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[04/08/22 - 03:15 PM]
Masters First Round Viewership on ESPN Averages 2.8 Million Viewers
Also on Thursday, ESPN+ had its most viewed-day of golf ever as fans tuned in to watch Tiger Woods' return to the Masters, his first time at the event since being severely injured in a car accident in early 2021.

[04/08/22 - 08:09 AM]
"Home Town" Starring Ben and Erin Napier Posts Triple Digit Gains Over Prior Six Weeks at Mid-Season Finale; 13 Additional Episodes on Tap for 2022
Factoring in its mid-season finale on Sunday, April 3, "Home Town" averaged a .74 live plus three-day rating among P25-54 and a .96 live plus three-day rating among W25-54 in its timeslot.

[04/06/22 - 12:08 PM]
NBA on ABC 2021-22 Regular Season Viewership Up from Last Two Years
The 19-game package averaged 3,026,000 viewers, up 13 percent vs. last season and up three percent from the 2019-2020 campaign.

[04/05/22 - 01:34 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar 28: "Bridgerton" Breaks Weekly English TV Record; "The Adam Project" Moves Up the Most Popular List
For the second week in a row, Season 2 of "Bridgerton" took the crown with an astounding 251.74M hours viewed, breaking the record for the most viewed title in a week on the English TV list.

[04/05/22 - 10:27 AM]
94th Oscars on ABC Draws 18.4 Million Total Viewers After Seven Days of Multiplatform Viewing
"The Oscars" jumped over the prior year's broadcast by 69% in Total Viewers (18.4 million vs. 10.9 million) and by 90% in Adults 18-49 (4.38 rating vs. 2.31 rating).

[03/31/22 - 09:12 AM]
ESPN's Best First Quarter Viewership in Five Years, Up 40% in Prime Time
On the strength of the weekday studio show lineup, ESPN averaged 600,000 viewers from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. ET, up 20% over 2021 and the best since 2017.

[03/29/22 - 01:34 PM]
"Don't Hang Up" Dials Up Nearly One Million Viewers in Its Premiere, Becomes Bounce's Most-Watched Original Movie
The March 20 premiere also improved its timeslot by +38% in Persons 2+ viewers and by +30% in Households, P25-54, and P18-49 vs. prior four-week averages.

[03/29/22 - 01:15 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar 21: "Bridgerton" Is Back and "The Adam Project" Enters the Most Popular List
Lady Whistledown kept viewers swooning all weekend as Season 2 of "Bridgerton" returned with 193.02M hours viewed, making it the most viewed Netflix English language TV title in its premiere weekend.

[03/29/22 - 09:01 AM]
94th Oscars on ABC Attracts 16.6 Million Total Viewers and Hits 3.8 Rating With Adults 18-49
"The Oscars" skyrocketed over last year's broadcast (on 4/25/21) by 58% in Total Viewers (16.6 million vs. 10.5 million) and by 73% in Adults 18-49 (3.8/28 vs. 2.2/15).

[03/28/22 - 11:46 AM]
"Dateline" Is The #1 Most-Watched Newsmagazine with Over 78 Million Total Viewers Across All of TV for 1Q22
Additionally, over 27 billion minutes of "Dateline" were consumed across TV and digital platforms during the same time period.

[03/25/22 - 04:12 PM]
"Halo" Eclipses Paramount+'s All-Time Viewership Record Globally
"Bringing 'Halo' to life as a streaming series has been one of the most rewarding efforts for Paramount+ to date and we could not be more thrilled at the massive fan response to the series' debut," said Tanya Giles, Chief Programming Officer, Paramount+.

[03/23/22 - 06:32 AM]
Record Television Viewership Starts Formula 1 Season on ESPN
An average of 1,353,000 viewers tuned in on ESPN as Ferrari's Charles Leclerc won the season opener, the largest audience for an F1 race on any of ESPN's networks since the championship returned to ESPN in 2018.

