
    [saturday, august 17, 2024]    
[08/15/24 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "A-List to Playlist" - Official Trailer - Netflix
With a 20-year acting career, Cho Jung-seok takes on the challenge of debuting as a singer in 100 days, mobilizing his entire network against the clock!

[08/15/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "That '90s Show" - Part 3 Official Trailer - Netflix
Summer fun continues for the Point Place gang as they navigate breakups, hookups - and all the goof-ups that go along with growing up.

[08/15/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Grotesquerie" - Teaser - Niecy Nash-Betts, Courtney B. Vance, Lesley Manville, Travis Kelce - FX
In FX's "Grotesquerie," a series of heinous crimes have unsettled a small community.

[08/15/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Debuts Official Trailer and Key Art for Second Season of "Tulsa King," Starring Oscar Nominee Sylvester Stallone
The service also announced that Grammy-nominated country star Jelly Roll will cameo in the upcoming season and the trailer features a sneak peek of the country star's unreleased song "Get By," from his upcoming sophomore album.

[08/15/24 - 08:33 AM]
Video: Sundance Now and AMC+ Release the Premiere Date, Trailer and Key Art for Provocative New Drama "Fifteen-Love"
Starring Ella Lily Hyland and Aidan Turner, the series premieres with the first two episodes on Thursday, August 22 on both platforms with the remaining episodes airing weekly.

[08/15/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In this two-part documentary, a tenacious mother unravels the complex mystery surrounding the 1989 disappearance of the daughter she placed for adoption.

[08/15/24 - 07:31 AM]
Video: Celebrating Mexico's Cinema Day: An Exclusive Sneak Peek at "Pedro Paramo" and Other Films
Other projects on tap include "Technoboys," "Untamed Royals," "The Biggest Fan" and "Las Locuras."

[08/15/24 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "Outer Banks" Season 4 - Kildare County Surf Shop Commercial - MADE BY POGUES!! - Netflix
Built by pogues - for pogues - The Kildare County Surf Shop is here to bring you a good time, all the time! Stop on by to get all your island essentials and gold-star customer service.

[08/15/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Angel Di Maria: Breaking Down the Wall" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From his humble origins to becoming champion of the world, this documentary series recounts the life and career of the iconic Argentinian soccer player.

[08/15/24 - 04:46 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Trailer for Original True Crime Docuseries "Face to Face with Scott Peterson"
The three-part true crime docuseries takes a new look at the notorious case of Scott Peterson and the murders of his wife Laci Peterson and unborn son Conner.

[08/14/24 - 09:31 AM]
Video: Peacock Kicks Off College Football Season with the Trailer Release for Original Sports Docuseries "Here Come the Irish"
The series documents life on and off the field of the legendary University of Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team through exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with those closest to the program.

[08/14/24 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez" - Official Trailer - Josh Rivera, Ryan Murphy - FX
The 10-episode limited series charts the rise and fall of NFL superstar Aaron Hernandez and explores the disparate strands of his identity, his family, his career, his suicide and their legacy in sports and American culture.

[08/14/24 - 08:37 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Teaser for Horror-Thriller Series "Teacup"
The series follows a disparate group of people in rural Georgia who must come together in the face of a mysterious threat in order to survive.

[08/14/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "The Circle" Season 7 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Clever catfish, shady tactics and game-changing twists collide as a new group of players competes for $100,000 in the most cutthroat season to date.

[08/14/24 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Trailer and Key Art Debut - Hulu Original Series "The Secret Life of Mormon Wives"
The series premieres with all eight episodes on Friday, September 6 on Hulu.

[08/14/24 - 07:00 AM]
Video: War Has Come to Middle-Earth as Prime Video's "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" Foreshadows Season Two's Return of Sauron with New Trailer Featuring the Action-Packed, Legendary Siege of Eregion
Season two debuts with the first three episodes on August 29, and additional new episodes streaming each week.

[08/13/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Queen of Villains" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Set in the wild '80s, a kind-hearted girl transforms into a bloodthirsty pro wrestler who thrives in chaotic brawls, turning an entire nation against her.

[08/13/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Hulu Original Series "Only Murders in the Building" Season Four
In season four of "Only Murders in the Building," Charles, Oliver & Mabel wrestle with the shocking events at the end of season three surrounding Charles' stunt double & friend Sazz Pataki.

[08/13/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Hot Wheels Let's Race" Season 2 Sneak Peek - Netflix Jr
The heat is on as the Hot Wheels kids race to save the Ultimate Garage from a flashy new challenger who's driving a car loaded with special powers!

[08/13/24 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Selling Sunset" Season 8 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Glam looks. Fierce clashes. Stunning homes. It's business as usual for The Oppenheim Group as they welcome a new agent and bid farewell to a dear friend.

