
[02/07/25 - 07:08 AM]
TikTok Star Pinkydoll Joins Cast of VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Season 6
The highly anticipated midseason premiere of Season 6 airs Monday, February 10 at 8 PM ET/PT, exclusively on VH1.

[10/23/24 - 07:22 AM]
VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Is Coming in Hot with a Brand-New Season Premiering Monday, November 18 at 8 PM ET/PT
After delivering its highest-rated episode in the season five finale, the must-see reality franchise returns, chronicling the evolution and emergence of its star-studded cast as they navigate personal reinventions, professional wins, and the shifting sands of love and fame in the blinding lights of the 305.

[11/07/23 - 09:11 AM]
VH1 Continues Its Ratings Surge with "Love & Hip Hop: Miami"
Season five finale of the groundbreaking reality franchise delivered its highest viewership total of close to 600K Total Viewers L+3 and grew its audience by double digits with its premiere episode that aired Monday, October 30.

[10/02/23 - 02:19 PM]
BET Media Group Announces Fall Programming Lineup Including New Content from BET, BET+, BET Digital, VH1 and Our Content for Change Initiative
BET keeps the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop celebration going with a special three-part "Rap City" documentary titled "Welcome to Rap City" kicking off Tuesday, October 10.

[08/25/23 - 11:25 AM]
VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Season Five Debuts to Double-Digit Viewership Gains a Whopping +70% with Delayed Viewing (L+3)
On the heels of its soaring viewership growth, VH1 will launch a "Reclaim Your Vote" special hosted by political strategist and commentator Angela Rye.

[07/27/23 - 02:30 PM]
VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Heats Up the Summer with a Brand-New Season Premiering Monday, August 14 at 8 PM ET/PT and an Exclusive Three-Part Lead-Up Special
The groundbreaking reality franchise returns hotter than ever with its fifth season documenting all the grit and glitz of life in the Magic City's music fast lane.

[10/25/22 - 08:01 AM]
VH1 Announces a Four-Part Special Series, "Love & Hip Hop: Where Are They Now?" Premiering Monday, October 31st at 10 PM ET/PT
Fan-favorite cast members from the powerhouse "Love & Hip Hop" franchise reminisce and relive the biggest moments from the series by hitting rewind over the last 10 years.

[08/12/22 - 12:30 PM]
With Juggernaut "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" and "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Premieres, VH1 Scores Its Highest Monday Prime Rating and Share in Over Two Years
The duo led VH1 to its highest Monday prime rating and share in over two years and dominated the night across social with 2.6M views.

[07/12/22 - 08:14 AM]
VH1's Powerhouse "Love & Hip Hop" Franchise Reclaims Monday Nights with Back-to-Back Premieres of "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" and "Love & Hip Hop: Miami"
The new seasons premiere Monday, August 8 beginning at 8:00/7:00c as part of VH1's summer hot "Level Up Mondays."

[05/18/22 - 11:51 AM]
MTV Entertainment Studios Unveils Expansive Lineup of 90+ New and Returning Series Across Paramount Media Networks and Paramount+, Including MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, CMT, Smithsonian Channel and Paramount Network
With half of the top ten series on cable and a slew of #1 hits from scripted to adult animation to reality - MTVE's upcoming series, films and specials tap into themes that are resonating with today's global audiences including family dynamics, love & relationships and social experimentation.

[08/09/21 - 12:05 PM]
VH1 Heats Up This Summer with an All-New Season of "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Returning Monday, August 23 at 9PM ET/PT
The new season finds its larger-than-life cast of iconic series veterans and heavy-hitting newcomers seizing the moment to represent, reinvent and push the industry envelope.

[01/12/21 - 03:00 PM]
VH1 Expands Monday Nights with Relationship-Themed Special "Love & Hip Hop: It's a Love Thing" and New Limited Series "VH1 Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition"
For the first time ever, cast members from all four "Love & Hip Hop" cities will come together in person for VH1's new limited series "Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition."

[12/10/20 - 08:33 AM]
VH1 Unveils Four-Part "Love & Hip Hop: Secrets Unlocked" Special Kicking Off on Monday, January 4th at 8:00pm ET/PT
This is the first of four specials from the franchise, which will premiere throughout 2021 and announced at a later date.

[06/12/20 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Friday, June 12
Updates include: ViacomCBS cuts ties with Big Fish Entertainment; FOX Entertainment shutters SideCar Content Accelerator; and Netflix's Nordic-based series to resume filming.

[12/11/19 - 10:50 AM]
Joseline Hernandez Returns to VH1's "Love & Hip Hop" Franchise and Joins the Cast of "Love & Hip Hop: Miami"
The premiere of "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" kicks off on Monday, January 6 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/20/18 - 12:02 PM]
Video: Super Trailer - VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Miami"
"Love & Hip Hop: Miami" marks VH1's highest rated reality launch since 2014 and features fan favorites and newcomers alike heating up the 305 this season.

[11/19/18 - 10:43 AM]
VH1 Expands Monday's #1 Cable Franchise to Two Nights a Week Kicking Off with "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Premiering Wednesday, January 2 at 8PM ET/PT
For the first time, the network will air two different "Love & Hip Hop" installments on two nights a week with "Love & Hip Hop: New York" airing Mondays, beginning November 26.

[10/23/18 - 11:18 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, October 23
Updates include: Steve Carell joins Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston's Apple series; Emerald Fennell cast as Camilla Parker Bowles in Netflix's "The Crown"; and Jim Sturgess cast in Apple's "Magic Hour."

[01/03/18 - 10:00 AM]
VH1's Ratings Soar with the Series Premiere of "Love & Hip Hop: Miami"
VH1 spins the numbers for Monday, January 1.

[12/18/17 - 09:36 AM]
Video: Super Trailer - VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Miami"
The series is the newest installment of cable's #1 unscripted franchise and will delve into Miami's rich Latinx culture, highlighting the hip-hop, Latin and reggaeton music scenes.

[08/25/17 - 11:44 AM]
VH1 Expands Cable's #1 Unscripted Franchise with "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" Premiering This January
VH1's "Love & Hip Hop" holds the top three spots among cable's unscripted shows.

1/1/18 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
mondays from 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST
6 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from VH1's web site, November 2024) The series returns to the Magic City for a sixth season that follows its star-studded ensemble as they navigate love and fame in the 305.
· Alissa Horowitz as EP
· Brian Schornak as EP
· Daniel Blau Rogge as EP (VH1)
· Daniel Wiener as EP
· Donna Edge-Rachell as EP
· Eric Cyphers as EP
· Lashan Browning as EP
· Mona Scott-Young as EP
· Paris Bauldwin as EP
· Tiffany Lea Williams as EP (BET)
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Antoinette Media
· Monami Productions