[03/22/22 - 02:10 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar 14: "The Adam Project" Is the Most Watched Title of the Week, "The Last Kingdom" Is #1 on English TV List
"The Last Kingdom" climbed to the top of the English TV list with 48.95M hours viewed.

[03/22/22 - 08:50 AM]
HGTV Hit Series "Flip or Flop" Goes Out on Top
More than 90 million viewers have watched "Flip or Flop" since its premiere on April 16, 2013.

[03/17/22 - 12:30 PM]
Audience for "NBA Saturday Primetime on ABC" Finishes Season Up 32 Percent From 2020-21 and Up 26 Percent From 2019-20
The 2021-22 game slate averaged nearly three million viewers (2,978,000), up 32 percent vs. 2020-2021 and up 26 percent vs. 2019-2020.

[03/15/22 - 02:39 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Mar 7: "The Adam Project" Tops the Films List, "Pieces of Her" Jumps to #1
Edge-of-your-seat thriller "Pieces of Her" jumped to the #1 spot on the English TV list with 95.72M hours viewed.

[03/08/22 - 02:18 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb 28: "Vikings: Valhalla" Is the Most Watched Title, "Inventing Anna" Enters the Most Popular List
In its second week, "Vikings: Valhalla" climbed its way to the top of the English TV list with 113.38M hours viewed, making it the most viewed title of the week.

[03/08/22 - 09:00 AM]
"60 Minutes" Is the Week's #1 Program
The series delivered its second #1 finish and was a top five broadcast for the 11th time in 20 airings this season.

[03/07/22 - 12:27 PM]
ABC Ties as Thursday's No. 1 Network in Adults 18-49 with Its Strongest Performance on the Night Since November
ABC scored its strongest Thursday night in both total viewers (6.5 million) and adults 18-49 (1.0/8) since November.

[03/07/22 - 12:19 PM]
ABC's "Abbott Elementary" Scores Its 2nd-Most-Watched Telecast Yet
The series spiked week to week by 21% in total viewers (4.1 million vs. 3.4 million) to score its 2nd-most-watched telecast yet, behind only its January time-period premiere.

[03/04/22 - 07:39 AM]
WE tv's Arresting Relationship Franchise Continues to Deliver with Over One Million Viewers for "Love During Lockup" February 25th Season Finale
The show that started it all, "Love After Lockup," was Friday night's #1 program in 2021 for women 25-54 and was #1 with Black women 25-54 for three years in a row on that same night.

[03/02/22 - 04:32 PM]
Season 5 Debut of FX's Acclaimed Hit Drama "Snowfall" Hits New Series High
The two-episode season five debut averaged 4.3 million total viewers across linear, VOD and streaming.

[03/01/22 - 02:22 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb 21: Madea Returns at #1; "Inventing Anna" Is the Most Watched Title Again
For the third week in a row, "Inventing Anna" topped the English TV list with 130.8M hours viewed, making it the most watched title for the second week in a row.

[02/22/22 - 11:58 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb 14: Anna Delvey and "The Tinder Swindler" Continue to Steal #1
With 195.97M hours viewed, the Julia Garner led series was in the Top 10 in 94 countries.

[02/21/22 - 01:45 PM]
NBCUniversal's 2022 Beijing Olympics - The Most Extensive Winter Games Presentation Ever - Dominates Media Landscape
160 million Americans watched NBC's Beijing Olympics presentation across all platforms.

[02/18/22 - 03:09 PM]
USA Network Ranks as Cable's #1 Sports and Entertainment Network Since Start of 2022 Beijing Olympics
USA Network has delivered an average of 1.5 million primetime viewers from Feb. 5-16 - topping all sports and entertainment cable networks.

[02/18/22 - 11:16 AM]
Super Bowl Sunday Was the Biggest Day for AMC+ Since Launch
In its first three days of availability, "The Walking Dead" episode "No Other Way" has already become the most watched episode of any series on AMC+ to date.