[08/13/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Elisabeth Rioux: Unfiltered" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Her world is bigger than what's on the feed.

[08/13/24 - 06:03 AM]
Video: Apple Debuts Trailer for Upcoming Fourth Season of "Slow Horses" with Gary Oldman
The six-episode fourth season of "Slow Horses" will premiere globally on Wednesday, September 4, with the first episode, followed by one new episode weekly every Wednesday through October 9 on Apple TV+.

[08/13/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Watch live on September 2 as hot dog-eating champion Joey Chestnut faces off against rival Takeru Kobayashi in the ultimate wiener-takes-all competition.

[08/13/24 - 02:20 AM]
Video: "Angry Young Men" Official Trailer - Salim Khan And Javed Akhtar - Prime Video India
"Angry Young Men" is the story of Salim-Javed, legendary screenwriters of 1970s Hindi cinema.

[08/12/24 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Officer Black Belt" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A talented martial artist who can't walk past a person in need unites with a probation officer to fight and prevent crime as a martial arts officer.

[08/12/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Old Man" - Season 2 Official Trailer - Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow - FX
In season two, former CIA agent Dan Chase (Jeff Bridges) and former FBI Assistant Director Harold Harper (John Lithgow) set off to recover Emily Chase (Alia Shawkat) after she is kidnapped.

[08/12/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases October 18 Premiere Date and First Look Teaser for "Hysteria!"
Heaven is a place on Earth - and Hell has come to this town.

[08/12/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Billionaire Island" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The ruthless owner of a Norwegian fish farming company plans a hostile takeover of her local rival to become the world's largest salmon producer.

[08/11/24 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Love Next Door" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A woman attempting to reboot her life returns to Korea and becomes entangled with her childhood friend - with whom she shares a complicated history.

[08/11/24 - 03:01 PM]
Video: "Squid Game" Season 2 - Welcome Players - Netflix
Heralding the return of the worldwide hit, a new chapter unfolds as Gi-hun comes back with an agenda, having given up on leaving for the US.

[08/10/24 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "The One Piece" - Production Notes Vol. 1: Staff Interview - Netflix
WIT Studio is hard at work on a reimagining of the mega-hit anime - but what kind of series will this production team create?

[08/09/24 - 06:41 PM]
Video: "Wizards Beyond Waverly Place" First-Look - New Series! - Disney Channel
An in-production first-look was revealed today during the Disney Channel premiere of "Descendants: The Rise of Red."

[08/09/24 - 07:32 AM]
Video: "Horror's Greatest" Official Trailer - Shudder
Embark on a thrilling journey through the genre's best with insights from the masterminds behind your favorite scares.

[08/09/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Curses" - Start of Production - Netflix
The limited series is based on the book by Claudia Piñeiro, created and directed by Daniel Burman and stars Leonardo Sbaraglia and Gustavo Bassani.

[08/09/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Prime Video Unveils Key Art and Trailer for Highly Anticipated Canadian Original Docuseries "The Tragically Hip: No Dress Rehearsal"
Directed by Mike Downie, the four-part series chronicles the triumphs, trials and deep bonds of brotherhood that defined The Tragically Hip's rise from basement shows to arena rock legends.

[08/09/24 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Baby Fever" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The fertility doctor Nana (Josephine Park) is back - now as mother to a two-month-old baby.

[08/08/24 - 10:33 PM]
Video: Paramount+ Australia Debuts Official Trailer for "Last King of the Cross" Season Two
Look for the first two exhilarating episodes premiering exclusively on the platform on Friday, August 30.

[08/08/24 - 09:01 PM]
Video: "Lavender Fields" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Jodi Sta. Maria makes a brilliant comeback in "Lavender Fields" as a woman who will do whatever it takes to take back her lost child and her stolen dignity.

[08/08/24 - 12:00 PM]
Video: National Geographic Reveals Trailer and Announces Premiere Date for New Season of "Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog"
The exciting 12-episode fifth season includes some of César's quirkiest and most severe cases yet including a dog who is triggered by bags, a red-zone rehab for a nearly blind and deaf dog and an overexcited puppy whose parents lack leadership.

[08/08/24 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Hulu Original Series "Tell Me Lies" Season Two
Season two premieres with two episodes Wednesday, September 4 on Hulu.

[08/08/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Peacock Debuts Official Trailer for New Gary Coleman Original Documentary "Gary"
Peacock's new documentary explores the fascinating life and mysterious death of beloved child actor, Gary Coleman.

[08/08/24 - 07:46 AM]
Video: "Uglies" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In a futuristic dystopia with enforced beauty standards, a teen awaiting mandatory cosmetic surgery embarks on a journey to find her missing friend.

