
[11/07/11 - 09:24 AM]
Exclusive Axl Rose Interview on "That Metal Show" Airs November 11, 2011 at 11 PM ET/PT
Plus: a look at additional upcoming guests on the veteran talk show.

[10/24/11 - 08:47 AM]
VH1 Classic Amps up for "National Metal Day" on 11-11-11
Said lineup includes "Behind The Music Remastered: Megadeth," the premiere of "Metal Evolution" and the return of "That Metal Show."

[07/11/11 - 08:04 AM]
VH1 Classic Declares 11-11-11 "National Metal Day"
Said event includes the premiere of "Metal Evolution," an 11-episode docu-series produced by Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn of Banger Films.

11/11/11 - 2/4/12
canceled/ended (2011-2012 season)
completed airing its current season
1 (11 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
(from VH1's press release, October 2011) As previously announced, VH1 Classic has proclaimed 11-11-11 as "National Metal Day" and will celebrate with a slew of exclusive metal programming, including three major metal premieres: "Behind The Music Remastered" at 9PM ET/PT, the exclusive debut of Banger Films' groundbreaking documentary series, "Metal Evolution" at 10PM ET/PT and the ninth season premiere of a VH1 Classic original "That Metal Show" at 11PM ET/PT. The premiere episode of "Metal Evolution Chapter 1: Pre-Metal" will focus on Pre-Metal, the earliest sounds of metal that can be heard in the music of Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Jimi Hendrix. Subsequent episodes of the series will explore genres ranging from British Heavy Metal to Glam Metal to Thrash Metal, and artists from Iron Maiden to KISS to Metallica and more. "Metal Evolution" is an 11-episode docu-series produced by Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn of Banger Films and is based on the groundbreaking "Heavy Metal Family Tree." The "Heavy Metal Family Tree" is a 26 sub-genre genealogical chart which reveals the vast complex progeny of heavy metal - from Early Metal and Shock Rock to Thrash, from Progressive Metal to Grunge and Nu Metal. Using the chart as his road map, host/producer and metal head turned anthropologist Dunn, crisscrosses the globe exploring the vast history of heavy metal across its 40+ year history and beyond. After the premiere episode on National Metal Day, "Metal Evolution" will move to its regular time slot on Saturdays at 10 PM ET/PT, beginning Saturday, November 19 between new episodes of "BTM:Remastered" at 9PM ET/PT and "That Metal Show" at 11PM ET/PT.
· no information is available
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Banger Films