
    [sunday, october 01, 2023]    
[09/29/23 - 03:10 PM]
Video: "A Week in Paradise" - Official Trailer - Watch Free on Crackle - October 1st - Malin Akerman
Seeking solace from a failed marriage, Maggie (Malin Akerman) escapes to the Caribbean for a much-needed reset.

[09/29/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Camp Courage" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Made refugees by the war in Ukraine, Olga and her granddaughter Milana travel to a summer camp in the Austrian Alps to test the limits of their own bravery, and to strengthen their growing bond.

[09/29/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Fight to Survive" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
"Fight to Survive" is the first survival series to show how people really survive - when the only law is the law of the jungle.

[09/29/23 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Extended First-Look Trailer and Musical Lineup Unveiled for Epic and Breathtaking Landmark Natural History Series "Planet Earth III"
The eight-episode groundbreaking and cinematic series will premiere on BBC America and AMC+ later this year.

[09/29/23 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Cigarette Girl" - Teaser 2 - Netflix
Behind Dasiyah's perfect cigarette blend, there lies pain, love, and secret.

[09/28/23 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "Mumbai Diaries" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Prime Video India
The series is a medical thriller set in the Emergency Room of a government hospital.

[09/28/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Big Mouth" Season 7 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The Big Mouth kids are headed to high school - but not before anxieties about new friends and new schools make their young lives even more challenging.

[09/28/23 - 08:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Reveals Teaser & Date for "CoComelon Lane" and Unveils First Look at New Preschool Series
Plus: Netflix has upped the episode order of the mega hit, "Gabby's Dollhouse" from DreamWorks Animation, to 100.

[09/28/23 - 08:11 AM]
Video: "All Creatures Great and Small" Season 4 Trailer
Don't miss the Season 4 premiere on Sunday, January 7 at 9:00/8:00c on PBS.

[09/28/23 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "This Old House" - Streaming on The Roku Channel October 2
In Season 45, the Emmy-winning experts at "This Old House" help renovate a 1960 mid-century modern home.

[09/28/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Robbie Williams" - Official Teaser - Netflix
After 25 years of his record-breaking solo career, Robbie looks back on his younger self and reflects on a lifetime spent in the spotlight.

[09/28/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Burning Betrayal" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In this adaptation of Sue Hecker's novel, an accountant sees her fiance's betrayal as an opportunity for a sexual awakening, with dangerous consequences.

[09/28/23 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Argylle" - Official Trailer - Apple TV+
The film follows the globetrotting adventures of super-spy Argylle across the U.S., London, and other exotic locations, featuring a star-studded, award-winning cast including Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Rockwell, Bryan Cranston, Catherine O'Hara, John Cena, Dua Lipa, Ariana DeBose, and Samuel L. Jackson.

[09/27/23 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "Castaway Diva" - Official Teaser - Netflix
15 years after being stranded on a remote island, an aspiring singer reenters society - stopping at nothing to pursue her dream of becoming a diva.

[09/27/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "All the Same... or Not" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Disney+
Carol and her friends Beta, Trix, Pri, and Amanda are getting ready for a new year of school, beach, and fun in their beloved Rio de Janeiro.

[09/27/23 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video's "The Boys" Cast Welcomes "Gen V" Cast to "The Boys" Universe
"Gen V" will debut exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories around the world with three episodes on Friday, September 29, followed by weekly episodes, leading up to the epic season finale on Friday, November 3.

[09/27/23 - 09:02 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - "The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion" Premieres on Wednesday, October 25th at 8PM ET/PT on MTV
This season, returning contenders are hungry for their first victory, competing against each other and legendary Challenge champions in a fight for the throne.

[09/27/23 - 08:36 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Trailer for Season 2 of Original Romantic Dramedy Series "Wolf Like Me" Starring Isla Fisher and Josh Gad
All seven episodes of the new season premiere exclusively on Peacock October 19.

[09/27/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Obliterated" - Official Trailer - Netflix
"Obliterated" is a high octane action-comedy that tells the story of an elite special forces team who thwarts a deadly threat to Las Vegas.

[09/27/23 - 02:02 AM]
Video: "Sister Death" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a miraculous childhood, Narcisa becomes a novice and starts teaching girls in a former convent haunted by a disturbing presence.

[09/27/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Good Night World" - Official Trailer #2 - Netflix
Four miserable members of a dysfunctional household have no idea that they've formed a happy family unit in an immersive VR game - with each other.