[08/07/24 - 05:14 PM]
Video: "The Tyrant" - Official Trailer - Hulu
When U.S. intelligence learns that the South Korean government is working on a deadly new virus under a secretive program, they demand that all research be halted immediately and that samples be turned over.

[08/07/24 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "The Frog" - Official Trailer - Netflix
One tranquil summer, a mysterious woman checks into a vacation rental - triggering events that disrupt the lives of the owner and those around him.

[08/07/24 - 10:46 AM]
Video: "St. Denis Medical" - Official Trailer - NBC's Newest Workplace Comedy
At St. Denis Medical, good medicine is a delicate operation.

[08/07/24 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez" - Official Teaser - FX
The 10-episode limited series charts the rise and fall of NFL superstar Aaron Hernandez and explores the disparate strands of his identity, his family, his career, his suicide and their legacy in sports and American culture.

[08/07/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Adam Sandler: Love You" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Adam Sandler hits the stage for a thrillingly unpredictable comedy special featuring songs, jokes, party-crashing dogs and plenty of love.

[08/07/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Outlast" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
A new set of survivalists enters the Alaskan wilderness to compete for $1 million, but they must work within a team and avoid acts of sabotage to win.

[08/07/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Honest Renovations" Season 2 - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Best friends Jessica Alba and Lizzy Mathis are helping families renovate their homes to make them more functional for their everyday needs. Because when your home works better, so does your family!

[08/07/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Rebel Ridge" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A former Marine grapples his way through a web of small-town corruption when an attempt to post bail for his cousin escalates into a violent standoff with the local police chief. He didn't start this fight, but he will finish it.

  [august 2024]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/31/25 - 07:30 AM]
Video: Acorn TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for New Zealand Mystery Series "A Remarkable Place to Die"
Starring Chelsie Preston Crawford and acclaimed Australian actress Rebecca Gibney, the four-episode original series premieres Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV in the US and Canada, with new episodes releasing weekly.

[01/31/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" Preview
Based on the final novel in Hilary Mantel's multi award-winning trilogy, "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" premieres on "Masterpiece" Sunday, March 23.

[01/31/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix - Select Films & Series International Slate
A collection of sneak peeks and first looks from Sweden, Turkey, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Norway and Australia.

[01/31/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Official Trailer for "Aitana: Metamorphosis"
The documentary series will invite Aitana's fans to get to know her as they have never seen her before, enjoying her greatest hits and navigating complicated bumps in a process of personal and professional growth and maturity as she continues to establish herself as one of the biggest stars of Spanish music.

[01/30/25 - 04:43 PM]
Video: Official Trailer #3 - "Common Side Effects" - February 2 - Adult Swim
The series premieres this Sunday, February 2 at 11:30/10:30c on Adult Swim, next day on Max.

[01/30/25 - 04:10 PM]
Video: Netflix Debuted Highly Anticipated Slate with New Title Announcements, New Clips, New Images, Full Slate and More
2025 marks the return of some of Netflix's most popular shows of all time and the release of huge new films and series from some of the biggest names in entertainment.

[01/30/25 - 09:30 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Debut the Pulse-Pounding Official Trailer for Returning Hit Noir Thriller, "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[01/29/25 - 09:01 PM]
Video: Trailer for "Dalah: Death and the Flowers" Reveals More Clues - Uncover the Mystery on February 27
Netflix has unveiled the main trailer for the murder mystery series "Dalah: Death and the Flowers," offering a deeper look into the shocking death of a promising prime ministerial candidate.

[01/29/25 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Sosyal Climbers" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Stuck with a massive debt after falling for a scam, two wannabe socialites create elaborate fake identities to swindle the rich out of their money.

[01/29/25 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A playboy stages a dating show to earn his inheritance by granting his father's last wish: for his son to marry the most beautiful girl in the world.

[01/29/25 - 10:30 AM]
Video: "Deli Boys" - Official Teaser - Hulu
Things are about to get messy. Stream "Deli Boys" on March 6, only on Hulu.

[01/29/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Anuja" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a brilliant nine-year-old working in a sweatshop gets a chance to attend school, she must make a difficult choice for her and her sister's future.

[01/29/25 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Hot Wheels Let's Race" Season 3 Trailer - Netflix Jr
Coop and his friends have trained for this moment their whole lives. Now, three epic races will decide who wins the Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage!

[01/29/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Official Trailer Released for Clever Crime Comedy "Ludwig" Starring David Mitchell
The detective show broke viewership records out of the UK, with more than 9.5 million viewers and a second season already confirmed.

[01/28/25 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "The Greatest Rivalry: India vs Pakistan" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Experience a legendary saga of pride, passion and fierce competition that transcends the game.