings.

[06/27/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Five Nights at Freddy's" - Official Trailer - Peacock Original
The terrifying horror game phenomenon becomes a blood-chilling cinematic event, as Blumhouse brings Five Nights at Freddy's to the big screen.

  [july 2023]  

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(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/06/25 - 06:12 AM]
Video: "Umjolo: There Is No Cure" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After losing her title for publicly exposing a scandal, a former pageant queen works on a tell-all book - all while her love life remains unwritten.

[02/06/25 - 04:26 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind: Sweden: After the Altar" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage - all before seeing each other in person.

[02/05/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Benefits with Friends" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Bia (Bruna Marquezine) and Victor (Sérgio Malheiros) are best friends. While he lives in a relationship that has gotten boring, she has fleeting relationships, without believing in love.

[02/05/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Toxic Town" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When dozens of babies in Corby are born with disabilities, their mothers embark on a battle to hold those responsible to account. Based on a true story.

[02/05/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Delicious" - Official Trailer - Netflix
During their vacation in the French countryside, a wealthy German family becomes entangled with a young hotel worker harboring sinister intentions.

[02/04/25 - 06:56 PM]
Video: It's Time to Check in to Bravo's "Love Hotel" - Coming Soon!
The network teases the "Real Housewives"-themed dating series.

[02/04/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Plankton: The Movie" - Official Trailer - Netflix
SpongeBob SquarePants' tiniest frenemy, Sheldon J. Plankton, is finally getting his close up.

[02/04/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Counterstrike" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a hostage rescue mission creates a new enemy, Capt. Guerrero and his elite soldiers must face an ambush by a ruthless drug cartel.

[02/04/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils Trailer for "Goldie" Premiering February 14
Inspired by Emily Brundige's award-winning 2019 short film of the same name, the 13 half-hour episodes follow Goldie, a giant girl with a big heart, as she sets off on epic adventures with her best friends in their beloved town of Boysenberg.

[02/04/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for New Drama "Berlin ER," Premiering on February 26
Starring Haley Louise Jones and Slavko Popadic, the complex eight-episode drama will premiere globally on Apple TV+ on February 26 with the first two episodes, followed by one episode weekly every Wednesday through April 9.

[02/04/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "The Exchange" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
After their big break into Kuwait's male-dominated stock market, will Farida and Munira keep rising to success - or lose everything they've worked for?

[02/03/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Extracted" - Extended First Look for All-New Survivalist Competition Premiering Monday, February 10 on FOX
"Extracted" features 12 untrained competitors attempting to survive extremely grueling conditions, perilous terrain, and the threat of fearsome predators in the unforgiving Canadian wilderness.

[02/03/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Grosse Pointe Garden Society" - Official Trailer - NBC
When four members of a garden club get entangled in a scandalous murder, they're forced to bury the body - in their own well-manicured flower beds.

[02/03/25 - 07:17 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for Season Two of the Highly Anticipated Psychological Thriller "Surface"
Starring and executive produced by Gugu Mbatha-Raw and created by Veronica West, the acclaimed psychological thriller returns for its eight-episode second season on Friday, February 21, followed by new episodes every Friday through April 11.

[02/03/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 6 Part 3 - Final Trailer - Netflix
Granted one final chance to finish the Sekai Taikai, Daniel, Johnny and the team lay it all on the line in the ultimate championship showdown.