[09/27/23 - 01:31 AM]
Video: "Crashing Eid" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When Razan's British Pakistani fiance crashes her Saudi family's Eid celebrations, she attempts to convince them that he is a suitable match.

[09/26/23 - 10:01 PM]
Video: "Mumbai Diaries" Season 2 - Official Teaser - Prime Video India
"Mumbai Diaries" is a medical thriller set in the Emergency Room of a government hospital.

[09/26/23 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Believer 2" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The film premieres November 17, only on Netflix.

[09/26/23 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Hulu Original Series "Living for the Dead"
In "Living for the Dead," five fabulous, queer ghost hunters roam the country, helping the living by healing the dead.

[09/26/23 - 09:26 AM]
Video: Lifetime Unveils Trailer for "Murdaugh Murders: The Movie" Starring Bill Pullman
The two part event premieres October 14 and 15 at 8:00/7:00c on Lifetime.

[09/26/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Apple Original Films Unveils the Trailer and Key Art for the Highly Anticipated Feature, "Fingernails," Starring Jessie Buckley, Riz Ahmed, Jeremy Allen White and Luke Wilson
Anna (Buckley) and Ryan (White) have found true love. It's been proven by a controversial new technology. There's just one problem: Anna still isn't sure. Then she takes a position at a love-testing institute, and meets Amir (Ahmed).

[09/26/23 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer - "Evil Lives Here: The Killer Speaks" - New Series Premieres Sunday, October 1 at 9/8c on ID
This new six episode series goes inside individuals' emotional accounts of some of the most shocking acts of violence and takes their stories a step further by going behind prison walls to speak with the killer themselves.

[09/26/23 - 08:03 AM]
Video: Shocking Firsthand Accounts from Alleged Former Cult Members Revealed in Trailer for Prime Video Docuseries "Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe"
In the trailer, former members share their personal experiences in the Twin Flames Universe, uncovering the appalling methods of group leaders Jeff and Shaleia Divine.

[09/26/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "May December" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Starring Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, and Charles Melton.

[09/26/23 - 06:03 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer and Announces October 27 Premiere Date for the Chilling Docuseries "The Enfield Poltergeist"
All episodes premiere globally on Friday, October 27.

[09/25/23 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Yellow Door: '90s Lo-fi Film Club" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This intimate documentary explores a bygone era of cinematic passion and the emergence of young film enthusiasts in South Korea, including Bong Joon-ho.

[09/25/23 - 02:01 PM]
Video: Prime Video Releases the Official Trailer for Australian Original Feature-Length Documentary "Hot Potato: The Story of The Wiggles"
Directed by Emmy-nominated director Sally Aitken, the nostalgia-inducing trailer depicts the meteoric rise of The Wiggles as they become the most successful children's act of all time, along with the challenges they've faced over the past three decades.

[09/25/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Adult Swim Debuts "Rick and Morty" Season Seven Trailer
This is not a hologram. Season seven premieres October 15.

[09/25/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Princess Power" Season 2 Sneak Peek - Netflix Jr
When there's trouble in the Fruitdoms, these princess pals team up to lend a helping hand - because sometimes problems are too big for just one princess!

[09/25/23 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "30 Coins" Season 2 - Official Trailer - HBO
A new enemy feared by even the devil himself will put the world at risk.

[09/25/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Life on Our Planet" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Life's extraordinary journey to conquer, adapt and survive on Earth across billions of years comes alive in this groundbreaking nature docuseries.

[09/23/23 - 10:17 AM]
Video: New! "Doctor Who" 2023 - 60th Anniversary Specials Trailer - BBC
"Doctor Who" returns this November to BBC iPlayer in the UK and Disney+ in the rest of the world.

[09/22/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Squid Game: The Challenge" - Official Teaser - Netflix
456 real players will enter the competition show in pursuit of a life-changing reward of USD $4.56 million.

[09/22/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Kumari Srimathi" - Official Trailer - Prime Video India
Srimathi is a 30 year old unmarried woman, with a dead end job, a dysfunctional family and a goal to win back her ancestral house.

[09/21/23 - 11:01 PM]
Video: "Hostel Daze" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Prime Video India
The gang prepares themselves for the placement year and give it their all to seek a respectable job before bidding a final adieu to their hostel lives.

[09/21/23 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Keys to the Heart" - Official Trailer - Netflix Philippines
Troubled and alone, a boxer moves in with his long-lost mother and autistic pianist brother - but must fit in with a family he hasn't known for years.

