
    [tuesday, october 24, 2023]    
[10/24/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Nothing to See Here" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When an aspiring blind comedian goes after his dreams, it's him and his best friend with cerebral palsy against the world, no matter what runs them over.

[10/24/23 - 09:00 AM]
Video: New Trailer - Darkly Comedic Crime Drama "Obituary," Exclusively on Hulu (Nov. 21)
24-year-old Elvira Clancy is feeling a little unfulfilled, although she adores her new job writing obituaries, but when her newspaper falls on hard times and her boss cuts her salary, she finds herself being paid per obituary overnight.

[10/24/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Best. Christmas. Ever!" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a twist of fate brings their families together for Christmas, Charlotte sets out to prove her old friend Jackie's life is too good to be true.

[10/24/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Leave the World Behind" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When an idyllic getaway suddenly erupts into chaos, trust unravels fast.

[10/23/23 - 12:05 PM]
Video: Peacock Releases Trailer for Season 2 of Fan-Favorite Original Series "Paris in Love"
In season two, fans will get an intimate look at pop-culture icon Paris Hilton's journey into motherhood - from behind the scenes of her secret surrogacy plans to her juggling work and family life as a new mom.

[10/23/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red" - Official Trailer - Disney+
The new original special is streaming this Friday on Disney+.

[10/23/23 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Reveals Full Contestant Line-Up and Official Series Trailer for Upcoming Bond-Inspired Adventure Series "007: Road to a Million"
All nine pairs are in with a chance of winning a life-changing £1,000,000.

[10/23/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Squid Game: The Challenge" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Immersed in the world of "Squid Game," 456 real players put their skills - and character - to the ultimate test for a life-changing $4.56 million prize.

[10/23/23 - 06:44 AM]
Video: "Culprits" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Joe Petrus is living the American dream: he's a fiancé to Jules, dad to Frankie and Bud, and starting his own business in a sleepy suburban town. But unbeknownst to his family, Joe has a secret.

[10/23/23 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Cyberbunker: The Criminal Underworld" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Two worlds collide in an idyllic German tourist town: A group of mysterious Dutchmen and their eccentric leader Xennt want to take over a vast NATO bunker under the town.

[10/20/23 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Dr. Death" - Season 2 - Official Teaser - Peacock Original
This season of "Dr. Death," based on the Wondery podcast, follows "Miracle Man" Paolo Macchiarini, a charming surgeon renowned for his innovative operations.

[10/20/23 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Society of the Snow" - Official Teaser #2 - Netflix
A masterpiece by Juan Antonio Bayona about one of the most remarkable stories of the 20th century.

[10/20/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "A Story of Crime" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Prime Video Spain
The second season will be available October 30 on Prime Video.

[10/20/23 - 02:31 AM]
Video: Prime Video Reveals Special Footage of the New Series "Comedy Island Japan"; Announces the Exclusive Worldwide Premiere for November 22
The series features popular comedians who embark a hilarious adventure when they suddenly drift to a mysterious island. The island has been cursed for years, and if a joke goes wrong, disaster strikes.

[10/19/23 - 10:04 AM]
Video: Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for New Original Series "Love Island Games"
Set in Fiji, the first season will bring together fan-favorite Islanders from various "Love Island" series across the globe for a second shot at love as they compete in a brand-new format to be crowned champions of "Love Island Games."

[10/19/23 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Rap Sh!t" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Max
City to city, our favorite rap duo is showing us that tour life. Season two premieres November 9 on Max.

[10/19/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Criminal Code" - Official Trailer - Netflix
To crack the code of an investigation into a larger-than-life robbery, federal agents need to get creative.

[10/19/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Rustin" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Activist Bayard Rustin faces racism and homophobia as he helps change the course of Civil Rights history by orchestrating the 1963 March on Washington.

[10/19/23 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Hulu Original "Faraway Downs"
The film, told in six chapters, stars stars Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Bryan Brown, Brandon Walters, and Ben Mendelsohn.

[10/19/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix" - WTF - Official Trailer #2 - Netflix
Branded an enemy of the state, a cyborg supersoldier struggles to find a cause worth fighting for in a dystopian society where nothing is what it seems.

[10/19/23 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Onmyoji" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The immortal Heian-period supernatural mystery novels by Baku Yumemakura have been adapted into an anime series for the first time.

[10/18/23 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Cigarette Girl" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A gifted artisan's journey of love and self-discovery unfolds as she defies tradition within Indonesia's clove cigarette industry in the 1960s.

[10/18/23 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Daily Dose of Sunshine" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A kind-hearted nurse working in psychiatry goes above and beyond to be a ray of light for those under her care, despite the challenges coming her way.