[02/17/22 - 01:56 PM]
Nearly 70% of Americans Watched NBCUniversal's TV Coverage of Super Bowl LVI and/or 2022 Winter Games Through "Super Gold Sunday"
In addition, viewers have consumed 5 billion streaming minutes to-date of both events across all digital platforms, led by Peacock - which for the first-time ever presented the Super Bowl and all Olympics competition.

[02/15/22 - 01:32 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb 7: Best Picture Noms "The Power of the Dog" and "Don't Look Up" Take Center Stage; "Tinder Swindler" & "Inventing Anna" Top Lists
The limited series, starring Julia Garner, had 77.31M hours viewed on the English TV list and appeared in the Top 10 in 88 countries.

[02/15/22 - 09:17 AM]
NBC Sports' Coverage of Super Bowl LVI Averages Total Audience Delivery of 112.3 Million Viewers, Reaches 167 Million Viewers on Unprecedented Day in Sports Media History
Super Bowl LVI viewership on NBC peaked at 104.4 million from 7:45-8:00 p.m. ET.

[02/14/22 - 11:26 AM]
HGTV's "Tough Love with Hilary Farr" Delivers Strong Season One Performance
"Hilary is a brilliant designer with millions of fans who know she never disappoints, so they couldn't wait to see her with gloves off in Tough Love with Hilary Farr," said Jane Latman.

[02/11/22 - 01:47 PM]
More Than 100 Million Americans Have Watched the Beijing Olympics on the Networks of NBCUniversal
NBCUniversal's digital platforms, led by Peacock, have crossed the 2 Billion minutes streamed threshold (2.02 billion) and later today will set the record for the most streamed Winter Games ever with more than a week remaining in the Beijing Olympics, surpassing PyeongChang (2.17 billion).

[02/11/22 - 08:51 AM]
"Single Black Female" Scores for Lifetime with Over 5.1 Million Total Viewers Across Linear and on Digital Platforms
The movie ranked as TV's top entertainment telecast across all key demos on premiere night.

[02/10/22 - 10:09 AM]
"Power Book IV: Force" Debuts as Biggest Premiere in Starz History with 3.3 Million Multiplatform Views
"Power Book IV: Force," which centers on fan-favorite Tommy Egan played by Joseph Sikora, also set records on linear alone with the series delivering the highest-rated premiere in the network's history.

[02/08/22 - 01:23 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 31: Swipe Right for Zombies
"The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in the Window" jumped to the #1 spot on the English TV list with 60.48M hours viewed and made the Top 10 in 69 countries.

[02/07/22 - 02:44 PM]
NBC Olympics Delivers Third Consecutive Night of Primetime Viewership Growth - First Time Ever for a Winter Games
According to preliminary data, Sunday's Beijing Olympics on NBC, USA Network, Peacock and other streaming platforms averaged a Total Audience Delivery (TAD) of 13.7 million viewers.

[02/05/22 - 03:13 PM]
NBC Olympics' Friday Coverage, Featuring First-Ever Full Day Presentation of Winter Games Opening Ceremony, Averages Nearly 16 Million Viewers
The numbers indicate that Friday's full-day Opening Ceremony coverage will average nearly 14 million TV-only viewers (14.4 million TAD) - ranking with NBC's Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony in July and NBC's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as the most-watched entertainment shows on any network since last March.

[02/03/22 - 04:30 PM]
"Single Drunk Female" Scores Freeform's Most-Watched Comedy Series Debut in Over Four Years
The debut scores the network's biggest comedy premiere in more than four years with over 2.4 million multiplatform viewers in its first seven days available.

[02/02/22 - 02:07 PM]
ESPN's Best January in Seven Years in Prime, Leads Cable by Far
Getting out of the gate quickly in 2022, ESPN posted its strongest January in seven years in prime time, leading cable television in delivery of viewers (P2+) and in the key P18-49 demo, as well as for that demo in total day viewership, all by wide margins.