[09/21/23 - 12:02 PM]
Video: Showtime Releases the Official Trailer and Key Art for "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial," Written and Directed by Oscar-Winning Filmmaker William Friedkin in His Final Film
The captivating film follows a U.S. naval first officer who's standing trial for orchestrating a mutiny after his captain shows signs of becoming unhinged and jeopardizes the lives of his crew.

[09/21/23 - 10:57 AM]
Video: "The Retreat" - Official Trailer - Watch Now on Crackle
During a vulnerable moment at an all Black women's artist retreat, guest speaker Cynthia Chadwick reveals a dangerous secret about her past to a small group of women.

[09/21/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Serenata de las Estrellas" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Hosted by Julissa Bermudez, some of the biggest names in Latin music surprise deserving members of the community with once-in-a-lifetime concerts in unexpected locations.

[09/21/23 - 09:00 AM]
Video: 3D Print Some Popcorn and Tune In - Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for "Upload" Season Three
The series returns for another season of clever, future forecasting, and absurdly relatable comedy Friday, October 20 on Prime Video.

[09/21/23 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Adult Swim Reveals Trailer for Toonami Original Series "FLCL: Shoegaze"
The latest installment of FLCL arrives on the heels of the fourth season, "FLCL: Grunge," which is premiering new episodes every Saturday at midnight ET/PT.

[09/21/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Big Vape: The Rise and Fall of Juul" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The four-episode series is slated to premiere October 11, globally on Netflix.

[09/21/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Griselda" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Sofia Vergara transforms in this series, inspired by Griselda Blanco, a woman who rose from obscurity to become "the Godmother" of the underworld.

[09/21/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Kandasamys: The Baby" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A joyous family bonding moment celebrating the arrival of a precious baby turns into utter mayhem and chaos when the grandparent's shenanigans takes parenting to a disastrous level.

  [october 2023]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/25/25 - 12:31 PM]
Video: "Fear Street: Prom Queen" - Date Announcement - Netflix
In this next installment of the blood-soaked Fear Street franchise, prom season at Shadyside High is underway and the school's wolfpack of It Girls is busy with its usual sweet and vicious campaigns for the crown.

[02/25/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Announces May 4 Return for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Debuts Opening Minutes from the Highly Anticipated Season Two Premiere Episode
In season two, in the growing war for control of Manhattan, Maggie and Negan find themselves trapped on opposite sides.

[02/25/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Million Dollar Secret" - Official Trailer - Netflix
12 strangers enter a sumptuous lakeside estate and in each of their rooms is a mysterious welcome gift - a box. 11 of them are empty and one contains $1,000,000, and it's for that guest to keep - as long as they keep their identity hidden.

[02/25/25 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Bert Kreischer: Lucky" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In his fourth Netflix special, Bert dives into everything from shedding 45 pounds, the usual family antics, getting parenting tips from Snoop Dogg and more.

[02/25/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "You" Season 5 - Official Teaser #2 - Netflix
Well, well, well, if it isn't the luckiest guy in New York? Joe Goldberg returns for the fifth and final season on April 24, only on Netflix.

[02/25/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "Holland" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Holland," starring Nicole Kidman, Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal, and Matthew Macfadyen, premieres March 27 on Prime Video.

[02/24/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind Season 8: The Reunion" - Announcement - Netflix
A new group of singles face the ultimate dating experiment. Will they find their soulmates and get married, or will looks get in the way of love?

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andrew Schulz: LIFE" Teaser Trailer Featuring... Matt Damon?
In "LIFE," Andrew Schulz's most personal special yet, he takes us on a hilarious and humbling journey of trying to start a family.

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andor" - Season 2 Trailer - Streaming April 22 on Disney+
The critically acclaimed series returns.

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Adolescence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "House of David" - Final Trailer - Prime Video
You know the legend. Now experience the journey.

[02/23/25 - 04:31 PM]
Video: "Divorce Insurance" - Official Teaser - Prime Video
There may be many insurances out there, but none like this one.

[02/23/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Revelations" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A pastor is convinced that a divine revelation has called him to punish the person guilty of a missing person case, while a detective assigned to the case is haunted by her dead sister's shadow.

[02/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "CHAOS: The Manson Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Errol Morris, the film untangles a web of conspiracy involving the CIA, LSD, Jack Ruby, the Manson Family, and Vincent Bugliosi, casting doubt on the official story of the 1960s' most infamous killing spree.

[02/21/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Premiere Date and First Look of Dome Karukoski's "Little Siberia"
A pastor's faith turns upside down when a meteorite lands in his small Finnish town, its impact stirring up chaos and criminal intentions.