[10/18/23 - 02:35 PM]
Video: ALLBLK Releases Trailer for Season Three of "Terror Lake Drive: Summer Purge"
The third season of fan-favorite anthology series takes place five years after the second installment, as a new South Georgia family mysteriously inherits a luxury vacation home on Lake Levi... luring them to the grounds previously known as (the haunted) Freeman Lakes.

[10/18/23 - 01:45 PM]
Video: Lifetime Releases Trailers for "Bad Romance: The Vicky White Story" and "Would You Kill For Me? The Mary Bailey Story"
The films premiere Saturday, October 21 and October 28, respectively.

[10/18/23 - 01:07 PM]
Video: National Geographic Releases Premiere Dates and Trailers for Its Fall/Winter Slate Ahead of Its New York City Content Showcase
New series include "Incredible Animal Journeys," "Science Fair: The Series," "A Real Bug's Life," "Arctic Ascent with Alex Honnold," "Queens" and "Photographer."

[10/18/23 - 08:04 AM]
Video: MGM+'s "Beacon 23" Unveils New Trailer and Key Art
Produced by Boat Rocker and based on the best-selling book by Hugh Howey, the series stars Emmy nominee Lena Headey and Emmy and Golden Globe Nominee Stephan James.

[10/18/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Sly" - Sylvester Stallone Documentary - Official Trailer - Netflix
His love of film began as an escape from a rocky childhood. From underdog to Hollywood legend, Sylvester Stallone tells his story in this documentary.

[10/18/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Napoleon" - Official Trailer 2 - Apple TV+
Meet the man behind the myth. "Napoleon," directed by Ridley Scott and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby, arrives exclusively in theaters on November 22.

[10/18/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "The Queenstown Kings" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After his father's death, a washed-up soccer star returns to rural Queenstown and struggles to connect with his son, a promising player with big dreams.

[10/17/23 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Delicious in Dungeon" - Official Trailer #1 - Netflix
After his younger sister Falin is eaten by a Red Dragon, adventurer Laios and his companions brave the dungeon in a bid to rescue her.

[10/17/23 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Castaway Diva" - Official Trailer - Netflix
15 years after being stranded on a remote island, an aspiring singer reenters society - stopping at nothing to pursue her dream of becoming a diva.

[10/17/23 - 01:15 PM]
Video: BET+ Original - "In Love & Toxic: Blue Therapy" - Trailer
These couples are breaking emotional barriers and mending their relationships, but not without a fight!

[10/17/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Geeked Week 2023 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Kicking off on Monday, November 6 (aka Stranger Things Day) and running through Sunday, November 12, Geeked Week is the home for the hottest updates.

[10/17/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Unveils Contestants and Trailer for New Season of Hit Competition Series "Ink Master"
Season 15 of the hit reality competition series will premiere exclusively on the service Wednesday, November 1, with three all-new episodes.

[10/17/23 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Escaping Twin Flames" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A couple built a spiritual business to help people find true love. Now, former followers are sharing their disturbing practices in this docuseries.

[10/17/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Maxine's Baby: The Tyler Perry Story" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Writer, actor, filmmaker, studio head and media titan, Tyler Perry, is America's consummate multihyphenate. But underneath this entertainment behemoth is a man working humbly to heal his childhood trauma by transforming his pain into promise.

[10/17/23 - 06:17 AM]
Video: Disney+ Reveals Trailer and Key Art for "The Santa Clauses" Season Two
The brand-new trailer previews the continuing story of Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) and his family as they return to the North Pole for more adventures when the season premieres with two episodes on Wednesday, November 8, followed by new episodes weekly.

[10/17/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Elite" Season 7 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Omar is back. Iván has a broken heart. Isadora deals with her dangerous family. Is it possible for the students at Las Encinas to trust one another?

[10/17/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Killers of the Flower Moon" - Final Trailer
In theaters everywhere October 20.

[10/17/23 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Last Call for Istanbul" - Date Announcement - Netflix
A chance meeting at the airport leads two married people to an unforgettable night full of excitement, desire, and temptation in New York City.

[10/16/23 - 01:29 PM]
Video: Lifetime Releases Trailer for All-New LGBTQ+ Thriller "You're Not Supposed to Be Here"
Chrishell Stause, Diora Baird, Curtis Hamilton, Heather Matarazzo, Devon Gummersall, Drew Powell, Jeante Godlock and Alejandro Rosario star in the film, premiering November 4.

[10/16/23 - 09:02 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Reveals Official Trailer for New Original Comedy Series "Colin from Accounts"
The series is centered on Ashley (Harriet Dyer) and Gordon (Patrick Brammall), two single(ish), complex humans who are brought together by a nipple flash, a car accident and an injured dog.

