
[12/04/23 - 04:01 AM]
Disney+ Is Just Getting Started: Non-Stop New Exclusives Coming in 2024
"Shogun," "Renegade Nell," "Rivals," "Star Wars: The Acolyte" and "Agatha: Darkhold Diaries" are among the featured titles coming to UK & Ireland next year.

[05/15/23 - 07:40 AM]
Your "Rivals" Cast Just Got Even Bigger - Original Eight-Part Saga Based on the Bestselling Novel by the Iconic Jilly Cooper
Annabel Scholey, Maggie Steed, David Calder, Antony Byrne, Denise Black, Bryony Hannah, Olivia Poulet and Brendan Patricks are the latest on tap for the Disney+ series.

[03/21/23 - 08:32 AM]
Star-Studded "Rivals" Cast Unveiled for Disney+
David Tennant, Alex Hassell, Aidan Turner, Nafessa Williams, Bella Maclean, Katherine Parkinson, Danny Dyer, Victoria Smurfit, Claire Rushbrook, Oliver Chris, Lisa McGrillis, Emily Atack, Rufus Jones, Luke Pasqualino and Catriona Chandler star in the ensemble cast.

[08/25/22 - 01:47 AM]
Disney+ Reveals New Original Series "Rivals", An Outrageously Bold Eight-Part Saga Full of Power, Betrayal and Romance, Based on Jilly Cooper's Iconic Novel
"Rivals" dives headfirst into the cutthroat world of independent television in 1986, where the shoulder pads are big and ambitions even bigger.

Premieres in Coming in 2024 (Exact Date TBA)
new in 2024/2025 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
1 (8 episodes)
limited series
(from Disney+'s press release, December 2023) "Rivals" is based on the celebrated novel by Jilly Cooper. The drama is being produced by Happy Prince, which is part of ITV Studios. Part of Cooper's bestselling Rutshire Chronicles, the iconic literary series packed full of wit, romantic entanglements, sex and unforgettable characters. "Rivals" is set against the backdrop of the drama, excess, and shocking antics of the power-grabbing social elite of 1980s England. Starring David Tennant, Alex Hassell, Aidan Turner, Nafessa Williams, Bella Maclean, Katherine Parkinson, Danny Dyer, Victoria Smurfit, Claire Rushbrook, Oliver Chris, Lisa McGrillis, Emily Atack, Rufus Jones, Luke Pasqualino and Catriona Chandle.
· Aidan Turner as Declan O'Hara
· Alex Hassell as Rupert Campbell-Black
· Annabel Scholey as Beattie Johnson
· Antony Byrne as Ginger Baines
· Bella Maclean as Taggie
· Brendan Patricks as Henry Hampshire
· Bryony Hannah as Deirdre Kilpatrick
· Catriona Chandler as Caitlin
· Claire Rushbrook as Lady Monica Baddingham
· Danny Dyer as Freddie Jones
· David Calder as Fergus Penney
· David Tennant as Lord Tony Baddingham
· Denise Black as Joyce Madden
· Emily Atack as Sarah Stratton
· Gabriel Tierney as Patrick O'Hara
· Gary Lamont as Charles Fairburn
· Hubert Burton as Gerald Middleton
· Katherine Parkinson as Lizzie Vereker
· Lara Peake as Daysee Butler
· Lisa McGrillis as Valerie
· Louis Landau as Archie
· Luke Pasqualino as Basil "Bas" Baddingham
· Maggie Steed as Lady Gosling
· Milo Callaghan as Seb Burrows
· Nafessa Williams as Cameron Cook
· Oliver Chris as James Vereker
· Olivia Poulet as Hermione Hampshire
· Rufus Jones as Paul Stratton
· Victoria Smurfit as Maud O'Hara
· Alexander Lamb as EP
· Dominic Treadwell-Collins as CRTR/EP
· Eliza Mellor as PROD
· Elliot Hegarty as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· Felicity Blunt as EP
· Jilly Cooper as BOOK/EP
· Laura Wade as CRTR/EP
· Lee Mason as EP
· drama
· Happy Prince