
    [friday, july 22, 2016]    
[07/22/16 - 07:12 PM]
Video: "iZOMBIE" Season 2 Highlight Reel Comic-Con(R) 2016
Cast and producers returned to San Diego for the third year in a row to give fans a taste of what is to come in the upcoming season.

[07/22/16 - 06:49 PM]
Video: "Vikings" - Season 4 Returns Comic-Con Full Trailer
Check out the full length trailer from this year's Sand Diego Comic-Con for the return of Season 4.

[07/22/16 - 04:18 PM]
Video: Starz Releases First Live Action Trailer for "American Gods"
Also, making a very special appearance was Kristin Chenoweth who graced the stage as it was announced she will star in the role of Easter.

[07/22/16 - 03:45 PM]
Video: Watch Highlights from Thursday's "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" Panel
"Let's Do the Time Warp Again" premieres Thursday, October 20 on FOX.

[07/22/16 - 03:40 PM]
Video: Everyone Is Singing After "Steven Universe" Musical Performance at San Diego Comic-Con
Fans were also treated to an exclusive sneak peek at a brand new episode "Beach City Drift."

[07/22/16 - 01:32 PM]
Video: "The 100" Season 3 Highlight Reel Comic-Con(R) 2016
The sizzle included an all-new voice over by series star Eliza Taylor teasing what fans can expect from the upcoming fourth season.

[07/22/16 - 12:45 PM]
Video: Watch the All-New Promo for "Son of Zorn"
Cheryl Hines, Johnny Pemberton and Tim Meadows co-star in the new FOX comedy.

[07/22/16 - 06:11 AM]
Video: "Graves" - EPIX 1st Look
Get your first look at the Nick Nolte-led series, due this fall on the pay channel.

[07/21/16 - 05:51 PM]
Video: "The Man in the High Castle" Season 2 - Official Teaser
Get an exclusive first look at the new season of the Emmy nominated Amazon Original Series.

[07/21/16 - 05:11 PM]
Video: "Justice League Action" Comic-Con(R) 2016 Highlight Reel
Producers gave Comic-Con 2016 attendees a first look at the highly anticipated Warner Bros. Animation series coming soon to Cartoon Network.

[07/21/16 - 04:42 PM]
Video: TNT Unveils "The Last Ship" Trailer and Sneak Preview Clip During Comic-Con International
The panel session featured The Last Ship stars Eric Dane, Adam Baldwin and Bridget Regan, along with showrunner Steven Kane.

[07/21/16 - 04:32 PM]
Video: FX Comic-Con Exclusive - Season 3 of "The Strain" - Vamps Boom Music Video
Kevin Durand, David Bradley and Miguel Gomez sting you with their hook.

[07/21/16 - 04:24 PM]
Video: CBS Fan Favorites - 2016 San Diego Comic-Con Sizzle Reel
It's Throwback Thursday at Comic-Con with some of your favorite CBS stars!

[07/21/16 - 04:23 PM]
Video: "American Gothic" - 2016 San Diego Comic-Con Sizzle Reel
Get an exclusive sneak peek at what's behind closed doors at the Hawthorne estate.

[07/21/16 - 04:22 PM]
Video: "Scorpion" - 2016 San Diego Comic-Con Sizzle Reel
Back by popular demand, Monday night's top-rated drama series returns to SDCC for the third year in a row with the stars and producers giving fans the intel on plots, story arcs and romances before anyone else.

[07/21/16 - 02:15 PM]
Video: Watch the All-New Promo for "The Exorcist"
"The Exorcist" returns as a contemporary psychological TV thriller this fall on FOX.

[07/21/16 - 11:16 AM]
Video: Watch the All-New Promo for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
The project is an all-new star-studded reimagining of the cult classic - which is celebrating 40 years of theatrical distribution, longer than any other film in history - for broadcast television.

[07/21/16 - 10:08 AM]
Video: "Blunt Talk" - Season 2 First Look
Here's your first look at Season 2, coming this October.

[07/21/16 - 06:17 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases "Narcos" Season Two Trailer
All 10 episodes of "Narcos" will launch Friday, September 2, exclusively on Netflix.

[07/20/16 - 11:00 AM]
Video: WGN America Releases Season 3 Full-Length Trailer for "Salem," Premiering Halloween Week
The gripping trailer reveals "Everything in Salem has gone to Hell!"