[02/01/22 - 01:26 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 24: "All of Us Are Dead" Is the Most Viewed Title of the Week; "Home Team" Scores Big on the Films List
Making its debut on the non-English TV list, Korean zombie thriller, "All of Us Are Dead" came in at #1 with 124.79M hours viewed and made the top 10 in 91 countries.

[02/01/22 - 11:11 AM]
The Queen of Pop Reigns Supreme as Over 15.7 Million Total Viewers Watched the Documentary Event "Janet Jackson." Airing Across Lifetime and A&E Linear and on Digital Platforms
Additionally, Lifetime debuted a sneak peek of the upcoming new transformation docuseries, "My Killer Body with K. Michelle," which delivered 1 million total viewers, marking Lifetime's best unscripted series premiere since 2019.

[02/01/22 - 10:10 AM]
FOX Sports Scores Best NFC Championship Viewership Since 2014
The star-studded event peaked at 55,218,000 viewers on FOX and FOX Deportes from 9:15-9:30 PM ET.

[02/01/22 - 09:19 AM]
Golden State Warriors vs. Brooklyn Nets Is Most-Watched NBA Saturday Primetime on ABC Broadcast in Three Years
The broadcast averaged 3,172,000 viewers, peaking with 4,306,000 viewers at 11 p.m. ET.

[02/01/22 - 07:30 AM]
CBS Sports Caps Off Its Most-Watched NFL Season in Six Years with 47.851 Million Viewers for AFC Championship Game
Bengals-Chiefs peaked with 60.990 million viewers, the third consecutive week "The NFL on CBS" topped the 50-million mark.

[01/27/22 - 06:43 AM]
MotorTrend's "Mecum Auctions Kissimmee" Coverage Breaks Ratings Record
On MotorTrend TV, 6.3 million people watched - the largest TV audience ever for a Mecum Kissimmee auction and a viewership increase of 76-percent versus last year's January 2021 telecast on NBC Sports Network.

[01/25/22 - 02:29 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 17: "The Royal Treatment" Tops the Films List; "Cafe con Aroma de Mujer" Enters the Most Popular TV List
"Ozark" Season 4, Part 1, which marked the long awaited return of the Byrdes, debuted at #1 with 77M hours viewed.

[01/25/22 - 07:29 AM]
CBS Sports' Best Postseason Start in 10 Years Continues with Massive Audiences for Divisional Playoffs
The network's presentation of Kansas City's win over Buffalo on Sunday, January 23 is the most-watched Divisional Playoff game on any network in five years, averaging 42.736 million viewers.

[01/19/22 - 02:48 PM]
ESPN's MegaCast Draws More Than 23.1 Million Viewers for the Los Angeles Rams' Decisive Victory Over the Arizona Cardinals
The audience peaked at 27.9 million viewers as the Rams led 21-0 in the second quarter (9:30 - 9:45 p.m.).

[01/19/22 - 08:02 AM]
"Yellowjackets" Completes Smashing First Season on Showtime
The series has averaged over 5 million weekly viewers across platforms.

[01/17/22 - 04:46 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 10: "Cheer" and "Archive 81" Enter the TV List, "Brazen" Tops the Films List
Limited series "Stay Close" has climbed to the #1 spot on the Top 10 English TV list with 53.72M hours viewed.

  [april 2022]  

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[01/31/25 - 09:40 AM]
CBS Thursday Line Up Returns, Up from Its Season Average
"Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage" hit a series high averaging 7.72 million viewers, and up +10% from its season-to-date average (7.02 million viewers).

[01/29/25 - 10:19 AM]
CBS' "FBI" Tuesday Up from Its Season Average
The flagship "FBI" averaged 8.36 million Live+SD viewers, up +1% from its STD average (8.31 million viewers).

