
    [tuesday, april 16, 2024]    
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[04/16/24 - 04:45 PM]
2024 WNBA Draft Delivers Largest Viewership Ever
2.45 million viewers on average tuned into Monday's event, peaking with 3.09 million.

[04/16/24 - 01:30 PM]
"Tamron Hall" Grows Week to Week in Households and Total Viewers Hitting 11-Week High in Both Key Measures
In fact, "Tamron Hall" hit 11-week highs in Households and Total Viewers and a 5-week best in Women 25-54 - since weeks of 1/15/24 and 2/26/24, respectively.

[04/16/24 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Leads Broadcast with 14 of Top 20 Non-Sports Programs
CBS has led the four broadcasters since its February new season premieres, winning six nights a week (Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Sunday).

[04/16/24 - 10:49 AM]
Lifetime Announces New Original Movie "The Bad Orphan" Starring Betsy Brandt and Chloe Coco Chapman
Mark Taylor and Eve Edwards also star in the film.

[04/16/24 - 10:29 AM]
Prime Video Orders "Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity?" from MGM Alternative with Three Time Super Bowl Champion Travis Kelce Set to Host
The 20-episode order is a spinoff of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" and is being produced by MGM Alternative, a division of Amazon MGM Studios.

[04/16/24 - 09:31 AM]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Sets Date for 2025
The two-hour ceremony will stream live Sunday, February 23, 2025 on Netflix at 8 p.m. (ET) / 5 p.m. (PT).

[04/16/24 - 09:26 AM]
Video: "Grantchester" Season 9 Trailer
The world is changing in the dramatic and riveting new season, premiering Sunday, June 16 on PBS.

[04/16/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "A Man in Full" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Facing relentless foes and sudden bankruptcy, an Atlanta real estate tycoon must claw his way back to the top when his empire begins to crumble.

[04/16/24 - 08:56 AM]
San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers Is Most-Watched Non-New York Yankees or Boston Red Sox ESPN "Sunday Night Baseball" Game in Six Years
The San Diego Padres 6-3 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers on April 14 delivered an average audience of nearly two million viewers (1,961,000) on ESPN, according to Nielsen.

[04/16/24 - 08:53 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Apr. 8: "3 Body Problem" Spends Third Week at #1
"The Gentlemen" claimed third place (3.7M views) in its sixth week and sent sales for posh fashion skyrocketing.

[04/16/24 - 08:23 AM]
New HGTV Series "Who's Afraid of a Cheap Old House?" Will Inspire Bargain Buyers to Take on and Reimagine Dreamy Older Homes
During the eight-episode season, the Finkelsteins will take potential buyers on tours of two listings - from traditional styles such as Colonial Revival, Craftsman, Tudor and Queen Anne to out-of-the-box ones like a church and a firehouse - that are brimming with history and unique architecture.

[04/16/24 - 08:09 AM]
Video: "Hacks" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Max
Make sure you get her good side.

[04/16/24 - 08:03 AM]
Drew and Jonathan Scott Stake Their Resources and Reputation to Back Struggling Property Investors in New HGTV Series "Backed by the Bros" Premiering Wednesday, June 5, at 9 p.m. ET/PT
The 10-episode season will show another side of the Brothers - proven real estate moguls who know a good investment when they see one - as they relinquish total control of renovations to advise bewildered entrepreneurs, short-term rental owners and residential developers on high-stakes investment properties.

[04/16/24 - 08:00 AM]
Apple TV+ Announces New Thriller "Down Cemetery Road," Starring Emma Thompson and Ruth Wilson
Thompson plays struggling Oxford private eye Zoë Boehm, alongside Wilson as Sarah Tucker, who becomes obsessed with the whereabouts of a child she believes to have gone missing.

[04/16/24 - 07:32 AM]
Paramount+ Teams Up with National Park Foundation as First-Ever Official Streaming Partner
The collaboration will kick off this Earth Day on April 22.

[04/16/24 - 07:02 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Hits Highest Prime Viewership This Year - Driven by TNT Sports' NCAA Men's Final Four Coverage - with Nearly a 70 Percent Share Among Adults on Saturday, April 6
In total TV primetime that night, WBD's popular lifestyle, entertainment, sports and news brands secured a 54 percent share among Adults 18-49 and a 51 percent share among Adults 25-54.