[10/16/23 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original Docuseries "Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story"
For the very first time, Coleen Rooney, one of Britain's most famous celebrities and wife of record-scoring footballer Wayne Rooney, reveals all as the documentary looks at the jaw-dropping libel case that gripped the U.K. in 2022.

[10/16/23 - 06:15 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Reveals the Trailer for Spooky Adventure Series, "Curses!," from DreamWorks Animation, Premiering October 27
When a generations-long family curse turns Alex Vanderhouven to stone, it's up to his two kids, Pandora and Russ, along with his wife Sky, to return artifacts stolen by their ancestors to their rightful homes and finally lift the curse for good.

[10/16/23 - 12:31 AM]
Video: "A Nearly Normal Family" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The world of a seemingly perfect family shatters when a shocking murder proves that they're willing to make desperate moves to protect one another.

[10/14/23 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The anime series reunites the original film cast to reprise their roles.

[10/14/23 - 01:27 PM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts Teaser of an Original Song and Announces Main Cast for "Hazbin Hotel" at New York Comic Con
The cast announced for Season One are series regulars Erika Henningsen, Stephanie Beatriz, Alex Brightman, Keith David, Kimiko Glenn, Blake Roman, and Amir Talai.

[10/14/23 - 01:02 PM]
Video: Prime Video Unveils Official Trailer for "Invincible" Season Two
The first half of the second season will consist of four episodes premiering weekly, starting Friday, November 3.

[10/14/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Love is Blind: The Reunion" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Gather your Pod Squad for the "Love is Blind" Season 5 reunion special on Sunday, October 15 at 8 PM ET/5PM PT only on Netflix.

  [october 2023]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "CHAOS: The Manson Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Errol Morris, the film untangles a web of conspiracy involving the CIA, LSD, Jack Ruby, the Manson Family, and Vincent Bugliosi, casting doubt on the official story of the 1960s' most infamous killing spree.

[02/21/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Premiere Date and First Look of Dome Karukoski's "Little Siberia"
A pastor's faith turns upside down when a meteorite lands in his small Finnish town, its impact stirring up chaos and criminal intentions.

[02/20/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "When Life Gives You Tangerines" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In Jeju, a spirited girl and a steadfast boy's island story blossoms into a lifelong tale of setbacks and triumphs - proving love endures across time.

[02/20/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Righteous Gemstones" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Max
They're raising holy hell one last time.

[02/20/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "The Twister: Caught in the Storm" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In May 2011, a massive tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. With pulse-pounding firsthand footage, this documentary goes inside a deadly twister.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Visionaries" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger founded ARCH Motorcycle reimagine motorcycles. Fueled by more than a love of bikes, watch as they search for inspiration from those who help shape the world around us.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf King" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A young commoner comes of age and learns he's the last of a long line of Werewolves - and heir to the throne - in this epic fantasy adventure series.

[02/20/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Life List" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When her mother sends her on a quest to complete a teenage bucket list, a young woman uncovers family secrets, finds romance - and rediscovers herself.

[02/20/25 - 06:02 AM]
Video: "Trust Your Senses with Chloe Burrows" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Join Chloe Burrows as she tests blindfolded contestants (including George Clarke, Byron Denton, Madame Joyce and Anastasia Kingsnorth) with the ultimate sensory challenges to find love.

[02/20/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Drops Exclusive Season Three Opening Scene of "The Wheel of Time"
This special sneak peek is now available at the end of the third episode of the Season Three premiere of "Reacher," which also debuted today.

[02/20/25 - 05:34 AM]
Video: Conan O'Brien Hosts The Oscars - Live Sunday, March 2 at 7e/4p on ABC and Hulu
See if Conan O'Brien and Oscar will get their Hollywood ending, only at the Oscars.

[02/20/25 - 05:32 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Trailer for Limited Drama Series "Long Bright River"
The suspense thriller series tells the story of Mickey (Amanda Seyfried), a police officer who patrols a Philadelphia neighborhood hard-hit by the opioid crisis.

[02/19/25 - 09:42 PM]
Video: "Nadaaniyan" - Date Announcement - Netflix
When a misunderstanding turns her friends against her, lovable rich girl Pia hires Arjun, a career-focused new student, to pretend to be her boyfriend.

[02/19/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Black Ops" - Season 1 Official Trailer - Hulu
Two highly inexperienced police community support officers are forced into the world of undercover work to stop a violent criminal gang - but any wrong move could be their last.

[02/19/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original "Good American Family"
Told from multiple points of view, as a means to explore issues of perspective, bias, and trauma, this compelling drama is inspired by the disturbing stories surrounding a Midwestern couple who adopts a girl with a rare form of dwarfism.