
[01/21/25 - 01:00 PM]
FOX's Animation Domination Returns with the Season Premieres of "Family Guy," "Grimsburg" and "The Great North," Plus All-New Episodes of "Krapopolis," on Sunday, February 16
Plus: all-new episodes of "The Simpsons" return beginning Sunday, March 30.

[10/20/24 - 10:47 AM]
Martin Short Joins FOX's "Grimsburg" Season Two in the Recurring Role of "Otis Volcanowitz"
Otis is Grimsburg's newest (and youngest) detective. Fortunately, there's nothing the mean streets of this town can throw at him that's scarier than what he's seen in the third grade cubbies.

[07/16/24 - 03:00 PM]
FOX Unveils Fall 2024 Premiere Dates, Launching a New Season Defined by Unexpected, Unforgettable Original Entertainment
The fall season kicks off with the series premiere of all-new animated comedy "Universal Basic Guys" on Sunday, September 8, immediately following the FOX NFL doubleheader.

[07/15/24 - 12:00 PM]
FOX Entertainment and Foxtel Group Enter International Co-Development Deal on Scripted Series for Australian and U.S. Markets
Foxtel Group last year licensed several series through FOX Entertainment Global.

[05/13/24 - 06:00 AM]
FOX Entertainment Announces 2024-25 Program Slate
FOX Entertainment today will unveil its content slate for the 2024-2025 television season to the national advertising community during its in-person Upfront Presentation at the Manhattan Center.

[05/03/24 - 11:10 PM]
Development Update: Week of April 29-May 3
Updates include: Amazon eyes early season two order for "Cross"; Sean Teale boards ABC's "Dr. Odyssey"; and Nancy Travis, Felix Avitia round out the cast of NBC's "Grosse Pointe Garden Society."

[03/04/24 - 12:00 PM]
FOX Gets Pumped for Summer and Goes Balls to the Wall with New and Returning Unscripted Series
Newcomer "The Quiz with Balls" will be joined by the return of "I Can See Your Voice," "Don't Forget the Lyrics," "Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars," "Beat Shazam," "MasterChef" and "Name That Tune."

[02/16/24 - 09:32 AM]
Video: All-New "The 2024 FOX Prime Time Springtime Preview" Anchored by Ken Jeong and Joel McHale
Join FOX talent reporting from the field including: Gordon Ramsay, Elodie Yung, Jon Hamm, Cat Deeley, Michael Rowland, Scott Caan, Jennifer Nettles, and Rob Lowe.

[12/13/23 - 10:00 AM]
Christina Hendricks, Rosie Perez, Patton Oswalt, Wendi Mclendon-Covey, Kaniehtiio Horn, Jaime Camil and Amy Sedaris to Guest Star in "Grimsburg," The All-New Animated Comedy Starring and Executive Produced by Jon Hamm
The animated series centers on Marvin Flute (Hamm), who may be the greatest detective ever to catch a cannibal clown and correctly identify a mid-century modern armoire. But there's one mystery he still can't crack - himself.

[11/21/23 - 01:15 PM]
FOX Announces Premiere Dates for New and Returning Series to Launch Winter and Spring 2024
All-new episodes of scripted series, "The Cleaning Lady" (March 5), "Alert: Missing Persons Unit" (March 5) and "Animal Control" (March 6) return to FOX this March, along with an all-new season of "The Masked Singer" (March 6).

[10/14/23 - 11:31 AM]
FOX Sets Premiere Date for "Grimsburg" Starring Jon Hamm
The all-new animated comedy starring and executive produced by Jon Hamm will premiere Sunday, January 7, immediately following the FOX NFL doubleheader (live to all time zones).

[07/11/23 - 02:00 PM]
FOX Announces All Original Fall 2023 Slate with All-New Animated and Unscripted Series
The fall season kicks off with a night of music and mystery Tuesday, September 19 with all-new episodes of "Celebrity Name That Tune," hosted by Jane Krakowski and band leader Randy Jackson (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT), followed by the season premiere of "I Can See Your Voice" (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT).

[05/15/23 - 06:00 AM]
FOX Entertainment Announces 2023-24 Program Slate with 6 New Series Orders, 5 Second Season Renewals and 13 Additional Series Returns
FOX's 2023 fall schedule and premiere dates to be announced.

[10/17/22 - 09:08 AM]
FOX Gives Early Renewal to Upcoming All-New Animated Series "Grimsburg," Starring and Executive-Produced by Jon Hamm
"'Grimsburg' is yet another clear example of our strong commitment to, and intense focus on, upholding the high bar of standards any show must exceed in order to reside under the Animation Domination banner," said Michael Thorn.

[09/20/22 - 08:00 AM]
FOX Entertainment Global to Debut at MIPCOM Cannes, Marking FOX's Formal Re-Entry Into the International Television Market
Highlights include the new animated series "Krapopolis" and "Grimsburg" as well as the live-action comedy "Animal Control."

[06/06/22 - 12:00 PM]
FOX Announces Fall Premiere Dates for the 2022-2023 Season
Newcomer "Monarch" will kick things off with a special post-NFL debut on Sunday, September 11 before settling into its regular Tuesday, 9:00/8:00c time period on September 20.

[05/16/22 - 06:00 AM]
FOX Entertainment Bolsters 2022-23 Program Slate Across Network and Streaming with New Comedies, Dramas, Unscripted Series and Made-for-Platform Movies
The network's fall 2022 schedule will be announced at a later date.

[10/28/21 - 02:45 PM]
Emmy Award Winner Jon Hamm to Headline and Executive-Produce All-New Animated Comedy "Grimsburg" for FOX
In "Grimsburg," Marvin Flute (Hamm) may be the greatest detective ever to catch a cannibal clown or correctly identify a mid-century modern armoire.

1/7/24 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
sundays from 8:30 PM-9:00 PM EST
2 (??? episodes)
(from FOX's web site, February 2025) Marvin Flute may be the greatest detective ever to catch a cannibal clown or correctly identify a mid-century modern armoire. But there's one mystery he still can't crack -- his family. Now that he's back in Grimsburg, a town where everyone has a secret or three, Flute follows every lead he's got to redeem himself with the ex-wife he never stopped loving, even if it means hanging out with the son he never bothered to get to know.
· Alan Tudyk as Rufis Pentos/Mr. Flesh
· Erinn Hayes as Harmony Flute
· Greg Chun as John Kang
· Jon Hamm as Marvin Flute
· Kevin Michael Richardson as Greg Summers
· Rachel Dratch as Stan Flute
· Catlan McClelland as CRTR/CO-EP
· Chadd Gindin as EP
· Connie Tavel as EP
· Gail Berman as EP
· Hend Baghdady as EP
· Jon Hamm as EP
· Matthew Schlissel as CRTR/CO-EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Bento Box Entertainment
· FOX Entertainment
· Jackal Group, The