[04/16/24 - 07:00 AM]
BET Media Group Extends Multi-Year Content Partnership with Tyler Perry Through 2028
The pact includes new seasons of "Sistas," "The Oval," "Assisted Living," "House of Payne," "Zatima," "Bruh," "All the Queen's Men" as well as the new scripted series "Route 187."

[04/16/24 - 06:04 AM]
"Let It Be" Michael Lindsay-Hogg's Original 1970 Film to Launch Exclusively on Disney+ May 8, 2024
This is the first time the film is available in over 50 years.

[04/16/24 - 05:55 AM]
Netflix and MVP Announce Katie Taylor vs Amanda Serrano to Stream Exclusively on Netflix on July 20th
Taylor vs. Serrano 2 will stream live globally, exclusively on Netflix on Saturday, July 20, 2024 from the 80,000-seat capacity AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, home of the NFL's Dallas Cowboys.

[04/16/24 - 03:01 AM]
Netflix Announces Start of Production of Second Season of "High Tides"
Prepare for a new season with more drama, romance, and adventures from familiar faces such as Pommelien Thijs, Willem De Schryver, Eliyha Altena and Anna Drijver.

[04/16/24 - 02:01 AM]
"99" - The Definitive Story of Manchester United's Iconic Treble-Winning Season - to Launch May 17th on Prime Video Worldwide
The series tells the remarkable story of how, in 1999, Manchester United made football history by winning the Premier League, FA Cup, and UEFA Champions League.

[04/15/24 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "T-P BON" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After Bon accidentally intervenes in a Time Patrol case, he must join Agent Ream in saving innocent lives from the past - while watching history unfold.

[04/15/24 - 01:15 PM]
Movin' to the Motor City: ESPN Departs for Detroit April 25-27 to Present the 2024 NFL Draft Across Multiple Platforms
ESPN's long-standing NFL Draft tradition will reach 45 consecutive years in Detroit, dating back to 1980.

[04/15/24 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Announces Series Order for New Daytime Drama "The Gates"
The specific time period, launch date and other series details will be announced at later dates.

[04/15/24 - 12:00 PM]
"The Rookie" Renewed for Season 7 by ABC
John Nolan, once the oldest rookie in the LAPD, has used his life experience, determination and sense of humor to keep up with rookies 20 years his junior.

[04/15/24 - 11:34 AM]
Lifetime Greenlights "Yoga Teacher Killer: The Kaitlin Armstrong Story"
The story, based on actual events, tells the tale of a tangled love triangle gone very wrong.

[04/15/24 - 11:23 AM]
Bang! ESPN to Exclusively Televise 2024 SoFi NBA Play-In Tournament Eastern Conference Games
At 7 p.m. ET on April 17, the Miami Heat (8th seed) and Jimmy Butler will visit the Philadelphia 76ers (7th seed) and Joel Embiid.

[04/15/24 - 11:19 AM]
A Special Encore of "Billy Joel: The 100th - Live at Madison Square Garden" Will Air Friday, April 19 (9:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT)
The music special, celebrating Joel's record-breaking 100th consecutive performance at Madison Square Garden and featuring some his most iconic songs, originally aired Sunday, April 14.

[04/15/24 - 11:01 AM]
"Home Sweet Rome!" Set for U.S. Premiere May 16 on Max
This charming new series follows the story of Lucy, played by Kensington Tallman, a spirited teenager who leaves California behind to start a new life in Rome with her dad (Darrin Rose) and Italian pop sensation stepmom, Francesca (Eleonora Facchini).

[04/15/24 - 10:32 AM]
AMC Networks' May Highlights Features New Season of "Interview with the Vampire," New Crime Thriller "Scrublands" and Return of "Harry Wild"
These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.

[04/15/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Velma" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Max
More mystery. More murder. And lots, lots more meddling.

[04/15/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: National Geographic Sets Date and Unveils Trailer for Critically Acclaimed Heartwarming Documentary "Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story"
The emotionally powerful film shows audiences how the ability to love can reawaken us to the beauty of nature.

[04/15/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Outer Range" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Look for all seven episodes to drop on Thursday, May 16, exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[04/15/24 - 08:10 AM]
Apple TV+ Announces Explosive New Documentary Event "Hollywood Con Queen," Featuring the Unbelievable Story of One of Hollywood's Biggest Scams, to Premiere May 8
Based on the original reporting of investigative journalist Scott Johnson, and his book published by Harper Collins titled, "Hollywood Con Queen: The Hunt for an Evil Genius," "Hollywood Con Queen" explores the shocking story behind one of Hollywood's biggest scams.