[07/20/16 - 10:19 AM]
Video: OWN Unveils Extended Trailer of New Original Drama Series "Queen Sugar"
The series which chronicles the lives and loves of three estranged siblings will debut as a two-night event on Tuesday, September 6 and Wednesday, September 7.

[07/19/16 - 12:16 PM]
Video: FX Season 1 Official Trailer for "Better Things"
The network's new series from Pamela Adlon and Louis CK premieres Thursday, September 8.

[07/19/16 - 12:01 PM]
Video: Starz Releases New Red Band Trailer and Never Before Seen Poster for "Ash vs Evil Dead"
Musician and super fan of the series, Kid Cudi, premiered the trailer via twitter (@KidCudi).

[07/16/16 - 09:15 AM]
Video: The Season Three Trailer for Disney XD's "Star Wars Rebels" Is Now Available
"Star Wars Rebels" Season 3 will debut this fall on Disney XD.

[07/06/16 - 03:26 PM]
Video: New Trailer Released for U.S. TV Premere of "Capital" on Pivot
Set in South London, the hour-long scripted drama takes place on the affluent Pepys Road and tells the intertwined stories of the residents as they each begin to receive postcards that say "We Want What You Have."

[07/06/16 - 11:38 AM]
Video: Starz Releases New Teaser Trailer and Photo for "Ash vs Evil Dead"
The second season roars back into action with Ash leaving his beloved Jacksonville and returning to his hometown of Elk Grove.

[07/05/16 - 05:27 PM]
Video: Pillow - "Better Things" Season 1 Promo
The new FX series from Pamela Adlon and Louis CK premieres Thursday, September 8.

[07/05/16 - 01:49 PM]
Video: "East Los High" Season 4 - Trailer (Official)
The series returns for a fourth season with an addictive mix of love, dance, sex and true-to-life drama.

[07/05/16 - 09:41 AM]
Video: World View - "Atlanta" Season 1 Promo
FX's new series from Donald Glover premieres this September.

[07/05/16 - 09:29 AM]
Video: "Tyrant" - Season 3 First Look
Go behind the scenes with the cast for a first look at the all new season.

[07/05/16 - 06:35 AM]
Video: "Last Chance U" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The series follows a group of young men training to become the future stars of the NFL.

[06/30/16 - 08:36 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer #2 for "Stranger Things"
All episodes debut globally on Netflix Friday, July 15.

[06/29/16 - 02:03 PM]
Video: Netflix's "BoJack Horseman" Season Three Mane Trailer Is Here!
The season three trailer for "BoJack Horseman" is here and BoJack is a bona fide movie star!

[06/29/16 - 11:02 AM]
Video: Netflix's "Tallulah" - Trailer & Key Art Debut
Ellen Page and Allison Janney co-star in the project, which will debut on July 29.

[06/27/16 - 06:21 PM]
Video: "Better Things" Season 1 Promo
Get your first look at the new FX comedy series, premiering Thursday, September 8.

[06/24/16 - 11:23 AM]
Video: HBO's "High Maintenance" Tease & Photo - Debuts this Fall
The half-hour comedy series follows a Brooklyn pot dealer who delivers to clients with neuroses as diverse as the city.

[06/23/16 - 04:50 PM]
Video: Watch Now - The Full Series Premiere of "Any Given Wednesday with Bill Simmons"
The pay channel has released the entire debut episode online.

[06/23/16 - 11:32 AM]
Video: "Difficult People" Season 2 Trailer
In season two, Julie and Billy continue to search for fame, to diminishing returns.

[06/22/16 - 10:12 AM]
Video: HBO's "Divorce" - Tease & New Photo
Thomas Haden Church and Sarah Jessica Parker star in the new series, due this fall.

[06/21/16 - 10:17 AM]
Video: "The Strain" Season 3 Official Trailer
As previously announced, the new season premieres Sunday, August 28 on FX.

[06/20/16 - 11:30 AM]
Video: "Looking: The Movie" - Trailer (HBO)
As previously announced, said finale premieres Saturday, July 23 on the pay channel.

[06/20/16 - 10:13 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Offers the Season Four Premiere of "Ray Donovan" for Early Sampling
The pay channel is giving viewers a chance to sample the season four premiere of its hit drama series ahead of its linear premiere on Sunday, June 26.