[01/29/25 - 09:02 AM]
"Live with Kelly and Mark" Skyrockets to Season Highs in All Key Measures Earning Best Total Viewer Audience and Household Rating in Nearly a Year
The show earned its best Total Viewer audience (2.52 million) and its best Household numbers (1.68 rating) in nearly a year.

[01/28/25 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan. 20: "Back in Action" and "The Night Agent" Lead an Action-Packed Top 10
"XO, Kitty" Season 2 snapped up No. 2 on the English TV list with 9.2 million views - while Season 1 is also feeling the love at No. 5 with 3.8 million views.

[01/28/25 - 10:54 AM]
CBS Originals Return with Most-Watched Monday of The Season, Up +18% from Its Season Average
"NCIS" had its most watched episode of the season with an average audience of 7.31 million Live+SD viewers.

[01/24/25 - 01:02 PM]
"Jimmy Kimmel Live" Tops Late-Night in Adults 18-49 - Rising +45% Over Previous Week
Head-to-head against competition for the week, "Jimmy Kimmel Live" led late-night among Adults 18-49 (0.16).

[01/24/25 - 01:01 PM]
"Tamron Hall" Kicks Off the New Year Strong with Most-Viewed Episode of the Season, Featuring Daytime Exclusive Interview with Sports Icon Deion Sanders
During the week of January 6, "Tamron Hall" grew week to week by double digits in all key measures: +11% in Households, +43% with Women 18-49, +16% with the coveted Women 25-54 demo, and +13% among Total Viewers P2+, hitting a 4-week high.

[01/24/25 - 09:13 AM]
ABC Tuesday Dramas "Will Trent," "High Potential" and "The Rookie" Build Momentum Following Midseason Premieres
On the heels of its second-season renewal and after seven days of multiplatform viewing, "High Potential" scored another series high in Total Viewers (13.19 Million) and Adults 18-49 (2.44 rating).

[01/23/25 - 05:31 PM]
ABC News Is the #1 Broadcast Network Across the Board for Its Primetime Special on President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration Anchored by David Muir with ABC News' Powerhouse Political Team
ABC News' special coverage of the 2025 inauguration of President-elect Donald J. Trump ranked No. 1 among the broadcast networks in Total Viewers (3.758 million) and Adults 25-54 (937,000), based on Live+Same Day Data from Nielsen Media Research.

[01/22/25 - 03:01 PM]
ABC News' "Nightline" Ranks No. 1 in Total Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 vs. CBS' "After Midnight" and NBC's "Late Night with Seth Meyers"
On Monday (1/13/25), "Nightline" scored its most-watched telecast (1.340 million) in over 1 year.

[01/22/25 - 01:27 PM]
College Football Playoff National Championship Presented by AT&T Tops College Football Postseason Viewership, Delivering 22.1 Million Viewers
Said broadcast peaked with 26.1 million viewers from 8:30-8:45 p.m. ET.

[01/22/25 - 11:25 AM]
"Doc," FOX's New Hit Medical Drama, Delivers Nearly 16 Million Viewers with Debut Episode, +609% Increase Over Live+Same Day
"Doc" is also FOX's most streamed premiere episode across 7-day viewing in over a year.

[01/21/25 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan. 13: "Back in Action" Hits the Mark with Chart-Topping Debut
There was plenty of love for "XO, Kitty's" second season, which premiered on January 16 and debuted at No. 2 on the English TV list with 14.2 million views.

[01/21/25 - 08:54 AM]
NBC Sports Delivers Its Fourth-Largest NFL Divisional Playoff Audience on Record as Rams-Eagles Averages 37.8 Million Viewers on NBC & Peacock
The audience for Rams-Eagles peaked with an average of 47.5 million viewers from 6:00-6:11 p.m. ET.

[01/20/25 - 08:46 AM]
Rewrite the Record Books: Texans at Chiefs Deliver 32.7 Million Viewers, ESPN's Most-Watched NFL Game Ever
ESPN's Texans-Chiefs viewership is expected to surpass 33 million viewers when Nielsen reports the final audience this week.