[04/15/24 - 08:07 AM]
TNT Sports to Present Exclusive 2024 SoFi NBA Play-In Tournament Doubleheader, Tomorrow, April 16
Tomorrow night's opening contest will feature the eighth-seeded Los Angeles Lakers and LeBron James traveling to take on the seventh-seeded New Orleans Pelicans and Zion Williamson at 7:30 p.m.

[04/15/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Thelma the Unicorn" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Based on the best-selling books. Starring Brittany Howard as Thelma.

[04/15/24 - 08:01 AM]
ESPN Films Greenlights 30 for 30 Documentary on Trailblazing Broadcaster Stuart Scott
The film is directed by Andre Gaines and executive produced by ESPN Films, Run & Shoot Filmworks, and Cinemation Studios.

[04/15/24 - 07:02 AM]
Emmy-Winning "Tamron Hall" Renewed for Sixth Season with ABC Owned Television Stations and Leading Broadcast Groups
"Tamron Hall" currently ranks No. 3 out of the nine one-hour syndicated talk shows.

[04/15/24 - 07:01 AM]
Reelz Announces Public Service Initiative with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
The partnership will include exclusive to Reelz, public service announcements (PSAs) that will air in all day parts in 2024 and 2025 and will be further promoted on social media channels of the two organizations.

[04/15/24 - 06:03 AM]
ABC News Studios Announces New Special with Country Star Lainey Wilson from Robin Roberts' Production Unit
"Lainey Wilson: Bell Bottom Country" begins streaming on Hulu on Wednesday, May 29.

[04/15/24 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Thank You, Next" - Date Announcement - Netflix
After a painful breakup, a young lawyer dives head first into the confusing world of modern dating, with the unwavering support of her best friends.

[04/14/24 - 11:15 AM]
"Queen Rock Montreal" Coming to Disney+ on May 15, The First Concert Film Available with IMAX Enhanced Sound by DTS
It will debut alongside the availability of IMAX Enhanced sound for 18 fan-favorite Marvel films that will immerse subscribers in the action like never before.

[04/13/24 - 02:35 PM]
ESPN Has Largest Two-Day Viewership Average for Masters Tournament 3 p.m. ET Telecasts Since 2018
A two-day average of 3.4 million viewers watched the live coverage from Augusta National Golf Club, including 3.2 million for the first round on Thursday and 3.6 million for the second round on Friday.

[04/12/24 - 11:44 PM]
Development Update: Week of April 8-12
Updates include: Kat Dennings to star in ABC's "Shifting Gears"; NBC sets cast for "Grosse Pointe Garden Society"; and "Cold Case," "Heroes" and "Melrose Place" all eyed for revivals.

[04/12/24 - 03:16 PM]
All-New Special "TMZ Presents: Arnold & Sly: Rivals, Friends, Icons" Premieres Tuesday, April 23 at 8/7c on FOX and the Next Day on Hulu
TMZ exclusively sits down with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone as they discuss for the first time how their once-fierce rivalry led to two Hollywood icons forever being friends and brothers in arms.

[04/12/24 - 03:04 PM]
Masters Tournament First Round Thursday Viewership on ESPN Averages 3.2 Million Viewers, Highest Since 2015
Last year's first round of the Masters Tournament averaged 2.5 million viewers on ESPN.

[04/12/24 - 01:31 PM]
ABC News Studios Announces New Documentary, "Sins of the Parents: The Crumbley Trials," Exploring Landmark Case of the First Parents in U.S. History to Be Directly Charged for Deaths Caused by Their Child in a Mass Shooting
The hour-long program begins streaming on Thursday, April 18, only on Hulu.

[04/12/24 - 12:13 PM]
The Next Generation of Elite Survivalists Take on the Ultimate Challenge When "Naked and Afraid XL" Returns Sunday, May 12 at 8PM ET/PT on Discovery Channel
This season, the survivalists will take on Naked and Afraid XL's Proving Grounds and test their mettle by taking on the most extreme challenge, with an unexpected twist.

[04/12/24 - 12:03 PM]
"Doctor Who" - First Look at Ncuti Gatwa with Varada Sethu and Millie Gibson Ahead of Season Two
Varada straps in for another journey through time and space alongside Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor and Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday.