[06/18/16 - 07:12 AM]
Video: Science Channel to Provide Sneak Peek of All-New Series "How to Build... Everything" to On Demand, Digital, and Social Media Outlets on June 18
The sneak peek of the premiere episode "Cruise Ship Secrets" will be available via ScienceChannel.com, DiscoveryGO.com, Facebook, YouTube and Science Channel TVE.

[06/16/16 - 02:21 PM]
Video: IFC Releases First Clip from Season 2 of "Documentary Now!" Starring Fred Armisen and Bill Hader
The series is returning to the network this September with seven new documentary-inspired episodes.

[06/16/16 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases "Marco Polo" Bridge Feature - "The Saga Continues"
"Marco Polo" season 2 will launch globally on Netflix on July 1.

[06/16/16 - 08:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases "Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru" Trailer
The documentary, a rarely seen glimpse into Tony Robbins's annual Date with Destiny, will launch globally Friday, July 15 on Netflix.

[06/15/16 - 10:25 AM]
Video: HBO's "Vice Principals" - Trailer & Key Art
Created by Danny McBride and Jody Hill, this dark comedy series tells the story of a high school and the two people who almost run it, the vice principals.

[06/14/16 - 10:01 AM]
Video: TNT's "Animal Kingdom" Table Read
Check out the origins of tonight's premiere on the cable channel.

[06/13/16 - 11:30 AM]
Video: Crackle Releases First Promo of "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Without Comedians or Coffee, Just Cars"
In the first promo, themed "American Cars," actress Sarah Jessica Parker rides around New York City with Seinfeld in a 1976 Ford Country Squire.

[06/13/16 - 11:04 AM]
Video: Showtime Samples the Series Premiere of "Roadies" Early
Consumers who do not subscribe to Showtime are now able to sample the TV-14 rated version of the series premiere for free on YouTube, Facebook and SHO.com.

  [july 2016]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/17/25 - 05:33 PM]
Video: New Trailer - "The Kardashians" Season Six
The season premieres February 6 with new episodes on Thursdays.

[01/17/25 - 09:30 AM]
Video: We TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for "Love After Lockup: Crime Story"
In this new series, "Love After Lockup" cast favorites from the past and present reveal what led them to a life of crime and landed them behind bars.

[01/17/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The white Bronco. The gloves. The trial of the century. This documentary series investigates the shocking murder case that became a cultural phenomenon.

[01/17/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Envious" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
In the game of life, Vicky tries to move quickly around the board and fulfill her dreams, but will she be able to choose between Daniel and Matías or will she end up back at square one?

[01/17/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Blue Box" Season 1 Cour 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Badminton player Taiki has always admired basketball star Chinatsu from afar. But one spring day, a surprising turn brings them unexpectedly close.

[01/16/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Win or Lose" - Official Trailer
Pixar's first original series is available February 19 only on Disney+.

[01/16/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Paradise" - Second Official Trailer - Hulu
Starring Sterling K. Brown, James Marsden, and Julianne Nicholson. Paradise is set in a serene, wealthy community inhabited by some of the world's most prominent individuals.

[01/16/25 - 08:02 AM]
Video: "Dog Days Out" New Series Trailer - Netflix Jr
When their humans are away, cute and curious pup Holm and his dog pals love to play with their best friends - their favorite toys!

[01/16/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "What Drives You with John Cena" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
John Cena fuels his two biggest passions, cars and connecting with people, by spending time with today's most successful celebrities and talking about what drives them - on the road and in their hearts.

[01/16/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "You" Season 5 - Date Announcement - Netflix
Back to where it all started. The killer finale is coming to Netflix April 24.

[01/16/25 - 07:32 AM]
Video: "Mermicorno: Starfall" - Official Trailer - Max Family
Dive into the magical sea world of Mermicorno!

[01/16/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Harlem Ice" - Official Trailer - Disney+
"Harlem Ice" is a five-part documentary series following the coaches and girls of Figure Skating in Harlem as they prepare for competitions, performances, and a life-changing global experience.

[01/16/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for UK Original Movie "My Fault: London"
The new UK original movie will premiere exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on February 13.

[01/16/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Surviving Black Hawk Down" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In extraordinary detail, US soldiers and Somali fighters recall the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu and the now-famous downing of three Black Hawk helicopters.

[01/16/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: New Trailer - Hulu Original Series "A Thousand Blows"
The six-episode first season will premiere on Friday, February 21 on Hulu in the U.S. and Disney+ internationally.