[04/12/24 - 12:02 PM]
Paramount+ Announces Season Four Renewal of "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" and Fifth and Final Season of "Star Trek: Lower Decks"
The former series is currently in production on its third season, which is set to debut in 2025.

  [april 2024]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[12/20/24 - 11:33 AM]
Season Finale of NBC Drama "Brilliant Minds" Will Now Air as a Special Event with Back-to-Back Episodes on Monday, Jan. 6
The original season finale date was a week later on January 13.

[12/20/24 - 11:04 AM]
ID's New Series "The Curious Case Of..." to Premiere with Explosive, Expanded Episode Focused on Former "Jackass" Star Bam Margera's Controversial Legal Guardianship
Featuring "The Curious Case of Natalia Grace" legal analyst Beth Karas, the series will dive into some of the most shocking true crime cases and unbelievable scandals.

[12/20/24 - 10:32 AM]
FOX Sports Films, SMAC Entertainment, BZ Entertainment and NFL Films Announce "The Madden Cruiser: A Bayou Adventure with Bill Belichick" Airing Super Bowl Sunday on FOX
The one-hour special features eight-time Super Bowl champion Bill Belichick as he travels in the iconic "Madden Cruiser" bus of Hall of Fame legend John Madden on an unforgettable road trip through Louisiana's football country with a host of special guests.

[12/20/24 - 10:02 AM]
Onyx Collective Presents Winter Premiere Dates and First Looks for Documentary Film "SLY LIVES! (aka The Burden of Black Genius)" and New Comedy Series "Deli Boys"
The former premieres Thursday, February 13 while the latter launches on Thursday, March 6.

[12/20/24 - 09:27 AM]
MTV's "Teen Mom" Celebrates Its Sweet 16 with a New Season of "Teen Mom: The Next Chapter" on Thursday, January 30th at 8PM ET/PT
The groundbreaking docu-series that has never shied away from authentic, unfiltered narratives will return for its milestone 16-year anniversary with Amber Portwood, Ashley Jones, Briana DeJesus, Catelynn Baltierra, Cheyenne Davis, Jade Cline, Leah Messer, Maci McKinney and Mackenzie McKee.

[12/20/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Bandidos" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Lilí and Miguel's peaceful escape is shattered when she's forced into a risky quest for the Tear of Fire diamond, risking everything to save her friends.

[12/20/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: New Netflix Sports Promo Highlights Upcoming Sports Programming
Netflix continues to expand its sports slate, offering members a wide variety of sports programming across series, films and live events, including the recent record-breaking Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight and the upcoming NFL Games on Christmas Day and the debut of "WWE Raw" on Netflix next year.

[12/20/24 - 07:31 AM]
"Stranger Things 5" - That's a Wrap!
Production on the fifth and final season has officially wrapped, set to premiere in 2025.

[12/20/24 - 06:01 AM]
Netflix Secures U.S. Rights to the FIFA Women's World Cup 2027 and 2031
The agreement covers all languages, with studio shows and top-tier talent planned with a dual telecast for both English and Spanish language broadcasts in the U.S.

[12/20/24 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Lisabi: A Legend Is Born" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The epic tale of the birth and rise of legendary folk hero Lísàbí Agbongbo-Akala, destined to save the Egba people in the face of a treacherous leader.

[12/20/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind: Germany" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The experiment comes to Germany as local singles seek true love and a commitment that lasts a lifetime, all before meeting each other face-to-face.

[12/19/24 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Incognito" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The mission? Lock target and finish the job.

[12/19/24 - 01:33 PM]
HBO Original Film "For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story" to Debut on Max Friday, December 20
In celebration of the Kennedy Center honoring Arturo Sandoval and prior to this Sunday's airing of the ceremony, Max will be bringing the 2000 multiple Emmy-nominated HBO original film to Max for the first time.

[12/19/24 - 01:01 PM]
The Holiday Cheer Will Be in Houston as Pentatonix Performs the National Anthem During NFL Christmas Gameday on Netflix
Plus: The Steelers will honor the U.S. armed forces with a special National Anthem performance by Voices of Service.

[12/19/24 - 12:59 PM]
HBO Renews "Dune: Prophecy" for a Second Season
Across Max territories, the first episode has amassed approximately 15 million viewers.